Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#692, aired 1987-09-15'50s ADS $100: As Betty Furness frequently said, "You can be sure if it's..." this Westinghouse
#692, aired 1987-09-15'50s ADS $200: In a 1951 commercial, these horses began their reign on TV pulling the reins of the King of Beers' wagon the Clydesdales
#692, aired 1987-09-15'50s ADS $300: Children touting this toothpaste proclaimed, "Look mom! No cavities" Crest
#692, aired 1987-09-15'50s ADS $400: Disney Studios created Fresh-Up Freddie, a cartoon rooster who crowed about this soda pop 7 Up
#692, aired 1987-09-15'50s ADS $500: "The bread with the red, yellow & blue balloons printed on the wrapper" Wonder Bread

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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