Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | 'TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH $400: Hunters are fond of this free-for-all period which in another sense means a time when someone is widely subjected to criticism open season |
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | 'TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH $800: In 1817 the Boston Columbian Centinel described the nifty mood with a new man in the White House as the era of these 2 words Good Feelings |
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | 'TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH $1200: This "royal" era included wars from Opium to Boer the Victorian Era |
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | 'TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH $2000: The Ionian Stage began 780,000 years ago, a division of this time period that moved at a glacial pace--totally epoch! the Pleistocene Epoch |
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | 'TIS THE SEASON, ERA OR EPOCH $3,600 (Daily Double): Living up to its name, this era is smack in the middle between the Paleozoic & the Cenozoic the Mesozoic |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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