Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (39 results returned)

#8970, aired 2023-11-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: The tebenna, an Etruscan mantle, evolved into this garment perhaps worn most strikingly by John Belushi a toga
#8970, aired 2023-11-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $800: This material meaning "baked earth" was used for buildings as well as sculpture, like the head seen here terracotta
#8970, aired 2023-11-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1600: Oscar Mayer could tell you that this is the city the Etruscans called Felsina Bologna
#8970, aired 2023-11-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $2000: In the 400s B.C. this scholar of Halicarnassus opined that the Etruscans originally migrated to Italy from Lydia in Asia Minor Herodotus
#8970, aired 2023-11-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $2,200 (Daily Double): The wolf in the Capitoline Wolf's statue may be Etruscan; these two babies she's suckling were added later Romulus & Remus
#8602, aired 2022-03-22THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: The Etruscan 20-letter language went out of use owing to the spread of this language that used 23 letters Latin
#8602, aired 2022-03-22THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $800: A messenger & an intermediary between the gods & man, the Etruscan god, Turms, was equivalent to this Greek god Hermes
#8602, aired 2022-03-22THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1200: The Etruscans' religious use of fowls for divination led to this clavicular way for determining fate pulling a wishbone
#8602, aired 2022-03-22THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1600: The Etruscan League was a dodecapolis, consisting of this many main cities 12
#8602, aired 2022-03-22THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $2000: The Etruscans lived from the Tiber River in the south to this 150-mile river of Florence in the north the Arno
#7763, aired 2018-05-16THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $200: By the 600s B.C. the Etruscans were more advanced than these neighbors who eventually absorbed them Romans
#7763, aired 2018-05-16THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: The Etruscan custom of staging fights to the death at funerals led to the arena combats of these fighters gladiators
#7763, aired 2018-05-16THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $800: Etruscans gave the world the Tuscan order of architecture, most like this one that uses simple & austere columns Doric
#7763, aired 2018-05-16THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1,000 (Daily Double): The Etruscans mainly lived between the Arno River & this historic river farther south the Tiber
#7763, aired 2018-05-16THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1000: Like a certain Greek divinity, Tinia wielded this, a discharge of lightning thunderbolt
#7362, aired 2016-09-20ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $1200: The terracotta Sarcophagus of the Spouses reclines at Rome's National Museum of these darn ancient people Etruscans
#6182, aired 2011-06-28LA CATEGORIE JEOPARDY! $1000: Ces fichus Etrusques THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS
#6058, aired 2011-01-05IT'S NOT TV, IT'S "HBO" $1600: Those darn Etruscans were said to use this chicken part to tell their fortune; wasn't so lucky for the chicken the wishbone
#5496, aired 2008-06-30THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $200: To see the Monteleone chariot made by those darn Etruscans, head for this 5th Avenue museum the Metropolitan Museum
#5496, aired 2008-06-30THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: Let's "sea"--Nethuns was the Etruscan equivalent of this Roman god Neptune
#5496, aired 2008-06-30THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $600: Maecenas, a leading adviser to this first Roman emperor, was descended from Etruscan rulers Augustus
#5496, aired 2008-06-30THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $800: Artsy Etruscans enjoyed working with this type of clay whose name is Italian for "baked earth" terra cotta
#5496, aired 2008-06-30THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1,400 (Daily Double): The Etruscans mined iron on this island centuries before Napoleon was exiled there Elba
#4085, aired 2002-05-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $200: The Tebenna, an Etruscan mantle, evolved into this garment perhaps worn most strikingly by John Belushi a toga
#4085, aired 2002-05-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: Oscar Mayer could tell you that this is the city the Etruscans called Felsina Bologna
#4085, aired 2002-05-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $600: Along with the Borgia apartments, the Etruscan Museum is one of the top attractions in this 109-acre country the Vatican City
#4085, aired 2002-05-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $800: The wolf in the Capitoline Wolf statue may be Etruscan; these 2 babies she's suckling were added around 1509 Romulus & Remus
#4085, aired 2002-05-10THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $1000: A 1927 visit to Etruscan sites inspired this author of "The Plumed Serpent" to write "Etruscan Places" D.H. Lawrence
#2604, aired 1995-12-21FASHION HISTORY $200: This ancient Roman garment developed from the tebenna, a cloak worn by those darn Etruscans a toga
#2427, aired 1995-03-07ANCIENT TIMES $200: These darn people of ancient Etruria called themselves Rasna or Rasena Etruscans
#2397, aired 1995-01-24THE ROMAN EMPIRE $400: 3 early kings of Rome, including Tarquin the Proud, belonged to these darn people the Etruscans
#1997, aired 1993-04-20JEWELRY IN HISTORY $100: Those darn Etruscans were noted for decorating pins with tiny grains of this metal gold
#1643, aired 1991-10-23SCULPTURE $400: Those darn Etruscans were noted for their supine terra-cotta figures on the lids of these coffins
#1168, aired 1989-10-04JEOPARDY! CATEGORIES $300: So far we've only done 1 category about those darn people of ancient Eturia ancient Etruscans
#510, aired 1986-11-21THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $100: Etruscans did this by gazing into sheep entrails, not crystal balls divine the future
#510, aired 1986-11-21THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $200: Since Romans called them "Tusci", the part of Italy where Etruscans lived now has this name Tuscany
#510, aired 1986-11-21THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $300: One of the few existing Etruscan manuscripts was found on the linen strips wrapped around 1 of these mummy
#510, aired 1986-11-21THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $400: '60s TV series which once used the expression, "Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods!!" Batman
#510, aired 1986-11-21THOSE DARN ETRUSCANS $500: Fufluns was the Etruscan counterpart of this Greco-Roman god of grape guzzling Dionysus

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