Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#13, aired 2023-05-171990s EMMY AWARDS $400: The "Divine Miss M", she won Emmys for her appearance on "The Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson & for her "Diva Las Vegas" special Bette Midler
#13, aired 2023-05-171990s EMMY AWARDS $800: Several times, Dennis Franz went head-to-head with Jimmy Smits for their roles on this cop show, but only Dennis won NYPD Blue
#13, aired 2023-05-171990s EMMY AWARDS $1200: In 1991 Patricia Wettig won her third Emmy & Timothy Busfield his first for this drama about a group of yuppies thirtysomething
#13, aired 2023-05-171990s EMMY AWARDS $1600: A college football player, he scored an Emmy for coaching the game as Wood Newton on "Evening Shade" Burt Reynolds
#13, aired 2023-05-171990s EMMY AWARDS $2000: In 1999, this executive producer picked up Emmys for both drama & comedy series for "The Practice" & "Ally McBeal" David E. Kelley

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