Jeopardy! Masters Final Jeopardy! Round clues (38 clues archived)

#38, aired 2024-05-22AMERICAN WOMEN: The New York Times wrote of this woman who had died in 1951, "Though she was forgotten at the time, part of her remained alive" Henrietta Lacks
#37, aired 2024-05-22POLITICIANS: This man was the 1st to be governor of one state & then senator from another; 173 years later, Mitt Romney became the second Sam Houston
#36, aired 2024-05-2021st CENTURY LITERARY CHARACTERS: The last name adopted by Damon Fields, the title character of this novel, refers to his red hair Demon Copperhead
#35, aired 2024-05-20METALLIC ELEMENTS: As it's rarely found in pure form, one explanation of its name is that it comes from Greek for "not alone" or "not one" antimony
#34, aired 2024-05-17ALSO SEEN AT THE CIRCUS: FDR gets credit for implementing this as a concept in the U.S. & the metaphor was used by FDR Jr., running for office in 1966 safety net
#33, aired 2024-05-17NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGE: In 1612 John Smith published a Powhatan word list including these 2 words familiar to us today, one worn in pairs & one wielded moccasins & tomahawk
#32, aired 2024-05-15SHORT STORIES: "Down--steadily down it crept... downward with its lateral velocity. To the right--to the left" is in this 1842 tale "The Pit and the Pendulum"
#31, aired 2024-05-15MILITARY PEOPLE: In April 2020 Chief Master Sergeant Roger Towberman became the first enlisted member of this Space Force
#30, aired 2024-05-13ANAGRAMS: One is a procedure foundational to computer science; the other was made in large part obsolete by computers algorithm & logarithm
#29, aired 2024-05-13AROUND THE WORLD: Almost twice the size of Texas but with the population of Lubbock, this part of Australia rejected statehood in a 1998 referendum the Northern Territory
#28, aired 2024-05-10THE AMERICAN THEATER: Director & author, their 1960 rift over a new play set in the South ended "the most important... collaboration" of 20th century U.S. theater Elia Kazan & Tennessee Williams
#27, aired 2024-05-10THE 20th CENTURY: Hearing about the speech that launched this eponymous process, the head of the CIA wondered if Nikita Khrushchev had been drunk destalinization
#26, aired 2024-05-08FAMOUS LAST WORDS: In 1530 he made his last confession & wished that "I had served God as diligently as I have done the king" Cardinal Wolsey
#25, aired 2024-05-08THE THEATER: This show debuted December 30, 1879 in a theater on the Devon coast, with the cast in costumes from a related show The Pirates of Penzance
#24, aired 2024-05-0620th CENTURY WRITERS: Becoming a British subject in 1927, he described himself as a classicist in literature, royalist in politics & Anglo-Catholic in religion T.S. Eliot
#23, aired 2024-05-0620th CENTURY LEADERS: 1 of the "Big Four" at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference & a former journalist, he'd supported the Impressionists & Alfred Dreyfus Clemenceau
#22, aired 2024-05-01WORLD HERITAGE SITES: This entire capital is a World Heritage Site "linked to the history of the Military & Charitable Order of St. John of Jerusalem" Valletta
#21, aired 2024-05-01LATIN SCIENCE TERMS: In 1694 the latest in bio-knowledge was Tournefort's "Elements of Botany" listing 698 of these, like Ambrosia & Chrysanthemum genera
#20, aired 2023-05-24LATIN IN LITERATURE: A work by this 15th century English writer quotes the phrase "rex quondam rexque futurus" Thomas Malory
#19, aired 2023-05-24AFRICA: A major seaport & formerly a world capital, this city has a name from Arabic for "house of peace" Dar es Salaam
#18, aired 2023-05-23OPERA & HISTORY: Appropriately, the last performance at the Vienna State Opera before it was destroyed in 1945 by Allied bombs was this opera from 1876 Götterdämmerung
#17, aired 2023-05-23REAL PEOPLE IN SHAKESPEARE: In Shakespeare this man is a rival of Prince Hal; in real life he was older than Hal's father Hotspur
#16, aired 2023-05-22HISTORIC SHIPS: This 16th century ship got its name from the crest of patron Christopher Hatton, which featured a deer the Golden Hind
#15, aired 2023-05-22LITERATURE: In reviewing this novel, Carl Jung said it took place in one single & senseless day "on which, in all truth, nothing happens" Ulysses
#14, aired 2023-05-1720th CENTURY FRENCH AUTHORS: He said a famous book of his was inspired by a visit to the zoo, where he observed the gorillas' humanlike expressions Pierre Boulle (author of Planet of the Apes)
#13, aired 2023-05-17THE LAKE SHOW: 12 years before meeting Stanley at Lake Tanganyika, David Livingstone reached this national body of water in 1859 Lake Malawi
#12, aired 2023-05-16LANDMARKS: For more than a millennium, a huge embroidered work known as the Kiswa has been used to adorn & protect this structure the Kaaba
#11, aired 2023-05-16WORLD CITIES: This capital city founded in 1567 was where the founding statute of OPEC was adopted in 1961 Caracas
#10, aired 2023-05-1519th CENTURY FIRST LADIES: After her husband left office, a minister wrote the White House was "purer because" this first lady "has been its mistress" Lucy Hayes ("Lemonade Lucy")
#9, aired 2023-05-15THE U.S. GOVERNMENT: Not a department head but of Cabinet rank, the person in this post has had an official residence in a 42nd floor Park Avenue penthouse ambassador to the United Nations
#8, aired 2023-05-12FICTIONAL PLACES: The dominions of this land "extend five thousand blustrugs (about twelve miles in circumference)" Lilliput
#7, aired 2023-05-12NEW ENGLAND WOMEN: At her funeral in 1936, it was said that "The touch of her hand... literally emancipated a soul" Annie Sullivan
#6, aired 2023-05-10HISTORIC HOMES: This residence is part of an estate that includes Ballochbuie Forest, a remnant of the ancient Caledonian pine forest Balmoral
#5, aired 2023-05-10THE FIRST MILLENNIUM: In 303, to celebrate 20 years of his reign, the emperor Diocletian visited this city for the first time Rome
#4, aired 2023-05-09WESTERN HEMISPHERE HISTORY: In 1915 the assassination of President Sam brought Uncle Sam to this country, beginning a 19-year military occupation Haiti
#3, aired 2023-05-0921st CENTURY AUTHORS: Once a journalist himself, he began his first novel with his hero being fined 150,000 kronor for aggravated libel Stieg Larsson
#2, aired 2023-05-08USA: Opened in 1909 & less famous than an older neighbor, it connects Brooklyn & Chinatown the Manhattan Bridge
#1, aired 2023-05-08POETRY: A colossal head of Ramses II brought to the British Museum inspired this 1818 poem "Ozymandias"
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