Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4897, aired 2005-12-20'70s POP CULTURE $400: In 1972 he spread a 200,000 square-foot curtain across a mountain valley in Colorado Christo
#4897, aired 2005-12-20'70s POP CULTURE $800: One day he woke up to find his 1973 book "Awakenings" on the bestseller list Oliver Sacks
#4897, aired 2005-12-20'70s POP CULTURE $1200: You could say this French Olympian went downhill as a ski instructor turned thief in the 1972 film "Snow Job" Jean-Claude Killy
#4897, aired 2005-12-20'70s POP CULTURE $1600: She was 13 when she became Broadway's original "Annie" in 1977 Andrea McArdle
#4897, aired 2005-12-20'70s POP CULTURE $2000: Barbra Streisand's fans know this is her middle name, because it's in the title of a 1971 album Joan

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