Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (22 results returned)

#8964, aired 2023-11-02ALL THE PRESIDENTS' CHILDREN $3,200 (Daily Double): Last name of John who, before his death in 2013 at 91, was the oldest living child of a president Eisenhower
#8425, aired 2021-06-18AGE $400: One of the oldest living organisms, the pando of Utah is a grove of quaking these trees aspens
#7272, aired 2016-04-05ALL THE PRESIDENTS' CHILDREN $1,000 (Daily Double): Last name of John, who before his death in 2013 at 91 was the oldest living child of a president Eisenhower
#7116, aired 2015-07-20AMERICAN LIT $800: In a post-Civil War novel by Allan Gurganus, the "Oldest Living" one of these women "Tells All" Confederate Widow
#6870, aired 2014-06-27ANCIENT ROME $1000: Latin for "father of the family", he was the oldest living male of the family & had total control of his household pater familias
#6802, aired 2014-03-25EUROPEAN LANGUAGES $400: Some believe that Cretan, spoken mainly on an island of this country, is Europe's oldest living language Greece
#5888, aired 2010-03-31SOUTH SPECIFIC $800: Allan Gurganus shot to fame with his novel about the "Oldest Living" this who "Tells All" Confederate Widow
#5750, aired 2009-09-18FATHER TIME $2,000 (Daily Double): White hair was not a sign of age for Debby, who died in a Winnipeg zoo in 2008 as the oldest living one of these animals a polar bear
#5355, aired 2007-12-14CALIFORNIA, OREGON OR WASHINGTON $800: Home to the world's oldest living things, a grove of 4,000-year-old bristlecone pine trees California
#5144, aired 2007-01-11CHIMP-POURRI $200: At 74 years of age, this 1930s & '40s movie companion of Tarzan is the world's oldest living chimp Cheetah
#4045, aired 2002-03-15STATE SUPERLATIVES $800: At 4,600 years, bristlecone pines in this state's Inyo National Forest are believed to be the oldest living trees California
#3739, aired 2000-11-30CIVIL WAR LITERATURE $600: According to the title of an Allan Gurganus novel, Lucy Marsden, the "Oldest Living" one of these, "Tells All" Confederate widow
#3161, aired 1998-05-04GUINNESS RECORDS $100: Guinness says the oldest living one of these animals is 25-year-old Wil Cwac Cwac, not Daffy Duck
#2903, aired 1997-03-26"OLD" LIT $1000: In a 1979 Allan Gurganus bestseller, 99-year-old Lucy Marsden "tells all" as this title character The Oldest Living Confederate Widow
#2635, aired 1996-02-02CALENDARS $400: This "Oldest Living Teenager" has a calendar with daily "American Bandstand" trivia Dick Clark
#2518, aired 1995-07-12THE BIBLE $500: Though his oldest living son, Adonijah, aspired to the throne, David had this son anointed instead Solomon
#2388, aired 1995-01-11PEOPLE $600: Marjorie Newell Robb, the oldest living survivor of this 1912 disaster, died in 1992 at the age of 103 the sinking of the Titanic
#1602, aired 1991-07-16BOTANY $800: The bristlecone variety of this tree in Calif.'s White Mountains may be the oldest living thing on Earth pine
#1462, aired 1991-01-01AMERICAN NOVELS $600: According to the title of Alan Gurganus' novel, the "Oldest Living Confederate Widow" does this Tells All
#1300, aired 1990-04-06NICKNAMES $300: He's been called "The World's Oldest Living Teenager" Dick Clark
#1259, aired 1990-02-08BOTANY $1000: A 4,600-year-old bristlecone variety of this tree is thought o be the world's oldest living thing pine tree
#881, aired 1988-06-06ACTRESSES $400: She's called herself "The Oldest Living Tammy" Debbie Reynolds

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