Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (182 results returned)

#9299, aired 2025-03-27GOOD READS $400: Back in 1520 (& in German), this reformer wrote "A Treatise on Good Works" Martin Luther
#9201, aired 2024-11-11IN THE ARCHIVES $1200: The Vatican Apostolic (formerly "Secret") Archives has the Jan. 3, 1521 document excommunicating this German Martin Luther
#9194, aired 2024-10-31OCTOBER 31 $800: Tradition says Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on a Wittenberg church door in 1517, launching this religious revolution the Reformation
#9187, aired 2024-10-226 BY 6 NAMES $1000: In 1517 he sent a letter to Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz criticizing the sale of indulgences to free sinners from divine punishment Martin Luther
#9150, aired 2024-07-19BRITISH HISTORY $600: Pope Leo X gave this monarch the title "Defender of the Faith" in 1521 for his written work against Martin Luther Henry VIII
#9146, aired 2024-07-15"I" ON HISTORY $1000: Martin Luther protested against the system of these that could be purchased by church members indulgences
#9122, aired 2024-06-11HISTORIC DESCENDANTS $2000: A descendant of Martin Luther, this 19th century German mathematician & astronomer gave his name to the object seen here Möbius
#9086, aired 2024-04-22HISTORICAL FIGURES $800: Rebelling peasants inspired by the Reformation were let down by this man's tract "against the murderous, thieving hordes of peasants" (Martin) Luther
#9013, aired 2024-01-10ONE MAN, BANNED $8,200 (Daily Double): The 1521 Edict of Worms banned his writings & declared him a heretic Martin Luther
#8934, aired 2023-09-21PAST HISTORY $400: The 86th of these asked why the pope builds St. Peter's Basilica with the money of the poor & not his own the 95 Theses
#8911, aired 2023-07-10MOMENTOUS DATES $1,000 (Daily Double): On January 3, 1521 the Catholic Church excommunicated this man Martin Luther
#8820, aired 2023-03-03HISTORIC NAMES $600: After posting his 95 Theses on the door of a castle church, this Reformation leader was branded a heretic Martin Luther
#8794, aired 2023-01-26WORKING 9 2 5 $800: Tradition says Martin Luther posted this many theses to the door of a castle church in 1517 95
#8718, aired 2022-10-126-SYLLABLE WORDS $800: In 1520 Martin Luther refused to retract 41 of his 95 Theses; he was later hit with this ecclesiastical censure excommunication
#8701, aired 2022-09-19HISTORIC HAPPENINGS $400: Feeling heat at Worms in 1521, he is said to have declared, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise" Martin Luther
#8675, aired 2022-07-01ON A HOLIDAY $200: Martin Luther spooked the Catholic church when he chose this fall day in 1517 to proclaim his 95 Theses Halloween (October 31st)
#8592, aired 2022-03-0814-LETTER WORDS $1600: Martin Luther & John Calvin both believed in this religious doctrine that life & salvation are already decided by God ahead of time predestination
#8, aired 2022-02-11IN THEIR EXPERT OPINION $400: Martin Luther reportedly said of this contemporary, "this fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy" Copernicus
#8541, aired 2021-12-27PAINTINGS $800: Lucas Cranach the Elder painted many portraits of this friend & Reformation leader, including the one seen here Martin Luther
#8512, aired 2021-11-16HISTORIC NAMES $4,000 (Daily Double): Albert of Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz, received a copy of this Oct. 31, 1517 document the 95 Theses of Martin Luther
#8457, aired 2021-08-03RELIGION $200: The Christ child replaced St. Nicholas as the bringer of gifts as part of this movement led by Martin Luther Reformation
#8422, aired 2021-06-15AT FREDDY'S $1,000 (Daily Double): Frederick the Wise, ruler of Saxony, protected this controversial reformer at Wartburg Castle in 1521 (Martin) Luther
#8347, aired 2021-03-02ALTERNATE HISTORY NOVELS $2,000 (Daily Double): In "The Alteration" by Kingsley Amis, this man became Pope Germanicus I in the 16th century so the Reformation never happened Martin Luther
#8298, aired 2020-12-09DURING THE RENAISSANCE $1200: The sale of these reductions in punishment by the church troubled Martin Luther & influenced him to take action indulgences
#8277, aired 2020-11-10HYMNS $1000: From Martin Luther: "A mighty" this "is our God, a bulwark never failing" a fortress
#8111, aired 2019-12-09HAVE AN ARTSY CHRISTMASTIME $2000: This composer's 1734 "Christmas Oratorio" uses as part of its text Martin Luther's Bible translation Johann Sebastian Bach
#7984, aired 2019-05-02HEY, "B.B." $600: The door at the castle church of Wittenberg once served as this; Martin Luther made use of it the bulletin board
#7959, aired 2019-03-28DIET LAND $5,000 (Daily Double): Traveling on foot, this reformer missed the Diet of Augsburg in 1518 but got a horse & wagon & made it to the one in Worms Martin Luther
#7822, aired 2018-09-18ONE-SYLLABLE CITIES $1000: A huge Reformation monument stands in this city where Martin Luther stood before the diet in 1521 Worms
#7814, aired 2018-07-26THE 16th CENTURY $1200: Martin Luther was asked to recant his criticisms of this church at a diet convened in 1521 in this Rhine River city Worms
#7753, aired 2018-05-02SURPRISING MUSICIANS $600: Martin Luther was known to pluck a string or two on this instrument a lute
#7725, aired 2018-03-23BY THE NUMBERS $1000: Martin Luther's posted number of theses 95
#7651, aired 2017-12-11WHERE & WHEN $200: Martin Luther nails his theses to the door: the country Germany
#7627, aired 2017-11-07"B" A SPORT $200: Martin Luther is said to have argued that 9 was the ideal number of pins for this bowling
#7620, aired 2017-10-27CONTEMPORARIES $200: The last Mamluk sultan of Egypt was hanged in 1517, the same year he is said to have hung his 95 theses on a church door Martin Luther
#7550, aired 2017-06-09GERMAN HISTORY $800: Although inspired by the Reformation, the Peasants' War of 1524-1525 was condemned by this theologian Martin Luther
#7516, aired 2017-04-24THE 16th CENTURY $200: In 1521 in Worms he declared, "Here I stand; I can do no other" Martin Luther
#7375, aired 2016-10-07RELIGION $200: Martin Luther was the first great leader of this movement that changed Christianity the Reformation
#7359, aired 2016-09-15HISTORIC PLACES $1600: Tradition says a door of the Schlosskirche, aka Castle Church, is the site where these were posted in 1517 Martin Luther's (95) theses
#7334, aired 2016-06-30HISTORIC NICKNAMES $800: 16th century Protestant reformer: "The Pope of Geneva" (John) Calvin
#7268, aired 2016-03-302 FIRST NAMES? $3,000 (Daily Double): Born 26 years apart, these 2 heavyweights of the Protestant Reformation fit the category Martin Luther and John Calvin
#7232, aired 2016-02-09A HISTORY LESSON $2000: No. 47 of these from 1517 reads, "Christians are to be taught that the buying of pardons is a matter of free will" the 95 Theses (of Martin Luther)
#7198, aired 2015-12-23FOUND IN GERMANY $400: Appropriately, a house where this theologian once lived in Wittenberg is now a Reformation museum Martin Luther
#7151, aired 2015-10-19CONTEMPORARIES $200: Martin Luther went before the Diet of Worms in 1521, the same year Hernando Cortes conquered this empire the Aztecs
#7045, aired 2015-04-10APRIL $600: In big trouble with the Catholic Church, as his trial began in April 1521, he refused to recant his writings & teachings Martin Luther
#7029, aired 2015-03-19THE 16th CENTURY $800: A 1531 writer gave this word a new meaning, saying Martin Luther was making this big kind of change of the whole world a reformation
#6985, aired 2015-01-16SUPER BOWLERS $800: This 16th century reformer is said to have built a bowling lane for his kids when he wasn't busy nailing theses Martin Luther
#6851, aired 2014-06-02HISTORIC PEOPLE IN ART $400: In the 1520s, this ex-priest was painted by his close friend, Lucas Cranach the Elder Martin Luther
#6832, aired 2014-05-06"FOR"MATION $600: A hymn by Martin Luther begins, "A Mighty" this "is our God" Fortress
#6775, aired 2014-02-14LANGUAGES $400: Wanting to make it accessible, Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language German
#6741, aired 2013-12-30BIOGRAPHY SUBJECTS $2000: A religious leader: "Here I Stand" Martin Luther
#6721, aired 2013-12-02WE PROTEST! $1600: Perhaps the most famous of all protests began when Martin Luther posted these on the Schlosskirche in 1517 the 95 Theses
#6693, aired 2013-10-23'21 $5,000 (Daily Double): 1521: The tenth pope of this name excommunicates Martin Luther with a papal bull Leo
#6628, aired 2013-06-12THE REFORMATION $1200: The Reformation's greatest leaders were Martin Luther in Germany & this Geneva-based Frenchman Calvin
#6566, aired 2013-03-18EDICTS $400: The Edict of Worms was issued by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1521 to ban the writings of this man & label him a heretic (Martin) Luther
#6479, aired 2012-11-15QUICK HISTORY $600: This reformer is depicted here in 16th century Wittenberg Martin Luther
#6393, aired 2012-06-06WHOLE SALE $1000: Martin Luther was not amused by the sale of these absolutions from sin, from the Latin for "remission" indulgences
#6304, aired 2012-02-02YOU'RE HISTORICAL! $400: Excommunicated 4 months earlier, in April 1521 he was asked to recant his views at the Diet of Worms Martin Luther
#6257, aired 2011-11-29-OLOGIES $800: In 1512 Martin Luther earned the degree doctor of this theology
#6225, aired 2011-10-14AT 33 $600: He was 33 when he nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church Martin Luther
#6203, aired 2011-07-27TRIAL PARTICIPANTS $600: In 1521 it was Charles V presiding & the Archbishop of Trier, John Eck, prosecuting this man Martin Luther
#6177, aired 2011-06-21PAPAL BULLS $800: Leo X's 1521 bull "Decet Romanum Pontificem" booted this guy out of the Catholic Church Martin Luther
#6079, aired 2011-02-03OUR WATERY WORLD $400: The City of Worms, where Martin Luther refused to recant in 1521, is a port on this German river the Rhine
#6017, aired 2010-11-09NOTABLE NAMES $600 (Daily Double): At the Diet of Worms in 1521, he said, "I cannot and will not retract anything" Martin Luther
#6013, aired 2010-11-03OTHER CIVIL WARS $200: In the Peasant's War, fought mainly in this country, Martin Luther wanted the rebels treated "like mad dogs" Germany
#6007, aired 2010-10-26I'M HENRY VIII, I AM $400: You might think I was an ally of this reformer, but in fact I was named "Defender of the Faith" for writing a 1521 attack on him Martin Luther
#5875, aired 2010-03-12LUTHER $400: Martin Luther contradicted Clement VI's "Unigentus Dei Filius", this 4-letter type of document a bull
#5875, aired 2010-03-12LUTHER $800: Martin Luther spoke of Aristotle & this man of Ockham as "his teachers" William (of Ockham)
#5845, aired 2010-01-29RELIGIOUS LEADERS $800: During the 1500s under his leadership, Geneva became a major center of Protestantism Calvin
#5806, aired 2009-12-07"C" IS FOR CATHOLIC $800: It denotes the Catholic revival & response to Martin Luther that began in the 16th century the Counter-Reformation
#5764, aired 2009-10-08WE'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER $1000: Number of theses Martin Luther posted on a church door in 1517 95
#5742, aired 2009-07-21BACH'S CANTATAS $800: This religious leader wrote the text to "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" (Martin) Luther
#5672, aired 2009-04-14SOME CALL IT BLASPHEMY $200: His thesis No. 77 says it's blasphemy that the cross on the papal arms is of equal power to Jesus' cross Martin Luther
#5626, aired 2009-02-09RELIGIOUS MATTERS $200: This Protestant reformer had a debate at Leipzig with Johann Eck about the papacy in 1519 Martin Luther
#5534, aired 2008-10-02FRIENDS $400: Lucas Cranach was not yet Mayor of Wittenberg when this friend of his nailed the 95 Theses on the church door Martin Luther
#5509, aired 2008-07-17"M.L." $400: In 1521 an imperial diet at Worms declared him an outlaw Martin Luther
#5349, aired 2007-12-06& MARTINS $800: In 1505 this theologian abandoned his legal studies & entered a monastery; by 1507 he was a priest Martin Luther
#5327, aired 2007-11-06BABY GOT BACH $800: Bach grew up in Eisenach, the city where this reformer translated the New Testament at Wartburg Castle Martin Luther
#5252, aired 2007-06-12GERMAN HISTORY $400: In 1521 he told the Diet of Worms, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen" Martin Luther
#5219, aired 2007-04-26BEFORE COMPUTERS $400: This functioned as a message or bulletin board, so Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on it church door
#5136, aired 2007-01-01NAME THE CENTURY $1600: Martin Luther is excommunicated the 16th century (1521)
#5119, aired 2006-12-07RELIGIOUS LEADERS $1,000 (Daily Double): In July 1505 he was struck by lightning; as a result, he entered a monastery in Erfurt, Germany 15 days later Martin Luther
#5065, aired 2006-09-22THE CANTERBURY TALES $1000: Chaucer tells of the Pardoner, a church official who sells these 11-letter things that made Martin Luther mad indulgences
#5057, aired 2006-09-12HISTORICAL PAINTINGS $5,000 (Daily Double): Lucas Cranach the Elder was a close friend of this clergyman, whom he painted in the 1533 portrait seen here Martin Luther
#5049, aired 2006-07-20POPE $800: Pope Leo X famously excommunicated this reformer in 1521 Martin Luther
#4948, aired 2006-03-01THE 16th CENTURY $200: Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language German
#4938, aired 2006-02-15I'M DOWN WITH HOMEWORK $400: History: This man wouldn't give props to the pope, so he got booted from the Church in January, 1521 Martin Luther
#4925, aired 2006-01-27THE SWEET 16th CENTURY $400: Johann Eck debated this noted Protestant in 1519 & helped get him excommunicated in 1521 Martin Luther
#4823, aired 2005-07-20MAGICAL HISTORY TOUR $1000: Martin Luther believed this German magician & astrologer, a Goethe subject, had devilish powers Faust
#4691, aired 2005-01-17HISTORIC WOMEN $600: Former nun Catherine von Bora bore him 6 kids; at least he didn't demand 95 (Martin) Luther
#4593, aired 2004-07-21GERMAN HISTORY $1600: Though the uprising called the Peasants' War was partly based on this man's ideas, he came out against it in 1525 Martin Luther
#4533, aired 2004-04-28MORE THINGS THAT HAPPENED $400: The League of Schmalkalden was formed in 1531 to defend this German's reformist church (Martin) Luther
#4512, aired 2004-03-30SCREEN PLAYS $800: John Osborne's 1961 play about this Protestant reformer became a 1974 film starring Stacy Keach Martin Luther
#4440, aired 2003-12-19QUOTES ABOUT 3 THINGS $2,000 (Daily Double): Attributed to Martin Luther is "Who loves not these 3 things remains a fool his whole life long" wine, women and song
#4436, aired 2003-12-15MARTIN LUTHER $400: (Sofia of the Clue Crew presents from Wittenberg, Germany.) The only achievement mentioned in Luther's epitaph is his doctorate in this subject from Wittenberg University theology
#4436, aired 2003-12-15MARTIN LUTHER $800: Terrified by a storm, Luther swore he'd become one of these, & joined the Augustinian order a monk
#4436, aired 2003-12-15MARTIN LUTHER $1200: In translating the Bible, Luther added "alone" after this word, believing that it, rather than works, saves us faith
#4436, aired 2003-12-15MARTIN LUTHER $1600: In 1524 Luther published the "Achtliederbuch", this type of book often found in churches a hymnal
#4436, aired 2003-12-15MARTIN LUTHER $2000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew presents from Wittenberg, Germany.) On the old wooden door that stood here, Martin Luther posted this numerical piece of writing & began the Reformation the 95 Theses
#4427, aired 2003-12-02HISTORIC NICKNAMES $2000: "The Wittenberg Monk" Martin Luther
#4383, aired 2003-10-01THE GOOD BOOK $400: Martin Luther's translation of the Bible helped spread the "New High" version of this language German
#4343, aired 2003-06-1817th CENTURY NOTABLES $3,000 (Daily Double): Just months after publishing "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems", he was tried for heresy Galileo
#4333, aired 2003-06-04MUSEUMS $800: A museum at this theologian's Wittenberg home has a vast collection of Reformation history Martin Luther
#4219, aired 2002-12-26HANS UP! $2,800 (Daily Double): German poet Hans Sachs' most famous work, "The Nightingale of Wittenberg", was a defense of this religious figure Martin Luther
#4213, aired 2002-12-18WORMS $400: He told the Diet of Worms, "I do not accept the authority of popes and councils" Martin Luther
#4188, aired 2002-11-13THAT'S OLD NEWS $400: He posted his world-shaking commentaries on a German church door on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther
#4090, aired 2002-05-17RELIGION $600: From 1512 to 1546, this leader of the Reformation taught theology at Wittenberg University Martin Luther
#4083, aired 2002-05-08BEFORE, DURING & AFTER $400: "L.A. Story" comic whose other work includes the 95 Theses & "'Til My Baby Comes Home" Steve Martin Luther Vandross
#4073, aired 2002-04-24WATCH YOUR TONGUE $400: In the early 1500s Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language using a dialect of Saxony German
#4073, aired 2002-04-24JUST A THOUGHT $800: The people who were against the decisions made at the second Diet of Speyer & sided with Martin Luther were called these Protestant Lutherans (Protestants)
#3889, aired 2001-06-28STIFLE YOURSELF EDICT $200 (Daily Double): After Charles V, this priest is the next person mentioned by name in the 1521 edict of the Diet of Worms Martin Luther
#3847, aired 2001-05-01EUROPEAN HISTORY $200: In 1524 peasants, influenced by the teachings of this German religious leader, started an uprising Martin Luther
#3738, aired 2000-11-29ACCUSTOMED TO PUBLIC SPEAKING $1000: He told the panel at Worms, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise" Martin Luther
#3732, aired 2000-11-21BEFORE & AFTER $200: He's been "Livin' La Vida Loca" since 1517 when he launched the Protestant Reformation Ricky Martin Luther
#3655, aired 2000-06-23WORMS $400: This man, already pronounced a heretic, was formally declared an outlaw by 1521's Edict of Worms Martin Luther
#3548, aired 2000-01-26HYMNS $400: This 16th century reformer wrote the German hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Martin Luther
#3485, aired 1999-10-29HALLOWEEN $400: After what he did October 31, 1517 the Wittenberg Palace Church may have had to put up a "Post No Theses" sign Martin Luther
#3393, aired 1999-05-12ENGLISH ROYAL HENRYS $400: Pope Leo X named Henry VIII "Defender of the Faith" for his written attack on this German Protestant leader Martin Luther
#3295, aired 1998-12-25BEFORE & AFTER $1000: 1517's "Theses" author known for developing new varieties of fruits & vegetables Martin Luther Burbank
#3235, aired 1998-10-02FIRESTARTER $500: He's the reform-minded former Catholic priest seen here Martin Luther
#3178, aired 1998-05-27CHARLES V $1000: Charles convened the Diet of Worms where this man refused to recant his beliefs Martin Luther
#3091, aired 1998-01-26RELIGION $200: This German's attacks on the Roman Catholic church began the Reformation Martin Luther
#3088, aired 1998-01-21FEELIN' GOUTY $600: Gout didn't stop this reformer from nailing his 95 Theses to a Wittenberg church door Martin Luther
#2973, aired 1997-07-0216th CENTURY NAMES $200: In his 1520 "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation", he called for church reform Martin Luther
#2943, aired 1997-05-21HISTORIC NAMES $400: In 1505 this Protestant reformer earned a master of arts degree from the University of Erfurt Martin Luther
#2933, aired 1997-05-07RELIGION $400: The son of a copper miner, he initiated the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther
#2889, aired 1997-03-06HISTORIC NAMES $1000: This Dutch humanist's 1524 work "On Free Will" was an attack on Martin Luther Erasmus
#2868, aired 1997-02-05HISTORY $500: In 1521 Martin Luther was summoned to the Diet of this city to renounce his beliefs Worms
#2839, aired 1996-12-26EUROPEAN CITIES $1000: The castle church to which Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses is a landmark of this German city Wittenburg
#2726, aired 1996-06-10ART & ARTISTS $600: While living in Wittenberg, Lucas Cranach the Elder became a friend of this religious reformer Martin Luther
#2720, aired 1996-05-31QUOTATIONS $400: At the Diet of Worms in 1521, he said, "Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me." Martin Luther
#2709, aired 1996-05-16PEOPLE IN HISTORY $600: The Reformation is often dated from October 31, 1517, when he posted his 95 Theses Martin Luther
#2663, aired 1996-03-13HISTORY $200: While hiding at Wartburg Castle during 1521-22, he translated the New Testament into German Martin Luther
#2647, aired 1996-02-20RELIGION $600: On Oct. 19, 1512 he was awarded a doctorate of theology by the University of Wittenberg (Martin) Luther
#2580, aired 1995-11-17WINE & CHEESE $800: Liebfraumilch is a fine Rhine wine named for a church in this city, Martin Luther's "diet" site Worms
#2549, aired 1995-10-05NICKNAMES $200: His nicknames include "The Father of Protestantism" & "The Father of the Reformation" Martin Luther
#2519, aired 1995-07-13LANGUAGES $600: Martin Luther translated the Bible into this language using the dialect of Saxony German
#2415, aired 1995-02-17NOTABLE NAMES $1000: In 1521 he wrote a pamphlet "On Monastic Vows" while hiding at Wartburg Castle Martin Luther
#2360, aired 1994-12-02CONTEMPORARIES $500 (Daily Double): While Martin Luther hid in Wartburg Castle in 1521, this man took Tenochtitlan Cortes
#2343, aired 1994-11-09WORLD HISTORY $500 (Daily Double): 3 years after he nailed his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg, he was excommunicated Martin Luther
#2279, aired 1994-06-30WORLD HISTORY $400: This Protestant reformer was born in Eisleben in Thuringia, Germany Nov. 10, 1483 Martin Luther
#2211, aired 1994-03-28QUOTATIONS $800: It's said Martin Luther wrote, "Who loves not" these 3 things "remains a fool his whole life long" wine, women & song
#2201, aired 1994-03-14HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $400: Reformation Day, Oct. 31, is the anniversary of the day he posted his 95 Theses in 1517 Martin Luther
#2168, aired 1994-01-26MARTINs $100: On Dec. 10, 1520 he publicly burned a copy of a papal bull; he was excommunicated a month later Martin Luther
#2139, aired 1993-12-16EUROPEAN CITIES $400: Worms, the city where Martin Luther appeared before the Imperial Diet in 1521, is in this country Germany
#2105, aired 1993-10-29OCTOBER 31 $300: It's reported that on October 31, 1517 he nailed some theses to a door Martin Luther
#2088, aired 1993-10-06-OLOGIES $400: Martin Luther & Albert Schweitzer held doctorates in this theology
#2057, aired 1993-07-13RELIGIOUS HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): This leader of the Reformation wrote the famous hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" Martin Luther
#1993, aired 1993-04-14FOREIGN QUOTES $400: "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir. Amen", he told the Diet Martin Luther
#1916, aired 1992-12-28MUSEUMS $200: This theologian's home in Wittenberg, Germany is now a museum devoted to manuscripts of the Reformation Martin Luther
#1909, aired 1992-12-17HISTORY $600: The Peasants' War, which began in Germany in 1524, was inspired by the teachings of this religious leader Martin Luther
#1892, aired 1992-11-24FILE UNDER "W" $200: The Edict of this place issued May 25, 1521 branded Martin Luther an outlaw Worms
#1838, aired 1992-09-09HISTORY $200: On April 18, 1521 he told the Diet of Worms, "Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me. Amen." Martin Luther
#1784, aired 1992-05-07GERMANY $600: This theologian's tomb is in Wittenberg, where he was a professor of biblical theology Martin Luther
#1728, aired 1992-02-19THE 16th CENTURY $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1512 he received his doctorate of theology from the University of Wittenberg Martin Luther
#1715, aired 1992-01-31WASHINGTON, D.C. $1,000 (Daily Double): This library, best known for its Shakespeare collection, also contains some original tracts by Martin Luther the Folger Library
#1609, aired 1991-09-05CLASSICAL MUSIC $1000: In 1708, the Mühlhausen city council paid for printing "Gott ist mein König", his first published music Johann Sebastian Bach
#1605, aired 1991-07-19HISTORIC QUOTES $300: In 1521 he told the Diet of Worms, "I cannot and I will not recant anything" (Martin) Luther
#1551, aired 1991-05-06NUMBER, PLEASE $1000: Number of theses Martin Luther posted on the door of a church in Wittenberg 95
#1546, aired 1991-04-29WORLD HISTORY $200: A good lute player, in the 1500s he wrote Protestant hymns, as well as the "95 Theses" Martin Luther
#1509, aired 1991-03-07WORLD HISTORY $400: While a teacher of moral philosophy at the Univ. of Wittenberg, he received his doctorate of theology in 1512 Martin Luther
#4, aired 1990-07-07SAINTS & SINNERS $200: He expected a debate but didn't expect to start a new church when he posted his "95 Theses" in 1517 Martin Luther
#1319, aired 1990-05-03HISTORIC CITIES $800: At the Diet held in this city in 1521, Martin Luther refused to eat his words Worms
#1318, aired 1990-05-02EUROPEAN HISTORY $200: While hidden at Wartburg Castle in 1521, this man began his German translation of the New Testament Martin Luther
#1285, aired 1990-03-16RELIGIOUS HISTORY $600: Martin Luther objected to the papal policy of selling these to remit penalty for sins indulgences
#1228, aired 1989-12-27RELIGIOUS HISTORY $400: In 1525 this religious reformer married an ex-nun named Katherina Martin Luther
#1138, aired 1989-07-12GERMANY $400: The hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" was written in the 16th century by him Martin Luther
#1102, aired 1989-05-23RELIGIOUS LEADERS $600: The number of theses, or proposals, that Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church 95
#1046, aired 1989-03-06THEATER $600: In John Osborne's historical drama, this reformer tells his son, "You should have seen me at Worms" Martin Luther
#808, aired 1988-02-244-WORD PHRASES $1000: After Henry VIII wrote a treatise attacking Martin Luther, Pope Leo X gave Henry this title Defender of the Faith
#794, aired 1988-02-04HISTORICAL DRAMA $400: Albert Finney created the title role in John Osborne's play about this man, lynchpin of the Reformation Martin Luther
#688, aired 1987-09-09RELIGION $100: Before turning Protestant, Martin Luther was a monk & the vocation of his future wife was this a nun
#643, aired 1987-05-27CHRISTMAS $500: Popular legend credits this religious reformer with creating the 1st Christmas tree Martin Luther
#615, aired 1987-04-17RELIGION $1000: The way the Catholic church sees it, he was revolting--starting October 31, 1517 Martin Luther
#612, aired 1987-04-14RELIGION $200: Martin Luther's translation of the Bible into this language is considered a literary masterpiece German
#491, aired 1986-10-27GERMANY $800: City where the imperial diet turned on Martin Luther Worms
#480, aired 1986-10-10SPIRITUAL SONGS $800: It's believed he wrote the hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" Martin Luther
#355, aired 1986-01-17FAVORITE PASTIMES $500: An avid bowler, he was the "1st Protestant" Martin Luther
#303, aired 1985-11-06RELIGION $600: In 1553 this Protestant reformer had radical theologian Michael Servetus burned in Geneva John Calvin
#292, aired 1985-10-22EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: Threatened with excommunication, this Reformation leader publicly burned the bull Martin Luther
#261, aired 1985-09-09THE RENAISSANCE $1000: His brilliant 16th century translation of the Bible into German became the basis for modern German Martin Luther
#116, aired 1985-02-18RELIGION $600: He defended his teachings before the Diet of Worms Martin Luther

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (8 results returned)

#8030, aired 2019-07-0516th CENTURY NAMES: Hoping to stop Dominican friar Johannes Tetzel from preaching for indulgences, in 1517 he wrote a series of debate topics Martin Luther
#7176, aired 2015-11-23THE 16th CENTURY: In 1521 he was the credited author of "Defense of the 7 Sacraments" against Martin Luther's attacks Henry VIII
#6753, aired 2014-01-1516th CENTURY PEOPLE: This non-Brit said in 1532, "I advised (Henry VIII) that it would be better for him to take a concubine than to ruin his people" Martin Luther
#5659, aired 2009-03-2616th CENTURY THINKERS: In 1517 he wrote, "The treasures of indulgences are nets with which they now fish for the wealth of men" Martin Luther
#2987, aired 1997-09-02RELIGION: Written in 1517, the 62nd of these is "The true treasure of the church is the holy gospel of... God" the 95 Theses
#2841, aired 1996-12-30THE 1500s: In 1520 he wrote Pope Leo X, "Let no person imagine that I will recant" Martin Luther
#2119, aired 1993-11-18HISTORIC NAMES: On June 27, 1525 he married former nun Katherine von Bora Martin Luther
#953, aired 1988-10-26RELIGION: Almost struck by lightning in 1505, this young man vowed to become a monk & did soon after Martin Luther

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