Show #6769 - Thursday, February 6, 2014

Battle of the Decades: The 1980s game 4.


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Frank Spangenberg, a police officer from New York City, New York

Mark Lowenthal, an intelligence educator from Reston, Virginia

Phoebe Juel, an attorney from Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That should bring back some great memories.)
(Alex: You identify it for us.)
    $200 16
Home Depot offers more than 50 types of this 3-letter hardwood for solid flooring
    $200 1
They represented Los Angeles when Marcus Allen rushed them to Super Bowl victory in 1984
    $200 3
of Ulan Bator, Mongolia
    $200 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) I'm getting out some aggression & not hurting anyone using this form of solo training
    $200 18
Bach was a master on this church instrument, having walked 200 miles to learn its secrets from Dietrich Buxtehude
    $200 8
This "lord of the" British novelists was knighted in 1988
    $400 17
(Alex delivers the clue from the deck of the USS Iowa in San Pedro, CA.) The upper decks of World War II Iowa-class battleships were covered in this hard Asian wood, some of it still in place after 70 years; it's the kind of wood you find on expensive yachts
    $400 2
2014 Baseball Hall of Fame inductee Bobby Cox managed this team to 2,504 wins
    $400 4
of Nairobi, Kenya
    $400 27
Before the electric refrigerator became common, hungry folks would raid this
    $400 20
For a while, Bach had to produce a cantata a week; "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" was for this spring Sunday
    $400 9
This banker brought his son-in-law Samuel Sachs into the business in 1882
    $600 19
The AKC's standard says the color of an Irish Setter should be chestnut red or the reddish brown of this wood
    $600 13
This team began play in 1995 & acquired its first superstar, Vince Carter, in 1998
    DD: $1,000 5
of Sofia, Bulgaria
    $600 28
A format for presenting movies on TV while maintaining the rectangular theatrical image
    $600 21
20 kids of his own weren't enough--for 27 years Bach supervised boy singers as this "master" in Leipzig
    $600 10
In 2013 this Arizona first baseman led the National League with 125 runs batted in
    $800 22
Thor Heyerdahl's raft Kon-Tiki was made of this extremely lightweight wood
    $800 14
They prowl the ice as the NHL's southernmost team
    $800 6
of Quito, Ecuador
    $800 29
In 1997 this British brand parked in the Mattel family garage
    $800 23
Bach was a master of this art of combining melodic lines, a term also found in an Aldous Huxley title
    $800 11
Author of "The Conscience of a Conservative" seen here
    $1000 25
This tree, S. album, has fragrant wood from which an aromatic oil is distilled & used in soaps, candles & incense
    $1000 15
The left field fence in their home park is 310 feet from the plate & 37 feet high
    $1000 7
of Luanda, Angola
    $1000 30
Red Smith & Frank Deford are giants of this place
    $1000 24
Bach tinkered around & produced sets of "two-part" & "three-part" these for harpsichord
    $1000 12
This composer was nominated for 18 Oscars; his only win was for "The Omen"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Phoebe Mark Frank
$1,400 $5,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phoebe Mark Frank
$3,400 $6,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And yes, you have to spell it out.)
    $400 3
As a lieutenant of engineers in the late 1830s, he supervised the engineering work for the harbor in St. Louis
    $400 16
A part of the psyche that resides in the unconscious
    $400 17
Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow dealt with an atheist's objection to these 2 Pledge of Allegiance words
    $400 26
"Yes, I'm let loose from the noose"
    $400 2
During the Hundred Years' War, this "Canterbury Tales" author was taken prisoner near Reims, France & held for ransom
    $400 10
Fewer than 1,000 remain in the wild of the Ugandan or Rothschild's type of this animal that looks down on us
    $800 6
Known for his scorched earth policy, this Union general worked as a banker & lawyer before the war
    $800 22
Olde-time pronoun used nominatively for the second person singular
    $800 18
As you see, he didn't use a scooter to get to court when he was convicted in 2007
    $800 27
"I'm just mad about Saffron"
    $800 4
Antiwar poet Wilfred Owen was killed in action one week before the end of this war
    $800 11
Used by Native Americans of Washington & Oregon, the Cayuse breed of this has become rare
    $1200 7
Later a historical novelist, he presided over the court martial of the Lincoln conspirators
    $1200 23
A British interjection, or a genre of skinhead rock
    $1200 19
In 2013 a court ruled that Dannielynn Birkhead, child of this late model, was owed $49 million
    $1200 28
Roy Orbison:
"know the heartaches I've been through"
    $1200 1
Given name Edward, he became poet laureate in 1984
    $1200 12
Breeding programs have rescued the once-rarest of bats, the Rodrigues type of this
    DD: $2,000 8
A Texas fort is named for this confederate general who led the Texas Brigade of the army of northern Virginia
    $1600 24
This animal is vowel-perfect
    DD: $2,500 20
Defense witnesses in this comedian's 1964 obscenity trial included game show panelist Dorothy Kilgallen
    $1600 29
Shirley Ellis:
"Shirley! Shirley Shirley bo birley, bonana fanna fo firley"
    $1600 5
The lover's plea "To His Coy Mistress" is this 17th century poet's best-remembered work
    $1600 13
Zimbabwe's terrible economy spurred the poaching of the black type of this animal for its horns
    $2000 9
General Winfield Scott was so old that this other noted Civil War general was named for him
    $2000 25
Scrabble players loooooove this basaltic lava
    $2000 21
In 2013 District Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled this 2-verb NYPD practice unconstitutional
    $2000 30
The Beatles:
"Tell me, tell me, tell me the answer you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer"
    $2000 15
Byron based "The Prisoner of" here on Francois Bonivard, a Genevan patriot who was jailed for his beliefs
    $2000 14
The vaquita, the smallest of this order of mammals, is getting rarer; it's often caught in fishing nets

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phoebe Mark Frank
$17,100 $10,400 $14,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Once a poor British protectorate, in 2012 this peninsular country ranked as the world's richest per capita

Final scores:

Phoebe Mark Frank
$2,100 $9,000 $7,199
3rd place: $5,000 Quarterfinalist 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Phoebe Mark Frank
$15,800 $10,000 $14,000
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2013-12-17
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