Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2409, aired 1995-02-0919th C. AMERICAN LITERATURE $200: This Washington Irving character falls asleep in the Catskills while hunting with his dog, Wolf Rip Van Winkle
#2409, aired 1995-02-0919th C. AMERICAN LITERATURE $400: After the death of St. Clare, Uncle Tom is sold to this drunken planter Simon Legree
#2409, aired 1995-02-0919th C. AMERICAN LITERATURE $500 (Daily Double): This Hawthorne heroine has a beautiful, mischievous daughter named Pearl Hester Prynne
#2409, aired 1995-02-0919th C. AMERICAN LITERATURE $600: Deerslayer Natty Bumppo received this nickname because of his long deerskin leggings Leatherstocking
#2409, aired 1995-02-0919th C. AMERICAN LITERATURE $1000: In this essay Thoreau asserted, "that government is best which governs not at all" "Civil Disobedience"

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