Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4852, aired 2005-10-18'60s POP QUIZ $1000: This Zager & Evans hit about the future is subtitled "Exordium & Terminus" "In The Year 2525"
#4612, aired 2004-09-28TOP 40 MATH $2000: In the song's title, Zager & Evans' "In The Year" this minus The Commodores' "Times A Lady" 2522
#2997, aired 1997-09-16ONE-HIT WONDERS $3,000 (Daily Double): No. 1 for 6 weeks, the song heard here was this duo's only Top 40 hit: "In the year 2525, if man is still alive..." Zager & Evans
#1587, aired 1991-06-25GOLDEN OLDIES $500: This futuristic Zager & Evans song was subtitled "Exordium & Terminus" "In The Year 2525"
#749, aired 1987-12-03ROCK SUBTITLES $1000: "Exordium & Terminus" was the subtitle for this apocalyptic 1969 #1 Zagar & Evans hit "In the Year 2525"

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