Show #5505 - Friday, July 11, 2008

Aaron Schroeder game 6.


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Carolyn D'Aquila, a graduate student originally from Derry, New Hampshire

Joan Gardiner, an English department chairperson from Joppa, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $24,000)

Aaron Schroeder, a graduate student originally from Washington, D.C. (whose 5-day cash winnings total $127,902)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
For most of 1871, he was Marshal of Abilene, Kansas, one of the wildest towns in the Wild West
    $200 26
Before "Survivor", he traveled more than 300,000 miles as an "Access Hollywood" correspondent
    $200 1
    $200 6
It's a canine cure for a hangover
    $200 11
This American organization undertook its first disaster relief in 1881, aiding victims of a forest fire
    $200 20
Decca Records rejected signing this band in 1962, saying, "we don't like their sound" & guitars are on the way out
    DD: $400 17
This Mass. man is remembered for introducing a certain pear to the U.S. in the 1800s; he named it for himself
    $400 27
He put together a band that was initially called the New Yardbirds; the band later got a new name--Led Zeppelin
    $400 2
    $400 7
We need to have an open & honest conversation so "let's talk" this bird
    $400 12
Bill Novelli is the CEO of this organization for those 50 & older
    $400 21
This prez' second inaugural address was the shortest in history, only about 30 seconds long, possibly due to bad teeth
    $600 18
When the Paris stock exchange crashed in 1883, Paul Gauguin lost this day job, which changed his life
    $600 28
He played Duke Washburn, Curly's twin brother, in "City Slickers II"
    $600 3
    $600 8
Beastly "bounce" in stock prices that's a brief & insignificant recovery after a steep decline
    $600 13
George H.W. Bush, a "big shot" in this organization, resigned from it in May 1995
    $600 22
"Hemp for victory" was a U.S. government slogan to urge farmers to help win this war
    $800 19
Before he was king, William II of the Netherlands commanded the Dutch troops in this June 18, 1815 battle
    $800 29
In "Goodfellas", this actor memorably said, "I'm funny how... I'm funny like a clown, I amuse you?"
    $800 4
    $800 9
It's any crudely operated tribunal that makes a fair trial impossible
    $800 14
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Abu Simbel in Egypt.) In the 1960s this U.N. organization raised the temples of Abu Simbel up out of the way of flooding caused when the Aswan High Dam was built
    $800 23
There are about 4,000 species of mammals, 8,700 species of birds & 1 million known species of these creatures
    $1000 25
In 1849 this "fishy" guy who would later be on the $10,000 bill was elected to the U.S. Senate
    $1000 30
(Jon of the Clue Crew doesn't fret at all.) This man who revolutionized bass playing with the group Weather Report made his own fretless bass by pulling out the frets & filling in the grooves
    $1000 5
    $1000 10
It's the type of fixture seen here
    $1000 15
Founded in 1913, this organization fights the USA's second-leading cause of death
    $1000 24
In 2002 the Hormel corporation produced its 6 billionth can of this foodstuff

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aaron Joan Carolyn
$4,600 $400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Joan Carolyn
$6,000 $2,800 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the park, you name the state.)
    $400 19
We think this "Nutcracker" composer took his time on his 2nd symphony, though it turned out a "Little Russian"
    $400 5
They're the 2 actors who won Oscars for playing Vito Corleone
    $400 10
The Rathskeller at Ky.'s Seelbach Hilton boasts a tooled leather ceiling decorated with the 12 signs of this
    $400 4
Pocahontas State Park
    $400 1
Britomart, the female knight of chastity, is one of the characters symbolizing this queen in "The Faerie Queene"
    $400 24
In the classic proverb, these "think alike"
    $800 20
You might call this great German composer "The Lord of the Ring (Cycle)"
    $800 6
She's had 5 Oscar-nominated roles: Gloria Wandrous, Martha, Susanna Drake, Maggie Pollitt & Catherine Holly
    $800 11
This big rodent represents industry & activity on Toronto's coat of arms
    $800 15
Waimea Canyon State Park
    $800 2
Isabelle in "This Side of Paradise" is one of several heroines inspired by his college girlfriend Ginevra King
    $800 25
Stuart Gorrell wrote the lyrics & Hoagy Carmichael the music to this state song
    $1200 21
His "Rigoletto" contains the aria "La Donna e Mobile"
    DD: $2,000 7
These brothers won Oscars for writing, directing & producing the "Best Picture" of 2007
    $1200 12
Symbols of the goddess Hecate, a star & one of these, were seen on Byzantine coins & later adopted by the Turks
    $1200 16
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park
    $1200 3
The curator of the Lahore museum in "Kim" is based on this author's father, who actually held that post
    $1200 26
If you're legally non compos mentis, you're "not of" this
    $1600 22
His remains were sealed into a cliff projecting over a fjord near Troldhaugen, his home
    $1600 8
The 3 hour & 46 minute awards telecast in 1998 was 30 minutes longer than this, its Best Picture winner
    $1600 13
In heraldry, a double quatrefoil, which has this many leaves, actually represents a ninth son
    DD: $2,500 17
Cherokee Landing State Park
    $1600 29
Carol Matthau (Walter's wife) claimed that she was the inspiration for this Truman Capote heroine
    $1600 27
A criminal genius, or a popular British game show
    $2000 23
This composer made his last appearance as a conductor in 1900, leading the Czech Philharmonic in Prague
    $2000 9
In 1979 honorary Oscars went to Laurence Olivier & this creator of Woody Woodpecker
    $2000 14
This fabled eagle hybrid became a symbol of Jesus' dual nature because of its mastery of earth & sky
    $2000 18
Fort Necessity State Park, now a part of the Fort Necessity National Battlefield
    $2000 30
Grace Brown, who was killed at Big Moose Lake, inspired Roberta Alden, who drowns in his "An American Tragedy"
    $2000 28
In 1987 critic Allan Bloom wrote a bestseller about "The Closing of" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Joan Carolyn
$16,900 $9,200 $19,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

For nearly 30 years, California's Catalina Island was the spring training camp for this non-California Major League team

Final scores:

Aaron Joan Carolyn
$3,800 $0 $4,999
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $4,999

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Aaron Joan Carolyn
$16,000 $9,200 $18,600
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-03-26
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