Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 40
Out of 233 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:
Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #11.73, on average (standard deviation: 6.98).
Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 87; middle lectern: 85; right lectern: 61.
Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $2,062 (standard deviation: $1,809); middle lectern: $1,662 (standard deviation: $1,601); right lectern: $1,591 (standard deviation: $1,754).
In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 89% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 22%).
Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown
Row | # cor./# rev. | % cor. | % rev. | Avg. wag. | Std. dev. | Min. wag. | Max. wag. | Avg. gain/loss | TDDs | Fearfuls |
1 | 0/0 | 0% | 0% | 0/0 | 0/0 | |||||
2 | 11/14 | 79% | 6% | $2,964 | $1,379 | $1,000 | $5,200 | $2,507 | 6/7 | 0/0 |
3 | 31/60 | 52% | 26% | $1,860 | $1,067 | $500 | $6,600 | $390 | 21/31 | 0/1 |
4 | 55/89 | 62% | 38% | $1,942 | $1,056 | $600 | $4,800 | $362 | 26/48 | 0/1 |
5 | 43/70 | 61% | 30% | $1,916 | $1,079 | $200 | $8,000 | $216 | 26/42 | 0/1 |
All | 140/233 | 60% | 100% | $1,974 | $1,109 | $200 | $8,000 | $454 | 79/128 | 0/3 |
On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.92 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.89).
Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 40
Out of 233 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:
First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #7.9, on average (standard deviation: 5.46).
Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 89; middle lectern: 65; right lectern: 79.
Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $4,292 (standard deviation: $2,521); wager range: $1,000 to $15,200; average gain/loss: $1,780
Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $7,259 (standard deviation: $3,979); middle lectern: $5,793 (standard deviation: $3,681); right lectern: $5,491 (standard deviation: $3,744).
Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #16.61, on average (standard deviation: 6.4).
Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 85; middle lectern: 74; right lectern: 74.
Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $4,596 (standard deviation: $3,115); wager range: $200 to $21,800; average gain/loss: $1,481
Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $10,392 (standard deviation: $6,057); middle lectern: $8,620 (standard deviation: $5,837); right lectern: $7,526 (standard deviation: $5,209).
In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 68% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 31%) and 51% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 31%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 69% (standard deviation: 32%).
Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown
Row | # cor./# rev. | % cor. | % rev. | Avg. wag. | Std. dev. | Min. wag. | Max. wag. | Avg. gain/loss | TDDs | Fearfuls |
1 | 0/0 | 0% | 0% | 0/0 | 0/0 | |||||
2 | 42/57 | 74% | 12% | $5,637 | $4,111 | $799 | $21,800 | $3,044 | 13/18 | 1/1 |
3 | 97/138 | 70% | 30% | $4,443 | $2,828 | $600 | $13,400 | $2,002 | 28/40 | 3/6 |
4 | 110/179 | 61% | 38% | $4,073 | $2,419 | $200 | $12,000 | $944 | 38/52 | 6/15 |
5 | 60/92 | 65% | 20% | $4,430 | $2,451 | $1,000 | $15,200 | $1,533 | 11/14 | 1/3 |
All | 309/466 | 66% | 100% | $4,444 | $2,835 | $200 | $21,800 | $1,630 | 90/124 | 11/25 |
On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.66 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.93).
Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 40
Wager | TDD | Player name | Game | DD | Clue # | Category | Score | Lead | Response | |
1. | $21,800 | Y | Troy Meyer | #9058, aired 2024-03-13 | DJ!2 | 19 | OFFICIAL STATE STUFF | $21,800 | $3,400 | R |
2. | $15,200 | Y | Juveria Zaheer | #8998, aired 2023-12-20 | DJ!1 | 10 | OPERA | $15,200 | $2,000 | R |
$15,200 | Y | Yogesh Raut | #9061, aired 2024-03-18 | DJ!2 | 11 | HORRORS! | $15,200 | $4,800 | R | |
4. | $14,000 | Y | Troy Meyer | #9060, aired 2024-03-15 | DJ!2 | 15 | MAKING A PASS | $14,000 | -$800 | R |
5. | $13,400 | Y | Victoria Groce | #9075, aired 2024-04-05 | DJ!2 | 9 | IN THIS ECONOMY?! | $13,400 | $5,000 | R |
6. | $13,200 | Y | Michael Cavaliere | #9011, aired 2024-01-08 | DJ!2 | 18 | THE ANNALS OF HISTORY | $13,200 | -$2,400 | R |
7. | $12,200 | Y | Yogesh Raut | #9059, aired 2024-03-14 | DJ!2 | 20 | ENDS IN "IX" | $12,200 | -$5,600 | R |
8. | $12,000 | Matt Jackson | #9065, aired 2024-03-22 | DJ!2 | 10 | THE OLD TESTAMENT | $20,000 | $10,400 | R | |
$12,000 | Y | Amy Schneider | #9076, aired 2024-04-08 | DJ!2 | 17 | CONSONANT-VOWEL x3 | $12,000 | -$18,000 | R | |
10. | $11,800 | Y | Troy Meyer | #9053, aired 2024-03-06 | DJ!1 | 6 | THE HEAVENS & EARTH | $11,800 | $6,600 | R |
11. | $11,600 | Y | Juveria Zaheer | #9018, aired 2024-01-17 | DJ!1 | 15 | FRAILTY, THY NAME IS MAN | $11,600 | $5,000 | R |
12. | $11,400 | Y | Brandon Blackwell | #9068, aired 2024-03-27 | DJ!2 | 17 | WORLD LITERATURE | $11,400 | -$2,000 | R |
13. | $11,200 | Y | Juveria Zaheer | #9029, aired 2024-02-01 | DJ!2 | 6 | FOLLOW THE WORLD LEADER | $11,200 | $4,000 | R |
$11,200 | Y | Victoria Groce | #9076, aired 2024-04-08 | DJ!1 | 4 | NOVEL TITLE CHARACTERS | $11,200 | $2,400 | R | |
15. | $11,000 | Y | Long Nguyen | #9037, aired 2024-02-13 | DJ!1 | 14 | SIBLINGS OF NOTE | $11,000 | -$5,200 | R |
16. | $10,600 | Y | Mike Elliott | #8997, aired 2023-12-19 | DJ!1 | 15 | CORNERSTONES | $10,600 | -$200 | W |
$10,600 | Y | Roy Camara | #9015, aired 2024-01-12 | DJ!1 | 13 | HISTORIC AMERICAN WOMEN | $10,600 | $3,400 | W | |
$10,600 | Y | Sam Buttrey | #9071, aired 2024-04-01 | DJ!2 | 20 | THE 14th CENTURY | $10,600 | -$2,600 | R | |
19. | $10,400 | Y | Greg Czaja | #9003, aired 2023-12-27 | DJ!1 | 5 | 12-LETTER SCIENCE WORDS | $10,400 | $6,000 | R |
$10,400 | Y | Roy Camara | #9016, aired 2024-01-15 | DJ!1 | 4 | DESERT FLORA & FAUNA | $10,400 | $2,600 | W |
[Click here to see the Daily Double statistics limited to regular play games only]