Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7411, aired 2016-11-281812: THE WAR & MORE $400: Formerly the Orleans Territory, it became the 18th state Louisiana
#7411, aired 2016-11-281812: THE WAR & MORE $800: The U.S. frigate Constitution's defeat of the Guerriere in 1812 earned it this famous nickname Old Ironsides
#7411, aired 2016-11-281812: THE WAR & MORE $1200: Support of the Luddites was part of this poet's first speech before Britain's House of Lords (Lord) Byron
#7411, aired 2016-11-281812: THE WAR & MORE $2000: This Shawnee chief fought for the British & led Native American allies but was killed in battle the next year Tecumseh
#7411, aired 2016-11-281812: THE WAR & MORE $5,000 (Daily Double): This 11-letter political word entered our vocabulary after Massachusetts' governor signed a redistricting bill gerrymander

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