Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4620, aired 2004-10-081920s AMERICA $400: Harry Burt was the man who in 1920 created this famous ice cream bar on a stick a Good Humor (bar)
#4620, aired 2004-10-081920s AMERICA $800: In 1927 he grossed an estimated $105 million, most of it derived from bootlegging Capone
#4620, aired 2004-10-081920s AMERICA $1200: Like audiences today, 1920s filmgoers roared at the antics of this comedian seen here Buster Keaton
#4620, aired 2004-10-081920s AMERICA $1600: The leasing of government-owned oil reserves to private parties in the 1920s caused this notorious scandal Teapot Dome
#4620, aired 2004-10-081920s AMERICA $2000: They received life sentences plus 99 years for the kidnap & murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks Leopold & Loeb

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