Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (34 results returned)

#8645, aired 2022-05-20WHAT COLLEGE $800: Seven Sisters school, the pride of Poughkeepsie Vassar
#8294, aired 2020-12-03NEW YORK CITIES' NICKNAMES $400: Poughkeepsie is "The Queen City of" this river the Hudson
#8214, aired 2020-04-30COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY ORIGINS $800: One of the Seven Sisters, this Poughkeepsie college was founded in 1861 but didn't open until 1865 Vassar
#8154, aired 2020-02-06THE NEW SCHOOL $200: In the 1960s Marist College in Poughkeepsie began admitting them, just as nearby Vassar stopped admitting only them women
#6648, aired 2013-07-10THIS & THAT $1200: This Poughkeepsie college was founded in 1861, but the Civil War delayed its opening until 1865 Vassar
#5746, aired 2009-09-14STATES' FORMER CAPITALS $800: Poughkeepsie New York
#5599, aired 2009-01-01AMERICAN GRADUATORS $400: This Poughkeepsie, N.Y. graduator was the first of the "7 Sisters" to go co-ed--in 1969, too late for me, darn it! Vassar
#5486, aired 2008-06-16COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $400: This Poughkeepsie school was the first of the seven sisters to be coeducational Vassar
#5463, aired 2008-05-14BREWERS, BUCKS & PACKERS $1000: In 1861 a brewer with this last name gave $408,000 to the trustees at a Poughkeepsie women's college Vassar
#5285, aired 2007-07-27AROUND NEW YORK STATE $1000: This liberal arts college that went co-ed in 1969 is located in Poughkeepsie Vassar (College)
#5154, aired 2007-01-25MATT-ICULOUS $1000: A successful brewer, Matthew Vassar opened his namesake college for women in 1861 in this N.Y. city Poughkeepsie
#4960, aired 2006-03-17COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $400: In 1865 this school in Poughkeepsie became the first women's college in the U.S. to have facilities equal to the men's schools Vassar
#4857, aired 2005-10-25SPEECH! SPEECH! $1000: In 1848, in this New York town, Elizabeth Cady Stanton said, "The right is ours. Have it, we must. Use it, we will" Seneca Falls
#4854, aired 2005-10-20THE GENE HACKMAN POOL $1200: This 1971 flick had Gene inquiring about feet-picking in Poughkeepsie The French Connection
#4648, aired 2004-11-17WHEN THEY WERE IN COLLEGE $1000: Meryl Streep starred in a campus production of “Miss Julie” as an undergrad at this Poughkeepsie college Vassar
#4594, aired 2004-07-22FORMER CAPITALS $400: This state didn't keepsie Poughkeepsie as its capital for very long New York
#3919, aired 2001-09-20CHARITY BEGINS WITH BEER $400: Money from the golden nectar was used to start this women's liberal arts college in Poughkeepsie, New York Vassar
#3729, aired 2000-11-16COLLEGE HODGEPODGE $500: Founded in 1861, this Poughkeepsie school became the first of the Seven Sisters to go co-ed, with 40 WWII veterans Vassar College
#3634, aired 2000-05-25COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $400: This Poughkeepsie, New York school was the first of the Seven Sisters to be coeducational Vassar
#3295, aired 1998-12-25SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY $600: In 1980 William F. Buckley told off students at this Poughkeepsie school who disinvited him to commencement Vassar
#3240, aired 1998-10-09THE 50 STATES $400: During the Revolutionary War, Poughkeepsie was the temporary capital of this state New York
#3178, aired 1998-05-27TO GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE WE GO $400: Grandma still has the diaries she wrote at this Poughkeepsie school before it went co-ed Vassar
#2862, aired 1997-01-28COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $2,500 (Daily Double): The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at this college in Poughkeepsie has prints by Rembrandt Vassar College
#2690, aired 1996-04-19COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $1,500 (Daily Double): This Poughkeepsie, N.Y. college is the only coeducational member of the Seven Sisters colleges Vassar
#2643, aired 1996-02-14COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $1000: The main building at this Poughkeepsie college was based on the Tuileries Vassar
#2138, aired 1993-12-15U.S. CITIES $1000: The Smith Brothers made their first cough drops in this city that's now the home of Vassar Poughkeepsie
#2101, aired 1993-10-25EDUCATION $800: This Poughkeepsie, N.Y. school built an observatory for astronomer Maria Mitchell in 1864 Vassar
#1785, aired 1992-05-08POETS $800: Edna St. Vincent Millary graduated from this college in Poughkeepsie in 1917 Vassar
#1700, aired 1992-01-10BROTHERS $400: Bearded brothers William & Andrew first made this product in Poughkeepsie, New York about 1850 cough drops
#1660, aired 1991-11-15COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $200: In 1861 a Poughkeepsie, New York brewer founded this women's college; it's since become co-educational Vassar
#1629, aired 1991-10-03COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $1000: The year the Civil War began this college was founded in Poughkeepsie, New York Vassar
#1137, aired 1989-07-11U.S. CITIES $1000: The Smith brothers first made their cough drops in this N.Y. State city, home to Vassar Poughkeepsie
#746, aired 1987-11-30COLLEGES $600: Poughkeepsie, N.Y. brewer who, in 1861, donated the money to found a women's college Matthew Vassar
#127, aired 1985-03-05COLLEGES $600: In 1966, Yale invited this Poughkeepsie, NY women's school to merge with it Vassar

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (3 results returned)

Lisa Llanes-Simpson, a social worker and notary public from Poughkeepsie, New York Season 22 player (2006-07-14). Last name pronounced like "LANES-SIMP-son".
Les Muldorf, an endodontist from Poughkeepsie, New York Season 12 1-time champion: $11,401 + the Directions bedroom by Broyhill...
Peter Bedrossian, an academic counselor from Poughkeepsie, New York Season 7 1-time champion: $8,800. Last name pronounced like "bed-ROSE-ee-an".

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