Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (7 results returned)

#951, aired 1988-10-24'50s TV TRIVIA $100: In '50s game show titles, this word preceded "Re Me" & followed "Tic Tac" Dough
#951, aired 1988-10-24'50s TV TRIVIA $200: Sergeant Bilko's first name Ernie
#635, aired 1987-05-15'50s TRIVIA $100: Where "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" underneath the mistletoe
#635, aired 1987-05-15'50s TRIVIA $200: A popular chocolate syrup, "Mommy puts it in my milk for extra energy" Bosco
#635, aired 1987-05-15'50s TRIVIA $300: Stepping on Elvis' blue suede shoes wouldn't show as much as stepping on these, Pat Boone's trademark white buck shoes
#635, aired 1987-05-15'50s TRIVIA $400: The slogan said Carnation evaporated milk came from this kind of cow contented
#635, aired 1987-05-15'50s TRIVIA $500: Stars of "Life is Worth Living" & "Texaco Star Theater", which faced off for TV ratings on Tuesdays in 1952 Milton Berle & Bishop Fulton Sheen

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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