Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (1000 results returned) (search results maxed out)

#9290, aired 2025-03-14IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK $1200: Hadrian's Wall might tell you about the boar symbol of the 20th this, one of the military units that built it (Roman) Legion
#9286, aired 2025-03-10AUSTRALIAN HISTORY $400: Australia's military commitment to this conflict peaked at more than 7,000 men in 1969 the Vietnam War
#9270, aired 2025-02-14ANAGRAMMED BIBLE PEOPLE $2000: Prophetess & military leader of pre-monarchic Israel: ORB HEAD Deborah
#9266, aired 2025-02-10BEFORE, DURING & AFTER $800: Nation's top lawyer & a poultry dish named for a mighty Chinese military man combine for some truly illegible handwriting Attorney General Tso's chicken scratch
#9259, aired 2025-01-30ASIAN HISTORY $800: During the Vietnam War, this Asian city was the headquarters of American military operations Saigon
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $200: Seen here is this TV host, a field radio operator in the 25th Marine Regiment from 1980 to 1986; his "Price" would grow in showbiz Drew Carey
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $400: Leaping away from the 101st Airborne, this '60s legend had enough experience to land on his feet as a guitarist (Jimi) Hendrix
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $600: Post-Marines, he enlisted at Juilliard before meeting "Girls" & living in the "House of (Maurizio) Gucci" Adam Driver
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $800: After serving 4 years in the 25th Infantry, he got into music, then put in his 20 (& still counting!) as a cop on NBC Ice-T
#9237, aired 2024-12-31MILITARY CELEBS $1000: A radar repairman in the Air Force in the '50s, he went off to "The Electric Company", an Oscar win & a ton of voiceovers Morgan Freeman
#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $400: It's the alliterative phrase for one who chooses to avoid compulsory military service illegally draft dodge(r)
#9224, aired 2024-12-12AMERICA BEFORE 1800 $1000: During the winter of 1778-79, this Prussian nobleman wrote a "Blue Book" of military regulations for American troops Baron von Steuben
#9223, aired 2024-12-11HISTORIC OBJECTS $800: A military museum in Vienna has the car in which this archduke & his wife were assassinated in 1914 Franz Ferdinand
#9219, aired 2024-12-05EPONYMS $400: This rubber rainwear was named after a British military hero said at one time to have worn something similar Wellies (Wellingtons)
#9219, aired 2024-12-05ENTERTAINMENT HYPHENATES $1,200 (Daily Double): "Global Offensive" is one title in this Valve video game shooter whose name refers to a type of military retaliation Counter-Strike
#9212, aired 2024-11-26PIGEON FACTS & LORE $1000: For saving nearly 200 World War I soldiers with a message, the pigeon Cher Ami was awarded this French military decoration the Croix de Guerre
#9199, aired 2024-11-07THINGS HAVE GONE OFF THE RAILS $1600: In this J.J. Abrams film, kids filming a zombie movie are interrupted by a fiery train crash, & then the military shows up Super 8
#9193, aired 2024-10-30SPEAKING REVERSIBLY $800: A minor dispute or tiff & a military bugle call spat & taps
#9189, aired 2024-10-24RANDOM BOOKS IN FICTION SERIES $600: 2017's "The Midnight Line" is Lee Child's 22nd book about this former military policeman who drifts across the U.S. solving crimes Jack Reacher
#9188, aired 2024-10-233 WORDS & A COMMA OR 2 $1000: It's the 3-word motto of the United States Military Academy Duty, honor, country
#9183, aired 2024-10-16HOLIDAYS & OBSERVANCES $800: August 7 honors recipients of this military medal first awarded by George Washington the Purple Heart
#9181, aired 2024-10-14OCTOBER IN HISTORY $400: Joining the House, a bipartisan Senate vote in October 2002 authorized the use of military force against this nation Iraq
#9178, aired 2024-10-09MEDIEVAL NOTABLES $800: This Castilian military man flipped sides & joined the Moors in the 1080s but flipped again & captured Moorish Valencia in 1094 El Cid
#9164, aired 2024-09-19TOUGH VOCAB $800: 3-syllable word for compulsory military enrollment; it can also mean a payment taken by a government during wartime conscription
#9153, aired 2024-07-24MEDALISTS IN PARIS $1000: Military medal ceremonies are often held in the courtyard of this complex that was begun to serve injured veterans Les Invalides
#9152, aired 2024-07-23THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT $1000: In Dec. 1894 this French captain was convicted of selling military secrets to Germany but after an uproar, got a pardon 5 years later Dreyfus
#9148, aired 2024-07-176-POURRI $400: Due to its brevity, the third Arab-Israeli military conflict is known as this the Six-Day War
#9134, aired 2024-06-27GETTING ARTY $800: This word meaning a display of artworks arranged within a particular space can also refer to a military base, or a job for a plumber an installation
#9124, aired 2024-06-13SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE $1200: In 1950 Truman had a "Plan" in selecting this military man as his Secretary of Defense; he needed help in preparing for the Korean War Marshall
#9121, aired 2024-06-10FIND "OUT" $400: This military command means to turn clockwise 180 degrees about face
#9119, aired 2024-06-06PLAYING WITH MOVIE DOLLS $600: Doll, action figure, whatever... this military guy got title billing & "Retaliation" in a 2013 film with Dwayne Johnson G.I. Joe
#9117, aired 2024-06-04IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS $800: This term for a stockpile of cash is more often applied to money to wage a political campaign than a military one a war chest
#9116, aired 2024-06-03STARTS WITH "J" $2000: With a name meaning "new soldier", this elite Ottoman corps ceased to be in 1826 after they rebelled against military changes Janissaries
#9115, aired 2024-05-31DID YOU STUDY THE "J" ARCHIVE? $1200: In 1949 Omar Bradley was chosen as the first chairman of this group of U.S. military advisers the Joint Chiefs of Staff
#9113, aired 2024-05-29WHITE HOUSE WEDDINGS $400: At her wedding to Nicholas Longworth in 1906, Alice Roosevelt cut the wedding cake by grabbing this from a military aide a sword
#31, aired 2024-05-15HISTORICAL CRISES $800: (George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) My new book "The Situation Room" recounts some tense moments in that White House room, like during the Bosnian War, when this woman asked Colin Powell, "What's the point of having this superb military if we can't use it?" Albright
#29, aired 2024-05-13THAT'S RIGHT, 16-LETTER WORDS $1200: A military attack undertaken in response to a prior attack by a foe counteroffensive
#9100, aired 2024-05-10TALKING HOT & COLD $4,800 (Daily Double): This military policy is described as a tactic in which you destroy everything that an enemy can use to wage war scorched earth
#28, aired 2024-05-10MADE YOU SAY IT $5,200 (Daily Double): Irony was likely not lost on Ike in 1961 when he warned of "grave implications" due to the rise of "this combination" the military-industrial complex
#26, aired 2024-05-08THEY DID BAD $1200: Plot E in a military cemetery in France holds 94 men who received this alliterative step from the U.S. Army, then execution dishonorable discharge
#9090, aired 2024-04-26BURIED AT ARLINGTON $800: Lieutenant Kara Hultgreen was this military branch's first female combat pilot & died flying an F-14 Tomcat the Navy
#9090, aired 2024-04-26JAPANESE CITIES $800: For more than a century, Kamakura served as the capital of Japan & as the seat of power of these military rulers Shoguns
#9088, aired 2024-04-24U.S. MILITARY ACTIONS $200: In 1816 U.S. forces invaded the Spanish part of what's now this U.S. state & destroyed a fort on the Apalachicola River Florida
#9088, aired 2024-04-24U.S. MILITARY ACTIONS $400: 1960s space heroes Neil Armstrong & John Glenn ("The MiG-Mad Marine") had both been combat flyers in this war Korea
#9088, aired 2024-04-24U.S. MILITARY ACTIONS $600: The 1847 storming of Chapultepec Castle near Mexico City inspired these first 5 words of the Marine Corps' famous hymn From the halls of Montezuma
#9088, aired 2024-04-24ENGINEERING MARVELS $800: Fearing a Japanese invasion, regiments of this military group built a 1,500-mile highway in Alaska & Canada in 8 months in 1942 the Army Corps of Engineers
#9088, aired 2024-04-24U.S. MILITARY ACTIONS $800: In 1974 the U.S. Navy evacuated Americans from this island after war broke out between Greek & Turkish factions Cyprus
#9088, aired 2024-04-24U.S. MILITARY ACTIONS $1000: In January 2024 the U.S. began striking targets of this rebel group in Yemen who were attacking Red Sea shipping the Houthis
#9086, aired 2024-04-22ZIMBABWE $1600: He served as Zimbabwe's prime minister & president for 37 years, resigning in 2017 after political & military pressure Mugabe
#9086, aired 2024-04-226-SYLLABLE WORDS $3,300 (Daily Double): 19th c. liberation fighter José de San Martín got about as high in the military as possible, named this of the republic of Peru the generalissimo
#9084, aired 2024-04-18AT THE START OF THE SPORT $800: Long said to have invented baseball, this military man didn't, but he was definitely at Fort Sumter when the first shots were fired Doubleday
#9084, aired 2024-04-18MEDALS & DECORATIONS $800: Luminaries who have received this oldest U.S. military award still presented include Rod Serling & Sgt. Stubby the dog the Purple Heart
#9084, aired 2024-04-18BOOKS IN HISTORY $800: Alfred Thayer Mahan changed military thinking with his 1890 work on this type of power that he said had made Britain dominant sea power (the Navy)
#9084, aired 2024-04-18PATIENCE $1000: Disappointed in March 1942, this military man said, "I shall return"; happier on Oct. 20, 1944, he said, "I have returned" MacArthur
#9080, aired 2024-04-12THAT'S SO CRINGE $1000: Anxious? Uncomfortable? You're this 3-word phrase that sounds like a sick military command ill at ease
#9075, aired 2024-04-0520th CENTURY LASTS $400: This type of military unit was increasingly put out to pasture; France's last charge by one was in Africa in 1941 cavalry
#9075, aired 2024-04-05IN THE PAST $600: Her son Jean Baptiste served as a military guide in the American West before his 1866 death Sacagawea
#9073, aired 2024-04-03HISTORIC REFUSALS $400: His birth name was Fernão; the king of his native Portugal refused him a reward for military service & said go sail for Spain Magellan
#9058, aired 2024-03-13THE CLOCK & THE CALENDAR $600: Fittingly given its name, the U.S. Navy began using this kind of time in 1920 & the Army in 1942 military time
#9057, aired 2024-03-12INVESTING & BUSINESS TERMS $800: A military order that keeps troops in the service, in investing, it orders a broker to sell if a stock price falls to a certain point stop-loss
#9057, aired 2024-03-12THE KNIGHTLY NEWS $2000: Jacques de Molay was the last grand master of this religious military order founded in the 1100s the Knights Templar
#9054, aired 2024-03-07BEFORE & AFTER $200: A venue for volleys & lobs where violators of military law are prosecuted a tennis court-martial
#9050, aired 2024-03-01GETTING SEAL-Y $800: This elite military unit took part in a raid in Abbottabad in the early hours of May 2, 2011 SEAL Team Six
#9046, aired 2024-02-26LET'S AUDIT A COLLEGE COURSE $1000: History 383 at this military college of South Carolina examined patterns of war to 1763 the Citadel
#9039, aired 2024-02-15DEALING WITH THINGS DIPLOMATICALLY $5,000 (Daily Double): The 6th century Peloponnesian League was a coalition of city-states led by this one big on the military Sparta
#9034, aired 2024-02-08MILITARY SLANG $200: Many in the military prefer "bird", not "chopper", for this type of transport helicopter
#9034, aired 2024-02-08MILITARY SLANG $400: A "bird boat" is one of these, like the U.S.S. Yorktown during World War II an aircraft carrier
#9034, aired 2024-02-08MILITARY SLANG $600: These days, an enlisted U.S. soldier is this 3-letter first name rather than G.I. a Joe
#9034, aired 2024-02-08MILITARY SLANG $800: This rifle accessory is a "cheese toaster" & takes its real name from a French town where it was once made bayonet
#9034, aired 2024-02-08MILITARY SLANG $1000: This title of a 2012 film is military slang for "so late it's early" Zero Dark Thirty
#9031, aired 2024-02-05HISTORICAL AMERICAN CURRENCY $200: It still had "Bay Colony" in its name when it issued America's first paper money in 1690 to help fund military expeditions Massachusetts
#9028, aired 2024-01-31SILENT H $3,200 (Daily Double): From the Dutch for "permission", it's a leave of absence granted to a member of the military a furlough
#9023, aired 2024-01-24WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER $600: The Uniform Code of Military Justice says a soldier who leaves his unit with no intention of coming back is guilty of this desertion
#9022, aired 2024-01-23GO IVth & RULE $1200: Yohannes IV, emperor of this African country, spent much of his 19th c. reign repelling military threats from Egypt & Italy Ethiopia
#9018, aired 2024-01-17AROUND THE GLOBE $1000: The British military enclave of Dhekelia lies near the U.N. buffer zone on this Mediterranean island Cyprus
#9017, aired 2024-01-16HALF A CATEGORY $1600: This armored military vehicle looks like a tank with front wheels a half-track
#9015, aired 2024-01-12UFOs $800: In 2019 memes sent hundreds into the desert to try to get a close encounter & "see them aliens" at this Nevada military facility Area 51
#1, aired 2024-01-12STOP! $800: In the 1960s the French military stopped using this fortified line of defense named for a war minister Maginot Line
#9011, aired 2024-01-08GET TO THE POINT $200: If you want to visit the United States Military Academy, head to 606 Thayer Road in this New York spot West Point
#9008, aired 2024-01-03MIL. ABBREV. $2000: MOS: It's what your job is military occupational specialty
#8997, aired 2023-12-19ALWAYS IN FASHION $800: Popularly associated with Ray-Ban, these were originally created to protect military pilots' eyes from glare Aviator sunglasses
#8991, aired 2023-12-11IT'S THE GENEVA CONVENTION $200: Article 1 of the 1864 first convention called for protection of military hospitals & these vehicles ambulances
#8987, aired 2023-12-05FROM DAWN 'TIL DUSK $400: You may feel one in the room, but we're talking about military conscription a draft
#8982, aired 2023-11-28THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY $800: You'll find this branch of the military under the DHS umbrella the Coast Guard
#8972, aired 2023-11-14OF "STAR"s $2000: It's estimated that during WWII, the European edition of this U.S. military newspaper topped a million in circulation Stars and Stripes
#8969, aired 2023-11-09OPERATION $1000: 1998 bombing of Iraqi military sites: ____ Fox Desert
#18, aired 2023-10-25FOODS NAMED AFTER PEOPLE $1200: Featuring fried chicken pieces in a sweet sauce, this Chinese takeout favorite is named after a 19th century military leader General Tso's chicken
#8957, aired 2023-10-24COUNTRIES THAT BORDER INDIA $700 (Daily Double): In 1967 India & this nation had a military clash along the border of Sikkim, then an Indian protectorate & today a state China
#17, aired 2023-10-18HISTORIC QUOTES REPHRASED $400: Teddy Roosevelt, 1901: "Treat others with respect, but make sure they know your military could still kick their ass" speak softly, and carry a big stick
#8952, aired 2023-10-17THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS $600: Termed by history "the father" of it, in 1696 Peter the Great created this branch of the Russian military Navy
#8950, aired 2023-10-13WHO SAID THIS? $400: Before Congress in 1951, he announced, "I now close my military career..." MacArthur
#8941, aired 2023-10-02A CATEGORY ABOUT NOTHING $600: The "hour" for a military action to start zero hour
#8936, aired 2023-09-25FRENCH LITERATURE $800: This adventure writer known as père had his own famous dad, who served in the all-Black military unit "La Legion Americaine" Dumas
#8933, aired 2023-09-20ALSO A STATE POSTAL ABBREVIATION $1600: A boss in the military; I can't authorize that, corporal. You need to check with your... CO
#8928, aired 2023-09-13"C"s THE DAY $400: August 4 celebrates the birth of this branch of the U.S. military the Coast Guard
#8927, aired 2023-09-12GEORGIA ON MY MIND $4,200 (Daily Double): In 1998 a National Prisoner of War Museum was dedicated at this site of a notorious military Civil War prison Andersonville
#8923, aired 2023-07-26FROM THE FRENCH $1600: Meaning a binding, this word can refer to a military contact or an intimate, perhaps dangerous, meeting liaison
#8919, aired 2023-07-20BEFORE & AFTER $2000: A nation's military planes get frozen & you have to hit a combination of keys on your Mac or PC to exit them Air Force Quit
#8907, aired 2023-07-04HAPPY JULY 4th! $200: On July 4th in 1802, the U.S. Military Academy at this location formally opened West Point
#8903, aired 2023-06-28POLICY $800: The murder of Army private Barry Winchell helped lead to a review of this 4-word policy regarding gay people in the military don't ask, don't tell
#8901, aired 2023-06-26FIRST LADIES' RHYME TIME $400: Mrs. Kennedy's military slacks Jackie's khakis
#8899, aired 2023-06-22"CHAIN" $400: In the military, orders go down this; requests go up the chain of command
#8897, aired 2023-06-20JUST SAY... $400: During a military roll call, it means "present"; in Spanish, it means "I" yo
#8893, aired 2023-06-143-, 4- OR 5-LETTER WORDS $600: The Duke of Sussex is familiar with this verb meaning to pester a military foe with repeated attacks harry
#8888, aired 2023-06-07FOLLIES $800: On Oct. 25, 1854 into the Valley of Death rode this military group, led by the 7th Earl of Cardigan, who somehow rode out the Light Brigade
#8881, aired 2023-05-29HISTORY $1200: The byname of this 11th century Castilian military leader, a national hero of Spain, is from Arabic for "lord" El Cid
#8878, aired 2023-05-24STATE OF THE UNION $400: About 30,000 men were of military age in this new state during the Civil War--20,000 "Jayhawkers" signed up for Union duty Kansas
#8878, aired 2023-05-24TO THE FORT! $2,000 (Daily Double): Now a city, it was founded in 1849 as a military outpost & named for a commander of the U.S. Army in Texas Fort Worth
#17, aired 2023-05-23YOU CAN'T GO THERE $400: This military installation in southern Nevada was originally selected in 1955 to test the U-2 spy plane, not UFOs Area 51
#8871, aired 2023-05-15"SPECIAL" DELIVERY $800: Term for military units like the Green Berets trained in guerrilla warfare & other unique tactics special forces
#8864, aired 2023-05-04FLORIDA PLACES $1000: This city bears the name of the man who led a military installation built in 1838 during the Second Seminole War Fort Lauderdale
#8862, aired 2023-05-02JEOPAIR! BOARDING PROCESS $1000: We welcome all active duty military to board, & we do this common 5-word phrase said to our folks in uniform thank you for your service
#8862, aired 2023-05-02DOUBLE DOUBLE LETTERS $1000: On a military base, it's a grocery store; at a movie studio, it's a lunchroom a commissary
#8853, aired 2023-04-19A BOX OF MATCHES $800: A superstition perhaps with military origins says it's bad luck to light this many cigarettes on a match 3
#8842, aired 2023-04-04TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN $1200: Built in 1775 by David Bushnell, the Turtle was a one-man hand-cranked one of these vessels used by the military a submarine
#8841, aired 2023-04-03PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND'S NON-CONSECUTIVE WORLD $1000: On Dec. 22, 1894 this army officer got life in prison for selling military secrets; Émile Zola would have a bit to say about that Dreyfus
#8839, aired 2023-03-30"EI", OH! $1200: The use of this rousing bugle call dates to 1812 in the U.S. military "Reveille"
#8832, aired 2023-03-21THE 1980s $800: In 1986 the U.S. military's biggest air strike since the Vietnam War was on this North African country Libya
#8830, aired 2023-03-17"TRI" ME $600: High-ranking Nazis including Rudolf Hess were tried by an international military one of these a tribunal
#8825, aired 2023-03-10FUTURE OSCAR WINNERS $2000: He could have been a contender for class clown & incorrigible, so much so that his father sent him away to military school (Marlon) Brando
#8825, aired 2023-03-10LITERARY BEFORE & AFTER $3,000 (Daily Double): Prussian monarch military genius whose Jazz Age story plays out on Long Island Frederick the Great Gatsby
#8822, aired 2023-03-07COLLEGE TALK $1200: The U.S. has sent personnel called military these to provide training in places like Vietnam & Chile advisors
#8819, aired 2023-03-02ACTION & ADVENTURE NOVELS $1200: Craig Alanson created this series of novels, exforce for short, as a "military space opera" Expeditionary Force
#8809, aired 2023-02-16MILITARY MEN $400: A movie bio subject, this general seen here had to repeat his freshman year at West Point due to bad grades (George) Patton
#8809, aired 2023-02-16MILITARY MEN $800: Colorful nickname of Manfred von Richthofen, credited with 80 victories over Allied aircraft between 1916 & 1918 the Red Baron
#8809, aired 2023-02-16MILITARY MEN $1200: "Stormin' Norman", this commander of U.S. forces wanted to "destroy the Republican guard" in Desert Storm Schwarzkopf
#8809, aired 2023-02-16MILITARY MEN $1600: This general went from being called "Young Napoleon of the West" in 1861 to getting the sack from Lincoln the next year George McClellan
#8809, aired 2023-02-16MILITARY MEN $2000: In a 1934 work, de Gaulle preferred a mobile army to this static defensive barrier set up vs. a German attack; Chuck was right the Maginot Line
#8804, aired 2023-02-09AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $400: Chris Kyle's memoir & basis for a film is subtitled "The Autobiography of the Most Lethal" this "in U.S. Military History" American Sniper
#8803, aired 2023-02-08ACTS OF CONGRESS $1000: You can't profit by pretending to have earned military honors under the "Stolen" this brave quality "Act" Valor
#8800, aired 2023-02-03THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM $1200: An Alabama historic site invites you to journey back to the 1940s & learn about this group of Black military aviators the Tuskegee Airmen (or Red Tails)
#8799, aired 2023-02-02DWIGHT EISENHOWER $600: In 1950, after retiring from active duty, Eisenhower was tapped to be supreme commander of this new military alliance NATO
#8799, aired 2023-02-02DWIGHT EISENHOWER $800: In retirement, Ike enjoyed painting, golf & spending time with Mamie at their farm adjoining this military park & battlefield Gettysburg
#8799, aired 2023-02-02GETTING CLOSE TO THE END $1200: To do this "up" is to gather, as your strength; if you do it "out", you're leaving the military--like the WWI-era personnel muster
#12, aired 2023-01-26A SIGN OF SHAME $1200: A DD-214 is a discharge paper from the military; the worst kind is this "DD", when you did something really bad a dishonorable discharge
#8789, aired 2023-01-19WHEN IN ANCIENT ROME $600: Guess you couldn't be a gladiator judge if you were one of the Roman men who cut this off to avoid military service a thumb
#8784, aired 2023-01-12DICTATORS & TYRANTS $400: He ruled Libya as dictator for 40 years, but Muammar Qaddafi styled himself as this less-than-highest military rank colonel
#8782, aired 2023-01-10THE ATTORNEY GENERAL $2000: As Obama's A.G., he took on the issue of trying terrorists in civilian rather than military court; today he fights gerrymandering Eric Holder
#8781, aired 2023-01-09WON THE BATTLE, LOST THE WAR $1200: At the Battle of Chancellorsville, he broke a basic military rule by splitting his forces but won anyway, for a while (Robert E.) Lee
#8780, aired 2023-01-06ADD A SYLLABLE $800: To a piece of nighttime furniture to get this, what a journalist does when sticking with a military unit embed
#8776, aired 2023-01-023 LETTERS, STARTS WITH "A" $1000: Khan you tell me it was a military commander in Ottoman times aga
#8760, aired 2022-12-09COMPANY NAME ORIGINS $2000: GEICO's name goes back to its original customer base, military personnel & these people, the G-E government employees
#8759, aired 2022-12-08MONKEY BUSINESS $200: "Monkey suit" can be slang for a military uniform or this formal wear a tuxedo
#8751, aired 2022-11-28FOOT, THE BILL $600: A Calif. ex-con may have to pay for an ankle monitor to track him, using this technology first developed for the U.S. military GPS
#8739, aired 2022-11-10WE SPY $800: In 1917 a military tribunal took less than 45 minutes to find her guilty of espionage, & a firing squad would await Mata Hari
#8732, aired 2022-11-015 HEARTS $800: This military decoration was first awarded for bravery in action but later came to honor those wounded or killed serving their nation a Purple Heart
#8731, aired 2022-10-31FROM EAR TO FRATERNITY $800: A military supply unit far from the action is in the "rear" this echelon
#6, aired 2022-10-30ANSWER IN THE FORM OF AN ABBREVIATION $300: It was once largely a military abbrev. helping coordinate operations; now it means "when I think I'll make it to the kegger" an ETA
#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1802 Congress passed the act establishing the U.S. Military Academy at this site on the banks of the Hudson West Point
#8729, aired 2022-10-27WORDS & PHRASES: IMMEDIATELY! $200: Military-speak for getting somewhere extra fast, "on the" this sounds like a pace twice as fast as normal for civilians the double
#8718, aired 2022-10-126-SYLLABLE WORDS $400: One definition of this misconduct in the military is the refusal to obey someone of a higher rank insubordination
#8714, aired 2022-10-06INSIGNIFICANT IDIOMS $1600: Used by the military, unavoidable harm in the course of an action is called this "damage" collateral
#8708, aired 2022-09-28I LONG FOR LONG "U" $200: Military horns, or crunchy snacks made from corn bugles
#8708, aired 2022-09-28HISTORY $1000: On Friday the 13th of October 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest of this military group the Knights Templar
#8706, aired 2022-09-26THE "GIST" OF THE JOB $600: Sun-Tzu was a military one of these for the Chinese state of Wu strategist
#8694, aired 2022-07-28YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAN? $1000: Fans of golfer Arnold Palmer are part of this military outfit Arnie's Army
#8693, aired 2022-07-27"B.C." $400: It's slang for basic training of new military recruits boot camp
#8690, aired 2022-07-22A MONTH OF HISTORY $400: FDR reports "The attack yesterday... caused severe damage to American naval & military forces" December
#8688, aired 2022-07-20EATING & DRINKING PLACES $2,400 (Daily Double): Military types can have food & fun at one of these, also a term for something carried to drink water a canteen
#8686, aired 2022-07-18THE WOUK MOB $600: "The Winds of War" begins with "Pug" Henry made U.S. military attaché in this European city, sensing the winds of war indeed Berlin
#8686, aired 2022-07-1810-, 11- & 12-LETTER WORDS $1200: Another word for the draft, it's mandatory enrollment in the military conscription
#8684, aired 2022-07-14I KNOW WHAT YOU DID $400: As Germany's "chancellor of change", you ended military conscription & introduced a minimum wage Angela Merkel
#8682, aired 2022-07-12SOUNDS SMART $1200: A military this officer in the army is responsible for gathering info that can save lives intelligence
#8681, aired 2022-07-11FAMILIAL PHRASES $2000: This phrase from Shakespeare's "Henry V" now refers to any close-knit group, not just a military unit band of brothers
#8679, aired 2022-07-074-LETTER ACRONYMS $400: The U.S. military gave us this other way to say "at your very earliest convenience" ASAP
#8674, aired 2022-06-30ONE LETTER MAKES A DIFFERENCE $200: A single conflict between military forces & the drinking item you might reach for after one of those battle & bottle
#8667, aired 2022-06-21HISTORY $1600: 18th century military prowess forced others to refer to this Prussian as "The Great" Frederick the Great
#8664, aired 2022-06-16WHO WAS WHERE, WHEN $1600: France's National Assembly got "The Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen" from this military hero on July 11, 1789 Lafayette
#8664, aired 2022-06-16WHO WAS WHERE, WHEN $2000: He was inaugurated as president on Nov. 3, 1970 in Chile but 3 years later, fell in a military coup Allende
#8661, aired 2022-06-13U.S. HISTORY $400: In 1915 the Revenue Cutter Service & the Life-Saving Service merged to create this branch of the military the Coast Guard
#8659, aired 2022-06-09ANCIENT HISTORY $800: A noted military use of these animals was by Pyrrhus at the Battle of Heraclea in 280 B.C.; they freaked out the Roman horses elephants
#8646, aired 2022-05-23U.S. BUILDINGS $1000: The Cadet Chapel at this military academy has an All-Faiths room & a Falcon Circle outside the Air Force Academy
#8642, aired 2022-05-17MILITARY HISTORY $400: Revolutionary War heroine Margaret Corbin performed many valorous acts as part of this army the Continental Army
#8642, aired 2022-05-17MILITARY HISTORY $800: So many African Americans wanted to fight for this state's 54th Regiment in the Civil War, the 55th was created Massachusetts
#8642, aired 2022-05-17MILITARY HISTORY $1200: After this lengthy journey in 1935, Mao joined other Red Army soldiers with his surviving troops the Long March
#8642, aired 2022-05-17MILITARY HISTORY $1600: In 1298 the circular battle formations of this Scots hero held off the English at Falkirk, but only for a while Wallace
#8642, aired 2022-05-17MILITARY HISTORY $2000: An impressment ordinance got this author of "The Pilgrim's Progress" caught up in the English Civil Wars John Bunyan
#8641, aired 2022-05-16SWEDISH HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): The Warrior King Charles XII did this in 1708 with 44,000 troops; as military wisdom would suggest, it didn't work invade Russia
#8640, aired 2022-05-13TREATIES $2000: This treaty says, "The armed forces of Germany must not include any military or naval air forces ... no dirigible shall be kept" the Treaty of Versailles
#8639, aired 2022-05-12OCCUPATIONAL HOMONYMS $800: A certain member of our military forces, or an adjective that refers broadly to the sea Marine
#8636, aired 2022-05-09THE NUREMBERG TRIALS $400: (Sarah presents the clue.) From November 1945 to October 1946, Courtroom 600 was the site of an International Military Tribunal that arraigned 24 Nazis on charges of conspiracy, war crimes, crimes against peace & offenses such as persecution, enslavement & murder--classed as crimes against this humanity
#8636, aired 2022-05-09THE NUREMBERG TRIALS $800: (Jimmy presents the clue.) The International Military Tribunal that presided over the trials, consisted of one representative and one alternate from the United States & each of these other three Allied powers Great Britain, France & Soviet Union
#8630, aired 2022-04-29THE LANGUAGE OF SPORT $1000: It's a rhythmic chant sung by a marching military group as well as what a QB uses to bark signals the cadence
#8609, aired 2022-03-31WHERE THE STREETS HAVE A NAME $400: A military parade for Bastille Day is traditionally held on this famed Parisian boulevard the Champs-Élysées
#8606, aired 2022-03-28FROM THE SKY $1000: From 300 feet up, one of the world's first military assaults by these was by Germany on Scandinavian airfields in 1940 paratroopers
#8606, aired 2022-03-28FROM THE SKY $2,000 (Daily Double): Online databases of crashes by these include quite a few of the U.S. military's Reaper & Fire Scout types drones
#8602, aired 2022-03-22A WORD TO THE WISE $800: It's the highest rating in military rifle marksmanship an expert
#8594, aired 2022-03-10U.S. MILITARY BRANCHES $200: This branch was established on Dec. 20, 2019; the Netflix show of the same name, on May 29, 2020 the Space Force
#8594, aired 2022-03-10U.S. MILITARY BRANCHES $400: Drew Carey, Steve McQueen & Gene Hackman (who joined at age 16) were always faithful as members of this branch the Marine Corps
#8594, aired 2022-03-10U.S. MILITARY BRANCHES $600: Dating back to the start of the 1800s, the U.S. Military Academy at this site was also essentially America's 1st school of engineering West Point
#8594, aired 2022-03-10U.S. MILITARY BRANCHES $1000: In 2005 Nicole Malachowski made some serious noise as the first female pilot in this Air Force demonstration squadron the Thunderbirds
#8594, aired 2022-03-10U.S. MILITARY BRANCHES $1,800 (Daily Double): This term for a U.S. Naval Academy cadet comes from a 17th century practice of placing experienced sailors in the center of a vessel midshipmen
#8587, aired 2022-03-01MILITARY MEMOIRS $200: He recounted some of his campaigns in the 50s B.C. in "Commentaries on the Gallic Wars" Julius Caesar
#8587, aired 2022-03-01MILITARY MEMOIRS $400: George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia" offered a firsthand glimpse of the chaos of this country's Civil War Spain
#8587, aired 2022-03-01MILITARY MEMOIRS $600: There's no "grim" in this title of sniper Nicholas Irving's 2015 war memoir, also his nickname Reaper
#8587, aired 2022-03-01MILITARY MEMOIRS $800: "Chickenhawk" is Robert Mason's true story of the Vietnam War from the point of view of soldiers aboard these transports helicopters
#8587, aired 2022-03-01MILITARY MEMOIRS $1000: T.E. Lawrence's chronicle of his desert experiences & participation in the Arab Revolt has this numeric title the Seven Pillars of Wisdom
#17, aired 2022-02-22WE'VE GOT THE BLUES $400: In 1798 this military branch introduced an early version of its iconic dress blue uniform the Marines
#12, aired 2022-02-16WORDS THAT SHOULD RHYME $800: A military food allowance for one day & a bus depot ration & station
#8577, aired 2022-02-15INTERNATIONAL PRISONS $600: Russia's Petak Island Prison in the middle of a lake is often compared to this Calif. lockup that started in 1861 as a military prison Alcatraz
#8, aired 2022-02-11U.S. CITIES $800: Founded on a peninsula in 1565, it would become Spain's military & religious headquarters in North America St. Augustine
#8, aired 2022-02-11IN THEIR EXPERT OPINION $1600: Joseph Ives commanded the first military vessel on the Colorado River & said no whites would ever again bother to visit this the Grand Canyon
#3, aired 2022-02-09A FEW FINAL WORDS $2000: Nothing to do with a military takeover, this 3-word French phrase is a final blow coup de grâce
#8572, aired 2022-02-08WHAT ACUTE ACCENT $1600: French phrase for a violent military overthrow of a government by a small group a coup d'état
#8572, aired 2022-02-08JUST "Z" MOVIE FOR YOU $1600: The title of this Kathryn Bigelow film is military slang for a period of time before the sun comes up Zero Dark Thirty
#8569, aired 2022-02-03IT WAS ALL PURPLE $400: First instituted in 1782, it has "For Military Merit" on its reverse side the Purple Heart
#8563, aired 2022-01-26THAT 1770s SHOW $400: Led by Samuel Nicholas, the first landing by this U.S. military force was at Nassau to seize supplies in March 1776 the Marine Corps
#8558, aired 2022-01-19CEMETERIES $400: Distinguished military officers like General Winfield Scott are buried in this service academy's cemetery West Point
#8549, aired 2022-01-06ANNIVERSARIES $2,000 (Daily Double): In January 2015 1,500 military re-enactors marked the bicentennial of this battle at Chalmette Battlefield the Battle of New Orleans
#8523, aired 2021-12-01EUROPEAN HISTORY $400: After 36 years, this military alliance that was behind the iron curtain was officially dissolved on July 1, 1991 the Warsaw Pact
#8522, aired 2021-11-30"BLACK" ON THE MAP $800: Waterloo, Iowa is the seat of this county named for a military leader of the Sauk people Black Hawk
#8522, aired 2021-11-30SPLITTING HAIRS $1000: The Kid 'n Play cut called the hi-top this is more gradually blended in length than the military high & tight fade
#8521, aired 2021-11-29WHO'S YOUR "C-O"? $800: In the British military, it ranks just below brigadier colonel
#8518, aired 2021-11-24NEWS $400: On Feb. 1, 2021 the Myanmar military took power & a 1-year "state of" this was declared--& not surprisingly, soon extended emergency
#8500, aired 2021-10-29SCARY EVERYDAY HALLOWEEN STORIES $200: I dropped the summons, terrified. I was over 18. I had no undue hardship. Military duty? None! Doomed, I, for this 2-word civic task! jury duty
#8493, aired 2021-10-20"E"-MALE $800: A World War II vet, this slain NAACP field secretary in Mississippi was buried with full military honors at Arlington Medgar Evers
#8487, aired 2021-10-12ON BASE $600: John McCain was born on a U.S. military base near a strategic waterway in this country Panama
#8485, aired 2021-10-08PARDON MY FRENCHMAN $400: President Émile Loubet pardoned this wrongly accused Jewish military officer in September 1899 (Alfred) Dreyfus
#8474, aired 2021-09-23WORLD WAR II NAVAJO CODE TALKERS' DICTIONARY $1000: These opposite military movements, toward & away from battle, were nas-sey & ji-din-nes-chanh advance & retreat
#8471, aired 2021-09-20YOUTHFUL POP STARS $1200: This military-sounding rapper had a 2007 hit at age 17 with "Crank That" Soulja Boy
#8454, aired 2021-07-29OLD MILITARY ABBREV. $400: Union veterans of the Civil War made up the G.A.R., the Grand Army of this, which they'd fought to save the Republic
#8454, aired 2021-07-29OLD MILITARY ABBREV. $800: Capable of firing 650 rounds a minute, the B.A.R., or Browning this, was in service with the U.S. Army from 1918 to 1957 automatic rifle
#8454, aired 2021-07-29OLD MILITARY ABBREV. $1200: During the occupation of Japan, MacArthur was CINCFE: commander-in-chief for this 2-word directional term for the region the Far East
#8454, aired 2021-07-29OLD MILITARY ABBREV. $1600: The B.E.F., which crossed the Channel in both World War I & World War II, was this force British Expeditionary Force
#8454, aired 2021-07-29OLD MILITARY ABBREV. $2000: To sailors in the Brown Water Navy in Vietnam, PBR wasn't beer, but this 2-word vessel proceeding "river", many on the Mekong patrol boat
#8450, aired 2021-07-23MILITARY EMBLEMS OF BELIEF $400: The angel Moroni is an emblem for adherents of this church the Church of Latter-Day Saints
#8450, aired 2021-07-23NONSENSE WORDS $400: This 4-letter word refers to a military cot, or a nonsense word bunk
#8450, aired 2021-07-23MILITARY EMBLEMS OF BELIEF $800: Some Protestants choose the rose of this German reformer Luther
#8450, aired 2021-07-23MILITARY EMBLEMS OF BELIEF $1200: Pagans might opt to use Mjölnir, the hammer of this god for their gravestones Thor
#8450, aired 2021-07-23MILITARY EMBLEMS OF BELIEF $1600: The faravahar signifies this Persian religion Zoroastrianism
#8448, aired 2021-07-21WE GUARANTEE IT $600: In 1964 this Republican candidate promised to end the draft, saying: "The military forces need trained volunteers" Goldwater
#8446, aired 2021-07-19A TIME OF WAR $2000: After capturing Germans during the WWI campaign of Cambrai, several Canadians got this U.K. military honor created in 1856 the Victoria Cross
#8444, aired 2021-07-15LAW SLAW $400: Rule by military authority, it was declared in Chicago following the Great Fire of 1871 martial law
#8442, aired 2021-07-132011: 10 YEARS AGO $400: In May President Obama announced on live TV that this man had been killed in a U.S. military operation Osama bin Laden
#8438, aired 2021-07-07NOT TO BE CONFUSED $1200: Baklava is a pastry; Balaklava was the site of a military engagement in 1854 during this war the Crimean War
#8436, aired 2021-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "T" $1200: It's a small castle tower or something that holds a gun on a military tank turret
#8433, aired 2021-06-30COLORFUL VOCABULARY $2000: Once a block of worthless material made to look valuable, it now means to shirk a duty, especially in the military goldbrick
#8430, aired 2021-06-25JOLIE OLD FRANCE $400: In the 50s B.C. this man led Roman military campaigns into France, which was then part of Transalpine Gaul Caesar
#8430, aired 2021-06-25AROUND THE GARDEN? $1000: On a military uniform, this "cluster" denotes further awards of a decoration already received the oak leaf cluster
#8425, aired 2021-06-18A SPENDY LITTLE WAR $1200: In 1975 the New York Times reported that China & the U.S.S.R. had given $7.5 billion in aid to this country, 40% for its military North Vietnam
#8421, aired 2021-06-14ENDS IN "GH" $1600: It's a leave of absence in the military, or mandatory unpaid time off for an employee a furlough
#8419, aired 2021-06-10SHADES OF GREEN $800: This branch of the U.S. military introduced olive drab green & khaki uniforms beginning in 1902 the Army
#8416, aired 2021-06-07LANDMARKS $1,600 (Daily Double): Commissioned to celebrate France's military victories, it stands smack in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle the Arc de Triomphe
#8409, aired 2021-05-27HISTORY $1200: This agreement that began in 1955 allowed for Soviet military in constituent countries the Warsaw Pact
#8406, aired 2021-05-24NEWER HISTORY BOOKS $400: "The Great Secret" tells how a military doctor found cancer-fighting uses in this type of poison gas mustard gas
#8404, aired 2021-05-20THAT'S MY AIRPORT $7,000 (Daily Double): This Dallas airport is named for a lieutenant killed in a plane crash while practicing for a military aviator test Love Field
#8401, aired 2021-05-17FOWL LANGUAGE $1000: This military gait is called stechschritt in Germany, where it was used from the time of Frederick the Great goose step
#8398, aired 2021-05-12'CAUSE WE SPELL GOOD $400: These 2 letters are between M & F in a word from the French for the use of disguise in the military O & U
#8394, aired 2021-05-06AIR DEMONSTRATION SQUADRONS $400: The Red Arrows of this British military service are known for their diamond nine formation the RAF
#8385, aired 2021-04-23SON $1600: Crispus was the eldest son of this first Christian Roman emperor & led many of his military campaigns Constantine
#8382, aired 2021-04-20IN THE DICTIONARY $200: "Ditch... used for military defense often with the excavated dirt thrown up in front" a trench
#8381, aired 2021-04-19"M.C." $1000: George V established this decoration for acts of gallantry against the enemy Military Cross
#8381, aired 2021-04-19ANCIENT CITIES $1600: Lacedaemon was the ancient name for this city on the Evrotas River ruled by a military oligarchy Sparta
#8376, aired 2021-04-12THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM $7,000 (Daily Double): National military parks include Horseshoe Bend in Alabama & this one in Mississippi that's alphabetically last Vicksburg
#8366, aired 2021-03-29DURING THE JOHN ADAMS PRESIDENCY $600: This military branch had been disbanded at the end of the Revolution; pugnacious little John re-established it in 1798 the Marines
#8363, aired 2021-03-24I LOVE A PARADE $600: This 2-word military-sounding job is the ceremonial head of a parade grand marshal
#8359, aired 2021-03-18AUTHORS WHO SERVED IN THE MILITARY $400: This creator of Don Quixote fought at the 1571 Battle of Lepanto, receiving a wound that maimed his left hand for life Cervantes
#8359, aired 2021-03-18AUTHORS WHO SERVED IN THE MILITARY $800: C.S. Lewis fought in this war, arriving at the front lines in the Somme Valley on his 19th birthday World War I
#8359, aired 2021-03-18CIA WORLD FACTBOOK NO. 1s $800: Oman spends nearly 9% of its GDP on its military, the SAF, or this man's Armed Forces the Sultan
#8359, aired 2021-03-18AUTHORS WHO SERVED IN THE MILITARY $1200: This reclusive author of "Franny and Zooey" hit Utah Beach with the U.S. Army Salinger
#8359, aired 2021-03-18AUTHORS WHO SERVED IN THE MILITARY $1600: This 18th century historian served as a captain in the Hampshire militia & wrote "The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" Gibbon
#8359, aired 2021-03-18AUTHORS WHO SERVED IN THE MILITARY $2000: Ian Fleming served in British naval intelligence after an undistinguished stint in this U.K. military academy Sandhurst
#8356, aired 2021-03-15A COLLEGE CONFERENCE CALL $3,000 (Daily Double): Southern: This school was established in 1842 & combined with the Arsenal to form the South Carolina Military Academy the Citadel
#8352, aired 2021-03-09____ OF ____ $400: 3-word name for a military freelancer or a pro-military magazine soldier of fortune
#8350, aired 2021-03-05ARMY SURPLUS $800: Rick Atkinson, author of acclaimed books of military history, describes himself as an "army" this, who grew up on posts a brat
#8349, aired 2021-03-04A BREAK FOR SPRING $1000: The modern tradition of spring break began in the 1930s as part of a swim meet in this Florida city named for a military man Fort Lauderdale
#8349, aired 2021-03-04TERMS FROM HISTORY $1200: For nearly 700 years, the Bakufu was the government of this top military dictator of Japan a shogun
#8344, aired 2021-02-25HISTORY $1600: Military mortality declined after the 1896 introduction of a vaccine for this fever which was spread by unsanitary conditions typhoid
#8340, aired 2021-02-19RHYME TIME $800: An eating utensil for a military unit a spoon platoon
#8332, aired 2021-02-09POTPOURRI $800: It's a post-coup military governing body; one in Bolivia in 1970 lasted just 1 day before it was overthrown in turn a junta
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THE 20th CENTURY $800: In 1949 Belgium was a founding member of this military organization that is headquartered in Brussels today NATO
#8325, aired 2021-01-29AROUND THE CARIBBEAN $1200: The easternmost of Cuba's 15 provinces is this single-named one near where the U.S. maintains a military base Guantanamo
#8322, aired 2021-01-26INFO PLEASE $800: In the military 5 clicks means 5 of these measures of distance a kilometer
#8322, aired 2021-01-26BAD TO THE BONE $800: Military recruits & runners are prone to this 6-letter fracture, a tiny crack in the bone from overuse stress
#8320, aired 2021-01-22COLLECTING $800: Phalerists collect military medals, badges & pins; this one, given for valor & bravery, was first awarded in the Civil War the Medal of Honor
#8319, aired 2021-01-21A STREAM OF TV $800: Netflix beat out the U.S. government to trademark this Steve Carell show's military title in Europe, Australia & Mexico Space Force
#8314, aired 2021-01-14HISTORICALLY BAD $800: In 1794 a Paris factory for this military stuff exploded, devastating what's now the 15th arrondissement gunpowder
#8309, aired 2021-01-07SLOW TRANSPORTATION $400: The band of material that propels bulldozers is called continuous track or this military vehicle "tread" a tank
#8308, aired 2021-01-06YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORK $2,800 (Daily Double): In 2020 Charles Q. Brown got this 3-word title for the Air Force & is the 1st African-American general to lead a military branch chief of staff
#8307, aired 2021-01-05OF THE LAW $2,800 (Daily Double): 6 weeks after the U.S. entered WWI came the act known by this alliterative phrase requiring men to register to join the military Selective Service
#8298, aired 2020-12-09"USA"! "USA"! $600: Named for a composer of military marches, this instrument is made for marching a sousaphone
#8296, aired 2020-12-07HISTORY: A LOOK BACK $800: As a teen he had senator Seneca & Burrus of the military lead Rome, but over time, wanted to fiddle around more himself Nero
#8290, aired 2020-11-27RANKS & TITLES $1200: Eagle insignia led to the military slang term "full bird" this rank colonel
#8289, aired 2020-11-26BIG ADJECTIVES $1200: This big adjective can also be the military rank below lt. colonel major
#8276, aired 2020-11-09KEN JENNINGS--MARINE BIOLOGIST $2000: (Ken Jennings presents the clue.) Marine biology with a touch of military history: during World War II, Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientists identified a crustacean whose noises were interfering with the detection of these enemy vessels submarines
#8263, aired 2020-10-21JAPANESE EMPERORS $1200: In 1192 Go-Toba was emperor when Yoritomo got this title as military dictator shogun
#8262, aired 2020-10-20MILITARY MATTERS $200: Some in the military jokingly call this building "The Five-Sided Puzzle Palace" the Pentagon
#8262, aired 2020-10-20MILITARY MATTERS $400: Rear Adm. Isaac Kidd, the 1st U.S. Navy flag officer killed by foreign enemy action, was on the Arizona's bridge during this attack Pearl Harbor
#8262, aired 2020-10-20MILITARY MATTERS $600: In 2015 about 30 people were injured when the feathers flew, causing West Point to ban an annual tradition, this fight by cadets a pillow fight
#8262, aired 2020-10-20PIANISTS, PAINTERS & PLAYWRIGHTS $1600: After returning to Paris in 1880 from military service, this young painter visited an island in the Seine called La Grande Jatte Seurat
#8261, aired 2020-10-19MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE $200: The pilot of a commercial airliner captain
#8261, aired 2020-10-19MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE $400: Confidential private
#8261, aired 2020-10-19MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE $600: Of full legal age major
#8261, aired 2020-10-19MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE $800: Miscellaneous general
#8261, aired 2020-10-19MILITARY RANK LANGUAGE $1,000 (Daily Double): Of the human body corporal
#8261, aired 2020-10-19INSIDE "MAN" $2000: To reverse a previous military order countermand
#8257, aired 2020-10-13AWARDS & HONORS $2000: Grand officer & commander are 2 of the 5 ranks of this French military & civilian order the Legion of Honor
#8245, aired 2020-09-25ALL THINGS BELGIAN $400: Bred near Malines, the Belgian Malinois is one of these that often works with the military a dog
#8240, aired 2020-09-18ADVICE FROM THE SIDELINES $400: "Armchair" this military official is a publication using hindsight to replay famous battles General
#8236, aired 2020-09-14PRESIDENT & ACCOUNTED FOR $1600: He didn't let a little thing like the military forcing him to quit stop him for long; he was back as Argentina's president in 1973 (Juan) Perón
#8233, aired 2020-06-10MILITARY IDIOMS $400: Having these items "on the ground" means soldiers have been deployed to a hostile environment boots
#8233, aired 2020-06-10MILITARY IDIOMS $800: Getting in trouble is called "catching" this, a type of anti-aircraft gun flak
#8233, aired 2020-06-10MILITARY IDIOMS $1200: Referring to a clock position, if a soldier says he's "got your" this number, he's watching your back six
#8233, aired 2020-06-10MILITARY IDIOMS $2,000 (Daily Double): Meaning a choice to use atomic weapons, it was applied by Trent Lott to a drastic change in Senate rules a nuclear option
#8233, aired 2020-06-10MILITARY IDIOMS $2000: By tradition, you can fool an enemy ship with a fake flag until battle begins--then you have to "show your" these (true) colors
#8230, aired 2020-06-05OTHER SPORTS $1000: Shooting, swimming & tossing a grenade-like projectile are included in the military version of this 5-event sport pentathlon
#8217, aired 2020-05-19BILLS, BILLS, BILLS $800: S.922 was "protecting" this international military alliance "Skies Act of 2019" NATO
#8214, aired 2020-04-30COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY ORIGINS $400: In 1860 William T. Sherman was the 1st leader of this then seminary of learning & military academy, 9 years before it moved to Baton Rouge LSU (Louisiana State)
#8212, aired 2020-04-28BARACK OBAMA'S READING LIST $800: Perhaps more than casually interested in biographies about presidents, Obama noted Ron Chernow's 2017 work on this ex-military man General Grant
#8203, aired 2020-04-15THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS $800: For a real Rocky Mountain high, visit this military academy near Colorado Springs the Air Force Academy
#8201, aired 2020-04-13BEFORE & AFTER $2000: 18th century Prussian king & military genius who is a large body of water in northern Utah Frederick the Great Salt Lake
#8199, aired 2020-04-09HOMOPHONES $200: A military rank & a corn seed colonel & kernel
#8198, aired 2020-04-08OLD HISTORY $400: In 1187 Pope Gregory VIII called for the third of these military expeditions to the Holy Land a crusade
#8192, aired 2020-03-31POSSESSIVE PHRASES $800: This manual of parliamentary procedure was written by a U.S. military officer "Robert's Rules of Order"
#8187, aired 2020-03-24GET-TOGETHERS $400: In military life one excuse for a party is this career event; a family member may get to do the pinning of the new insignia a promotion
#8186, aired 2020-03-23CAPTURE THE FLAG $200: The U.S. Trophy Flag Collection at this Maryland military academy has many captured foreign flags, though we gave some back Annapolis
#8177, aired 2020-03-10THE END OF THE EMPEROR $1600: He died at his military headquarters in 180 A.D., 3 years after making Commodus his co-emperor Marcus Aurelius
#8172, aired 2020-03-034,4 $800: During World War II Johnson & Johnson made rolls of this handy adhesive in green to match the military items it was used to patch duct tape
#8171, aired 2020-03-02THE 20th CENTURY $1000: Milton Obote was president of this African country from 1966 to '71 & 1980 to '85; both terms were ended by military coups Uganda
#8165, aired 2020-02-21YOU KILLED ME! $1600: In 1981 religious extremists within his own military assassinated this leader in Cairo Anwar Sadat
#8155, aired 2020-02-07WOMEN'S MEMOIRS $200: "Fight Like a Girl" & "Unbecoming" recount women's experiences in this "most masculine" branch of the U.S. military Marines
#8155, aired 2020-02-07AWARDS & HONORS $400: Instituted in 1782, it was the first U.S. military decoration the Purple Heart
#8154, aired 2020-02-06SURINAME $800: After winning independence in 1975, Suriname endured these internal military takeovers in 1980 & 1990 coups
#8151, aired 2020-02-03THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR $1600: Under the reign of King Gustavus Adolphus, this Nordic nation established itself as a major military power in the war Sweden
#8147, aired 2020-01-28MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS $200: In battle you better follow the R.O.E., rules of this engagement
#8147, aired 2020-01-28MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS $400: CPOs are these officers, but I don't think they are spiteful a chief petty officer
#8147, aired 2020-01-28MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS $600: Abbreviated DZ, it's the area where airborne troops, equipment or supplies are expected to land a drop zone
#8147, aired 2020-01-28MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS $800: You can buy stuff at a PX, post exchange, or BX, this the base exchange
#8147, aired 2020-01-28MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS $1000: To some, G.I. means "government issue"; MacArthur thought it meant this "issue" & couldn't stand the term general
#8137, aired 2020-01-14LET'S GET MARRIED! $1000: During this part of a military wedding, swords are drawn & the bride & groom pass through the arch the recessional
#7, aired 2020-01-14HISTORY $1200: In 1976 a military junta seized power in Argentina not from Eva Peron but from this widow Isabel Perón
#1, aired 2020-01-07DAVID MUIR COVERS THE WORLD $400: (David Muir delivers the clue.) In 2019 I traveled to Afghanistan to speak with the top U.S. commander General Scott Miller, who said that not just military might but a political settlement with this group might be a necessary part of any endgame in America's longest war the Taliban
#8116, aired 2019-12-16GIVE ME A "V" $1000: In VC, a British military decoration Victoria
#8113, aired 2019-12-11IN FULL $1,000 (Daily Double): "'The Military College of South Carolina" is in the full name of this school the Citadel
#8113, aired 2019-12-11VOCABULARY $1600: A short metal-tipped "stick" carried by military officers, or to walk with an arrogant air swagger
#8106, aired 2019-12-02MILITARY JARGON & SLANG $200: The "Band-Aid" is Vietnam-era slang for this important member of a combat unit a medic
#8106, aired 2019-12-02MILITARY JARGON & SLANG $400: "Chest candy" means these medals
#8106, aired 2019-12-02MILITARY JARGON & SLANG $600: Onboard a U.S. Navy ship, "pollywogs" turn into "shellbacks" when they've crossed this geographic line the equator
#8106, aired 2019-12-02MILITARY JARGON & SLANG $800: Common term referring to the means by which a significant other breaks up with a service member by mail a Dear John letter
#8106, aired 2019-12-02MILITARY JARGON & SLANG $1000: Ejecting from an aircraft & using a parachute is called "hitting" this fabric the silk
#8105, aired 2019-11-29RANDOM FACTS $1600: Today home to a U.S. military base, this nation was known as French Somaliland until 1967 Djibouti
#8097, aired 2019-11-19FIREBOATS OF BOSTON $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents while aboard a fireboat.) A fireboat carries a minimum of four crew members, two deckhands, a fire officer, and a pilot, certified by this branch of the military the Coast Guard
#8093, aired 2019-11-13EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE $400: For a good military "retreat", book an executive one at this service academy's Thayer Hotel in the Hudson Valley West Point
#8092, aired 2019-11-12PLACES TO LIVE $800: Virginia Military Institute's "old" these, a type of housing, is a national historic landmark barracks
#8089, aired 2019-11-07BUGLE CALLS $200: This bugle call is played during military funerals & is also heard at the end of the day "Taps"
#8076, aired 2019-10-21AMERICAN HISTORY $2000: In 1863, George McClellan's military career was over, but this General George was on hand to defeat Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg Meade
#8074, aired 2019-10-174-WORD EXCHANGE $400: In 2010 Congress passed a law ending the ban on openly gay soldiers serving in the military, repealing this 4-word policy Dont ask, don't tell
#8068, aired 2019-10-09A WEE BIT OF KIWI HISTORY $600: This 1915 military campaign in Turkey is regarded as New Zealand's coming of age in international affairs Gallipoli (the Dardanelles campaign)
#8067, aired 2019-10-08HISTORY, THROUGH THE CENTURIES $1000: 18th: In 1723 Russia captures Baku from Persia in this leader's last great military campaign Peter the Great
#8062, aired 2019-10-01CLUES ACROSS AMERICA $1000: (Ryan and Val from ABC 7 stand on by a pier in Chicago) One of Chicago's most popular destinations was originally called Municipal Pier; it was renamed this in 1927 to honor military heroes who served in World War I Navy Pier
#8059, aired 2019-09-26NAMES IN POLITICS $200: Virginia Governor Ralph Northam graduated from VMI, short for this, then spent 8 years on active duty Virginia Military Institute
#8056, aired 2019-09-23COUP COUP $600: On Feb. 4, 1992 he led some Venezuelan military officers in a failed coup; 6 years later, he was elected prez Chávez
#8056, aired 2019-09-23THEIR NAME IS LEGION $600: Any nationality can now join this 8,000-strong military unit, but one does so using a pseudonym called an "anonymat" French (Foreign) Legion
#8052, aired 2019-09-17AWARDS & HONORS $1600: It's the French military award seen here the Croix de Guerre
#8048, aired 2019-09-11NUMERIC LIT $5,400 (Daily Double): The cover of the first edition of this 1961 military novel included a dancing figure & a little airplane Catch-22
#8046, aired 2019-09-09PARTS OF SPEECHES $400: Douglas MacArthur, 1951: "I now close my military career and just..." fade away
#8045, aired 2019-07-26ON THIS DAY: JULY 26 $2000: Despite objections from the Pentagon, on July 26, 1948 Harry Truman issued an executive order telling the military to do this desegregate, or integrate
#8022, aired 2019-06-25JUVENILE JUSTICE $400: Also a term for military basic training, this is a 2-word reform facility for juvenile offenders boot camp
#8020, aired 2019-06-21BACKPACKING $1600: You can save space in the pack by using a multi-tool, like this one named for a national military branch a Swiss army knife
#8012, aired 2019-06-11BABY $600: One of the first methods of locomotion for babies is most commonly dubbed the crawl of this branch of the military an army crawl
#8009, aired 2019-06-06SPELL IT OR SAY IT? $1600: This 4-letter college military group can be spelled out or sounded out rhyming with "Yahtzee" ROTC
#8004, aired 2019-05-30ON THE BEACH $400: Gold Beach was at the center of the 5 designated landing areas during this 1944 military operation D-Day (or the invasion of Normandy)
#8004, aired 2019-05-30PLACES THAT BECAME WORDS $2000: This structure takes its name from a military base in Rhode Island, where it was first built during World War II a Quonset hut
#7996, aired 2019-05-20THE MONTHLY MOVIE TITLE $2000: In 1964 Burt Lancaster played a general attempting a military takeover of the government in this film Seven Days in May
#7988, aired 2019-05-08"C" WHO SALUTES $1200: Last name of the American brothers George Rogers & William, both military men & explorers Clark
#7986, aired 2019-05-06CLICHES $1000: This "effort" made in an ultimate attempt to prevent disaster comes from a final military defensive position last-ditch effort
#7981, aired 2019-04-29THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR $400: The war began in 1936 as a military uprising in what was called "Spanish" this African country Morocco
#7979, aired 2019-04-25CHINESE $600: An 11th century Chinese military manual contained the earliest known formula for this explosive gunpowder
#7975, aired 2019-04-19PHRASE ORIGINS $1000: This scornful response to an unlikely story comes from British sailors' contempt for other military men tell it to the Marines
#7969, aired 2019-04-11"EX" $2000: The mission's over or aborted--time for this action of getting a military team out of there extraction
#7959, aired 2019-03-28THE WESTERN U.S. $800: In 2013 the govt. officially said this "numeric" military facility in Nevada existed, but aliens...not yet. Not...yet Area 51
#7946, aired 2019-03-11A COLONEL OF TRUTH $1000: A grad of Libya's military academy in 1965, this colonel was also commander in chief of the nation's armed forces Qaddafi
#7943, aired 2019-03-0619th CENTURY PEOPLE $400: In 1899 this man for whom a military medical center is named finished his work on typhoid & turned to yellow fever Walter Reed
#7939, aired 2019-02-28GET YOUR GAME ON $200: This other term for military exercises is also the title of a 1983 film War Games
#7937, aired 2019-02-26RANKS & TITLES $200: This high-up military rank comes from Arabic for "emir of", as in "emir of the seas" admiral
#7928, aired 2019-02-13WHAT'S THE POINT? $400: It's the name of the seat of Clay County, Mississippi as well as one of a N.Y. military academy site West Point
#7928, aired 2019-02-13WORD & PHRASE ORIGINS $1600: In 1915 the British military deceptively called a prototype a "water carrier", leading to this name tank
#7925, aired 2019-02-08ORGANIZATIONS $1200: "America's largest veterans service organization", it has a magazine exploring travel & health as well as military matters the American Legion
#7912, aired 2019-01-2250 YEARS AGO, IN 1969 $1600: Student occupation of a Harvard building led to the end of this military education program at the school for 40 years ROTC
#7909, aired 2019-01-17OF ALCATRAZ $800: In the late 1890s the population of a military prison on Alcatraz swelled to near 450 due to this war the Spanish-American War
#7892, aired 2018-12-25YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I GOT! $1200: This U.S. military medal; since 1962, civilians who've sustained a wound are eligible for it too Purple Heart
#7891, aired 2018-12-24THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, PA.) The standard for military training in the United States through the War of 1812 was a manual of regulations, written by this Prussian officer whom Washington employed to train & discipline the troops von Steuben
#7882, aired 2018-12-11THE BIG BATTALIONS $2,400 (Daily Double): This country's nearly 2.2 million active military personnel is by far the world's largest standing force China
#7880, aired 2018-12-07WHAT A COUNTR"E" $800: A 1974 military coup deposed the last of this Africa nation's emperors Ethiopia
#7872, aired 2018-11-27HOLD THE HOMOPHONE $200: A title for a type of lawman, or type of "law" that means the military rule the streets marshal/martial
#7868, aired 2018-11-21GOVT. ABBREV. $400: The senior ranking member of the military is the CJCS, chairman of this panel the joint chiefs of staff
#7863, aired 2018-11-14"CHAIN" REACTION $2000: 3-word term for the system in a military or other org. in which instructions are passed from one person to another chain of command
#7860, aired 2018-11-09POSSESSIVE BOOK TITLES $800: Kids learn military skills to fight aliens called buggers--it's all this "Game" Ender's Game
#7860, aired 2018-11-09PICTURE THE PREZ $1000: His military career did much to swell this 7th president's reputation Jackson
#7853, aired 2018-10-31GIVE THEM SOME CANDY $1000: This confection of pecans & brown sugar is named for the French military officer whose cook is credited with inventing it pralines
#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $200: In the expressions sack duty & sack rat, heard in the military, sack means this bed
#7835, aired 2018-10-05THE "BEST" WORDS $2000: It's the title of a 1972 David Halberstam book on the U.S. military failure in Vietnam The Best and the Brightest
#7829, aired 2018-09-27MEMORIALS $400: The Arlington memorial to this military service is seen here the Marines
#7824, aired 2018-09-208-LETTER WORDS $1200: It's the U.S. military's equivalent of a prison stockade
#7819, aired 2018-09-13CONTRACTIONS $800: It's the contracted military rank famed in cereal cap'n
#7812, aired 2018-07-242-TERM CABINET OFFICERS $4,000 (Daily Double): Josephus Daniels ran this branch of the military from 1913 to 1921 with FDR as Assistant almost the whole time the Navy
#7811, aired 2018-07-23HISTORY WILL NOTE $1000: 5 years after a successful 1971 military coup, Idi Amin became life president of this nation Uganda
#7806, aired 2018-07-16DOUBLE-LETTER STATE CAPITALS $400: It houses a 338-acre military academy founded there in 1845 Annapolis
#7802, aired 2018-07-10OPERA HEROINES $1000: Joan Sutherland is seen here as the daughter of this military group in a Donizetti work a regiment
#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $800: With attacks on Makin Island & Guadalcanal, Carlson's raiders were a daring WWII unit in this military branch the Marines
#7791, aired 2018-06-25ADVERBS $400: In military drill the basic command to start advancing from a halt is this, "march" forward
#7791, aired 2018-06-25THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION $2,000 (Daily Double): General Thomas Gage, military governor of this colony, gave the orders that started the war in 1775 Massachusetts
#7785, aired 2018-06-15ABBRE-"V"-IATIONS $400: VMI for short, it has produced citizen-soldiers for over 170 years the Virginia Military Institute
#7781, aired 2018-06-11OBLAST FROM THE PAST $800: During WWII a vodka factory in Moscow oblast made these "cocktails" for military use, with some of its peace-time ingredients Molotov cocktails
#7778, aired 2018-06-06LITERARY OOPS! $2000: At the end of "Jurassic Park", the island is attacked by this country's military, abolished in the 1940s Costa Rica
#7772, aired 2018-05-29A-1 ALPHANUMERICS 4U $800: A U.S. citizen physically unfit for military duty is classified this 4-F
#7770, aired 2018-05-25BALKAN NATIONS $400: Since the breakup of Yugoslavia, Slovenia has integrated with Western Europe & joined this military alliance in 2004 NATO
#7765, aired 2018-05-18PUTTING THE VICE IN VICE PRESIDENT $1000: Schuyler Colfax, No. 2 to this military hero, got implicated in shady contracts to build the Union Pacific Railroad (Ulysses) Grant
#7758, aired 2018-05-09LITERATURE IN SPANISH $500 (Daily Double): Mario Vargas Llosa based "The Time of the Hero" on his harsh treatment in military school in this South American capital Lima
#7758, aired 2018-05-09LET'S KNOT $600: Buntline & clove are versions of this type of knot, also a word for a period of military service a hitch
#7743, aired 2018-04-18THIS IS MY COLLEGE FIGHT SONG $400: "We live in fame or go down in flame! Hey! Nothing'll stop" this military academy the U.S. Air Force Academy
#7741, aired 2018-04-16FIRST IN YOUR CLASS $400: It wasn't until 1976 that the first women cadets were admitted to the U.S. military academy here West Point
#7726, aired 2018-03-26AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY $2000: Military engagements authorized by Congress include the 1801 First & 1815 Second of these African wars the Barbary Wars
#7716, aired 2018-03-12"SHOW" & "TELL" $400: Groucho Marx called "military" this "a contradiction in terms" intelligence
#7714, aired 2018-03-081918 $800: The first official U.S. military newspaper with this name published its first issue Feb. 8, 1918 Stars and Stripes
#7713, aired 2018-03-07THEY'RE "GREAT"! $2000: During his 1740-1786 reign, Prussia became a leading military power Frederick the Great
#7710, aired 2018-03-02MILITARY MOVIE MATTERS $200: Colonel Bat Guano & Major King Kong are characters in this 1964 Peter Sellers satire Dr. Strangelove
#7710, aired 2018-03-02MILITARY MOVIE MATTERS $400: In 2014 he shot straight when he played "American Sniper" Chris Kyle Bradley Cooper
#7710, aired 2018-03-02MILITARY MOVIE MATTERS $600: This 1981 Bill Murray movie was made with the full cooperation of the U.S. Army; did they read the script? Stripes
#7710, aired 2018-03-02MILITARY MOVIE MATTERS $800: Tim Considine of "My Three Sons" fame was the slapee in this George C. Scott film Patton
#7710, aired 2018-03-02MILITARY MOVIE MATTERS $1000: As Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, he was the "Lone survivor" in the 2013 film Mark Wahlberg
#7707, aired 2018-02-27ZERO $800: A good time for a raid, it's 3-word military slang for an unspecified time between midnight & dawn zero dark thirty
#7702, aired 2018-02-20YOUR NUMBER'S UP $800: The honor guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns takes this many paces before turning, the no. of guns in a military salute 21
#7701, aired 2018-02-19MILITARY GAME PLANS $1200: This conqueror loves to blitz--he'll invade N.E. China in 1211 & take down Beijing in the backfield in 4 years Genghis Khan
#7701, aired 2018-02-19MILITARY GAME PLANS $1600: This Persian king's going to try to thread the needle through the Greeks defending a narrow strait at Salamis Xerxes
#7701, aired 2018-02-19MILITARY GAME PLANS $2000: In late 1944 your 3rd U.S. Army will take Metz, then it's ground & pound to cross the Saar River George S. Patton
#7691, aired 2018-02-05JUST ONE CONSONANT $200: The military position of rest is "at" this ease
#7690, aired 2018-02-02BILLY $1200: In 1948 Billy Mitchell's son received a new medal honoring his dad from this chief of staff of this military branch the Air Force
#7680, aired 2018-01-19EASTERN ASIAN HISTORY $1200: In 1192 Japan's emperor gave this title to Yoritomo, the head of the military government shogun
#7679, aired 2018-01-18HOMOPHONIC ANIMALS $800: This big ape sometimes joins the indigenous military to harass the enemy a gorilla
#7675, aired 2018-01-12GET WITH THE PROGRAM! $400: The MCMAP is the martial arts program of this U.S. military branch the Marine Corps
#7674, aired 2018-01-11EARLY AMERICA $2000: After he died in 1656, Josiah Winslow succeeded him as the commander of Plymouth Colony's military forces Myles Standish
#7673, aired 2018-01-10LETHAL WEAPON $200: In 1978 the U.S. military stopped using this, which can produce a 2,000-degree wall of fire a flamethrower
#7673, aired 2018-01-10LETHAL WEAPON $1000: In U.S. military slang, this fruit becomes a hand grenade a pineapple
#7673, aired 2018-01-10PUTTING UP A SMOKE SCREEN $1600: Dating back to the 1600s B.C., this long fortification used smoke mounds to send military communications the Great Wall of China
#7666, aired 2018-01-01LET'S GET ORGANIZED $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a military chart on the monitor.) In the U.S. Army, a major general commands a division; colonels, lieutenant colonels & captains each have assigned units & a lieutenant heads up this group of 16 to 40 soldiers, also the title of a 1986 Oscar-winning movie a platoon
#7664, aired 2017-12-28EUROPEAN HISTORY $2000: In 1967, after a military takeover by Colonel George Papadopoulos, this Greek king fled to Italy King Constantine
#7660, aired 2017-12-22IT'S A LIVING $800: In 1968 a U.S. craft with this name, also George Washington's pre-military occupation, landed on the moon Surveyor
#7653, aired 2017-12-13OF "ORDER" $600: Whether in cadence or not, if you are "given" these military documents, it means "get lost!" marching orders
#7652, aired 2017-12-12EUROPEAN HISTORY $3,000 (Daily Double): Following a military coup, in the mid-1970s this nation granted independence to all of its colonies except Macau Portugal
#7650, aired 2017-12-0814-LETTER WORDS $400: It's observing a potential military opponent to assess his position & strengths reconnaissance
#7650, aired 2017-12-08FROM B TO C $1000: This temporary military encampment is often set up without shelter or protection from enemy fire a bivouac
#7650, aired 2017-12-08STATE DEPARTMENT HISTORY $1200: In 1980 Secretary Cyrus Vance resigned over the decision to order an ultimately failed military op in this country Iran
#7648, aired 2017-12-06AUTHORS AT WAR $400: Gore Vidal was born at this military academy & drew on his WWII experiences for his first novel, "Williwaw" West Point
#7648, aired 2017-12-06IT'S HYPHENATED $400: This military command is used to mean a sudden change in direction about-face
#7648, aired 2017-12-06NATIONAL DAYS $800: Aug. 4 honors this military branch whose forebear, the Revenue Cutter Service, was founded on that day in 1790 the Coast Guard
#7648, aired 2017-12-06AUTHORS AT WAR $1200: At the age of 40, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle volunteered as a military doctor during this war in Africa the Boer War
#7641, aired 2017-11-27RANKING THE NEW MILITARY MAN $200: The U.S. went to the polls for one of these on Nov. 8, 2016 a general election
#7641, aired 2017-11-27RANKING THE NEW MILITARY MAN $400: A 96-mph-throwing Cleveland Indian had to work on his control "before he kills somebody" in this 1989 movie Major League
#7641, aired 2017-11-27RANKING THE NEW MILITARY MAN $600: Flogging or spanking gets this "rank" corporal punishment
#7641, aired 2017-11-27RANKING THE NEW MILITARY MAN $800: We'll be brief--this Dav Pilkey title hero just wears a cape & one other very important piece of clothing Captain Underpants
#7641, aired 2017-11-27RANKING THE NEW MILITARY MAN $1000: Bain Capital & Brookfield Asset Management are companies in this "non-public" field of investment private investment (or private equity)
#7639, aired 2017-11-23SHARKS & JETS $600: The first aerial victories for American military jets came during this war the Korean War
#7627, aired 2017-11-07THE DREADED OPERA CATEGORY $4,000 (Daily Double): Don Jose is the jilted military man who kills the title character in this opera Carmen
#7625, aired 2017-11-03THANK YOU, SENATOR $400: We thank this senator for his brave military service, especially as a P.O.W. from 1967 to 1973 John McCain
#7625, aired 2017-11-03IDIOMS, ANNOTATED $800: When the military trained outdoors, the soldiers were "having" this kind of "day", now a time of opportunistic joy field day
#7621, aired 2017-10-30CAP $400: blatantly uses this medal-adorned military man in ad campaigns Captain Obvious
#7616, aired 2017-10-23HISTORY, WITH SOUND EFFECTS $600: The military structure of this pact was dissolved on March 31, 1991; its political alliance, on July 1 Warsaw
#7612, aired 2017-10-17ANCIENT WISDOM $1200: In this classic tome, Sun Tzu claimed that "a military operation involves deception" The Art of War
#7611, aired 2017-10-16CAUGHT $1000: Eli Cohen, who infiltrated the top ranks of Syria's military for this spy agency, was caught & hanged in 1965 Mossad
#7606, aired 2017-10-09THIRD TIME'S A "CHA"RM $200: The World War II-era military phonetic alphabet went Able, Baker, this first name Charlie
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FASHION HISTORY $400: In 1746 the English banned the Scots from wearing kilts or these plaid patterns except in the military tartans
#7575, aired 2017-07-14NATION STATE $200: Majority ANC party plagued by infighting; military deployed to keep Zimbabweans from coming over the border South Africa
#7571, aired 2017-07-10FASCISM $800: On July 17, 1936 fascist rebels aka nationalists began the military uprising that started this 3-year conflict Spanish Civil War
#7561, aired 2017-06-261867 $600: The last of these military leaders, Tokugawa Yoshinobu was overthrown & imperial rule restored a shogun
#7553, aired 2017-06-14THE ARMED FORCES $200: The 1st MEB is this military branch's First Expeditionary Brigade the Marines
#7548, aired 2017-06-07OF SURPRISE $1200: This wave of attacks in early 1968 was a military defeat for North Vietnam but turned many Americans against the war the Tet offensive
#7535, aired 2017-05-19SCHOOL'S OUT IN JUNE $2000: In June 2016 the flag was lowered at an Albuquerque military academy named for this Philippine peninsula of WWII carnage the Bataan Peninsula
#7526, aired 2017-05-0820th CENTURY AMERICA $600: In August 1992 the U.S. military began relief efforts in this African nation but soon got involved in interclan fighting Somalia
#7526, aired 2017-05-08NEWSPAPERS $800: Authorized by the Department of Defense, it's the patriotic paper aimed at U.S. military serving abroad Stars and Stripes
#7526, aired 2017-05-08PIRATES' FAVORITE AUTHORS--"R"! $2000: Pirates cheered when this historian & military leader was chosen as Donald Trump's national security advisor Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster
#7525, aired 2017-05-052 OUT OF 3 AIN'T "BAD" $800: BCD is short for this not-so-great way of getting out of the military a bad conduct discharge
#7520, aired 2017-04-28IN COMMUNICADO $800: A member of a specially trained military unit used for surprise hit-&-run raids a commando
#7517, aired 2017-04-25"D" IN GEOGRAPHY $1200: A popular hiking destination, the summit of this crater just beyond Waikiki was used as a military lookout in the 20th century Diamond Head
#7505, aired 2017-04-07LIGHTHOUSES $1200: Boston Harbor's Little Brewster Island has the U.S. government's only manned light, manned by this military service the Coast Guard
#7496, aired 2017-03-27EUROPEAN HISTORY $1000: King Charles XII of this nation was a boy military genius who won battles against Russia, Poland & Denmark in the 1700s Sweden
#7492, aired 2017-03-21A SPOT OF SILENT T $2000: Military supply place a depot
#7478, aired 2017-03-01PLUS "C" $800: A "C" inserted into this factual word gives you this temporary cessation of military action true and truce
#7475, aired 2017-02-24USA! USA! $1000: Graduates of this military college in Charleston, South Carolina fired the first shots at Fort Sumter to begin the Civil War the Citadel
#7459, aired 2017-02-02FUNERALS $1000: "The Old Guard" or 3rd infantry, the oldest active U.S. Army regiment, serves as this type of "guard" at military funerals the Honor Guard
#7458, aired 2017-02-01DE NERO $1600: At 16, Nero was proclaimed emperor by this military group, the household guard of the emperors the Praetorians
#7450, aired 2017-01-20WORLD HISTORY $400: After he was given the title of Liberator, he established the military Order of the Liberators of Venezuela Bolívar
#7449, aired 2017-01-19SILENT "O" $1600: Robert Howard (a military hero) & Tom Parker (not) often had this before their names colonel
#7446, aired 2017-01-16IT'S THE GENEVA CONVENTION $400: Article 1 of the 1864 first convention called for protection of military hospitals & these vehicles ambulances
#7443, aired 2017-01-11THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL $1600: (Rena Sofer and John McCook give the clue as Quinn Fuller Forrester and Eric Forrester, Sr. from The Bold and the Beautiful.) "Eric, I can't live if you won't forgive me." "Quinn, don't try to get a hold on me like this female World War I spy who danced naked for royalty & military officers. May I remind you she died in a blaze of firing squad bullets!" Mata Hari
#7440, aired 2017-01-06U.S. MILITARY MEN $200: A statue of this "Green Mountain boy" in the U.S. Capitol represents the state of Vermont Ethan Allen
#7440, aired 2017-01-06U.S. MILITARY MEN $400: In 1997, Vernon Baker became one of only 7 African Americans & the only one living to receive this award for valor in World War II the Congressional Medal of Honor
#7440, aired 2017-01-06U.S. MILITARY MEN $600: This "Mad" Revolutionary War general later represented Ga. in Congress but returned to the Army in 1792 Anthony Wayne
#7440, aired 2017-01-06U.S. MILITARY MEN $800: More than a million people attended his 1885 funeral in NYC & in 1897 a million attended the dedication of his tomb Ulysses S. Grant
#7440, aired 2017-01-06U.S. MILITARY MEN $1000: Portrayed on film by Gary Cooper, this World War I sergeant had applied for conscientious objector status, but was denied Sergeant York
#7428, aired 2016-12-21ON YOUR SLEEVE $600: A military badge of this country recently at odds with Russia shows a trident over its blue & yellow flag Ukraine
#7428, aired 2016-12-21PARDON MY FRENCH $800: This French military group that formed in 1831 had its first headquarters in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria the French Foreign Legion
#7422, aired 2016-12-13THE MILITARY AT HOME $1200: Pairing veterans with the community at large via physical & social activity, team RWB is short for this, natch Red, White & Blue
#7422, aired 2016-12-13THE MILITARY AT HOME $1600: (Hi. I'm Jill Biden.) As a military mom, I was proud to launch an initiative with First Lady Michelle Obama to help service members, veterans & their families that is fittingly called "Joining" these Forces
#7422, aired 2016-12-13THE MILITARY AT HOME $2000: The uses of the military inside the U.S. are limited by the act called this "comitatus" posse
#7420, aired 2016-12-09DOCUMENTARIES $400: The 1967 doc "The Anderson Platoon" went to war with the title military unit during this conflict the Vietnam War
#7416, aired 2016-12-05MOTTOES $800: The motto of the United States Military Academy is "Duty, honor," this duty, honor, country
#7402, aired 2016-11-15CAREER DAY $800: This type of officer doesn't work for the military but helps people get money for cars & mortgages at the bank a loan officer
#7395, aired 2016-11-04"READY" WHEN YOU ARE $1600: 4-word nickname of President Zachary Taylor, who had served 40 years in the U.S. military "Old Rough and Ready"
#7388, aired 2016-10-26MILITARY MEMORIES $200: The 451 A.D. Battle of the Catalaunian Plains was the only time this Hun went home a loser Attila
#7388, aired 2016-10-26MILITARY MEMORIES $400: In December 1776 Washington's surprise attack on this now-N.J. capital did not lose a single man & captured 900-plus Trenton
#7388, aired 2016-10-26MILITARY MEMORIES $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a battle map on the monitor.) On July 21, 1861, with Manassas Junction to the south, General McDowell's Union forces sent a decoy force & a flanking force toward Confederates at this waterway, which gave its name to the battle the Battle of Bull Run
#7388, aired 2016-10-26MILITARY MEMORIES $800: Octavian sank the forces of this man 8 ways to Sunday to win the 31 B.C. naval Battle of Actium Marc Antony
#7388, aired 2016-10-26MILITARY MEMORIES $2,000 (Daily Double): The Earl of Northumberland's lack of aid to the Yorkists in the 1485 Battle of this was key to the outcome Bosworth Field
#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $2000: In 1981 this retired 4-star general became the second military leader to head the State Dept. Alexander Haig
#7378, aired 2016-10-12FROM DAWN TIL DUSK $400: You may feel one in the room, but we're talking about military conscription a draft
#7372, aired 2016-10-04RISING $1200: The Order of the Rising Sun is awarded by this country for exceptional civil or military merit Japan
#7369, aired 2016-09-29YOU CAN'T FIGHT $800: 2-word military draft registration status that means you can serve, but without fighting conscientious objector
#7369, aired 2016-09-29HONORS & AWARDS $1,500 (Daily Double): Napoleon created it in 1802 as a general military & civil order of merit the Legion of Honor (la Légion d'Honneur)
#7365, aired 2016-09-23REMEMBERING WORLD WAR I $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Nat'l WWI Museum & Memorial in Kansas City, MO.) The tunic & cap belonged to this Prussian aristocrat who led Germany's wartime military dictatorship, gave his name to an ill-fated aircraft & appointed Adolf Hitler as Germany's chancellor (Paul von) Hindenburg
#7356, aired 2016-09-12COLLEGE FOOTBALL $600: In 2013 the Military Bowl moved from Washington, D.C. to the home field of this nearby military academy the Naval Academy
#7356, aired 2016-09-12IT'S A PROCESS $2000: U.S. military meals ready to eat are heated by this process, which is basically rusting oxidation
#7353, aired 2016-07-275-LETTER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $800: This instrument used for military calls has no valves or keys; tones are made by changing the tension of the lips the bugle
#7351, aired 2016-07-25"M"PLACEMENT $200: Under a military dictatorship, Burma changed its name to this Myanmar
#7348, aired 2016-07-20DRAW YOUR "GUN" $600: A line of hereditary military dictators of Japan, they ruled until the 1860s the shoguns
#7345, aired 2016-07-15CRIME & CRIMINALS $1000: 8-letter word for a prison on a military post or a barrier made of stakes stockade
#7344, aired 2016-07-14COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS $400: The Cadet (in Virginia) VMI (Virginia Military Institute)
#7342, aired 2016-07-12MILITARY MEN? $400: Military rank-wise, there's PFC; fast food-wise, there's KFC, first led by this man Colonel Sanders
#7342, aired 2016-07-12MILITARY MEN? $800: "It was 20 years ago today", this man "taught the band to play" Sgt. Pepper
#7342, aired 2016-07-12MILITARY MEN? $1200: This, the G.A.O., is the auditing agency that assists Congress the General Accounting Office
#7342, aired 2016-07-12MILITARY MEN? $2000: We give a salute to this job, the chief steward of a great household majordomo
#7342, aired 2016-07-12MILITARY MEN? $5,000 (Daily Double): Looks like many brave officers are here! This Kipling tale is subtitled "A Story of the Grand Banks" Captains Courageous
#7339, aired 2016-07-07JETS $2000: A July 4, 1956 flight by this new alphanumeric plane put the Soviet Union's military buildup on camera a U-2
#7337, aired 2016-07-05POLITICS $200: Military-sounding term for a local leader who oversees a political party's activities in one precinct a captain
#7331, aired 2016-06-27WAR OF THE WORDS $800: This word for a military fight can be found in front of "axe" or "cry" battle
#7330, aired 2016-06-24THE CONSCIENCE FUND $800: A religious vet sent $500 for stealing from the military, writing, "I am" one of these, "However, I was not always" a Christian
#7330, aired 2016-06-24EDIBLE EXPRESSIONS $1000: Slang term for an array of medals & badges on a military uniform fruit salad
#7323, aired 2016-06-152-WORD RESPONSES $1600: In 1938 Seabiscuit had a match race against this Triple Crown winner with a military name War Admiral
#7314, aired 2016-06-02VIRGINIA IS FOR WRITERS $1200: "Drawing Out the Man" by Henry Wise is a history of this military college in Lexington VMI
#7310, aired 2016-05-27THE SPANISH INQUISITION $1600: 2-word "military" title of Torquemada, the most infamous leader of the Inquisition Inquisitor General
#7297, aired 2016-05-10TEACHER VOCABULARY $800: In the U.S. military D.I. is short for "drill" this; now give me 50, you worthless lumps! instructor
#7289, aired 2016-04-281948 $400: On July 26 president Truman officially desegregated this by executive order the military
#7288, aired 2016-04-27MILITARY NICKNAMES $200: To his troops this WWII general was "Dugout Doug" because he was rarely seen out of his tunnels in Corregidor (Douglas) MacArthur
#7288, aired 2016-04-27MILITARY NICKNAMES $400: When banished to Elba, he told his people he'd return with the violets & he did, receiving the nickname "Corporal Violet" Napoléon
#7288, aired 2016-04-27MILITARY NICKNAMES $600: German general Heinz Guderian was called the "Father of" this lightning war Blitzkrieg
#7288, aired 2016-04-27MILITARY NICKNAMES $800: This British field marshal was "Monty" & the "Spartan General", for his Spartan habits Montgomery
#7288, aired 2016-04-27MILITARY NICKNAMES $1,200 (Daily Double): He said his people called him the "Victor of Tampico" but Davy Crockett probably had a few other nicknames for him (Antonio López de) Santa Anna
#7288, aired 2016-04-2712-LETTER WORDS $1200: Compulsory enrollment in the military conscription
#7284, aired 2016-04-21HYPHENATED TERMS $2000: During the Revolution, Thomas Paine was this type of French-named military assistant to Gen. Nathanael Greene an aide-de-camp
#7283, aired 2016-04-20EURO-MONARCHY $2000: This current monarchy's Bernadotte Dynasty derives from one of Napoleon's top military men Sweden
#7280, aired 2016-04-1517th CENTURY PEOPLE $2000: Made famous in a Longfellow poem, in 1621 this man was named military leader of Plymouth Colony Myles Standish
#7276, aired 2016-04-11"D.H." $800: In "The Best and the Brightest", this historian chronicled the failings of the U.S. military in Vietnam David Halberstam
#7271, aired 2016-04-04POETRY, NON-POETICALLY $200: So, this poet writes of a massive military mess-up, & the poor soldiers--600, to be precise--man, they are just hosed! Tennyson
#7270, aired 2016-04-01TUBA $800: The name of this instrument, which serves as a tenor tuba in military bands, is from the Greek for "good sounding" the euphonium
#7267, aired 2016-03-29CLOTHES $200: It's the military-inspired shoulder detail seen here epaulettes
#7264, aired 2016-03-24LIMITED TIME ONLY $2000: William Walker led a military takeover of this Central American country & was its "President" for 10 months in the 1850s Nicaragua
#7257, aired 2016-03-15JILL & JACK $800: This proud military mom is also an English professor Jill Biden
#7256, aired 2016-03-14R-D-R HAR! $800: A commando or ranger on a military strike (perhaps from Oakland) a raider
#7249, aired 2016-03-03TIME OFF $200: Take some R&R, these 2 things part of a regular vacation period from military duty rest & recreation (rest & relaxation accepted)
#7245, aired 2016-02-26LITERARY MILITARY $200: In 1968 Richard Hooker published this book subtitled "A Novel About Three Army Doctors" MASH
#7245, aired 2016-02-26LITERARY MILITARY $400: The 2014 National Book Award for Fiction went to Iraq vet Phil Klay's book with this title, meaning going back to overseas duty Redeployment
#7245, aired 2016-02-26LITERARY MILITARY $600: Horatio Hornblower came to the big screen with this word, Horatio's job, before his name in the title captain
#7245, aired 2016-02-26LITERARY MILITARY $800: For refusing to box, Private Prewitt faces harsh treatment in this James Jones novel of pre-WWII Hawaii From Here to Eternity
#7245, aired 2016-02-26LITERARY MILITARY $1000: This Hemingway novel about a G.I. injured in Italy during WWI shares its peaceable title with a 16th c. poem A Farewell to Arms
#7244, aired 2016-02-25CRIME TIME $200: It's a 6-letter term for a military revolt against authority on land as well as aboard ship a mutiny
#7243, aired 2016-02-24STRIKE OUT $2000: Strike "out" from a military maneuver & get this long, boneless cut of steak flank (from outflank)
#7240, aired 2016-02-191890s AMERICA $400: Farmers got help with forecasts as the weather bureau was moved from the military to this Cabinet department Agriculture
#7233, aired 2016-02-10LET YOUR GREEK FLAG FLY $2000: Greece's flag went darker blue during the 1967-1974 rule by this Spanish-named type of military group a junta
#7231, aired 2016-02-08AWARDS & HONORS $600: This military medal is given to those wounded or killed in service to the United States a Purple Heart
#7226, aired 2016-02-01IN WHICH MONTH? $800: The Bastille Day military parade marches on July
#7225, aired 2016-01-29STARTS & ENDS WITH DIFFERENT VOWELS $2,000 (Daily Double): A term for military weapons, ammunition & combat vehicles; insert an "I" & you get a statute ordnance
#7223, aired 2016-01-27"Z" WORDS $400: This 2-word term for the start time of a military operation zero hour
#7221, aired 2016-01-25TREATIES $400: The 1948 Brussels Treaty led to the formation of this 1949 military alliance that has "Treaty" in its full name NATO
#7220, aired 2016-01-22SCHWA DE VIVRE $200: A schwa is an unstressed "uh" sound like the one at the start of this military posture ə 'ten attention
#7215, aired 2016-01-15THE EARLY 20th CENTURY $600: He was born in Wales, but this part-time archaeologist & military strategist gained fame far away Lawrence of Arabia
#7193, aired 2015-12-16A LOT OF BUZZ $200: One reason the military gives buzz cuts to its inductees is to prevent the spread of these parasites lice
#7191, aired 2015-12-14ACTING TV MILITARY $400: Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! As Gomer Pyle, Jim Nabors joined & served in this military branch U.S. Marines
#7191, aired 2015-12-14ACTING TV MILITARY $800: This onetime People magazine "Sexiest Man Alive" plays former sniper Leroy Gibbs on "NCIS" Mark Harmon
#7191, aired 2015-12-14ACTING TV MILITARY $1200: He played ex-hostage & Sergeant Nicholas Brody on "Homeland" Damian Lewis
#7191, aired 2015-12-14ACTING TV MILITARY $1600: It's what the 4 letters stand for in the TV show that featured Radar & Hot Lips Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
#7191, aired 2015-12-14ACTING TV MILITARY $2000: Rhona Mitra stars as Dr. Rachel Scott on this TNT show about a Navy vessel surviving a deadly epidemic The Last Ship
#7187, aired 2015-12-082-LETTER ABBREVIATIONS $1000: Military duty cleaning up after a mess K.P.
#7184, aired 2015-12-03MEDALS & DECORATIONS $1600: The oldest U.S. military decoration still in use; its reverse says, "For Military Merit" a Purple Heart
#7179, aired 2015-11-26THE AMERICAN MILITARY $400: The Army's school for these at Fort Jackson stresses the service's multi-faith environment chaplains
#7179, aired 2015-11-26THE AMERICAN MILITARY $1600: This slang term for a U.S. Marine comes from a collar that was once part of the uniform leatherneck
#7179, aired 2015-11-26THE AMERICAN MILITARY $2000: Creech Air Force Base in this state is known as the home to the Predator drone Nevada
#7178, aired 2015-11-25U.S. MOUNTAINS $1200: The top of Nevada's Tikaboo Peak provides a vantage point for viewing this military "Area" Area 51
#7177, aired 2015-11-24"OFF" WE GO $600: Insulting, or a military campaign of attack an offensive
#7176, aired 2015-11-23ADD AN "E" $1600: This body of military men becomes one of the fallen when an "E" goes on the end corps
#7173, aired 2015-11-18HISTORIA $200: On April 19, 1937 this military man fused Spain's Fascist Party, the Falange, with the Carlists Franco
#7173, aired 2015-11-18I'D LIKE TO MAKE IT A TRUE "D.D." $400: A very bad way to be expelled from the military dishonorable discharge
#7160, aired 2015-10-30ALSO A MILITARY RANK $200: E-4 in the Army; an adjective referring to physical punishment corporal
#7160, aired 2015-10-30ALSO A MILITARY RANK $600: O-4 in the Air Force; it's aka a course of study major
#7160, aired 2015-10-30ALSO A MILITARY RANK $800: O-9 in the Navy, this word in front of "admiral" that also comes before "squad" vice
#7160, aired 2015-10-30ALSO A MILITARY RANK $1000: O-1 in the Navy; any heraldic badge of authority ensign
#7153, aired 2015-10-21HISTORIC NAMES $1600: After helping to bring Catherine the Great to power, this military leader & statesman became her lover Grigory Potemkin
#7150, aired 2015-10-16"CAT"EGORICAL $800: These launch devices on Navy aircraft carriers share their name with ancient military machines catapults
#7145, aired 2015-10-09WAR NOVELS $800: "The Short-Timers" by Gustav Hasford follows a member of this military branch, from basic training to war in Vietnam the Marines
#7145, aired 2015-10-09AROUND THE VATICAN $1600: In 1506 Pope Julius II founded this Vatican military group the Swiss Guard
#7135, aired 2015-09-25THE "MAR" THE MERRIER $1000: From the name of a French military officer, it's anyone who demands strict adherence to rules martinet
#7134, aired 2015-09-24PERSECUTED PEOPLE $600: The Nazis hounded Jehovah's Witnesses in part for refusing to participate in universal this, introduced in 1935 military service
#7128, aired 2015-09-16REVOLUTIONARY WAR BEFORE & AFTER $2000: British military officer executed as a spy who was half of the music duo OutKast John André 3000
#7127, aired 2015-09-15THE 1990s $200: Operation Desert Shield was the buildup to the 1991 military offensive against Iraq that was called this operation Desert Storm
#7127, aired 2015-09-15GIVE $600: This 150-year-old "military" charity uses $2 billion in annual donations to help people in more than 100 countries the Salvation Army
#7127, aired 2015-09-15AKC-DEFINED BREEDS $1,800 (Daily Double): It's "hailed as the world's leading police, guard and military dog... most commonly black and tan" a German shepherd
#7126, aired 2015-09-14WORLD LEADERS $400: In 1977 this country's military ended Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's rule; in 1979, his life Pakistan
#7125, aired 2015-07-31AT THE MUSEUM $2000: The National Prisoner of War Museum is at the national historic site named for this Confederate military prison Andersonville
#7121, aired 2015-07-27IN COLOR $400: Ignored for almost 150 years, this U.S. military award was reintroduced on February 22, 1932 the Purple Heart
#7119, aired 2015-07-23LINGO $1200: The U.S. military does not do this 7-letter action; instead, it is referred to as a "tactical retrograde" retreat
#7116, aired 2015-07-20YOUR NUMBER IS UP $600: The layout of a clock face led to the military slang "on your" this number, meaning directly behind you your six
#7104, aired 2015-07-02"SALT" & "PEPPER" $1200: A 1978 film featured Peter Frampton as Billy Shears & Billy Preston as this "military" title character Sgt. Pepper
#7102, aired 2015-06-30"USA"! $200: A religious military expedition a crusade
#7098, aired 2015-06-24IT'S HYPHENATED $2000: This alliterative 1941 act allocated $7 billion in military credits to Britain the Lend-Lease Act
#7088, aired 2015-06-10STONES $1600: We know it as a famous military man's nickname, but in Britain it means "to filibuster" stonewall
#7086, aired 2015-06-08METAL $600: Legend says that the metal used to make these highest British military awards came from cannons captured in the Crimean War the Victoria Cross
#7080, aired 2015-05-29NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES $400: In 1842 President Tyler ordered the end of military actions against this Florida tribe, but no peace treaty was signed the Seminoles
#7080, aired 2015-05-29"YM", NO C-A $2000: It's a figure of speech like "cruel kindness" or, as some soldiers say, "military intelligence" an oxymoron
#7079, aired 2015-05-28"G"REA"T" WORDS $1600: To "run" this was to endure an old military punishment as two lines of your comrades pummeled you the gauntlet
#7073, aired 2015-05-20ALWAYS IN FASHION $800: This formal accessory was once a sash worn by British military personnel at dinner in India a cummerbund
#7073, aired 2015-05-20BACK THEN NO ONE KNEW $1000: ...the term "peace" this, the expected savings in military spending due to the end of the Cold War dividend
#7071, aired 2015-05-18TEXAS RISING $1000: Played by Bill Paxton, he went from military hero to political leader as the first president of the new republic (Sam) Houston
#7070, aired 2015-05-15QUINT-O-SENTIAL $2000: In this ancient text, Sun Tzu outlined 5 advantages to use against a military opponent The Art of War
#7059, aired 2015-04-30MILITARY TV $400: This 1990 11-hour Ken Burns documentary made good use of photos & writings of soldiers The Civil War
#7059, aired 2015-04-30MILITARY TV $800: Sort of "Top Gun" meets "Law & Order", this 1995-2005 show mixed legal, military & personal stories J.A.G.
#7059, aired 2015-04-30RANKS $1200: It was the highest military rank held by both Erwin Rommel & Bernard Montgomery field marshal
#7059, aired 2015-04-30MILITARY TV $1200: 4 women & 1 man share the common bond of loving someone in the military on this Lifetime series Army Wives
#7059, aired 2015-04-30MILITARY TV $1600: The Vietnam War was seen through the eyes of nurses near the front lines on this Dana Delany show China Beach
#7059, aired 2015-04-30MILITARY TV $2000: Surprise! surprise! surprise! "Opie Joins the Marine Corps" was an episode of this classic sitcom Gomer Pyle
#7056, aired 2015-04-27THE VIETNAM WAR $1000: The first two names inscribed on the Memorial were not combat soldiers but military these, helping the South Vietnamese advisers
#7055, aired 2015-04-24I'M TELLING YOU 2 TIMES--"SH"! $800: It's the military rifle rating below expert & above marksman sharpshooter
#7055, aired 2015-04-24HISTORY $2000: On Friday the 13th in October 1307, this military order was suppressed & disbanded the Templars
#7053, aired 2015-04-22THE 4 SEASONS-ISH $1200: "Military" subtitle of the 2014 "Captain America" movie The Winter Soldier
#7050, aired 2015-04-17FLASHBACK FRIDAY $200: This man who didn't have "no quarrel with them Viet Cong" refused military induction on Friday, April 28, 1967 Muhammad Ali
#7042, aired 2015-04-07ROYALTY $800: Under his rule from 1740 to 1786, Prussia became one of the great military powers & intellectual centers of Europe Frederick the Great
#7042, aired 2015-04-072015 DATES ON THE CALENDAR $1000: This observance on Saturday, May 16 replaced earlier, separate celebrations by various branches of the military National Armed Forces Day
#7041, aired 2015-04-06FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES $400: Literally German for "lightning war", it's a sudden & overwhelming military attack Blitzkrieg
#7037, aired 2015-03-31INSTRUMENTAL IN SCIENCE $200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, holds a metal right angle with a plumb bob.) One instrument, a geometrical & military compass, was used to find areas & volumes, & even determined how best to load & aim a cannon, thanks to this Italian astronomer, who devised it in 1597 Galileo
#7034, aired 2015-03-26WARBIRDS $200: (Alex delivers the clue from Ramstein Air Base in Germany.) The C-130 has long been the workhorse of the United States military, carrying soldiers & supplies to hostile areas all around the world & truly earning its name, that of this mythological hero & multitasker Hercules
#7029, aired 2015-03-19"G"-OLOGY $600: Call the cops! Specifically, these French military ones Gendarme
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory in Livermore, CA .) A new military uniform material under development protects personnel from chemical or biological weapons using CNTs, or these nanotubes, which close up like tiny pores during an attack carbon
#7021, aired 2015-03-09WHAT A COUNTRY! $2,200 (Daily Double): This city-state's entire military consists of Swiss soldiers Vatican City
#7012, aired 2015-02-24BRAVO $1000: In 1893 this military physician was named a professor of bacteriology at the Army Medical School Walter Reed
#7009, aired 2015-02-19REVOLUTIONARY WAR FIGURES $400: On April 18, 1775, Massachusetts Governor Gage ordered British troops to destroy military stores in this town near Lexington Concord
#7006, aired 2015-02-16DROPPING AN "ESS" BOMB $800: 2-word term for the place where military folks go to eat a mess hall
#7005, aired 2015-02-13U.S. MILITARY BRANCH BY RANK $400: Specialist the Army
#7005, aired 2015-02-13U.S. MILITARY BRANCH BY RANK $800: The 2 with the rank of corporal the Army & the Marines
#7005, aired 2015-02-13U.S. MILITARY BRANCH BY RANK $1200: Lance corporal the Marines
#7005, aired 2015-02-13U.S. MILITARY BRANCH BY RANK $1600: The 2 that have ensign the Navy & the Coast Guard
#7005, aired 2015-02-13U.S. MILITARY BRANCH BY RANK $2000: Technical sergeant the Air Force
#6995, aired 2015-01-30BOOKS ABOUT PRESIDENTS $600: Bruce Catton's this man "and the American Military Tradition" highlights his years as a soldier & president (Ulysses S.) Grant
#6994, aired 2015-01-29ABOUT TIME $200: In non-military time 2015 is this on the clock 8:15 P.M.
#6993, aired 2015-01-28"EL" CATEGORY $800: Nickname of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, a Castilian military leader El Cid
#6992, aired 2015-01-27THE TITAN MISSILE $1000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents from the Titan Missile Museum in Arizona.) This president, associated with a military buildup, including a missile defense initiative, was the one who decided to end the Titan II program as part of modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal Reagan
#6973, aired 2014-12-31MILITARY MISTAKES $400: In 1896 an Ethiopian army defeated a force from this nation that had launched an ill-advised night attack Italy
#6973, aired 2014-12-31MILITARY MISTAKES $800: European hubris at this mountain outpost in 1954 helped a peasant army surround & defeat 16,000 elite troops Dien Bien Phu
#6973, aired 2014-12-31MILITARY MISTAKES $1200: This cheek-haired general's attack on Fredericksburg in 1862 saw 12,000 Union losses with little change in the rebel lines (General Ambrose) Burnside
#6972, aired 2014-12-30TELEVISION FOR SHORT $1600: On CBS "JAG" stood for this military investigation arm Judge Advocate General
#6966, aired 2014-12-22THE OLD WEST $1000: This Chiricahua Apache leader's surrender to Gen. Nelson Miles in 1886 ended major military action with Native Americans Geronimo
#6965, aired 2014-12-19THE WWII WASP $200: The first women to fly U.S. military aircraft made up WASP, the "Women Airforce Service" these Pilots
#6957, aired 2014-12-09FEMALE FIRSTS $1600: In 1999 Nancy Mace became the first female cadet to graduate from this formerly all-male South Carolina military school the Citadel
#6935, aired 2014-11-07A GAMBOL THROUGH THE GAMBIA $400: Gambia's capital, Banjul, was established in 1816 as a military post to suppress this trade the slave trade
#6933, aired 2014-11-05EYEBROW-BEATING YOU $1000: In 1976, he was made Marshall of the U.S.S.R., the only party leader after Stalin to hold the highest military rank Brezhnev
#6924, aired 2014-10-23U.S. MILITARY MEDALS $600: Medals for "Distinguished Service" & "Distinguished Flying" are both in this shape cross
#6924, aired 2014-10-23U.S. MILITARY MEDALS $2,800 (Daily Double): To be eligible for this medal, you must have been held captive after April 5, 1917 the Prisoner of War Medal (P.O.W. Medal)
#6915, aired 2014-10-10SPEAKING IN CODE $1000: Military code name for the plant-killing Vietnam War chemical that was linked to 3 kinds of cancer in 1993 Agent Orange
#6898, aired 2014-09-17MILITARY FIRSTS $400: Franz Honiok, a Polish prisoner killed by the SS, is remembered as the first casualty of this war World War II
#6898, aired 2014-09-17MILITARY FIRSTS $800: A new era dawned in land warfare in September 1916 when these armored vehicles were used in battle for the first time tanks
#6898, aired 2014-09-17MILITARY FIRSTS $1200: The first jet-to-jet aerial victory took place during this war when a USAF Lockheed F-80C shot down a MiG-15 over the Yalu River the Korean War
#6898, aired 2014-09-17MILITARY FIRSTS $1600: The digger hat is synonymous with this nation's army, which first wore it in 1885 Australia
#6898, aired 2014-09-17MILITARY FIRSTS $2000: The 1st man to win this highest British military medal was sailor Charles Lucas in 1854 for actions during the Crimean War the Victoria Cross
#6897, aired 2014-09-16BRAND NAMES $1000: A military parachute duffle inspired this brand of nylon totes with a French-sounding name LeSportsac
#6889, aired 2014-07-24THE MIDDLE AGES $1600: The first of these military expeditions to the Holy Land was launched in 1095 the Crusades
#6881, aired 2014-07-14ALPHANUMERICS $800: Selective Service classification for a person physically unfit for military duty 4-F
#6881, aired 2014-07-14ALPHANUMERICS $1000: This military plane that made unwanted headlines in 1960 is still in use, though a phaseout is coming in 2015 U-2
#6880, aired 2014-07-117-11 $200: July 11, 1798: Semper fi! This military branch is formally established the Marines
#6880, aired 2014-07-11LETTER AFTER P $1000: In the name of the store on a military base X
#6879, aired 2014-07-10GEOGRAPHICAL HISTORY $200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In order to gain military advantage, the ancient Romans were the first to build roads like the Via Claudia Augusta across this mountain system between central Europe & Italy the Alps
#6877, aired 2014-07-08SOME "BUT"s ABOUT IT $800: This 2-word item, pressed to summon help, was a real item used in WWII-era military planes a panic button
#6875, aired 2014-07-04NEWBIES $800: Following the sudden "ill health" of Ri Yong Ho, this nation made Hyon Yong Chol its new military head in 2012 North Korea
#6874, aired 2014-07-03COVER ME $1000: In military slang, your "cover" refers to this article of clothing a helmet (or hat)
#6874, aired 2014-07-03COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES $2000: A sportswriter used the term "ivy colleges" in 1933 to describe 9 schools--the 8 current Ivies & this school in New York State the U.S. Military Academy at West Point
#6869, aired 2014-06-26THEY OWN IT $600: Cheerios & Wheaties: This "military" corporation General Mills
#6868, aired 2014-06-25SUMMER READING? $400: Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "August 1914" centers on a military defeat suffered by this country Russia
#6861, aired 2014-06-16NOOSE MEN $2000: This commander of the Japanese military attempted suicide after WWII; he was nursed back to health & then hanged (Hideki) Tojo
#6855, aired 2014-06-06THE UNCIVIL WARS $1600: In 1946 troops of this "abbreviated" military corps were found guilty of shooting P.O.W.'s in the Malmedy Massacre the SS
#6852, aired 2014-06-03HOSPITALS $400: The Maryland military medical center named for this man says it's "where the nation heals its heroes" Walter Reed
#6850, aired 2014-05-30A REAL MAC DADDY $400: Arthur, his only child, was born in 1938 in Manila, where daddy was a military adviser (Douglas) MacArthur
#6846, aired 2014-05-26MISTER "E" CATEGORY $2000: Slain in Mississippi in 1963, this civil rights leader was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery Medgar Evers
#6844, aired 2014-05-22TOURING ALABAMA $800: The USS Alabama, which is moored in this bay, serves as a memorial to all Alabamans who've been in the military Mobile Bay
#6843, aired 2014-05-21"E" FOLLOWS "D" $800: This term refers to a student at a military school such as West Point who is training to become an officer cadet
#6841, aired 2014-05-19MAKING THE GRADE $600: Something too important for you to decide is "above your" this, a level of salary in the military a pay grade
#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $800: "Persuader" by Lee Child featured the return of this ex-military cop, 6'5", 250 in the book series & not 6'5", 250 onscreen Jack Reacher
#6832, aired 2014-05-06"FOR"MATION $400: Voice actress June knows it's a sudden raid or military advance a foray
#6832, aired 2014-05-06FEATURING FLAGS $400: Various military flags are depicted in embroidery on this 11th century linen artwork the Bayeux Tapestry
#6829, aired 2014-05-0119th CENTURY FRANCE $1200: In 1894 he was convicted of selling military secrets to the Germans but was exonerated 12 years later Dreyfus
#6827, aired 2014-04-29ARMY BRATS $200: The father of this "Stormin'" commander in the first Gulf War served in the military during WWI & WWII Norman Schwarzkopf
#6827, aired 2014-04-29AMERICANA $1200: Florida's Lake Worth was named for William Worth, a U.S. military leader during these nearby native wars the Seminole Wars
#6823, aired 2014-04-23GEOGRAPHER'S DICTIONARY $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew displays a map on the monitor.) A small British military possession in Cyprus, Akrotiri, is an example of this--an area belonging to one nation inside another, from the French for "to enclose" an enclave
#6819, aired 2014-04-17WIND $2,200 (Daily Double): A common scale of wind velocities was devised in 1805 by Sir Francis Beaufort of this military group the British Navy
#6817, aired 2014-04-15MEDALS & DECORATIONS $800: Britain's George Cross can go to civilians; this cross given for valor is only for military personnel Victoria Cross
#6812, aired 2014-04-087-LETTER WORDS $400: A shoulder ornament, often on a military uniform an epaulet
#6812, aired 2014-04-08STATUES $800: The Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas boasts the original plaster statue of the flag-raising here Iwo Jima
#6811, aired 2014-04-07QUOTABLE QUOTES $800: According to Steve Jobs, "it's more fun to be a pirate than to join" this military force the navy
#6811, aired 2014-04-07AUTHORS' PLOTS $800: Sadly, there are no trees near this poet's plot in an American military cemetery in Picardie, France Joyce Kilmer
#6809, aired 2014-04-03small state capitals $200: It's the only state capital that's home to a U.S. military service academy Annapolis
#6806, aired 2014-03-31IT HAPPENED IN THE PAST $1200: An accident on Nov. 5, 1909 put the U.S. military's entire supply of these out of commission airplanes
#6804, aired 2014-03-27NURSERY RHYMES $200: It's the nursery rhyme that says, "the cow jumped over the Moon"; in the military it precedes "straight up the middle" "Hey Diddle Diddle"
#6802, aired 2014-03-25IT'S WHERE I WANT TO "B" $1000: This unincorporated area, home to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda
#6801, aired 2014-03-24CAMPING $200: The camper knife from this "military" brand can help me open a can... or saw wood... or tweeze Swiss Army
#6800, aired 2014-03-21AFRICAN HISTORY $400: On Sept. 1, 1969 this young military captain deposed Libya's King Idris I (Mu'ammar) Gadhafi
#6799, aired 2014-03-20THE 2nd CENTURY $1,000 (Daily Double): This Roman emperor visited Britain in 122 A.D. & had some ideas for military construction Hadrian
#6791, aired 2014-03-10VIRGINIA IS FOR FIGHTERS $400: Civil War general Winfield Scott called this Virginian "the greatest military genius in America" Lee
#6787, aired 2014-03-04LIKE IT'S 1998 $800: A site at Moton Field in Alabama was established to honor the heroic actions of this African-Amer. military group the Tuskegee Airmen
#6783, aired 2014-02-26BRAVE $200: Our nation's highest military decoration for bravery since 1861, it was originally only awarded to enlisted men the Medal of Honor
#6783, aired 2014-02-26LITERARY DOCTORS $800: This Russian physician is married to Tonya but falls in love with Lara while working in a military hospital Doctor Zhivago
#6783, aired 2014-02-26UP $1,800 (Daily Double): In their military careers, Princes William & Harry were both primarily trained as pilots of these helicopters
#6782, aired 2014-02-25LIFE OF RILEY $800: Fort Riley is named for General Bennett Riley, who led the first military escort along this trail to New Mexico the Santa Fe Trail
#6782, aired 2014-02-25LADIES WHO LUNGE $1000: Mariel Zagunis won Olympic gold in 2004 & 2008 using this fencing sword that goes back to a curved military weapon a saber
#6779, aired 2014-02-20PIER REVIEWS $800: "Enjoy all the fun & beauty of a day on Lake Michigan" at this military-named pier in the Windy City Navy Pier
#6776, aired 2014-02-17AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Valley Forge Nat'l Historical Park in Pennsylvania.) Honored with a monument, the 500 black soldiers at Valley Forge included the U.S. military's first African-American unit of free men, the regiment known as the First of this Ocean State Rhode Island
#6775, aired 2014-02-14WHERE WERE YOU & WHEN? $1,000 (Daily Double): This German military man, Sept. 17, 1916: high above Cambrai, France the Red Baron
#6763, aired 2014-01-29Z FOOD IS READY $1600: Zuo gong ji is a Chinese name for this military man's chicken dish General Tso
#6762, aired 2014-01-283 CONSECUTIVE LETTERS $800: To delay--induction into the military, for example defer
#6757, aired 2014-01-21HISTORY $400: This Moscow fortress dates back to 1156 but has had more administrative than military use since the 1600s the Kremlin
#6751, aired 2014-01-13VALLEY FORGE $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Valley Forge Nat'l Historical Park in Pennsylvania.) One of the great feats in military history was the training at Valley Forge, turning a ragtag army into a professional fighting force; the architect of the training was this Prussian who didn't even speak English von Steuben
#6742, aired 2013-12-31THE 15th CENTURY $2,200 (Daily Double): Losing the battle of Grunwald in 1410 in Poland led to the end of the military power of these knights the Teutonic Knights
#6740, aired 2013-12-27"-UP" $2000: An order to report for military service a call-up
#6737, aired 2013-12-24OUR HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS $400: The 1803 treaty for this deal stated that France would give up all military posts in New Orleans Louisiana Purchase
#6729, aired 2013-12-12HAPPY DECEMBER, EVERYBODY! $600: This reserve part of the U.S. military celebrates its birthday December 13 the National Guard
#6726, aired 2013-12-09MILITARY GOVERNORS $400: This Allied Supreme Commander became military governor of the U.S. occupied zone in Germany in May 1945 Eisenhower
#6726, aired 2013-12-09MILITARY GOVERNORS $800: In 1821 this future president was appointed military governor of Florida (Andrew) Jackson
#6726, aired 2013-12-09MILITARY GOVERNORS $1200: As military governor of this "Crescent City", Benjamin Franklin Butler allegedly looted its local banks New Orleans
#6726, aired 2013-12-09MILITARY GOVERNORS $1600: In 1904 engineer George Whitefield Davis became the first military governor of this Central American "Zone" the Panama (Canal) Zone
#6726, aired 2013-12-09MILITARY GOVERNORS $2000: This "Pathfinder" served as military governor of California for 6 weeks in 1847 before being replaced (John C.) Fremont
#6724, aired 2013-12-05THEY GAVE ME A MEDAL $200: Boxer Rebellion Navy man John McCloy is one of only 19 to twice earn this medal, the highest U.S. military award Congressional Medal of Honor
#6715, aired 2013-11-22THE SHORT VERSION $400: A military rank: LT lieutenant
#6703, aired 2013-11-06BEASTLY WORDS & PHRASES $800: George Orwell called it, used by certain armies in military parades, "one of the most horrible sights in the world" goose-stepping
#6702, aired 2013-11-05COME TO OUR "ADE" $2000: This word for rhythm or beat also refers to the type of military call heard here "Up in the morning, march all day / (Up the morning, march all day) / "Keep on marching your life away..." cadence
#6698, aired 2013-10-30THE LAW $1200: In 2013 a military judge said this was a bad idea, but she couldn't stop the accused Fort Hood shooter from doing it defending himself
#6697, aired 2013-10-29STRANGE RHYMES $1600: A "PX" on a military base a post exchange
#6691, aired 2013-10-21MILITARY NICKNAMES $400: He had numerous nicknames, including "The Nightmare of Europe" & "the Corsican General" Napoleon
#6691, aired 2013-10-21MILITARY NICKNAMES $800: This World War II American general was labeled "Blood and Guts" as well as "Old Iron Pants" Patton
#6691, aired 2013-10-21MILITARY NICKNAMES $1200: At military school this 6'5" future leader of the WWII free French was "The Big Asparagus" de Gaulle
#6691, aired 2013-10-21MILITARY NICKNAMES $1600: Native Americans called him "yellow hair" (George Armstrong) Custer
#6691, aired 2013-10-21MILITARY NICKNAMES $2000: This Confederate general was known as "Old Jube" Jubal Early
#6690, aired 2013-10-18M IN THE MIDDLE $200: To push a product, or to advance a subordinate in military rank to promote
#6686, aired 2013-10-14EX-WORLD LEADERS $200: He entered the Venezuelan military academy (class of 1975) because it had a strong baseball team (Hugo) Chavez
#6684, aired 2013-10-10SOUTHERN BOOKSTORE $1200: Son, want to know what this South Carolina military college was like 50 years ago? Read Pat Conroy's "The Boo" The Citadel
#6674, aired 2013-09-26MILITARY ACADEMIES & COLLEGES $400: Upon graduation from the academy at this location on the Hudson River, students are commissioned as second lieutenants West Point
#6674, aired 2013-09-26MILITARY ACADEMIES & COLLEGES $800: John Paul Jones has rested in the chapel of this service academy since 1906 the Naval Academy (at Annapolis)
#6674, aired 2013-09-26MILITARY ACADEMIES & COLLEGES $1200: Founded in 1839 this Lexington, Virginia school is the USA's oldest state-supported military college VMI
#6674, aired 2013-09-26MILITARY ACADEMIES & COLLEGES $1600: Because of its location, Britain's Royal Military Academy is also known as this Sandhurst
#6674, aired 2013-09-26MILITARY ACADEMIES & COLLEGES $2000: Along with the service academies, there are 6 senior military colleges; one is this Texas U. with a 2,200-strong corps of cadets Texas A&M
#6671, aired 2013-09-23"OY" VEY $400: To send out military troops in readiness for combat deploy
#6668, aired 2013-09-18STATES BY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AREA $1600: Shiloh National Military Park Tennessee
#6658, aired 2013-07-24BORN ON THE 24th OF JULY $400: On July 24, 1783 this military man was liberated from his mom in Venezuela Simón Bolívar
#6654, aired 2013-07-18MEDICAL HISTORY $800: An outbreak of this disease during a military vets convention in Philadelphia in July 1976 killed dozens Legionnaires' disease
#6652, aired 2013-07-16PLANES, TRAINS $2000: Introduced more than 55 years ago, it's the longest-serving bomber in the U.S. military the B-52
#6644, aired 2013-07-04POLITICALLY INCORRECT $200: "I have previously stated & I repeat now that the United States intends no military intervention in Cuba" Kennedy
#6643, aired 2013-07-03BEFORE & AFTER $800: Site of the U.S. Military Academy from which a shot is fired at very close range West Point blank
#6641, aired 2013-07-01ARMED FORCES RADIO WITH PAT SAJAK $400: In 1940 regularly scheduled military broadcasting began in Central America's PCZ, or this zone the Panama Canal Zone
#6639, aired 2013-06-27WORDS OF WONDER $400: The U.S. used the military doctrine of "shock &" this, an overwhelming feeling of reverence awe
#6633, aired 2013-06-19INTELLIGENCE $400: Cartographic intelligence, primarily derived from these, is crucial for military operations maps
#6633, aired 2013-06-19INTELLIGENCE $1600: One who breaks down & examines an issue; the CIA has job openings for "economic", "military" & "threat" ones an analyst
#6632, aired 2013-06-18CIVIL WAR MILITARY MEN $400: Prior to being shot by a sniper, Union general John Sedgwick said, "They couldn't hit" this pachyderm "at this distance" an elephant
#6632, aired 2013-06-18CIVIL WAR MILITARY MEN $800: "I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a dissolution of the Union", wrote this Virginian Robert E. Lee
#6632, aired 2013-06-18CIVIL WAR MILITARY MEN $1200: Known for his "Charge" at Gettysburg, he was relieved of his command days prior to Appomattox Pickett
#6632, aired 2013-06-18CIVIL WAR MILITARY MEN $1600: In the spring of 1862, this naval hero & his fleet captured New Orleans Farragut
#6632, aired 2013-06-18CIVIL WAR MILITARY MEN $2000: Perhaps appropriately, the HQ of this general was called a "combination barroom and brothel" Joe Hooker
#6629, aired 2013-06-13WAR OF WORDS $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) Under Alexander the Great, the first five ranks in this military formation whose name comes from the Greek for "finger" held spears facing forward, while the rear rows likely held them aloft a phalanx
#6608, aired 2013-05-15POLITICAL QUOTES $1,000 (Daily Double): De Gaulle warned JFK that America would step "into a bottomless military and political quagmire" in this place Vietnam
#6602, aired 2013-05-074-LETTER CROSSWORD CLUES $1200: Military flute a fife
#6602, aired 2013-05-07MY BROTHER'S IN THE SERVICE $2000: My brother's cool with this big change to the rules about combat troops announced Jan. 24, 2013 the inclusion of women in the military
#6601, aired 2013-05-06THAT'S WHAT CHE SAID $400: Che Guevara described this type of warfare as "irregular... struggle against enemies of superior military power" guerilla warfare
#6600, aired 2013-05-03BRITISH LIT $1200: This military man lost the "Seven Pillars Of Wisdom" manuscript in a train station T.E. Lawrence
#6599, aired 2013-05-02I "NV" YOU $1200: You don't have to be a CBer to know that it's a group of military vehicles traveling together for safety convoy
#6594, aired 2013-04-25THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA $2000: After some federal control was established in 1862, Lincoln made Andrew Johnson the military gov. of this state Tennessee
#6590, aired 2013-04-19TAKE ME HOME $400: Fractional term for the place where military types reside & are sometimes "confined to" quarters
#6585, aired 2013-04-12HANOI $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Hanoi, Vietnam.) Hanoi's Ngoc Son Temple honors 13th-century military leader Tran Hung Tao who led the defeat of an invasion force of 300,000 sent by this alliterative Mongol leader Kublai Khan
#6583, aired 2013-04-10GROUP ON $1000: To stem the growth of protestantism in Germany, Maximilian I led the military alliance called this league the Catholic League
#6582, aired 2013-04-09MEXICAN HISTORY $2000: "Don Fidel" Velazquez led the CTM, this type of group that worked with the PRI party to maintain each other's power a trade union
#6578, aired 2013-04-03QUICK PRESIDENTIAL STOPS $2000: In a 6-hour visit in November 2012 President Obama praised this Asian country's move away from tight military rule Burma (or Myanmar)
#6576, aired 2013-04-01THE U.S. CONSTITUTION $200: Article II, section 2 gives the president this military title Commander in Chief
#6568, aired 2013-03-20TRAITORS & TURNCOATS $400: Deeply in debt, he & his wife Peggy began providing the British with America's military plans in 1779 Benedict Arnold
#6568, aired 2013-03-20BASES LOADED $600: One of the joint military bases in this country is found at Kandahar International Airport Afghanistan
#6567, aired 2013-03-191801-1810 $400: On March 16, 1802 congress established a military academy at this New York site; it opened on the 4th of July West Point
#6564, aired 2013-03-14SOUNDS LIKE A TECH BRAND $400: Shortened to 5 letters from a longer word, it's military information Intel
#6562, aired 2013-03-12LET US GO FOURTH $600: The fourth of these military endeavors failed to capture Jerusalem but did sack Constantinople the Crusades
#6561, aired 2013-03-11THE HITTITES $400: The Hittite military redesigned these vehicles so they could carry 3 men instead of 2 chariots
#6554, aired 2013-02-28"WEE"! $800: 2-word term for a reservist who fulfills his or her military obligation on Saturdays & Sundays weekend warrior
#6546, aired 2013-02-18MANAGE $1000: Rejected for military service, Ernest Hemingway managed to get into WWI by driving an ambulance for this group the Red Cross
#6540, aired 2013-02-08COMPLETE THE LYRIC $1600: The White Stripes: "I'm gonna fight 'em off," this military group "couldn't hold me back" a Seven Nation Army
#6529, aired 2013-01-24VOWELICIOUS $800: It now means rules of social behavior; in French it meant a posting of military orders etiquette
#6517, aired 2013-01-08WARDROBE $1200: Unless you're in the military, garments sporting this pattern can actually make you stand out camouflage
#6506, aired 2012-12-24AUTHORS AT WAR $3,000 (Daily Double): Auctioned in 2011, a letter by this author who satirized the military said, "In truth I enjoyed" fighting in WWII Joseph Heller
#6502, aired 2012-12-18THE 12th CENTURY $1200: Berthold V founded this future Swiss capital in 1191 as a military post on the Aare river Bern
#6500, aired 2012-12-14ABBREVIATIONS $800: The northern military veterans' organization after the civil war: GAR Grand Army of the Republic
#6496, aired 2012-12-10LANDMARKS $400: During WWII the gold vault at this military post held the original copy of the U.S. Constitution Fort Knox
#6491, aired 2012-12-03MILITARY MITE $400: A 3'4" member of the 192nd Ohio was the shortest man in blue in this war the Civil War
#6491, aired 2012-12-03MILITARY MITE $800: Between 1799 & 1804, he lowered the French army's minimum height from 5'4" to 5'1" Napoléon
#6491, aired 2012-12-03MILITARY MITE $1200: 5'5" James Jabara was the USA's first ace in this type of plane, flying the F-86 a fighter jet
#6491, aired 2012-12-03MILITARY MITE $1600: This giant of early American naval history was called "little" by John Hancock & Abigail Adams John Paul Jones
#6491, aired 2012-12-03MILITARY MITE $2000: 5'5" Frederick Funston won fame for capturing rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo in these islands in 1901 the Philippines
#6488, aired 2012-11-28A LIFE IN BRIEF $1000: Born in 1892, military man, into Spain management, still dead since 1975 (Francisco) Franco
#6484, aired 2012-11-22THE DA VINCI CODE $1600: The 1505 mural "The Battle of Anghiari" was painted to honor a military victory of the government of this city Florence
#6483, aired 2012-11-21GENERAL PRACTICE $800: Gen. Thomas Gage, military governor of this colony, ordered the redcoats to march on Lexington & Concord Massachusetts
#6478, aired 2012-11-14BEFORE & AFTER $2000: Type of union at the hip between bones with a round end fitting into a cup that advises the president on military matters a ball-and-socket Joint Chiefs of Staff
#6464, aired 2012-10-25NAME THAT CENTURY $1200: Gallipoli becomes an epic disaster for Britain's military the 20th century
#6459, aired 2012-10-18THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WARS $400: This military man with a famous plan bested Albert Schweitzer, among others, to win the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize (George C.) Marshall
#6455, aired 2012-10-12GEOG. DICT. ABBREV. $400: A.F.B. stands for one of these military installations Air Force Base
#6447, aired 2012-10-02ALPHABETICALLY FIRST $400: Of branches of the United States military the Air Force
#6445, aired 2012-09-282-WORD RESPONSES $600: This 2-word term originally referred to the branch of the East India Co. run by staff not belonging to the military civil service
#6437, aired 2012-09-18DUTCH COURAGE $1600: The Military Order of William was created in 1815, after a future Dutch king was wounded in this battle Waterloo
#6433, aired 2012-08-01"J" WALKING $1000: The U.S. military calls this 2-word exercise using the arms & legs a "side-straddle hop" a jumping jack
#6425, aired 2012-07-20MILITARY MATTERS $200: A broad area where explosive devices have been concealed; it can be in water as well as on land a minefield
#6425, aired 2012-07-20MILITARY MATTERS $400: In 1980 the Italian air force wanted an "exchange", so he designed the new uniform (Giorgio) Armani
#6425, aired 2012-07-20MILITARY MATTERS $600: The story goes that 19th century Marines wore collar protection from bayonets--hence this nickname leathernecks
#6425, aired 2012-07-20MILITARY MATTERS $800: This German made his first balloon ascent as a military observer for the Union army in the Civil War Ferdinand Zeppelin
#6425, aired 2012-07-20MILITARY MATTERS $1000: (Kelly gives the clue from the USS Iwo Jima) A heavy armor version of the Abrams tank was never penetrated during the first Gulf War because its super hard armor contains the depleted type of this element, isotope 238 uranium
#6412, aired 2012-07-03ON THE TURNTABLE $1000: On a modified Boeing 707 the radar system mounted on a turntable is known by this military acronym AWACS
#6406, aired 2012-06-25SOUTH AMERICA $1600: Named for a military hero, this country has had 17 constitutions since independence in 1825 Bolivia
#6404, aired 2012-06-21HELICOPTERS $2000: 2-word call sign of the presidential helicopter, operated by a different military service than the presidential jet Marine One
#6403, aired 2012-06-20FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA $400: (First Lady Michelle Obama presents the clue.) Campaigning in 2008, I learned about problems of military families from jobs & education to wellness; later, I began the Joining Forces initiative to highlight the issues along with this woman whose son is in the Delaware Army National Guard (Jill) Biden
#6401, aired 2012-06-18AMERICAN ISLANDS $400: Shemya Island in this group was a refueling stop for military aircraft flying the great circle route to the Far East the Aleutian Islands
#6400, aired 2012-06-15THE BRITISH ARE GOING! $1600: In 1976 a Colonel Swynnerton was the last British military presence on this island at the tip of the Malay Peninsula Singapore
#6400, aired 2012-06-15THE BRITISH ARE GOING! $2000: This last British mainland colony in the Americas became independent in 1981, but the British Military stayed until 1994 Belize
#6395, aired 2012-06-08THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO $600: For men of Cyprus, 2 years of this type of service military
#6389, aired 2012-05-31SHEEP $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from the Tobruk Sheep Station in Australia.) A human & dogs gathering a group of sheep together are said to be doing this, also a verb used for gathering military personnel together for duty mustering
#6386, aired 2012-05-28LEWIS & CLARK EXPEDITION $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Ft. Clatsop in Oregon.) Needing shelter for the winter of 1805-1806, Lewis & Clark built Ft. Clatsop, the first military structure west of the Rockies, & named it in honor of the local Clatsop Tribe, a branch of this Native American people whose name reflects a culture based on a type of salmon the Chinook
#6381, aired 2012-05-21S'MOORS $200: In the 9th century the Emir of Cordoba built the military fortress Magerit, which later became this capital Madrid
#6379, aired 2012-05-17SUPER PACKS $200: Military folk carry personal items in this large, cylindrical 6-letter "bag" duffel
#6376, aired 2012-05-14MILITARY OPERATIONS $400: Operation Frequent Wind, the largest helicopter evacuation, removed Americans from this country in 1975 South Vietnam
#6376, aired 2012-05-14MILITARY OPERATIONS $800: An operation to chop down a tree in the Korean DMZ was nicknamed for this mythical lumberjack Paul Bunyan
#6376, aired 2012-05-14MILITARY OPERATIONS $1200: Operation Eagle Claw was a failed 1980 attempt to rescue American hostages in this country Iran
#6376, aired 2012-05-14MILITARY OPERATIONS $1600: Neptune Spear was the code name for the operation that killed this terrorist in 2011 Osama bin Laden
#6376, aired 2012-05-14MILITARY OPERATIONS $2000: One objective of 1989's Operation Just Cause in Panama was to capture this dictator Noriega
#6372, aired 2012-05-088-LETTER WORDS $1600: A popular military motto is "death before" this, loss of respect or reputation dishonor
#6370, aired 2012-05-04NICE "AB"s $600: Military term for a 180 an about face
#6363, aired 2012-04-25ROMAN THE BIBLE $3,000 (Daily Double): Cornelius, one of these Roman military officers, became one of the first converts to Christianity a centurion
#6361, aired 2012-04-23TIME PIECES $800: He was first mentioned in Time in 1923, in a report on a military rehearsal of the Bavarian Fascista Army Hitler
#6358, aired 2012-04-18NEWSPAPERS $2,400 (Daily Double): Published continuously for military personnel since World War II, it now has about 420,000 daily readers Stars and Stripes
#6344, aired 2012-03-29THE MARQUIS DE SADE $200: Pursuing a military career early in his life, de Sade fought in this 1756-1763 conflict against Great Britain The Seven Years' War
#6342, aired 2012-03-27MILITARY NICKNAMES & SLANG $400: It can mean "failed at flight school" or "lacking color" wash out
#6342, aired 2012-03-27MILITARY NICKNAMES & SLANG $800: A full colonel is sometimes called a bird colonel because he has these insignias eagles
#6342, aired 2012-03-27MILITARY NICKNAMES & SLANG $1200: This term for an unidentified aircraft or missile is also used on the golf course a bogey
#6342, aired 2012-03-27MILITARY NICKNAMES & SLANG $1600: Seen here is the patch of the infantry division nicknamed this the Big Red One
#6342, aired 2012-03-2719th CENTURY AMERICAN HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1866 the Supreme Court said this military rule may not be in place when the civil courts are functioning martial law
#6342, aired 2012-03-27MILITARY NICKNAMES & SLANG $2000: "Blue on blue" refers to one of these unfortunate alliterative occurrences friendly fire
#6339, aired 2012-03-22HOBBIES $800: Add 4 letters to "actors" to get these military devotees, like inauthentic farbs & obsessive stitch counters reenactors
#6331, aired 2012-03-12PRESIDENTIAL ARTIFACTS $600: Marshal Zhukov presented Eisenhower with the Order of Victory, a military decoration of this colorful army the Red Army
#6325, aired 2012-03-02I GOT 3 LETTERS! $1600: DSM, which stands for this highest non-valorous U.S. military decoration Distinguished Service Medal
#6321, aired 2012-02-27INFO FROM THE WORLD ALMANAC $600: This policy with a 4-word name that prevented gays from serving openly in the military officially ended Sept. 20, 2011 don't ask, don't tell
#6319, aired 2012-02-23TOOT SWEET $400: A military band & the tooting of a piccolo are part of the instrumentation of this Tchaikovsky overture, opus 49 the 1812 Overture
#6318, aired 2012-02-22FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH $400: In February 1977 Clifford Alexander became the first black secretary of this oldest U.S. military branch the Army
#6318, aired 2012-02-22THIS IS... A JEOPARDY! CATEGORY $800: It's the U.S. military service whose members learn the creed Johnny is reciting "This is... my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine." the United States Marine Corps
#6318, aired 2012-02-22TV SPIN-OFFS $2000: "NCIS", from this other military procedural JAG
#6310, aired 2012-02-10COLLEGE BEFORE & AFTER $400: The U.S. Military Academy has an interface where you indicate an object on a screen, then use your mouse West Point & click
#6296, aired 2012-01-23PICTURE THE "S" $1600: Members of this special military unit are seen here the Swiss Guard
#6288, aired 2012-01-11COME "IN" $600: A military badge of rank or qualification insignia
#6284, aired 2012-01-05ARMY STRONG $1,500 (Daily Double): It has an active-duty military force of about 1.2 million; its neighbor to the south, about 680,000 North Korea
#6282, aired 2012-01-03FROM THE LATIN $1600: This word meaning to compel into military service comes partly from the Latin for "to write" conscript
#6277, aired 2011-12-27MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $200: The first official list of military calls for this trumpet-like valveless instrument was issued in 1798 the bugle
#6277, aired 2011-12-27RED BOOK $1200: This Stendhal novel title was inspired by the colors worn by the Catholic clergy & the French military The Red and the Black
#6275, aired 2011-12-23GERMAN CHANCELLORS SINCE WWII $1000: Chancellor from 1974 to 1982, Helmut Schmidt earned this high German military medal during WWII the Iron Cross
#6274, aired 2011-12-22PARDON MY FRENCH $200: This military force is still used today when France has problems overseas the Foreign Legion
#6272, aired 2011-12-20MAKING A "LIST" $400: C'mon, Johnny, let's go down & do this, sign up for service in the military enlist
#6262, aired 2011-12-06NUMERIC PLACES $1200: Mysterious lights have been seen over the much-rumored military base 90 miles from Vegas known as this Area 51
#6260, aired 2011-12-02MIDDLE INITIAL C. $800: A 5-star general & Defense Secretary, in 1953 he became the first career military man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize Gen. George C. Marshall
#6260, aired 2011-12-02WHAT'S ON "TAP"? $1600: The British word for a slingshot is this, an ancient military engine for hurling stones a catapult
#6244, aired 2011-11-10MILITARY WIVES $200: Her married life began in military housing in San Antonio in 1916; 37 years & 22 moves brought her to the White House Mamie Eisenhower
#6244, aired 2011-11-10MILITARY WIVES $400: Mary Custis had other suitors, like Sam Houston, but she was set on this soldier son of Light-Horse Harry; they wed in 1831 Robert E. Lee
#6244, aired 2011-11-10MILITARY WIVES $600: In 1824 David Farragut married Susan Marchant of this Virginia city & made that port his home Norfolk
#6244, aired 2011-11-10MILITARY WIVES $800: A few weeks before their 1864 wedding, his fiancee Elizabeth called him her "old fellow with the golden curls" (George Armstrong) Custer
#6244, aired 2011-11-10MILITARY WIVES $1000: That's the former Beatrice Ayer, gazing up at this husband of hers (General) George Patton
#6243, aired 2011-11-09POLITICAL LEADERS $800: Elected president of Chile in 1970, this Marxist died in a military takeover in 1973 Salvador Allende
#6242, aired 2011-11-08ABBREV. $1000: C.P., short for this, is a military unit's headquarters a command post
#6240, aired 2011-11-04CANADIAN HISTORY $400: In 1949 Canada joined the United States & 10 other nations to form this military alliance NATO
#6239, aired 2011-11-03GROUP COUNTDOWN $1000: It can mean "one" or a military entity like the Army's Third Armored Division a unit
#6229, aired 2011-10-20HISTORIC NAMES $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1514 this Spanish explorer was made military governor of Bimini & Florida Poncé de Leon
#6219, aired 2011-10-06AWARDS & HONORS $400: The only woman to receive this foremost military decoration is Dr. Mary Walker, for her actions at Bull Run the Congressional Medal of Honor
#6217, aired 2011-10-04WILLIAM & KATE $800: Prince William wore the red of the Irish Guards & the "wings" of this other military force the RAF (Royal Air Force)
#6213, aired 2011-09-28HELLO, DOLLY! $400: For the 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Hasbro introduced a special line of this military action figure G.I. Joe
#6205, aired 2011-07-29THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY $1,000 (Daily Double): You'll find this branch of the military under the DHS umbrella the Coast Guard
#6195, aired 2011-07-15MILITARY RANKS $200: Not public private
#6195, aired 2011-07-15MILITARY RANKS $400: Not specific general
#6195, aired 2011-07-15MILITARY RANKS $600: A student's declared field of study major
#6195, aired 2011-07-15MILITARY RANKS $800: Kangaroo was one on TV captain
#6195, aired 2011-07-15MILITARY RANKS $1000: Painful punishment practice corporal
#6187, aired 2011-07-05HOMOPHONES $800: A whole seed grain of corn, or a military rank kernel/colonel
#6185, aired 2011-07-01THE COLOR PURPLE $200: Only 3 men received this military decoration during the Revolutionary War; 2 of the badges still exist the Purple Heart
#6176, aired 2011-06-20NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HISTORY $400: It was a military prison for over 70 years & a federal prison for less than 30, from 1934 to 1962 Alcatraz
#6174, aired 2011-06-16BE PREPARED $600: Semper paratus, meaning "always prepared", is the motto of this branch of the U.S. military the Coast Guard
#6158, aired 2011-05-25MILITARY NICKNAMES $200: The "Little Corporal" of the 19th century Napoleon
#6158, aired 2011-05-25MILITARY NICKNAMES $400: "Stormin' Norman" of the 1990s Schwarzkopf
#6158, aired 2011-05-25MILITARY NICKNAMES $600: The high-flying "Red Baron" of World War I von Richthofen
#6158, aired 2011-05-25MILITARY NICKNAMES $800: Mr. "Unconditional Surrender" of the Civil War Grant
#6158, aired 2011-05-25MILITARY NICKNAMES $1000: The "Desert Fox" of Afrika Rommel
#6153, aired 2011-05-18PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES $2,000 (Daily Double): "We must guard against feverish building of vast armaments to meet glibly predicted moments of... 'maximum peril'" Eisenhower
#6148, aired 2011-05-11LOST PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES? $400: At Dr. Clark's school we applaud the young man's almost military discipline, but he can't go slapping other boys Patton
#6144, aired 2011-05-05JURY DUTY $1200: The general type of this military tribunal must have at least 5 members & the defense attorney may be military or civilian court-martial
#6136, aired 2011-04-25PACIFIC OCEAN LIFE $200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reads from the Maui Ocean Center.) To be hard to see from both above & below, many sharks have dark backs & paler bellies; this was named "counter-shading" by Abbot Thayer, an artist who helped the military develop this during World War I camouflage
#6135, aired 2011-04-22IT'S A COUP D'ETAT $2000: In Pakistan Nawaz Sharif tried to dismiss this military leader in 1999 but was overthrown by him instead Musharraf
#6134, aired 2011-04-21IN THE "MORNING" $400: Movie that told the tale of irreverent military DJ Adrian Cronauer Good Morning, Vietnam
#6132, aired 2011-04-19ON THE BRITISH MONARCHY'S WEBSITE $800: If the Queen has an engagement outside London, her journeys often use a helicopter or an aircraft from this military group the Royal Air Force (RAF)
#6122, aired 2011-04-05LEGAL ABBREV. $200: Enacted by Congress, the U.C.M.J is the Uniform Code of this type of Justice Military
#6121, aired 2011-04-04FACE BOOK $600: This military marching command to reverse is the title of Col. David H. Hackworth's "Odyssey of an American Warrior" about-face
#6121, aired 2011-04-04ONLINE $800: Julian Assange runs this site known for posting U.S. military documents, to the Pentagon's displeasure WikiLeaks
#6114, aired 2011-03-24DOUBLE LETTER, DOUBLE MEANING $1000: A small tower, or a revolving gun structure on a military plane turret
#6109, aired 2011-03-17AVIATION $400: This leading maker of commercial jets & military aircraft is also NASA's prime contractor for the Intl. Space Station Boeing
#6092, aired 2011-02-22CROSSWORD CLUES "D" $800: Permanently leaving the military without permission (9) desertion
#6081, aired 2011-02-07THE 16th CENTURY $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Of the 27,000 men who left La Coruna in July 1588, more than half perished in voyage in battles of this 2-word military group the Spanish Armada
#6081, aired 2011-02-07SI, PARLO ITALIANO $2,600 (Daily Double): This word for a disastrous failure is the title of Thomas Ricks' book about the American military in Iraq fiasco
#6079, aired 2011-02-03UP ON MOUNT RUSHMORE $200: Picked West Point as the site for the U.S. Military Academy Washington
#6071, aired 2011-01-24CUSTER'S LAST STAND $1200: This supreme Native American leader at the battle was more of a spiritual guru, uniting the tribes, than a military strategist Sitting Bull
#6068, aired 2011-01-19EVERYDAY HEROES $1000: There are many heroes in our military; we picked Staff Sgt. Michael Keller, at Bagram AFB in this country in 2009... thanks Afghanistan
#6058, aired 2011-01-05PRESIDENTIAL RHYME TIME $800: Herbert's strategic military exercises Hoover's maneuvers
#6056, aired 2011-01-03TECHNOLOGY OF THE PAST $600: Originating in Asia around 200 B.C., this saddle attachment increased the military value of horses a stirrup
#6053, aired 2010-12-29U.S. FLAG ETIQUETTE $600: In a military fold, the flag is folded twice lengthwise & then folded until this geometric shape is achieved at the finish a triangle
#6052, aired 2010-12-28MERRY MELODIES $2000: Johann Strauss Sr. wrote a merry one of these military-style pieces in honor of Field Marshal Radetzky a march
#6047, aired 2010-12-214-LETTER WORLD CAPITALS $200: It's home to the Krigsskolen, the Norwegian military academy Oslo
#6047, aired 2010-12-21THE DOGS OF WAR $800: The dog here is training with this branch of the military; in Florida, not Tripoli the Marines
#6043, aired 2010-12-15LET THE GAMES BEGIN $200: Joint military exercises like the ones the U.S. conducts with South Korea also have this more playful name war games
#6028, aired 2010-11-24DWIGHT EISENHOWER $600: It was the highest military rank Eisenhower achieved before resigning so he could run for the presidency 5-star general
#6010, aired 2010-10-29COUNTRY CLUBS $400: Greece joined this military alliance in 1952, Bulgaria in 2004, though they're far from the body of water in its name NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
#6008, aired 2010-10-27STATES' SECOND-LARGEST CITIES $200: Wyoming: it's named for a military hero, not a "friendly ghost" Casper
#6008, aired 2010-10-27BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING $1200: In 1950 this general & head of the U.N. military force led a surprise landing behind enemy lines at the Korean port of Inchon MacArthur
#6000, aired 2010-10-156,000 $400: In Julius Caesar's time, this standard Roman military unit comprised about 6,000 men a legion
#5999, aired 2010-10-14OHIOANS $400: In 1941, 50 years affer his death, a military tank was named for this Lancaster, Ohio-born general Sherman
#5998, aired 2010-10-13THE TRIALS OF WOMANHOOD $400: A 1913 W.V. miners' strike brought martial law, so 82-year-old Mother Jones was tried in this type of military tribunal a court-martial
#5995, aired 2010-10-08FRENCH CITIES? $800: Multiple episodes of military service in a war zone, population 137,000 Tours
#5994, aired 2010-10-072012 $800: After 62 years the U.S. is scheduled to relinquish wartime control of this nation's military South Korea
#5994, aired 2010-10-07LENIN $1600: This military group formed under Lenin officially lost its colorful name in 1946 the Red Army
#5992, aired 2010-10-05ASIAN NATIONS $1600: Operation Baus Au, Tagalog for "get it back", was run by the U.S. military in this nation during World War II the Philippines
#5989, aired 2010-09-30ADD A LETTER $1600: Add a letter to a Judean military governor's surname & you get this low-impact exercise Pilates
#5977, aired 2010-09-14IT'S GONNA "BE"... $1600: This 9-letter area is the first objective of a military force landing on an enemy shore a beachhead
#5971, aired 2010-07-26WHAT'S YOUR BEEF? $600: The left or right side of a military formation flank
#5969, aired 2010-07-22THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS! $800: From Middle English for "brandish a weapon", it's a brief military clash a skirmish
#5964, aired 2010-07-15ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS $800: Some "general" info--this military man died in London on June 14, 1801, unpopular in 2 countries Benedict Arnold
#5956, aired 2010-07-05GEORGE WASHINGTON $1600: Before he was a military man & a president, George had this job, someone who maps out exact land boundaries a surveyor
#5944, aired 2010-06-17MR. OCTOBER $1000: This controversial military man's brief retirement ended when he was recalled by Israel's army in October 1973 Ariel Sharon
#5940, aired 2010-06-11MILITARY FIRSTS $200: The first recorded battle on English soil occurred when his forces invaded in 55 B.C. Julius Caesar
#5940, aired 2010-06-11MILITARY FIRSTS $400: In May 1783 Elijah Churchill & William Brown became the first recipients of this medal established by George Washington the Purple Heart
#5940, aired 2010-06-11MILITARY FIRSTS $600: On Oct. 16, 1946 Joachim von Ribbentrop became the first of 10 condemned men hanged in this city for war crimes Nuremberg
#5940, aired 2010-06-11MILITARY FIRSTS $1000: The first successful wartime attack by one of these occurred by the Hunley off Charleston in 1864 a submarine
#5940, aired 2010-06-11MILITARY FIRSTS $2,800 (Daily Double): The first battle casualties of this fabled military unit were in 1527 when 147 died defending Pope Clement VII the Swiss Guards
#5933, aired 2010-06-02WOODROW WILSON'S WAR $800: In one of the first major U.S. actions, this military branch's 5th & 6th regiments drove the Germans out of Belleau Wood the Marines
#5923, aired 2010-05-19RIGHT BY THE NUMBERS $400: When this letter follows 4, it means not qualified for military service due to medical reasons F
#5921, aired 2010-05-17MASADA $1600: The Roman attacking force, 15,000 strong, was the tenth one of these Roman military units legion
#5916, aired 2010-05-10"TOC" $400: A military prison a stockade
#5906, aired 2010-04-261990s BESTSELLERS $800: In 1998 his novel "Rainbow Six" became another in his long line of military bestsellers Tom Clancy
#5899, aired 2010-04-15I WANT "A_E" $400: The military strategy used in the early days of the Iraq War was known as shock & this awe
#5893, aired 2010-04-07POLITICAL LINGO $400: Calling someone who favors talk over military action this bird dates from the Cuban Missile Crisis a dove
#5892, aired 2010-04-06ROUNDING THE BASES $1000: Fort Riley, Kansas was named after Major General Bennett Riley, who led the first military escort along this trail the Santa Fe Trail
#5876, aired 2010-03-15FROM THE DUTCH $2000: This term for a leave of absence granted to a member of the military is from a Dutch word for "permission" furlough
#5875, aired 2010-03-121961 $600: In his January 17 farewell address, he warned about the dangers of the "military-industrial complex" Eisenhower
#5873, aired 2010-03-10MILITARY SPECTACLES $200: Seen here, the first President Bush celebrated his 80th birthday with the Golden Knights, a parachute team of this military force the U.S. Army
#5873, aired 2010-03-10MILITARY SPECTACLES $600: Though it's carrying on an older tradition, 2010 marks the 50th birthday of the current this & Drum Corps Fife
#5873, aired 2010-03-10MILITARY SPECTACLES $800: Any group of armed forces personnel who carry or escort the flag during a parade a color guard
#5873, aired 2010-03-10MILITARY SPECTACLES $1,000 (Daily Double): The precision of spinning rifles in leather-gloved hands exemplifies this military branch's Silent Drill Platoon the Marines
#5873, aired 2010-03-10MILITARY SPECTACLES $1000: Courtesy of the U.S. Navy, it's the colorful name of the entertaining flight team seen here the Blue Angels
#5871, aired 2010-03-08LYIN' IN WINTER $1600: In January 1898 the Parisian newspaper L'Aurore printed his letter accusing military & civilian authorities of lies (Émile) Zola
#5869, aired 2010-03-04HOME OF THE BRAVE $1600: The Military Order of William the Netherlands
#5862, aired 2010-02-23EPIC CURIOUS $2,000 (Daily Double): "Gerusalemme liberata" depicts these military conflicts that took place 500 years before the work was written the Crusades
#5859, aired 2010-02-18LIFE'S A (MILITARY) CAMPAIGN $200: The 49 B.C. campaign of Ilerda led to victory by this Roman over Pompey's forces Julius Caesar
#5859, aired 2010-02-18LIFE'S A (MILITARY) CAMPAIGN $400: On Oct. 7, 2001 Operation Enduring Freedom began in this country; by Dec., the U.S. had dropped 12,000 bombs & missiles Afghanistan
#5859, aired 2010-02-18LIFE'S A (MILITARY) CAMPAIGN $600: On June 5, 1967 this country's sudden air assault destroyed Egypt's Air Force on the ground; Syria & Jordan were next Israel
#5856, aired 2010-02-15NONFICTION $200: David McCullough's 2005 book covering the military side of a momentous time is titled this revolutionary year 1776
#5849, aired 2010-02-04MILITARY MATTERS $200: Like Pearl Harbor, Marine Corps Base Hawaii is on this island Oahu
#5849, aired 2010-02-04MILITARY MATTERS $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA.) Because synchronization with the propeller hadn't been developed yet, the gun was mounted above the propeller arc on the Caproni Ca.20, which the Museum of Flight considers the first of this basic type of military aircraft fighter plane
#5849, aired 2010-02-04MILITARY MATTERS $800: In the U.S. Marines, if you're one rank below corporal, you're this type of corporal lance
#5849, aired 2010-02-04MILITARY MATTERS $1,000 (Daily Double): All 28 members of this international organization have sent troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan NATO
#5849, aired 2010-02-04MILITARY MATTERS $1000: The U.S. Army unit insignia with the 23rd Greek letter signifies these operations psychological
#5848, aired 2010-02-03PRESIDENTIAL ALMA MATERS $400: United States Military Academy (class of 1843) (Ulysses) Grant
#5845, aired 2010-01-29"O" POURRI $2000: It's a military term for armaments ordnance
#5836, aired 2010-01-18TO SIR, WITH LOVE $800: Dear Sir Arthur Harris: I thrill at how you led part of this military branch during WWII; May I call you "Bomber"? Royal Air Force
#5832, aired 2010-01-12ON THE MONEY $600: This man with a strong military background gazes out from the front of the $50 bill (Ulysses) Grant
#5831, aired 2010-01-11CODES $1,000 (Daily Double): On Jan. 20, 2009 a military officer carrying these codes came to the inauguration with Bush & left with Obama the codes to release nuclear warheads
#5819, aired 2009-12-24COLORFUL RHYME TIME $400: Dark military offensive black attack
#5813, aired 2009-12-16VENICE $1600: The name of the city section where ships were built gives us this word for where military supplies are stored arsenal
#5811, aired 2009-12-14ARE YOU "EXP"-ERIENCED? $800: Adjective meaning suitable for sacrifice in the interests of gaining an objective, often a military one expendable
#5809, aired 2009-12-10STOP! $800: In the 1960s the French military stopped using this fortified line of defense named for a war minister Maginot
#5809, aired 2009-12-10ORGANIZATIONS $1600: The veterans group for this Cold War alliance's military forces is based in New Brunswick NATO
#5805, aired 2009-12-04"FACE" BOOK $1000: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew turns around roughly in place.) This marching maneuver used by military formation can also mean a complete change of opinion an about-face
#5797, aired 2009-11-24MILITARY SLANG $200: This 2-word term, also a movie title, is slang for Navy Fighter Weapons School Top Gun
#5797, aired 2009-11-24MILITARY SLANG $400: "Angels" is slang for this measurement of height, in thousands of feet altitude
#5797, aired 2009-11-24MILITARY SLANG $800: A "polliwog" has never crossed this geographic line while aboard ship the equator
#5797, aired 2009-11-24MILITARY SLANG $1000: A "ROAD" scholar is "retired on" this (coasting until actual retirement) active duty
#5797, aired 2009-11-24MILITARY SLANG $1,300 (Daily Double): "SAR" stands for this, the effort to extract a downed aircrew in a combat zone search and rescue
#5783, aired 2009-11-04THE U.S. ARMY $1200: Opened in 1802, the U.S. Army's military academy is at West Point in this state New York
#5780, aired 2009-10-30MILITARY DUDES $200: Barbarossa led the third of these campaigns in the Holy Land, which began in 1189 & lasted until 1192 a Crusade
#5780, aired 2009-10-30MILITARY DUDES $400: Prince Philip was decorated during WWII for his combat service in this branch of the British military the Navy
#5780, aired 2009-10-30MILITARY DUDES $600: In the 3rd century B.C., this man & his army crossed the Alps & invaded Italy from the north Hannibal
#5780, aired 2009-10-30MILITARY DUDES $800: In WWII Hap Arnold commanded this new U.S. fighting force abbreviated USAAF the United States Army Air Force
#5780, aired 2009-10-30MILITARY DUDES $1000: Manuel Belgrano was a prominent military leader in this S. American country's fight for independence from Spain Argentina
#5780, aired 2009-10-30"TRICK" OR "TREAT" $1200: It can be a place offering privacy & quiet, or a military withdrawal of forces to a more favorable position a retreat
#5778, aired 2009-10-28A HILL OF BEANS $800: This bean is so-named for its widespread use in a certain U.S. military branch Navy beans
#5775, aired 2009-10-23INAUGURAL ADDRESSES $200: In 1985 Ronald Reagan said that this nation "has conducted the greatest military buildup in the history of man" the Soviet Union
#5773, aired 2009-10-2121st CENTURY WORLD LEADERS $1000: Despite rumors to the contrary, this Libyan leader never trained at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (Mu'ammar) Gadhafi
#5768, aired 2009-10-14IN THE MILITARY? $200: The head of a large business firm may be called this naval rank "of industry" captain
#5768, aired 2009-10-14IN THE MILITARY? $400: It costs $50 for a 1-day pass to this American airlines "club" lounge the Admiral's Club
#5768, aired 2009-10-14IN THE MILITARY? $600: It was Howard Stern's 1993 bestselling autobiography Private Parts
#5768, aired 2009-10-14IN THE MILITARY? $800: Before taking over for Eliot Spitzer in New York, David Paterson had this job lieutenant governor
#5768, aired 2009-10-14IN THE MILITARY? $1000: Hyphenated term for a man in charge of a great household, as that of a sovereign the major-domo
#5766, aired 2009-10-12ORGAN RECITAL $800: One of the world's largest church organs is in Cadet Chapel at this institution in New York State West Point (the U.S. Military Academy)
#5760, aired 2009-10-02A WORLD OF MEMOIRS $800: Marc Cooper's "Chilean Anti-Memoir" is called this coup leader/military dictator "and Me" (Augusto) Pinochet
#5759, aired 2009-10-01AN OCTOBER FIRST FEST $600: 1946: An international military tribunal in this city sentences 12 Nazi leaders to death Nuremberg
#5759, aired 2009-10-01COLIN POWELL $800: In 1962 Colin was one of the 16,000 military advisers dispatched to South Vietnam by this president John F. Kennedy
#5757, aired 2009-09-29CHARITY $800: Since 1947 this branch of the U.S. military has helped collect & distribute "Toys for Tots" the Marine Corps
#5745, aired 2009-07-24DEUS EX MACHINA $1600: Thor, a type of this, was decommissioned by the military in 1963 & later used by NASA a rocket
#5744, aired 2009-07-23"MOTOR" HEAD $1000: A centrally controlled fleet of military vehicles intended for the use of personnel the motor pool

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (77 results returned)

#9190, aired 2024-10-25U.S. HISTORY: The largest land deal in U.S. history was formalized in a building at this spot, now named for a military hero & president Jackson Square
#31, aired 2024-05-15MILITARY PEOPLE: In April 2020 Chief Master Sergeant Roger Towberman became the first enlisted member of this Space Force
#22, aired 2024-05-01WORLD HERITAGE SITES: This entire capital is a World Heritage Site "linked to the history of the Military & Charitable Order of St. John of Jerusalem" Valletta
#9047, aired 2024-02-27MILITARY HISTORY: A prototype of this craft was deployed in August 1955; it made headlines in May 1960 the U-2
#8952, aired 2023-10-17MILITARY HISTORY: A 1918 article titled "Do Not Shoot at" these said hunters were interfering with the U.S. Signal Corps' training of them (carrier or homing) pigeons
#4, aired 2023-05-09WESTERN HEMISPHERE HISTORY: In 1915 the assassination of President Sam brought Uncle Sam to this country, beginning a 19-year military occupation Haiti
#8808, aired 2023-02-15THE U.S. MILITARY: Losses over Asia in the 1960s led to the establishment of the program known as this at a San Diego naval base in 1969 Top Gun
#8773, aired 2022-12-28AMERICA AT WAR: Until the Civil War, the January 8 date of this battle of dubious military importance but big morale value was a national holiday the Battle of New Orleans
#8505, aired 2021-11-05TOYS: Introduced in 1964, he fell out of favor in changing times & in 1970 was marketed as a "Land Adventurer" G.I. Joe
#8349, aired 2021-03-04U.S. MILITARY EQUIPMENT: The U.S. Army's tradition of naming these began with the Sioux, used in the Korean War helicopters
#8226, aired 2020-06-01EUROPEAN HISTORY: Once Europe's leading military power & later the largest state in Germany, it was abolished by the Allies in 1947 Prussia
#8219, aired 2020-05-21MILITARY SLANG: This word for high-ranking officials comes from a metal used in 19th century military insignia brass
#7989, aired 2019-05-09THE COLD WAR: The Cold War became entrenched in the mid-1950s after the formation of these 2 rival military alliances NATO and the Warsaw Pact
#7971, aired 2019-04-15STAMPS: Living people are rarely seen on a stamp, but in July 1945 the USPS issued one depicting this military event raising the flag on Iwo Jima
#7835, aired 2018-10-05MILITARY HISTORY: Prepared by the Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, the "COSSAC Plan" outlined the details of this D-Day
#7648, aired 2017-12-06REFERENCE BOOKS: This manual resulted from a military engineer's attendance at an unruly 1860s church meeting Robert's Rules of Order
#7630, aired 2017-11-10AWARDS & HONORS: The Victoria Cross is for military bravery; this cross first given in 1940 & named for Victoria's great-grandson is for civilian bravery the George Cross
#7512, aired 2017-04-18MILITARY INNOVATIONS: The U.S. Navy's photonics mast has replaced this familiar device a periscope
#7495, aired 2017-03-24NATIVE AMERICAN PLACE NAMES: You have to go through military security to reach this town with a Marine base on 3 sides & the Potomac on the other Quantico
#7357, aired 2016-09-1319th CENTURY MILITARY MEN: In 1895 he wrote to his family that with "superhuman strength" he would "discover the truth... on the tragic affair" Alfred Dreyfus
#7162, aired 2015-11-0320th CENTURY BUSINESSMEN: In 1915 he dropped bomb-shaped cardboard leaflets on Seattle to promote military aviation Boeing
#7118, aired 2015-07-22MILITARY HISTORY: This country smaller than England was a colonial rival with which England fought 4 wars, the last from 1780 to 1784 the Netherlands
#7001, aired 2015-02-0919th CENTURY WRITERS: After his death, he was given full military honors in Greece before his body was returned home for burial at his baronial seat Lord Byron
#6914, aired 2014-10-09HISTORICAL FIGURES: A 2012 poll by Britain's National Army Museum voted this man, born in 1732, as the nation's greatest military enemy George Washington
#6618, aired 2013-05-29AMERICAN MILITARY MEN: In April 1951 he told Congress, "In war there can be no substitute for victory" General MacArthur
#6559, aired 2013-03-07THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE: One of the 2 Central American countries never under military rule in the last 50 years Costa Rica or Belize
#6542, aired 2013-02-12MILITARY MEN: On June 6, 1944 he said, "The eyes of the world are upon you" Dwight David Eisenhower
#6525, aired 2013-01-18MILITARY SLOGANS: In 1779 U.S. Marine Corps Captain William Jones advertised for these, later a 1992 movie title A Few Good Men
#6385, aired 2012-05-25MILITARY MATTERS: In 1934 the lease for this place was increased to $4,085 per year; since 1959 the checks haven't been cashed Guantanamo
#6142, aired 2011-05-03AMERICAN POETS: "Bearing the bandages, water & sponge, straight & swift to my wounded I go", he wrote in "The Wound-Dresser" Walt Whitman
#5937, aired 2010-06-08U.S. MILITARY HISTORY: This general commanded the first official American force to fight on the European continent John Pershing
#5932, aired 2010-06-01THE U.S. MILITARY: This corps' motto is "Building strong" the Army Corps of Engineers
#5655, aired 2009-03-20CIVIL WAR SITES: Of the 6 Civil War-related national military parks, the northernmost & southernmost are in these 2 states Pennsylvania & Mississippi
#5629, aired 2009-02-12INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: The Air Force's C-130 "Hurricane Hunters" are the only U.S. military aircraft allowed to enter this country's airspace Cuba
#5605, aired 2009-01-09ALPHABETS: In the phonetic alphabet used by the U.S. military, it's the only letter that has the same name as a warrior people Zulu
#5446, aired 2008-04-21MILITARY MEN: In a 1944 speech, he said, "Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge" George Patton
#5288, aired 2007-09-12MILITARY MEN: Books about this American are subtitled "Warrior as Wordsmith" & "The Far Eastern General" Douglas MacArthur
#5162, aired 2007-02-06THE U.S. MILITARY: This branch uses more fuel than the rest of the military combined the Air Force
#5147, aired 2007-01-16THE U.S. GOVERNMENT: It's the only Cabinet department whose official website does not use the ".gov" suffix the Department of Defense
#5064, aired 2006-09-21WORD ORIGINS: Appropriately, this word comes from Greek words meaning "sharp" & "dull" oxymoron
#5009, aired 2006-05-25MILITARY HISTORY: Lasting about a month, it's the battle for which the most marines earned the Medal of Honor Iwo Jima
#4966, aired 2006-03-27MILITARY HISTORY: In 2005 a single sapling was planted at an army barracks in Australia to mark the 90th anniversary of this battle Gallipoli
#4959, aired 2006-03-16FOOD LORE: In food lore, the design of this treat symbolizes arms folded in prayer & the 3 holes stand for the Trinity the pretzel
#4912, aired 2006-01-10THE U.S. MILITARY: Established in 1903, the oldest U.S. military base in continuous use outside of the U.S. is in this country Cuba
#4835, aired 2005-09-23MILITARY TRADITIONS: At a military funeral, the American flag is folded this many times to resemble a Revolutionary War soldier's hat 13
#4806, aired 2005-06-27MILITARY MEN: Last name of the first father & son to be awarded medals of honor, for service in the Civil War & WWII respectively Arthur & Douglas MacArthur
#4764, aired 2005-04-28BRITISH MILITARY HISTORY: He commanded the forces that rescued the survivors of the infamous Black Hole of Calcutta in 1756 Robert Clive
#4681, aired 2005-01-03MILITARY MATTERS: According to the CIA, this foreign country has the highest military expenditures per capita Israel
#4267, aired 2003-03-04MILITARY AVIATION: In 1911 this nation was the 1st to use powered aircraft for military purposes when it spied on Turkish activities in Libya Italy
#4144, aired 2002-09-12U.S. HISTORY: Dating back to the revolution, it's the oldest continuously occupied military post in the United States West Point
#4089, aired 2002-05-16MILITARY UNITS: This 100-member unit still wears uniforms originally designed by Michelangelo in the 16th century Swiss Guard
#4004, aired 2002-01-17MILITARY MATTERS: Completed by the British in 1906, its name means "fear nothing" & it made all others of its kind obsolete HMS Dreadnought
#3934, aired 2001-10-11U.S. COLLEGES: Its original home was built in 1829 as an arsenal to defend against slave insurrections The Citadel (the Military College of South Carolina)
#3871, aired 2001-06-04U.S. MILITARY MATTERS: In 1933 what was known as the Militia Bureau was officially renamed this the National Guard
#3856, aired 2001-05-14MILITARY HISTORY: This man commanded the last organized military force to invade the lower 48 states Pancho Villa
#3848, aired 2001-05-02COLLEGES: Of 60 battles fought in the U.S. Civil War, 55 were commanded on both sides by graduates of this school United States Military Academy (West Point)
#3810, aired 2001-03-091920s FRENCH MILITARY MEN: First elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1910, this Minister of War advocated staunch military preparedness Andre Maginot (creator of the Maginot Line)
#3355, aired 1999-03-19SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS: In 1608 its inventor offered it exclusively to the Dutch government for military use telescope
#3287, aired 1998-12-15CHARITIES: Major Bill Hendricks, a Warner Bros. publicist, founded this holiday charity in 1947 Toys for Tots
#3033, aired 1997-11-05HISTORIC NAMES: In 1935, at the request of President Manuel Quezon, he was appointed military advisor to the Philippines Douglas MacArthur
#3024, aired 1997-10-23MILITARY NEWS: On June 11, 1997 the Army deactivated the 43rd Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, its last, in this country (South) Korea
#2941, aired 1997-05-1918th CENTURY AMERICANS: A military post & a Tennessee city are both named for this first U.S. Secretary of War Henry Knox
#2692, aired 1996-04-23STATESMEN: He abandoned plans for a military career at age 17 &, in 1607, became Bishop of Lucon Cardinal Richelieu
#2526, aired 1995-09-04COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD: Other than in Germany, the U.S. has more military personnel stationed in this foreign country than in any other Japan
#2524, aired 1995-07-20U.S. PRESIDENTS: 1 of 2 presidents who had military service in 4 wars (1 of) Andrew Jackson or Zachary Taylor
#1956, aired 1993-02-22MILITARY LEADERS: This U.S. general was born April 5, 1937 to parents who had emigrated from Jamaica Colin Powell
#1781, aired 1992-05-04THE 1970s: These documents revealed the Truman admin. gave military aid to France in its war against the Viet Minh Pentagon Papers
#1471, aired 1991-01-14U.S. PRESIDENTS: The 2 U.S. Presidents who served in the military in World War I Harry Truman & Dwight Eisenhower
#3, aired 1990-06-30EXPLORERS: When he died in 1957, he was buried with full military honors at Arlington Cemetery Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd
#943, aired 1988-10-12THE MILITARY: The Marines' Hymn was written during this war the Mexican (American) War
#889, aired 1988-06-16MILITARY MEN: "A better army...probably never faced an enemy," Grant wrote of his service as a lieutenant in this war Mexican War
#511, aired 1986-11-24MILITARY HISTORY: The famous "Damn the torpedoes" command was shouted by a rear admiral during this war the Civil War
#417, aired 1986-04-15THE MILITARY: With MacArthur & Eisenhower, 1 of 3 WWII generals who were only men to ever hold 5-star rank (Omar) Bradley, (George) Marshall or (Henry) Arnold
#348, aired 1986-01-08THE MILITARY: Foreign country in which the most American soldiers are stationed Germany
#182, aired 1985-05-21THE MILITARY: Maintaining the world's largest army, this country has about 3½ million troops on active duty China
#119, aired 1985-02-21AWARDS: The only U.S. military decoration that may not be awarded to citizens of other countries the Congressional Medal of Honor
#21, aired 1984-10-08THE ARMED SERVICES: The last military branch to be established United States Air Force

Players (30 results returned)

Dave Belote, the base commander from Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas 2010 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. Season 26 5-time champion:...
Thomas L. Friedman, an author and foreign affairs columnist from The New York Times "He has won three Pulitzer Prizes and authored six best sellers,...
Anderson Cooper, a host from CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° 2004 Power Players Week player (2004-05-11). Charity: American Heart Association.
Rob Poodiack, a mathematics professor from Williston, Vermont Season 20 player (2004-01-28).
Wolf Blitzer, a journalist from The Situation Room "Since 1990, he's covered every major story for CNN, including the...
Andrew Kreitz, a senior from Huntington Beach, California 2006 Teen Tournament 1st runner-up: $25,000.
Tom Walsh, a writer from Washington, D.C. 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Nifty Nine (players with byes into...
Capt. Kimberly Power, an Air Force officer originally from Manhasset, New York Season 2 player (1985-09-16). Kimberly was stationed at Norton Air Force...
Paul McBride, a military attorney originally from Ionia, Michigan Season 9 player (1993-01-12). Paul appeared on the show in uniform.
John Kelly, a retired military Air Force officer from Austin, Texas 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000. 1992 Tournament...
Chris Wallace, a TV host from Fox News Sunday "In March, this Fox News anchor was honored by the National...
Dana Perino, a TV host from Fox News Channel's The Five "White House press secretary under George W. Bush, she now appears...
Mike Maheu, a high school teacher from San Diego, California Season 25 2-time champion: $46,242 + $1,000. Last name pronounced like...
Bryan Barnett, a military charter flight attendant from Potomac Falls, Virginia Season 28 player (2012-01-10).
Hannah Whisnant, a junior at the United States Military Academy from Nokomis, Florida 2017 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000.
Wolf Blitzer, a reporter from CNN "An Emmy Award-winning reporter for CNN and host of Inside Politics...
Senator Al Franken, a U.S. senator from Minnesota "After a successful career as a comedy writer, author, and radio...
Don Bouchoux, a military analyst from Great Falls, Virginia Season 8 player (1992-06-08).
Campbell Warner, a military attorney originally from Rock Hill, South Carolina Season 30 2-time champion: $37,200 + $2,000. Campbell appeared on the...
Carissa Pekny, a senior at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point from West Lafayette, Indiana 2016 College Championship quarterfinalist: $5,000.
Arthur Gandolfi, a commercial real estate executive from Pleasantville, New York 2004 Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up: $25,000. Season 20 4-time champion:...
Francis Lansangan, a military analyst from Virginia Beach, Virginia Season 28 3-time champion: $78,401 + $2,000. JBoard user name: nagnasnalf
Dan Smith, a student from Chicago, Illinois Season 25 3-time champion: $69,200 + $1,000. Dan Smith - a...
Sharon Beattie, a music teacher from Stuttgart, Germany Season 4 player (1988-05-30). She was announced as being from Stuttgart,...
Nick Yozamp, a junior from Washington University in St. Louis 2010 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. 2010-A College Championship winner:...
Tim Morton, a military analyst from Stevensville, Maryland Season 17 1-time champion: $3,099.
William Garrett, a 12-year-old from Greenfield, Indiana "Serving his country as an officer in the military is his...
Jove Graham, a biomedical engineer from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Season 26 1-time champion: $34,401 + $1,000. Jove's second contestant interview...
Kevin Welber, a lawyer originally from Ramat Gan, Israel Season 14 player (1998-01-30). Kevin Amir Welber's biographical sketch, taken from...
Steve Newman, a partner in a small computer company from Rockville, Maryland "He was the first player to win 5 games in the...

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