Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (17 results returned)

#8523, aired 2021-12-01PULITZER PRIZE WINNERS $800: Julia Keller won for her feature about the devastation of the town of Utica, Illinois in 10 seconds by one of these a tornado
#7986, aired 2019-05-06INITIALLY YOURS $400: In 1879 he founded his first 5-cent stores in Utica, New York & Lancaster, Penn.; the price ceiling was later raised to a dime F.W. Woolworth
#7800, aired 2018-07-06U.S. GEOGRAPHY $2000: Rome & this city, whose name was drawn from a hat, form a metropolitan area in New York state Utica
#7087, aired 2015-06-09COLLEGE KNOWLEDGE $2000: In 1946 this N.Y. university founded Utica College, which became independent in 1995 Syracuse University
#6746, aired 2014-01-06"U". "S". CITIES $1000: Seat of Oneida County, between Albany & Buffalo Utica
#6693, aired 2013-10-23AT THE TRACK $400: The tracks of these mountains' "Scenic Railroad" run from Utica, New York to Lake Placid the Adirondacks
#5703, aired 2009-05-27STATES' GEOGRAPHIC CENTERS $800: 12 miles south of Oneida & 26 miles southwest of Utica New York
#5344, aired 2007-11-29YOU'RE GOING TO WIN A PULITZER! $400: Julia Keller won in 2005 for her reporting on a 10-second event: the destruction of Utica, Illinois by this tornado
#4485, aired 2004-02-2019th CENTURY AMERICA $1200: On October 22, 1819 the first boat travelled on this canal, from Rome to Utica, New York the Erie Canal
#3263, aired 1998-11-11COLONIES $500: By 700 B.C. these people had established Mediterranean colonies at Utica & Carthage the Phoenicians
#3159, aired 1998-04-30PINPOINTS ON THE MAP $800: Utica in this state chose its name in 1798 by drawing it out of a hat New York
#2953, aired 1997-06-04U.S. GEOGRAPHY $500: Chief cities on the banks of this Hudson River tributary include Rome, Utica & Schenectady Mohawk River
#2894, aired 1997-03-13COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $800: Utica College is affiliated with this university in upstate New York Syracuse University
#1926, aired 1993-01-11BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $200: In 1879 this retailer opened the 1st of his variety stores, the Great Five Cent Store, in Utica, New York Woolworth
#748, aired 1987-12-02BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $200: When he opened his 1st store in Utica, N.Y., in 1879, nothing cost more than 5¢ Woolworth
#7, aired 1984-09-18BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $100: Utica, NY was the site of his first 5 & 10¢ store Woolworth
#2, aired 1984-09-11TRANSPORTATION $500: Changing lines, you could have at one time ridden these from Freeport, IL to Utica, NY streetcars

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (3 results returned)

Peter Latouf, a state fair coordinator from Utica, Michigan Season 25 player (2009-04-24). Jeopardy! Message Board user name: WallsofJericho
Matt Pearson, a senior from Utica, Michigan 1989 Teen Tournament semifinalist: $5,000.
Charlie Brown, an attorney from Utica, New York Season 5 1-time champion: $15,601.

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