Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5615, aired 2009-01-23 | 2 ANIMALS, 1 WORD $200: In song, you get 2 of these on the second day of Christmas turtledoves |
#5615, aired 2009-01-23 | 2 ANIMALS, 1 WORD $400: You can find "blind" these in the waters of caves in Kentucky & an "electric" kind in the Nile catfish |
#5615, aired 2009-01-23 | 2 ANIMALS, 1 WORD $600: Whoa! These large biting insects are the leading cause of equine infectious anemia horseflies |
#5615, aired 2009-01-23 | 2 ANIMALS, 1 WORD $800: The shaggy D.A. & the Colonel from "101 Dalmatians" were both this type of animal sheepdogs |
#5615, aired 2009-01-23 | 2 ANIMALS, 1 WORD $1000: To know this other name for a binturong, try asking around the University of Cincinnati a bearcat |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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