Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2267, aired 1994-06-141935 $200: In the NFL Championship game, this city's Lions defeated the New York Giants, 26-7 Detroit
#2267, aired 1994-06-141935 $400: In 1935 Kodak introduced this new color film for home photography Kodachrome
#2267, aired 1994-06-141935 $600: On November 22 this airline launched air-mail service between California & the Philippines Pan-Am
#2267, aired 1994-06-141935 $1000: During the year, this playwright published 3 dramas including "Waiting for Lefty" (Clifford) Odets
#2267, aired 1994-06-141935 $1,500 (Daily Double): In November this president of the United Mine Workers split from the AFL to form the CIO (John L.) Lewis

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