Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (43 results returned)

#9230, aired 2024-12-20SMOOTH AS SILK $200: Scientifically Bombyx mori, these larvae, are only 1/12 an inch long at birth & fed mulberry leaves silkworms
#9182, aired 2024-10-15AGRICULTURAL HISTORY $1200: He developed the cotton gin at Savannah's Mulberry Plantation & got a patent on March 14, 1794 Eli Whitney
#9081, aired 2024-04-15"P"EOPLE $800: When this man laid out Philadelphia, he gave the E-W streets tree names like Walnut & Spruce; back then, Arch Street was Mulberry (William) Penn
#8700, aired 2022-09-16HERSTORY $200: In 1774 North Carolina's Penelope Barker led a protest against this British product, making a mulberry version instead tea
#13, aired 2022-02-17FROM "M" TO "Y" $1200: This tree produces a reddish brown wood mahogany
#8565, aired 2022-01-28SCIENCE & NATURE $600: These insects, Bombyx mori, like to munch on mulberry leaves silkworms
#8513, aired 2021-11-17IT'S A NEW MACHINE $800: Before his partner Eli Whitney even got a patent, Phineas Miller was de-seeding with this machine in Mulberry Grove, Georgia the cotton gin
#8028, aired 2019-07-03AMERICAN WRITERS $200: The pen name he used for "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" was a wink to his unfinished doctorate Dr. Seuss
#7986, aired 2019-05-06DOOMED TO REPEAT "IT" $1600: Restaurants like Da Nico & Il Cortile line Mulberry Street in this section of Manhattan Little Italy
#7611, aired 2017-10-16AT THE "M"PORIUM $600: Got a lovely shrubbery for you--this evergreen, whose name is on a famous beach the myrtle
#7261, aired 2016-03-21POP QUIZ $400: This kids' song mentions a monkey & a mulberry bush "Pop Goes The Weasel"
#7193, aired 2015-12-16FABRICS & TEXTILES $800: 200 pounds of mulberry leaves fed to worms can be used to produce one pound of this fabric silk
#6269, aired 2011-12-15FABRICS $400: South Pacific islanders make tapa cloth from this part of the paper mulberry or breadfruit tree the bark
#6225, aired 2011-10-14AT 33 $1000: And to think he was 33 when he published his first book, "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" Dr. Seuss
#5972, aired 2010-07-27BEFORE & AFTER $1000: Any carbonated beverage that's "all around the mulberry bush" soda Pop Goes the Weasel
#5516, aired 2008-09-08PEEKABOO, "ICU"! $1200: Here we go 'round the mulberry family for this tree, vine & shrub genus Ficus
#5174, aired 2007-02-22THE SUPREME COURTSHIP $2000: These lovers in mythology have a big misunderstanding involving a lion, a scarf & a mulberry tree Pyramus & Thisbe
#4913, aired 2006-01-11"BUSH"-ISMS $200: The young kids go wild for this song that takes place "so early in the morning" "Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush"
#4827, aired 2005-09-13MEDITERRANEAN GEOGRAPHY $1000: This southern Greek peninsula was once called Morea, or "mulberry", for its mulberry-leaf shape the Peloponnesus
#4706, aired 2005-02-07BOTANY $200: Growers of this pitted red pie fruit plant mulberry trees near their orchards to entice birds away cherries
#4625, aired 2004-10-15THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE $1600: A prosperous business was this trade which required the growing of mulberry trees the silk trade
#4440, aired 2003-12-19AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH $400: In Japan the inner bark fibers of the Broussonetia papyrifera are used to make this, as its name suggests paper
#4440, aired 2003-12-19AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH $800: The Morus multicaulis species of mulberry is fed to these insects important to China's textile industry silkworms
#4440, aired 2003-12-19AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH $1200: In 1787 William Bligh was commissioned to transport this type of mulberry tree from Tahiti to the West Indies breadfruit
#4440, aired 2003-12-19AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH $1600: Black mulberries are used in winemaking; female flowers of this mulberry plant are used to brew beer hops
#4440, aired 2003-12-19AROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH $2,000 (Daily Double): This plant, Ficus elastica, was once the most popular of house plants; in the jungle it can grow to a height of 100 feet the rubber tree plant
#3823, aired 2001-03-28MACON WHOOPEE $100: Macon's Cannonball House at 856 Mulberry Street was hit by a cannonball during this war Civil War
#3821, aired 2001-03-26THEY'RE STILL MYTHING $1000: The mulberry fruit, once white, was stained red by the blood of Pyramus & her Thisbe
#3298, aired 1998-12-30LITERARY HODGEPODGE $200: Sir Mulberry Hawk is a vicious crony of Ralph Nickleby in this Dickens novel Nicholas Nickleby
#3123, aired 1998-03-11KIDDY LIT $400: In 1937 Tolkien published "The Hobbit" & this author put out "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street" Dr. Seuss
#2338, aired 1994-11-02IN OTHER WORDS... $500: In this place you & I circumnavigate a small tree with reddish-purple fruit here we go 'round the mulberry bush
#2244, aired 1994-05-12COLLEGE POTPOURRI $1000: A mulberry tree at this university is associated with one of its famous alumnl, John Milton Cambridge
#1957, aired 1993-02-23GEOGRAPHY $200: This London royal palace stands on the site of a mulberry garden Buckingham Palace
#1854, aired 1992-10-01A MULBERRY POTPOURRI $100: The leaves of the white mulberry are food for these thread producers silkworms
#1854, aired 1992-10-01A MULBERRY POTPOURRI $200: Grown around the Mediterranean, most of this fruit is dried before marketing figs
#1854, aired 1992-10-01A MULBERRY POTPOURRI $300: The fibers of this member of the mulberry family are commonly woven to make rope hemp
#1854, aired 1992-10-01A MULBERRY POTPOURRI $400: The beer company could be called Mulberry Busch since the flowers of this are used in brewing hops
#1854, aired 1992-10-01A MULBERRY POTPOURRI $500: This tropical tree was the bounty the HMS Bounty carried a breadfruit tree
#1564, aired 1991-05-23KIDDIE LITERATURE $300: He first enchanted children with 1937's "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" Dr. Seuss
#1561, aired 1991-05-20SILLY SONGS $500: This song about collecting hard-shelled fruit in spring is sung to the same tune as "Mulberry Bush" "Here We Go Gathering Nuts In May"
#1233, aired 1990-01-03OLD TESTAMENT $200: As a lad, this king had to wait by the mulberry tree for the signal to go smite the dreaded Philistines David
#1107, aired 1989-05-30DR. SEUSS $200: "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street", which was rejected 28 times Dr. Seuss's first book
#180, aired 1985-05-17WORLD HISTORY $1000: To start a new industry, 6th c. missionaries smuggled mulberry seeds & these eggs out of China the silk industry (silkworm eggs)

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#3199, aired 1998-06-25AMERICAN AUTHORS: This author born in 1904 grew up near Mulberry Street in Springfield, Massachusetts Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel)

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