Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#27, aired 2025-01-082004, WHAT A YEAR! $300: This social networker dropped out of Harvard to focus on the company formerly known as Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
#27, aired 2025-01-082004, WHAT A YEAR! $600: Ron Chernow published a bestselling biography of this politician; it later inspired a pretty popular musical Alexander Hamilton
#27, aired 2025-01-082004, WHAT A YEAR! $900: Oceanic flight 815: a bad experience for its passengers, a fascinating one for fans of this buzzy new drama series Lost
#27, aired 2025-01-082004, WHAT A YEAR! $1200: This baseball great was surpassed by his godson Barry Bonds on MLB's all-time home run list Willie Mays
#27, aired 2025-01-082004, WHAT A YEAR! $1500: We got so caught up in this Usher song that it spent 12 weeks at the top of the charts "Yeah!"

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