Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Jeopardy! Masters
Out of 38 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:
Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #7.95, on average (standard deviation: 5.98).
Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 19; middle lectern: 13; right lectern: 6.
Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $1,705 (standard deviation: $1,578); middle lectern: $1,579 (standard deviation: $1,801); right lectern: $942 (standard deviation: $1,477).
In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 100% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 0%).
Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown
Row | # cor./# rev. | % cor. | % rev. | Avg. wag. | Std. dev. | Min. wag. | Max. wag. | Avg. gain/loss | TDDs | Fearfuls |
1 | 0/0 | 0% | 0% | 0/0 | 0/0 | |||||
2 | 3/3 | 100% | 8% | $4,133 | $1,026 | $3,000 | $5,000 | $4,133 | 3/3 | 0/0 |
3 | 4/5 | 80% | 13% | $3,800 | $1,549 | $1,600 | $5,200 | $3,160 | 4/5 | 0/0 |
4 | 13/17 | 76% | 45% | $1,788 | $981 | $1,000 | $4,400 | $1,059 | 12/15 | 0/0 |
5 | 9/13 | 69% | 34% | $2,154 | $1,586 | $1,000 | $5,800 | $800 | 6/7 | 0/0 |
All | 29/38 | 76% | 100% | $2,363 | $1,499 | $1,000 | $5,800 | $1,489 | 25/30 | 0/0 |
On average, the J! Round DD was located 4.05 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.9).
Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Jeopardy! Masters
Out of 38 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:
First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #5.63, on average (standard deviation: 4.5).
Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 14; middle lectern: 11; right lectern: 13.
Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $6,737 (standard deviation: $3,047); wager range: $2,000 to $13,600; average gain/loss: $5,126
Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $8,668 (standard deviation: $4,021); middle lectern: $6,300 (standard deviation: $4,044); right lectern: $5,232 (standard deviation: $3,851).
Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #14.42, on average (standard deviation: 4.75).
Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 17; middle lectern: 11; right lectern: 10.
Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $9,064 (standard deviation: $6,182); wager range: $5 to $25,600; average gain/loss: $7,811
Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $14,074 (standard deviation: $6,681); middle lectern: $9,558 (standard deviation: $6,552); right lectern: $8,947 (standard deviation: $6,252).
In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 96% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 15%) and 76% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 37%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 91% (standard deviation: 25%).
Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown
Row | # cor./# rev. | % cor. | % rev. | Avg. wag. | Std. dev. | Min. wag. | Max. wag. | Avg. gain/loss | TDDs | Fearfuls |
1 | 0/0 | 0% | 0% | 0/0 | 0/0 | |||||
2 | 20/21 | 95% | 28% | $8,629 | $5,099 | $800 | $19,000 | $7,867 | 15/16 | 0/0 |
3 | 15/20 | 75% | 26% | $7,880 | $4,990 | $5 | $20,800 | $5,760 | 11/15 | 0/1 |
4 | 19/21 | 90% | 28% | $8,505 | $5,699 | $2,000 | $25,600 | $7,019 | 14/16 | 0/0 |
5 | 12/14 | 86% | 18% | $5,929 | $3,333 | $5 | $11,800 | $4,558 | 10/11 | 1/2 |
All | 66/76 | 87% | 100% | $7,900 | $4,980 | $5 | $25,600 | $6,468 | 50/58 | 1/3 |
On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.37 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 1.08).
Highest Daily Double wagers for Jeopardy! Masters
Wager | TDD | Player name | Game | DD | Clue # | Category | Score | Lead | Response | |
1. | $25,600 | Y | James Holzhauer | #14, aired 2023-05-17 | DJ!2 | 20 | ROCK"ER"S | $25,600 | $17,200 | R |
2. | $20,800 | Y | Victoria Groce | #29, aired 2024-05-13 | DJ!2 | 12 | IF YOU BUILD IT | $20,800 | $7,600 | R |
3. | $20,000 | Y | James Holzhauer | #23, aired 2024-05-06 | DJ!2 | 16 | THE RESPONSE'S GPA | $20,000 | $1,200 | R |
4. | $19,000 | Y | James Holzhauer | #5, aired 2023-05-10 | DJ!2 | 18 | CLASSICAL MUSIC CLASSICS | $19,000 | -$2,400 | R |
5. | $16,000 | Y | James Holzhauer | #2, aired 2023-05-08 | DJ!2 | 9 | RELIGION | $16,000 | $9,000 | R |
6. | $15,400 | Y | Andrew He | #7, aired 2023-05-12 | DJ!2 | 10 | MEDIEVAL LITERATURE | $15,400 | $2,200 | R |
$15,400 | Y | Yogesh Raut | #25, aired 2024-05-08 | DJ!2 | 15 | LITERATURE: WHO SAID IT? | $15,400 | $5,200 | R | |
8. | $14,000 | Y | Victoria Groce | #26, aired 2024-05-08 | DJ!2 | 15 | THEY DID BAD | $14,000 | $2,800 | R |
$14,000 | Y | James Holzhauer | #36, aired 2024-05-20 | DJ!2 | 16 | PEOPLE IN AMERICAN HISTORY | $14,000 | -$9,200 | R | |
10. | $13,600 | Y | Victoria Groce | #38, aired 2024-05-22 | DJ!1 | 11 | WOMEN IN POEMS | $13,600 | $2,601 | R |
11. | $13,200 | Y | Matt Amodio | #4, aired 2023-05-09 | DJ!1 | 9 | "OF" PAINT | $13,200 | $4,800 | R |
$13,200 | Y | Matt Amodio | #18, aired 2023-05-23 | DJ!2 | 4 | CENTURY NOTES | $13,200 | $4,400 | R | |
13. | $13,000 | Victoria Groce | #24, aired 2024-05-06 | DJ!2 | 19 | WE OUT HERE TRYNA MINE | $23,600 | $13,400 | R | |
14. | $12,000 | Y | Yogesh Raut | #36, aired 2024-05-20 | DJ!1 | 8 | MAKE IT FLIRTY | $12,000 | $1,600 | R |
15. | $11,800 | Y | Matt Amodio | #9, aired 2023-05-15 | DJ!2 | 18 | LET'S GO ON A SAFARI | $11,800 | -$1,800 | R |
16. | $10,600 | Y | Amy Schneider | #27, aired 2024-05-10 | DJ!1 | 5 | 12 OR MORE LETTERS | $10,600 | $7,400 | R |
17. | $10,400 | Y | James Holzhauer | #4, aired 2023-05-09 | DJ!2 | 14 | A NEW COAT | $10,400 | -$14,800 | R |
$10,400 | Y | James Holzhauer | #37, aired 2024-05-22 | DJ!2 | 16 | ALLITERATION ALL AROUND | $10,400 | -$12,400 | R | |
19. | $10,200 | Y | Victoria Groce | #37, aired 2024-05-22 | DJ!1 | 6 | HEALTH & MEDICINE | $10,200 | $5,000 | R |
20. | $9,600 | Y | Matt Amodio | #8, aired 2023-05-12 | DJ!2 | 15 | TV TITLE REFERENCES | $9,600 | -$13,200 | W |