Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#9117, aired 2024-06-04ANY PORT $400: West of Lafayette, Port Charles lies on a deepwater channel in this state Louisiana
#9113, aired 2024-05-29LOUISIANA PARISH NAMES $400: This French aristocrat who heroically aided the American Revolution Lafayette
#8106, aired 2019-12-02LAFAYETTE, IT IS THERE $1200: Lafayette, Louisiana is home to the Live this Society, whose members are trees with girths of 8 feet or more Oaks
#8012, aired 2019-06-11KEEP YOUR PLACES STRAIGHT $600 (Daily Double): "We are here" in this city--but the one with a U. of Louisiana campus, or the seat of Tippecanoe County, Indiana? Lafayette
#7868, aired 2018-11-21U.S. LAKES & RIVERS $7,000 (Daily Double): This largest Louisiana lake was named for a French count Lake Pontchartrain
#7122, aired 2015-07-28PARISH THE THOUGHT, LOUISIANA $1200: A French soldier of the Revolutionary War shares a name with this parish known for its Cajun folk Lafayette
#6880, aired 2014-07-11"L" ON EARTH $1200: We are here! in this Louisiana city that's home to the Ragin' Cajuns Lafayette
#4648, aired 2004-11-17U.S. CITIES $800: The heart of French Louisiana & the unofficial capital of the Cajun country is this city named for a French patriot Lafayette
#4546, aired 2004-05-17ARE YOU A FOOD"E"? $1200: (Hi, I'm Brian Mitchell of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the NFL.) My specialty on the field is kick returns; in the kitchen, it's this, crawfish served over white rice étouffée
#4186, aired 2002-11-11FESTIVALS $1600: Each September the city of Lafayette in this southern state is home to Festivals Acadiens Louisiana
#2440, aired 1995-03-24REVOLUTIONARY WAR GENERALS $200: After the war this French marquis was offered the governorship of Louisiana but turned it down Lafayette
#2159, aired 1994-01-13INCREDIBLE EDIBLES $500: Prejean's Restaurant in Lafayette, Louisiana features an entire meal based on this large reptile an alligator
#1641, aired 1991-10-21LAFAYETTE $1000: The U.S. Congress granted him 11,520 acres of land in what is now this southern state Louisiana
#1404, aired 1990-10-11U.S. STATES $500: William Henry Harrison won the Battle of Tippecanoe near Lafayette in what is now this state Indiana

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

Players (10 results returned)

Stephen Privat, a junior at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2022 National College Championship semifinalist: $20,000. Stephen was majoring in political...
Rex Moroux, a commercial real estate broker from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 34 player (2018-04-23). Last name pronounced like "MORE-oh".
Matt Hackler, a graduate student from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 25 player (2008-11-04).
Joe Kelly Jackson, a musician originally from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 5 player (1989-06-27).
Alix Basden, a student from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 35 player (2019-04-25).
Yungsheng Wang, a deputy public defender originally from Lafayette, Louisiana 2024 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. 2023 Champions Wildcard winner: $100,000...
Yungsheng Wang, a deputy public defender originally from Lafayette, Louisiana 2024 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000. 2023 Champions Wildcard winner: $100,000...
Wanda Berthelot, a high school teacher from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 18 player (2002-04-03). Last name pronounced like "BERTH-uh-lot".
Bob Mesko, an arts administrator from Denver, Colorado 2006 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $10,000. Season 22 5-time champion:...
Emily Robin, a development officer originally from Lafayette, Louisiana Season 20 player (2003-10-13). Last name pronounced like "RO-bin".

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