Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#9019, aired 2024-01-18WHAT IN THE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS...? $200: Making the best of a bad past situation, this ex-heavyweight champ from Brooklyn put out edibles in the shape of ears in 2022 Mike Tyson
#6216, aired 2011-10-03JERSEY TV $800: It's the nickname of "Jersey Shore" cast member Mike Sorrentino, who has it under control The Situation
#5911, aired 2010-05-03PEOPLE $600: A 2010 story informed us that Mike Sorrentino aka the Situation, is loving his new fame as part of this show Jersey Shore
#773, aired 1988-01-06TV TRIVIA $500 (Daily Double): 3 of the 5 Huxtable kids (3 of) Theo, Denise, Sondra, Vanessa, & Rudy

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (1 result returned)

Ingrid Nelson, a judicial assistant from Lake Mills, Wisconsin Season 25 2-time champion: $27,802 + $2,000. Ingrid Nelson - A...

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