Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $100: Shun-chih was about 6 yrs. old when he became the 1st Manchu emperor of this country in 1644 China |
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $200: Juan Martinez Montanes, a sculptor from this country, was admired for his wood carving Spain |
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $300: The Marquise de Montespan, a mistress of this "Sun King", was rumored to be involved with witchcraft Louis XIV |
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $400: Oliver Cromwell was buried secretly in this church weeks before his state funeral Westminster Abbey |
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $500: This father of Cotton Mather married his own stepsister, Maria Cotton, in 1622 Increase Mather |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#5245, aired 2007-06-01 | 17th CENTURY PERSONALITIES: Despite being the personal physician of 2 British kings, he was derogatorily known as "The Circulator" (William) Harvey |
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