Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)
#27, aired 2024-05-10 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS $400: It's the process of getting off a plane or ship disembarcation (or disembarkment) |
#27, aired 2024-05-10 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS $1200: Charles Goodyear accidentally discovered this process that improves rubber's strength & elasticity vulcanization |
#27, aired 2024-05-10 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS $1600: Many reptiles reproduce via this 15-letter "virgin birth" method by which embryos develop from unfertilized eggs parthenogenesis |
#27, aired 2024-05-10 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS $2000: If you watch "7 Little Johnstons" or "Little People, Big World", you might know that this is the most common form of dwarfism achondroplasia |
#27, aired 2024-05-10 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS $10,600 (Daily Double): Regarding his firing of Douglas MacArthur, who defied orders, Pres, Truman later wrote, "I could no longer tolerate his" this insubordination |
#8887, aired 2023-06-06 | YOU MUST BE 12 LETTERS LONG OR MORE TO ENTER $400: An advocate for an end to slavery an abolitionist |
#8887, aired 2023-06-06 | YOU MUST BE 12 LETTERS LONG OR MORE TO ENTER $800: The arranger of the dances in a ballet a choreographer |
#8887, aired 2023-06-06 | YOU MUST BE 12 LETTERS LONG OR MORE TO ENTER $1200: A store specializing in men's clothing & accessories like ties & hats a haberdashery |
#8887, aired 2023-06-06 | YOU MUST BE 12 LETTERS LONG OR MORE TO ENTER $2000: Internal supporting structure of vertebrates an endoskeleton |
#8887, aired 2023-06-06 | YOU MUST BE 12 LETTERS LONG OR MORE TO ENTER $2,600 (Daily Double): The legally mandated process of dividing up voters into new legislative regions within a state redistricting |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $400: It's defined as an intense fear of confined or enclosed spaces claustrophobia |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $800: It's the process by which green plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into nutrients & create oxygen as a by-product photosynthesis |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $1200: Job of Annie Leibovitz photographer |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $2000: For a colonoscopy, you should find this type of 18-letter doctor gastroenterologist |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $8,000 (Daily Double): Søren Kierkegaard has been called the "father of" this philosophy that emphasizes the individual as a free & responsible entity existentialism |
#7485, aired 2017-03-10 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $400: You may have less polite names, but it's the proper term for a person who sells goods or services by phone a telemarketer |
#7485, aired 2017-03-10 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $800: It's the early type of photograph seen here a daguerreotype |
#7485, aired 2017-03-10 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $1200: It can mean innovative as well as ceremonially digging up dirt to begin a new construction project groundbreaking |
#7485, aired 2017-03-10 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $2,000 (Daily Double): William Faulkner, Medgar Evers or B.B. King, by birth state Mississippian |
#7485, aired 2017-03-10 | 12 LETTERS OR MORE $2000: A dictatorship may be this form of government with absolute control over all aspects of a person's life totalitarianism |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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