Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6632, aired 2013-06-182001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $200: In Syria on May 6 he became the first pope to enter a mosque, calling for brotherhood between Christians & Muslims John Paul II
#6632, aired 2013-06-182001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $400: Introducing this, Apple said it was "miles ahead of every other jukebox application" iTunes
#6632, aired 2013-06-182001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $600: Exactly 3 months before 9/11, this Oklahoma City bomber was executed (Timothy) McVeigh
#6632, aired 2013-06-182001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $1000: In 2001 this orbiting lab completed its space odyssey that began with its launch in 1986 Mir
#6632, aired 2013-06-182001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $1,400 (Daily Double): On January 20, he administered the oath of office to George W. Bush (William) Rehnquist
#4298, aired 2003-04-162001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $400: He wrote the short story "The Sentinel" on which the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" was based Arthur C. Clarke
#4298, aired 2003-04-162001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $800: I'm sorry, Dave, Douglas Rain provided the voice of this ultimately murderous computer HAL
#4298, aired 2003-04-162001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $1200: He directed "2001: A Space Odyssey" between "Dr. Strangelove" & "A Clockwork Orange" Stanley Kubrick
#4298, aired 2003-04-162001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $1600: Starring Roy Scheider, it's the sequel to "2001" filmed in 1984 2010
#4298, aired 2003-04-162001: A CATEGORY ODYSSEY $2000: This composer's tone poem "Thus Spake Zarathustra" has become virtually synonymous with the film Richard Strauss

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