Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (76 results returned)

#9277, aired 2025-02-25CITIES ON THE LAKE $1000: Neenah & Oshkosh Lake Winnebago
#9067, aired 2024-03-26SPORTY TALK $800: Someone who comes in to finish a job, or Joe Torre in the Cardinals lineup a cleanup man (a cleanup hitter)
#22, aired 2023-12-06THREESOMES $300: According to the carol, it's what "my true love gave to me" on the third day of Christmas; I just hope he wasn't regifting 3 French hens
#20, aired 2023-11-15COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING $800: It's no picnic being a flyer in this flashy stunt where teammates lock hands, fling you into the air, and hopefully catch you a basket toss
#8844, aired 2023-04-06ANCIENT CITIES $200: Now in Syria, Aleppo lies at a crossroads of great commercial routes about 60 miles away from both the Euphrates River & this sea the Mediterranean
#8825, aired 2023-03-10HODGEPODGE $800: The Awlad Ali are a desert tribe of this people; thought of as nomadic, they've undergone what sociologists call sedentarization the Bedouins
#8810, aired 2023-02-17AROUND AMERICA $600: A cliff-dwelling national monument named for this people can be found near Tonalea, Arizona the Navajo
#8797, aired 2023-01-31AD VERBS & TAGLINES $600: Target: "____ more. Pay less." Expect
#8788, aired 2023-01-18SIX PACK $800: The "Six Flags" over Texas refer to the entities that have controlled it; sixth is the USA, this was fifth the Confederacy
#8772, aired 2022-12-27WORLD OF BEERS $400: Singha beer from Thailand uses a mystical one of these beasts on its label a lion
#8700, aired 2022-09-16HELP ME MOVE MY STUFF? $1000: Be careful with my pet this, the weasel family's largest member; he's omnivorous & likely polygamous but most of all, ferocious a wolverine
#8617, aired 2022-04-12MEDICINE $1000: Thomas Hodgkin's paper on "morbid appearances of the absorbent glands & spleen" described this type of cancer Hodgkin's lymphoma
#8592, aired 2022-03-08OCEANS $400: The Arctic Ocean is home to creatures like snailfish, sea butterflies & a "bearded" type of this mammal seal
#7689, aired 2018-02-01ADJECTIVES $2000: If you can't pay certain fees, a court may declare you this synonym for needy indigent (destitute accepted)
#7316, aired 2016-06-06FROM THE FOREIGN $1600: You don't have to be part of it to know "intelligentsia" is from this language Russian
#7316, aired 2016-06-06OSCAR-WINNING SONGS $2000: What a feeling! This disco & electronic dance music pioneer won for "Flashdance" in 1983 Giorgio Moroder
#7151, aired 2015-10-19SCIENCE & GEOMETRY $800: The first electric light was an arc lamp with two rods of this element carbon
#7129, aired 2015-09-17LUCKY 7 $800: One of the "Seven Sisters" colleges, this Northampton, Mass. school has been empowering women since the 1870s Smith
#7063, aired 2015-05-069-LETTER WORDS $2000: It's a colonnade surrounding an open area peristyle
#7045, aired 2015-04-10HERE COMES THE SUN $200: The "Yes, Virginia" editorial was the most famous read in the 117-year run of this city's Sun newspaper New York City
#7023, aired 2015-03-11CHAPTER 1, VERSE 1 $800: "Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass..." Joshua
#6979, aired 2015-01-08SOUTH AMERICAN CAPITALS $400: For a brief period in the early 19th century, it was the capital of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata Buenos Aires
#6912, aired 2014-10-07STRAITS $800: For olden sailors this 1520 discovery was a safer route than the Drake Passage between the Atlantic & Pacific the Straits of Magellan
#6807, aired 2014-04-01MANKIEWICZES AT THE MOVIES $2000: The title character of Joseph's "All About Eve" isn't played by Bette Davis but by her Anne Baxter
#6520, aired 2013-01-11THE KOREAN WAR $2000: A Security Council resolution issued when the war began demanded the Communists retreat to this parallel the 38th parallel
#6174, aired 2011-06-16CAPITAL RIVERS $1200: Phnom Penh the Mekong
#6153, aired 2011-05-18Y'ALL FROM GEORGIA? $800: This Georgia-born Secretary of State served under 2 presidents from 1961 to 1969 Dean Rusk
#6041, aired 2010-12-131901-1910 $600: On Jan. 1, 1902 the first postseason college football game was played in this city; Michigan beat Stanford, 49-0 Pasadena
#5375, aired 2008-01-11HOT CROSS PUNS $800: It's why it's tough to locate clarinetist Benny or Roseanne's co-star John A Goodman [good man] is hard to find
#4998, aired 2006-05-10LEGAL TYPES $1000: A "U.S." one is a judicial officer appointed by district court judges a magistrate
#4970, aired 2006-03-31LISZT $200: Franz Liszt always claimed that this great German composer saw him perform as a child & kissed him on the forehead Beethoven
#4920, aired 2006-01-20DUKE UNIVERSITY $400: The tower of the Duke Chapel was inspired by the Bell Harry Tower of this English cathedral Canterbury Cathedral
#4853, aired 2005-10-19LANGUAGES & DIALECTS $800: The oldest known text in this Slavic language is the religious hymn "Bogurodzica", which dates back to 1408 Polish
#4754, aired 2005-04-14BUSH $400: ...born in Midland, Texas & earned a masters degree at the University of Texas Laura Bush
#4701, aired 2005-01-31THE TEENS $1600: If you want to be Miss America, you have to be at least this old 17
#4590, aired 2004-07-16POPULATIONS $600: From 1970 to 1990 the population center shifted west from southern Illinois to near Steelville in this state Missouri
#4120, aired 2002-06-28PRESIDENTIAL APBs $800: Some say this man also known as the "Beast of Buffalo" jaywalked on two non-consecutive occasions Grover Cleveland
#4118, aired 2002-06-26CANALS $800: This city in Texas has a 52-mile-long ship canal connecting it to the bay of the Galveston & the Gulf of Mexico Houston
#4049, aired 2002-03-21COME BLOW YOUR HORN $400: The great Gerry Mulligan is heard here on this type of saxophone the baritone
#4001, aired 2002-01-14PETER MARK ROGET $1200: In 2002 Roget's thesaurus will celebrate this anniversary 150th
#3949, aired 2001-11-01DOGS OF WAR $800: A memorial was erected for the 25 dobermans who gave their lives liberating this largest Mariana island in WWII Guam
#3206, aired 1998-07-06GYMNASTICS $200: Tossed in rhythmic gymnastics, it's 30-35" in diameter, about the size of the hula type hoop
#2999, aired 1997-09-18AMERICAN HODGEPODGE $400: The highest point in this Southeastern state is just 345 feet, in Walton County near the Alabama border Florida
#2962, aired 1997-06-17ART $800: Anthony Janson says only 2 Flemish Baroque artists achieved international status, Van Dyck & this man Peter Paul Rubens
#2708, aired 1996-05-15CAPITAL CITIES $800: In population, it's the largest Scandinavian capital by far Copenhagen (in Denmark)
#2512, aired 1995-07-04TRANSPORTATION $300: Marked out in 1775, it was Kentucky's first road the Wilderness Road
#2384, aired 1995-01-05INVENTIONS $100: A new Sony VCR sets this device for you by using a signal broadcast to it by local PBS stations the clock
#2368, aired 1994-12-14SCIENCE $1000: This lightest of all metals was discovered by Swedish chemist Johann Arfvedson in 1817 lithium
#2256, aired 1994-05-30ANIMALS $400: In the 1850s King Victor Emmanuel II set up an Alpine preserve to protect the ibex, a wild one of these a goat
#2246, aired 1994-05-16THE DINNER TABLE $400: Always used at very formal dinners, they're about 1 1/2" by 2 1/2" & use courtesy titles place cards
#2169, aired 1994-01-27FOOTWEAR $500: Its "Instapumps" cost about $200 & feature a device that injects CO2 into a bladder Reebok
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $600: 10 kings of France shared this name, including the Bald, the Simple & the Fair Charles
#2061, aired 1993-07-19WORLD FACTS $100: The earliest Ancient Egyptian boats were propelled by these; paddles & oars came later poles
#2041, aired 1993-06-21TRAVEL NORTH AMERICA $500: Chicago's "Magnificent Mile" runs along this street between Randolph & Oak Michigan Avenue
#1905, aired 1992-12-11COMPOSERS $800: He wrote "Peter and the Wolf" for a Moscow Children's Theatre Sergei Prokofiev
#1893, aired 1992-11-25BIBLICAL PEOPLE $1000: After years of childlessness, she conceived twins, Esau & Jacob Rebekah
#1818, aired 1992-06-24THE HUMAN BODY $800: This J-shaped organ is usually located in the upper left side of the abdominal cavity stomach
#1787, aired 1992-05-12AROUND THE WORLD $400: Cristallo, a clear glass similar to crystal, was developed centuries ago in this Italian city Venice
#1741, aired 1992-03-09THE LOW COUNTRIES $400: The Groote Kerk is the "big cheese" among churches in this Dutch city Gouda
#1702, aired 1992-01-14POOL $500: For the game of 8-ball, this many balls, not 8, are racked 15
#1632, aired 1991-10-08U.S. HISTORY $1000: The Monroe Doctrine was masterminded by this Secretary of State who later became president John Quincy Adams
#1568, aired 1991-05-29NOT SO FAMOUS QUOTES $500: Percy Bysshe Shelley called this European country "thou paradise of exile" Italy
#1439, aired 1990-11-29THE MIDDLE AGES $200: 2 of them are The Knight's Tale & The Wife of Bath's Tale the Canterbury Tales
#1190, aired 1989-11-03RELIGION $1000: In March 1989, 35 archbishops from this country met with the Pope to discuss their flock of 53 million United States
#971, aired 1988-11-21PRESIDENTIAL TRIVIA $800: 1st pres. to use make-up for TV, his actor friend Robert Montgomery supervised its application Dwight David Eisenhower
#942, aired 1988-10-11SCANDINAVIA $200: It's the largest of the Scandinavian countries Sweden
#940, aired 1988-10-07TECHNOLOGY $300: An erasable form of this audio product will allow a PC to store 275,000 pages of print a compact disc (CD)
#924, aired 1988-09-15PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: When an alcohol burns, water & this common gas are formed carbon dioxide
#920, aired 1988-09-09RECENT HISTORY $1000: In 1980 this country was readmitted to NATO's military wing after threatening to close U.S. bases Greece
#900, aired 1988-07-01COOKING $300: Of parsley, sage, rosemary, or thyme, the 1 that isn't a member of the mint family parsley
#817, aired 1988-03-08"LAUGH" $100: This animal got its nickname from its weird, human-like cackle the laughing hyena
#781, aired 1988-01-18UNCLES $200: 1960s television spy spoof that starred Stephanie Powers as April Dancer The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.
#713, aired 1987-10-14"HOUSE"s $500: The only 1 of America's top 10 magazines in circulation to fit this category Good Housekeeping
#709, aired 1987-10-08PUBLISHING $800: Educational publishing company that puts out Business Week Magazine McGraw-Hill
#671, aired 1987-07-06KINGS NAMED ED $200: Churchill suffered a political setback by opposing this king's 1936 abdication Edward VIII
#492, aired 1986-10-28POLITICAL HISTORY $400: Party whose 1852 slogan was, "We Polk you in '44, we shall Pierce you in '52." the Democrats

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5339, aired 2007-11-22FAMOUS NAMES: In the 19th century he created a new type of reference work, a dictionary named from the Greek for "treasury" Roget

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