Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9252, aired 2025-01-211925 $400: Called "Il Duce", he made a speech in January & became dictator of his country Mussolini
#9252, aired 2025-01-211925 $800: In March millions tuned in on their radios to hear this president get sworn in for a new term Coolidge
#9252, aired 2025-01-211925 $1200: Elected to succeed her husband, Nellie Tayloe Ross of this "Equality State" became the first woman governor in the United States Wyoming
#9252, aired 2025-01-211925 $1600: This 1925 silent film classic by Sergei Eisenstein commemorated a mutiny from 20 years earlier by Russian sailors the Battleship Potemkin
#9252, aired 2025-01-211925 $2000: She traveled to American Samoa, where she would spend 9 months observing & interviewing female adolescents Margaret Mead

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