Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (7 results returned)

#9032, aired 2024-02-06IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! $1200: In a Shrike Commander, Bob Hoover perfected a routine of aerobatics, landing & taxiing all deadstick, i.e. this he had no engine power at all
#8170, aired 2020-02-28MONSTERS INK $400: In "the Hyperion Cantos", the shrike impales victims on a tree of thorns like the real-life shrike, this kind of creature a bird
#4748, aired 2005-04-06AS YOU "IKE" IT $2000: Oscine predator seen here a shrike
#4029, aired 2002-02-21YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK $400: The winner of this drama prize for 1952, between "South Pacific" & "Picnic", was Joseph Kramm's "The Shrike" Pulitzer
#3567, aired 2000-02-22AFRICAN CREATURES $400: The African bush shrike is a species of this Bird
#2680, aired 1996-04-05ANIMALS $200: Like the falcon or hawk, the shrike is classified as a bird of this Prey
#909, aired 1988-07-14MILITARY AIRCRAFT $800: The 1931 Curtiss "Shrike" was 1st U.S. military plane with these on wings to reduce landing speed flaps

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