As well as enforcing the rules, this person on the field is the time keeper |
Dude, I left my car in a no-parking zone, and it got launched with the Discovery, one of these spacecraft |
Space Shuttle
Scalding water & acids are common causes of this injury that comes in first, second & third degrees |
It's 54.9 rounded to the nearest 10 |
In books it's the nickname of boy detective Leroy Brown |
(Allyson: What is Bad, Bad Leroy Brown?)
Among the human-eating creatures of mythology was the Minotaur, who was part man, part this creature |
(Lauren: What is goat?)
Peter Handke wrote a novel called this positions's "Fear of the Penalty Kick" |
Druid, some joker took my car to this ancient monument |
Don't tilt the head back to stop one of these--blood may collect in the stomach & nauseate the victim |
The price of a $100 hat becomes this after it's been discounted by 15% |
This piece of equipment fits around the ankle bone & ends under the knee |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
shin pad (shin guard)
Check it out--my car is on a dude's head at this South Dakota landmark, begun in 1927 |
Mount Rushmore
The universal distress signal for this emergency is illustrated here |
The 4 angles in a square add up to this many degrees |
It's the city where you'll find the monument seen here |
(Alex: That's right, with a minute to go.)
Washington, D.C.
Like Sagittarius, the Chinese god Yi was an expert with this weapon |
bow & arrow
Dude, I said I wanted to go to the Golden Arches, not the arch in this city, seen here |
(Nick: What is Michigan?) (Allyson: Uh, what is Minneapolis?)
St. Louis
The 2 main types of fracture are simple & this more serious type |
(Allyson: What are complex?) (Lauren: What is break?)
It's the square root of the square root of 16 |
Milton Bradley "says" this game of lights & sounds is the "ultimate brain battle" |
(Nick: What is Battleship?) (Allyson: What is Simon Says?) [Allyson's response was at first accepted as correct.] (Alex [prior to the FJ! round] Because I don't know the difference between the games [*] and Simon Says. I thought it was the same thing, and she was incorrect, because she responded, "What is Simon Says?")
In an Incan version of the flood story this wooly beast of burden tells a farmer to go to higher ground |
(Lauren: What is a buffalo?) ... (Alex: It was a [*]. Smart [*], too. Get to higher ground. It's wet.)
I totally recognize this Italian place seen here; it could seat 50,000--& a cool automobile |
the Colosseum
After a severe injury, confused behavior is a sign of this, defined as inadequate blood flow to the vital organs |
If it's 5 miles to the train station & 25 miles by train to the city, it's this many miles total for the round trip |
The largest constellation, this "water serpent" spans nearly a quarter of the sky |
(Allyson: Who is Draco?)