Show #3886 - Monday, June 25, 2001

Lan Djang game 4.


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Kris Springer, a children's librarian from Brighton, Massachusetts

Gary Rewerts, a geological exploration technician from Houston, Texas

Lan Djang, a business analyst from Toronto, Ontario (whose 3-day cash winnings total $27,300)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
    $100 22
In books, she does her sleuthing with the help of pals Bess & George
    $100 1
Alone it's a James Caan flick; it's also found before "of Hearts" & "of Baghdad"
    $100 5
Oscar Wilde wrote in "Lady Windermere's Fan", "I can resist anything except" this
    $100 18
We were not amused by his role as Genghis Khan, but for Rooster Cogburn, we honor this "Duke"
    $100 7
A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others
    $200 13
    $200 23
This famous daughter & singer made her national TV debut with dad & Elvis in 1959
    $200 2
Andrew Kevin Walker wrote & played a dead man in this movie about a killer using the deadly sins as his M.O.
    $200 14
In a 1789 letter to Jean Baptiste Le Roy, this American said, "But in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes"
    $200 19
For exploits superior as a N.Y. Knicks guard, we ennoble this man, also known as "The Pearl"
    $200 8
The process of developing human musculature especially for competitive exhibition
    $300 28
    $300 24
Seen here, he's Nancy's sidekick
    $300 3
Julie London copes with a jealous husband in 1959's "A Question of" this Biblical sin
    $300 15
Fred Allen quipped that this doctor "Is the next man you start talking to after you start talking to yourself"
    $300 20
For playing a Hawaiian cop for 12 years & keeping his hair in perfect form the entire time, we dub thee...
    $300 9
To ride the waves to shore without a board
    $400 29
    $400 25
She played Tony's mom, Livia Soprano
    $400 4
The Bob Hope film "Nothing But the Truth" has the same premise as this Jim Carrey vehicle with a repetitive name
    $400 16
In "To A Louse" he wrote, "O wad some power the giftie gie us, to see our sels as ithers see us!"
    $400 21
We were moved by Diana Ross in Billie Holiday's film bio & reaffirm this nickname of Billie's
    $400 10
One whose interests center on his dwelling place
    $500 30
    $500 26
Nancy Travis was the mom of the title tot in this 1987 film in which a trio of bachelors take on fatherhood
    $500 6
1990's "Henry: Portrait of" one of these was loosely based on the notorious Henry Lee Lucas
    $500 17
Longfellow line that precedes "And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm"
    $500 27
Governor of California from 1949 to 1953 & a Supreme Court Chief Justice, we confer on him the title of....
    DD: $800 11
A substance produced in the blood in response to a specific toxin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Lan Gary Kris
$700 $2,000 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lan Gary Kris
$3,300 $3,200 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1850 this religious leader became the first governor of the Utah territory
    $200 2
In titles of TV series, it followed "Grandpa Goes to..." & "Mr. Smith Goes to..."
    $200 15
In 1947 future feminist firebrand Betty Goldstein married a man named this
    $200 11
I long for the days when this pyramid-shaped hotel featured a Nile River cruise through its lobby
    $200 16
Its area equals pi r (squared)
    $200 25
Former Van Halen lead singer who became a comic strip Viking
    $400 7
He began selling his first gum brands, Lotta & Vassar in 1892; Juicy Fruit came a year later
    $400 3
This movie cowboy's '50s TV series was so popular that his horse Champion got his own series, too
    $400 12
Vegas said "Adios" to the Hacienda Casino in 1996, imploding it on this holiday eve
    $400 19
Its area equals one of its sides times itself
    $400 28
Proverbial biblical skeptic who invented many things as "The Wizard of Menlo Park"
    $600 8
At the 1851 World's Fair in London, he won a medal for his "American Daguerreotypes"
    $600 4
"Sigmund and the Sea Monsters" starred Johnny Whitaker, who had played Jody on this sitcom
    DD: $300 27
This wealthy future Senate candidate wed Arianna Stassinopoulos in 1986
    $600 13
This blonde actress' hotel-casino & movie museum were sold in 1998 to the World Wrestling Federation
    $600 17
Its area equals half of the product of the base times the height
    $600 26
Cole Porter's "Shakespearean" musical starring the actress who played "Star Trek" captain Janeway
    $800 9
His ballad "Beautiful Dreamer" wasn't published until after his death
    DD: $1,500 5
This author introduced the first episode of the epic 1978 miniseries "Centennial"
    $800 22
In 1914 she married her cousin Bror
    $800 14
The El Rancho Hotel demolished in 2000 was originally known as this "bird", like a Ford model
    $800 18
Seen here, its area equals the product of the base times the height
    $800 23
Famous phrase attributed to Horace Greeley that's a musical about Don Quixote
    $1000 10
His 1830 poem "Old Ironsides" helped save the U.S.S. Constitution from destruction
    $1000 6
Teresa Graves starred as a sexy black policewoman on the '70s series called "Get" her!
    $1000 21
The Club Bingo went bye-bye back in '52 when this desert-named hotel replaced it
    $1000 20
Seen here, its area equals half the sum of the parallel sides multiplied by the height
    $1000 24
First U.S. woman to win 3 golds in Olympic track who "had a very shiny nose"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lan Gary Kris
$7,000 $7,500 $3,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

These title characters of a classic operatic work are a bunch of mythical dwarves

Final scores:

Lan Gary Kris
$13,000 $999 $1
4-day champion: $40,300 2nd place: a trip to La Costa Resort & Spa, San Diego 3rd place: a Fisher Sound Stage home theater system

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lan Gary Kris
$7,300 $6,500 $3,900
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
12 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-03-06
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