Show #7834 - Thursday, October 4, 2018


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Sara Butner, a communications manager from Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Kian Barry, a high school history teacher from Hopewell, New Jersey

Doug Dodson, a classical singer from Boston, Massachusetts (whose 3-day cash winnings total $52,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
"Cartman Finds Love"
    $200 24
Born in Connecticut in 1811, she went to that "cabin" in the sky July 1, 1896
    $200 19
The building blocks of a sentence are subject & this, what is said of the subject
    $200 1
Violinist Isaac Stern helped save this NYC hall from the wrecking ball, & its main auditorium is now named for him
    $200 5
Go green using solar panels on your roof; each can generate about 200 of these electrical units
    $200 7
I'd buckle up for Richmond Raceway's Toyotacare 250, part of this sports organization's Xfinity series
    $400 9
"Christopher" & "The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti"
    $400 27
Born in "a little house in the big woods" of Wisconsin in 1867, died in Missouri in 1957
    $400 20
To be this form of a verb, some say, means to never split it
    $400 2
On April 28, 1966 4 fiddlers got 9 pounds each to play on this Beatles song about all the lonely people
    $400 17
The item seen here helps with this process--it's from the Latin for "wind"
    $400 13
I'd nevermore long to see the museum on Main St. devoted to this poet & Richmond resident
    $600 10
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS"
    $600 30
Born in Denmark in 1885, she went into Africa in 1914 & out of this world Sept. 7, 1962
    $600 21
Nouns, adjectives & adverbs can be these qualifiers
    $600 4
A decent gig in the orchestra, as an idiom it refers to one who serves in a subsidiary capacity
    $600 18
DirecTV knows that roofs are a good place for these, their microwave receivers
    $600 14
I would see how the so-called this of the Confederacy compares to the one in D.C.
    $800 11
"Representative Brody" & "13 Hours in Islamabad"
    $800 29
Born in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1871, wrote naturally & died Dec. 28, 1945, "An American Tragedy"
    $800 22
Essential info comes in a clause that's relative as well as this adjective
    $800 6
In "The Devil Went Down To Georgia", the devil bows his head & lays a golden fiddle at the feet of this man
    $800 25
This 7-letter compound word is a spot on the roof to land your chopper
    $800 15
I can review the house of this chief justice, known for presiding over Marbury v. Madison
    $1000 12
"Hot Rod Herman" & "Love Comes to Mockingbird Heights" (1965)
    $1000 28
Born in Chicago in 1888, made "The Long Goodbye" & went to "The Big Sleep" on March 26, 1959
    DD: $2,600 23
The set of rules for the proper arrangement of a sentence from the Greek for "orderly arrangement"
    $1000 8
Though his fans included Napoleon's sister, this 19th c. Italian virtuoso once sold his violin to pay off gambling debts
    $1000 26
Look up at this Paris cathedral & you'll see the famous gargoyles, like the one shown here
    $1000 16
I'd consider auditing a course at this Richmond school, VCU for short

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Doug Kian Sara
$2,800 $1,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Kian Sara
$3,400 $3,600 $7,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Lawrence O'Donnell: I'm Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC with clues about the subject of my book Playing with Fire: The 1968 Election and the Transformation of American Politics.)
    $400 9
Painting, not by numbers:
"My Left ____"
    $400 13
A fruity floral fragrance, Viva la Juicy Sucre is a perfume from this brand
    $400 5
Shiga prefecture on this is home to Lake Biwa, Japan's largest
    $400 14
It can be a female goat or a woman who helps raise someone else's kids
    $400 18
Hey, I planted those asters years ago & they're blooming again--they must be this kind of flower
    $400 6
(Lawrence O'Donnell presents the clue.) Despite fears for his safety, Robert F. Kennedy spoke as scheduled in Indianapolis on April 4, 1968 but instead of his prepared remarks, gave a shocked crowd this news
    $800 12
Steve Martin's "The Man with Two ____"
    $800 28
It seems like eons ago that he introduced Eternity & Obsession
    $800 4
Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile, is in this Horn of Africa nation
    $800 24
A cop in Coventry
    $800 19
To a geologist it's the movement of water through rock; to a barista it's the movement of water through coffee grounds
    $800 7
(Lawrence O'Donnell presents the clue.) As a child, this mayor who fought protesters at the Democratic Convention in Chicago was a protester himself, marching with his mother for women's right to vote
    $1200 15
"Wild at ____" walked into the Cage
    $1200 29
Perfumes from this celeb & socialite include Can Can, Dazzle & of course, Heiress
    $1200 3
2 islands in this Great Lake are Mackinac in the U.S. & Manitoulin in Canada
    $1200 25
Trembling or moving unsteadily, as from old age
    $1200 20
The ancient Egyptians called it "gem of the sun", & it does come from meteorites as well as lava deposits
    $1200 8
(Lawrence O'Donnell presents the clue.) TV, which hurt Richard Nixon in 1960, helped him in 1968 thanks to the skills of this man who went on to run Fox News
    $1600 16
"Million Dollar ____" took us out to the ball game
    $1600 2
The highest inhabited islands lie over 12,500 feet above sea level in this South American lake
    $1600 26
In humans, it's made up of 3 to 5 vestigial vertebrae
    DD: $5,000 21
500 years ago Leonardo da Vinci knew this machine was impossible, telling its would-be builders to go join the alchemists
    DD: $3,000 10
(Lawrence O'Donnell presents the clue.) The problems of this Democratic nominee included struggling to break with LBJ's Vietnam policy & that his "happy warrior" image seemed out of place in a not-so-happy time
    $2000 17
Jennifer Lawrence got an Oscar nomination for "Winter's ____"
    $2000 23
Hats off to this company that's been making its Stetson colognes since the '80s & its Musk fragrances since the '70s
    $2000 1
Formed about 25 million years ago, this lake is 5,315 feet deep
    $2000 27
3 consonants the same happens twice in this word for just lying around doing nothing
    $2000 22
The worst extinction event in Earth's history began during this period that came before the Triassic
    $2000 11
(Lawrence O'Donnell presents the clue.) Running mate Curtis LeMay, who talked breezily about nuclear war, derailed the campaign of this third-party segregationist who had looked like he'd seriously pull voters away from Nixon

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Doug Kian Sara
$12,600 $13,000 $19,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Italy's agromafia enriches itself through counterfeit versions of this "liquid gold" mentioned by Homer & Plato

Final scores:

Doug Kian Sara
$22,600 $14,000 $32,700
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $32,700

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Doug Kian Sara
$12,600 $11,600 $14,600
23 R,
5 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $38,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2018-07-24
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