Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8793, aired 2023-01-25HOW DO I GET THERE? $600: This river: Head to southern Idaho & enjoy Twin Falls but don't try to jump it like Evel Knievel & Eddie Braun (Eddie did make it in 2016) the Snake River
#7522, aired 2017-05-02U.S. GEOGRAPHY $1000: Waterfalls on this river include Shoshone Falls & Twin Falls the Snake River
#6598, aired 2013-05-01TRAVEL & TOURISM $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew stands overlooking a waterfall.) I'm in this state, known for spectacular scenery such as waterfalls; Shoshone Falls, near Twin Falls, is 20 feet higher than Niagara Idaho
#6564, aired 2013-03-14NORTH AMERICAN RIVERS $1200: (Sarah of The Clue Crew reports from Twin Falls, ID.) The Perrine Bridge near Twin Falls, Idaho is the only U.S. bridge from which so-called base jumpers can legally parachute without a permit into this river below. the Snake River
#6361, aired 2012-04-23WATERFALLS $400: On the Snake River, it once was a pair of waterfalls (thus its name), but one no longer flows because of a dam Twin Falls
#5355, aired 2007-12-14A SNAKEY CATEGORY $1200: Twin Falls on the Snake River give this state's city of Twin Falls its name Idaho
#4203, aired 2002-12-04COUNTIES $2000: Counties in this state include Jefferson, Shoshone & Twin Falls Idaho
#1750, aired 1992-03-20U.S. GEOGRAPHY $300: Twin Falls is in Idaho & Great Falls is in this neighboring state Montana
#1527, aired 1991-04-02THE 50 STATES $400: Great Falls is in Montana while Twin Falls is in this neighboring state Idaho

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (3 results returned)

Jennifer Hills, a librarian from Twin Falls, Idaho Season 28 player (2011-12-14).
Diane Fouts, an editor and typist originally from Twin Falls, Idaho Season 5 player (1989-04-20).
Ken Stokes, a marketing consultant originally from Twin Falls, Idaho Season 12 player (1996-04-25).

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