Jeopardy! National College Championship Final Jeopardy! Round clues (18 clues archived)

#18, aired 2022-02-22THE 19th CENTURY: An 1873 book title gave us this phrase for the period in the late 1800s of growth & prosperity & also greed & corruption the Gilded Age
#17, aired 2022-02-22THE PERIODIC TABLE: By 1890, discoveries of 3 "nationalist elements" filled table gaps: scandium in Sweden, germanium in Germany, this in France gallium
#16, aired 2022-02-18CHARACTERS IN BANNED BOOKS: Introduced in 1928, this character has a disappointing affair with a writer before she begins a more satisfying relationship Lady Chatterley
#15, aired 2022-02-18HISTORIC STRUCTURES: In 1100 the Bishop of Durham became the first prisoner here &, after plying his guards with wine, became the first to escape the Tower of London
#14, aired 2022-02-17WORDS FROM MYTHOLOGY: A 1525 textbook on anatomy says this, being "so different of colours", could also be called "rain bowys" iris
#13, aired 2022-02-17WESTERN HEMISPHERE COUNTRIES: In 1882, when these 2 countries' border was settled, a minister in the southern one quit in protest out of loyalty to Central America Mexico & Guatemala
#12, aired 2022-02-16COMPOUND WORDS: The OED says this 9-letter word is literary & poetic, & it appears 11 times in an 1845 American poem, including as the last word nevermore
#11, aired 2022-02-16HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES: The first national observance of Memorial Day was held May 30, 1868 at this site, on land that had belonged to Robert E. Lee's wife Arlington National Cemetery
#10, aired 2022-02-15RECENT BIOGRAPHIES: A 2021 book about his "Misunderstood Reign" argues that he hated slavery & actually suffered from bipolar disorder George III
#9, aired 2022-02-15PHYSICISTS: A 1927 principle by this Nobel Prize winner says that some knowledge is inaccessible Werner Heisenberg
#8, aired 2022-02-11EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHY: This country, the largest in area entirely within Europe, borders the largest country in the world Ukraine
#7, aired 2022-02-11WORD ORIGINS: In 1793 a French clergyman called the destruction of libraries & sculptures this, using the name of a 5th century tribe vandalism
#6, aired 2022-02-10POETRY: It contains the line "whereat In either hand the hastening Angel caught Our lingering parents, & to the eastern gate Led them direct" Paradise Lost
#5, aired 2022-02-10WORLD GEOGRAPHY: About 200 miles of the Tyrrhenian Sea separates the cities of Cagliari & Trapani in these 2 "regioni autonome" of Italy Sardinia & Sicily
#4, aired 2022-02-0920th CENTURY LEADERS: He's called "a flame of inspiration in freedom's darkest hour" in the proclamation making him an honorary U.S. citizen Winston Churchill
#3, aired 2022-02-09USA: In 2012 these 2 neighboring states celebrated the centennial of their admission to the Union Arizona & New Mexico
#2, aired 2022-02-08BIOLOGICAL ETYMOLOGY: Dionaea, the genus of this plant, is a reference to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the daughter of Dione the Venus flytrap
#1, aired 2022-02-08AMERICAN HISTORY: One theory says Charles T. Torrey, a worker on this, coined its name, which appeared in The Liberator on October 14, 1842 the Underground Railroad
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