Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (104 results returned)

#31, aired 2025-02-05DEATH LOOKS GOOD ON YOU $600: Cool tombstone! This escape artist is buried in Queens, New York & his grave depicts the emblem for the Society of American Magicians Harry Houdini
#9234, aired 2024-12-26DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $200: Hardeen, whose exploits are advertised here, had this more famous brother in the same line of work Houdini
#9154, aired 2024-07-25RECENTLY ON BILLBOARD'S HOT 100 $1600: Dua Lipa sang, "I come & I go, tell me all the ways you need me, I'm not here for long, catch me or I go" this man Houdini
#9125, aired 2024-06-14TILL DEATH DO US PART $800: After he passed away on Halloween in 1926, his widow Bess held annual seances on that date to try to make contact with him Houdini
#9103, aired 2024-05-15THE RUNAWAYS $800: An early "escape" by him was running away from his impoverished rabbinical family home in Milwaukee at age 12 Houdini
#9056, aired 2024-03-11RESISTANCE IS FUTILE $400: This canvas over-garment will make you keep your hands to yourself, but one used by Houdini sold for nearly $50,000 in 2011 a straitjacket
#8999, aired 2023-12-21SAY, "BUSTER" $200: Harry Houdini was called one of these in 1930, half a century before Bill Murray a ghostbuster
#8937, aired 2023-09-26SHATTERING ALLUSIONS $200: A person who can get out of tight situations is one of these, the name of a 1920s escape artist Houdini
#8869, aired 2023-05-11GRANDMA $1600: Of this early 20th century performer, Josephine Weisz Harry Houdini
#8794, aired 2023-01-2620th CENTURY AMERICA $400: In 1926 this magician spoke to Congress supporting a bill criminalizing fortune telling & mediums Harry Houdini
#8678, aired 2022-07-06MOVIE MAGIC & WIZARDRY $200: Amateur magician Tony Curtis did his own tricks in a 1953 biopic of this conjurer & escape artist Houdini
#8665, aired 2022-06-17THE "IT" DEPARTMENT $400: This restraining item from which Houdini used to escape can also mean anything that confines you a straitjacket
#8538, aired 2021-12-22THE 1920s $400: His 1926 funeral was attended by many mourners & a wand was ceremonially broken on his coffin, beginning an annual tradition Houdini
#8441, aired 2021-07-12AN ILLUSTRATED LIFE $200: 8 decades after his death, a 2007 graphic novel told the adventures of this man, "The Handcuff King" Houdini
#8277, aired 2020-11-10MAGIC $800: Houdini specialized in this -ology, extricating himself from tight spots & restraints escapology
#8194, aired 2020-04-02FAMOUS NAMES $1000: During WWI this celebrity visited troops headed overseas & gave tips about how to get out of German handcuffs Houdini
#8081, aired 2019-10-28HALLOWEEN TRADITIONS $1000: This 20th century performer's museum in Scranton, Penn. features an online seance every Halloween Houdini
#8074, aired 2019-10-17MAGIC & ILLUSION $400: Giving a lot of bang for your buck in the 1920s, he presented magic, illusions, escapes & phony mediums exposed Houdini
#7938, aired 2019-02-27DATES $1600: 1926 date on which Houdini died October 31st
#7803, aired 2018-07-11I CAN NAME THAT PERSON IN 2 WORDS $600: Escapology king Harry Houdini
#7775, aired 2018-06-01CELEBRATIONS OF THE MONTH $2,000 (Daily Double): National Magic Day, on the anniversary of Harry Houdini's death October
#7716, aired 2018-03-12STRANGE BEDFELLOWS $1600: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle hosted a seance to contact this magician's mother; it didn't go well & the 2 friends parted ways Houdini
#7681, aired 2018-01-22MYOPIC BIOPICS $1,500 (Daily Double): The 1953 biopic of this man shows Tony Curtis dying in the water torture cell illusion, not from peritonitis Harry Houdini
#7583, aired 2017-07-26BRITANNICA BYLINES $400: He conjured up the entry on conjuring for the 1926 edition, the same year as his untimely death Harry Houdini
#7529, aired 2017-05-11STRANGER THINGS $800: He not only made incredible escapes, but in 1918 made a 10,000-pound elephant vanish from a brightly lit stage Houdini
#7328, aired 2016-06-22-OLOGIES $800: He specialized in escapology, as seen in his "milk can escape", introduced in 1908 Houdini
#7272, aired 2016-04-05FAMOUS PAIRS $400: Unveiled in 2013, their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is just steps away from Houdini's Penn & Teller
#7166, aired 2015-11-09DESPICABLE "ME" $800: Houdini tried to expose one of these who went by the name Margery a medium
#7133, aired 2015-09-23RANDOM FACTS $200: (Hi, I'm Penn Jillette.) When a magician dies, a wand is sometimes broken at his funeral to symbolize his loss of magical power; the first broken wand ceremony was performed by the Society of American Magicians in 1926 at the memorial service for this famous escapologist (Harry) Houdini
#7039, aired 2015-04-02DIE ANOTHER DAY $1600: October 31, 1926 in Detroit, of peritonitis from a stomach injury Houdini
#6983, aired 2015-01-14FROM NAMES TO WORDS $1600: In 1923 the New York Times defined it as "to escape" Houdini
#6842, aired 2014-05-20FAMOUS AMERICANS $1000: "A Magician Among the Spirits" is a 1924 book by this man Houdini
#6784, aired 2014-02-27ENTERTAINERS $800: He called the milk can escape "the best escape that I have ever invented" Harry Houdini
#6729, aired 2013-12-12CARRY "WATER" $200: This phrase has been applied to sadistic dripping & to Houdini's escape act from a water tank water torture
#6656, aired 2013-07-22HISTORICAL NOVELS $2000: Houdini & Henry Ford are among the figures who appear in this E.L. Doctorow tale of the early 1900s Ragtime
#6459, aired 2012-10-18ESCAPIST LITERATURE $400: A magician himself, Sid Fleischman penned "Escape!: The Story of" this legend Houdini
#6411, aired 2012-07-02NOTABLE HUNGARIANS $200: Born Erik Weisz in Budapest, he took his stage name from a French magician Harry Houdini
#6357, aired 2012-04-17THEY WROTE FOR ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA $400: Almost half of his 1926 entry on conjuring was about himself, mentioning such tricks as the milk-can escape Houdini
#6282, aired 2012-01-03PATENTS OF WELL-KNOWN FOLKS $200: Patented March 1, 1921 was an improved "Diver's suit" by this escape artist Houdini
#6255, aired 2011-11-25PHILATELY PHUN $600: A 2002 stamp of this early 20th century performer featured chains that could only be seen with a special lens (Harry) Houdini
#6173, aired 2011-06-15HOUDINI $200: Though he claimed to have been born in the U.S., Houdini was really born in 1874 in this newly created capital of Austria-Hungary Budapest
#6173, aired 2011-06-15HOUDINI $400: Harry Houdini died on this day in 1926--spooky! Halloween
#6173, aired 2011-06-15HOUDINI $600: Houdini died from a burst one of these, not as the result of an escape gone bad an appendix
#6173, aired 2011-06-15HOUDINI $800: Every year on the anniversary of Houdini's death, believers & the curious hold these--so far, he hasn't shown seances
#6173, aired 2011-06-15HOUDINI $5,000 (Daily Double): An early "ghostbuster", Houdini fell out with this detective novelist, a former friend & advocate of spiritualism Arthur Conan Doyle
#6064, aired 2011-01-13BELOW THE BELT $1000: Houdini had an easy time getting out of these pants parts the Brits call "turn-ups" cuffs
#6059, aired 2011-01-06NICKNAMES $800: Born in 1874, he was nicknamed "The Handcuff King" & "The King of Escapologists" Houdini
#5946, aired 2010-06-21WEISS GUYS $200: Magician & escape artist Erich Weiss earned fame under this stage name Houdini
#5931, aired 2010-05-31ARE YOU AN -INI? $400: He said getting out of a milk can was "the best escape that I have ever invented" Houdini
#5421, aired 2008-03-17SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE $800: Sir Arthur was a spiritualist, but he faced opposition from this man who wrote "A Magician Among the Spirits" Harry Houdini
#5323, aired 2007-10-31IT HAPPENED ON HALLOWEEN $400: 1926: There's no escape for this magician who dies following a rupture of his appendix Harry Houdini
#4857, aired 2005-10-25FIRST NAME'S THE SAME $200: Blackmun, Houdini, Cohn Harry
#4823, aired 2005-07-20MAGICAL HISTORY TOUR $200: This legendary magician was imprisoned in a thorn bush by a "watery" woman using magic he had taught her Merlin
#4773, aired 2005-05-11I READ THE ARTICLES, TOO $800: You can't escape the fact that the 1926 Encyclopedia Britannica article on conjuring was done by him Houdini
#4742, aired 2005-03-29WISCONSIN 3-0 $4,000 (Daily Double): There's no escaping the fact that his father, Mayer Samuel Weiss, was Appleton, Wisc.'s first rabbi (Harry) Houdini
#4692, aired 2005-01-18H.H. $400: In 1924, he wrote "A Magician Among the Spirits", debunking mind readers & mediums Harry Houdini
#4609, aired 2004-09-23NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE HONOREES $3,200 (Daily Double): Houdini, Emma Goldman & Henry Ford are in this writer’s first winner; Dutch Schultz is in his second winner E.L. Doctorow
#4460, aired 2004-01-16THE END $400: There was no escaping death for this magician; he died on Halloween night in 1926 Harry Houdini
#4439, aired 2003-12-18WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG $1200: Born in Hungary in 1874, the son of Samuel & Cecilia Weiss, he became a professional magician at age 17 Harry Houdini (Erik Weisz)
#4405, aired 2003-10-31YESTERDAY'S PERSONALITIES $400: This famous early 20th century entertainer seen here was hard to keep under lock & key Houdini
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SHATTERING ALLUSIONS $200: A person who can get out of tight situations is one of these, the name of a '20s escape artist a Houdini
#4142, aired 2002-09-10NICKNAMES $400: This entertainer earned the nickname "The Handcuff King" for his ability to escape manacles Harry Houdini
#4098, aired 2002-05-29FIRST NAME'S THE SAME $200: Cohn, Houdini, Belafonte Harry
#3946, aired 2001-10-29THEY WERE FREEMASONS $200: This American conjurer, escapologist & Freemason was born in Budapest in 1874 as Ehrich Weiss Harry Houdini
#3880, aired 2001-06-15BIG SCREEN BIOGRAPHIES $400: 1953: Tony Curtis as this magician Harry Houdini
#3782, aired 2001-01-30MAGIC $100: The legendary Dai Vernon was known as "The Man Who Fooled" this escape king Harry Houdini
#3741, aired 2000-12-04I'M JUST WILD ABOUT HARRY $500: This turn-of-the-century man began his career as a teenager doing card magic as "Eric The Great" Harry Houdini
#3709, aired 2000-10-19AMERICAN EXPERIENCE $100: He's the performer seen here Harry Houdini
#3628, aired 2000-05-17BOASTING $900 (Daily Double): A turn of the century boast went "Nothing on Earth can hold" this performer "a prisoner" Harry Houdini
#3174, aired 1998-05-21MOVIE STARS $800: Jamie Lee Curtis wasn't born yet when these actors, her parents, co-starred in "Houdini" in 1953 Tony Curtis & Janet Leigh
#3032, aired 1997-11-04CAREER DAY $400: Harry Houdini was known as this type of magician who specializes in breaking bonds an escape artist
#3030, aired 1997-10-31REAL GHOSTS? $400: This magician who died on Halloween is said to haunt the ruins of his Hollywood Hills estate Houdini
#2945, aired 1997-05-231996 BIOGRAPHIES $200: This escape artist who died in 1926 is called the "World's Handcuff King" in a new book by Kenneth Silverman Harry Houdini
#2832, aired 1996-12-17NOTABLE NAMES $200: In 1924, 2 years before his death, he published "A Magician Among the Spirits" Harry Houdini
#2663, aired 1996-03-13MAGIC $100: After other magicians started performing this illusion, Horace Goldin upgraded his version to use a buzz saw sawing a woman in half
#2663, aired 1996-03-13MAGIC $200: After his 1926 death, his widow Bess held a seance once a year until 1936 trying to contact him Houdini
#2613, aired 1996-01-03MAGIC & MAGICIANS $500: Hardeen, born Theodore Weiss, briefly performed with this famous escape artist, his brother Harry Houdini
#2458, aired 1995-04-191900 $100: In a demonstration of his talent, he "escaped" from London's Scotland Yard in 1900 Houdini
#2445, aired 1995-03-31ESCAPES $100: In the 1910s, this magician was famous for his escape from the "water torture cell" Houdini
#2419, aired 1995-02-23ANNUAL EVENTS $200: National Magic Day is observed on October 31, the anniversary of this magician's death (Harry) Houdini
#2329, aired 1994-10-20NICKNAMES $300: This magician's ease in slipping out of handcuffs won him the title "The Handcuff King" Houdini
#2282, aired 1994-07-05THE ROARING '20s $400: In a 1926 stunt he stayed underwater for 91 minutes with only about 5 minutes of air Houdini
#2132, aired 1993-12-07MAGIC $300: Writings of this late escape artist "On Magic" were published in 1954 Houdini
#2111, aired 1993-11-08HOLLYWOOD HODGEPODGE $600: Some say this magician haunts the ruins of his Laurel Canyon estate Houdini
#2105, aired 1993-10-29OCTOBER 31 $200: This magician & escapologist couldn't escape death October 31, 1926 Harry Houdini
#2064, aired 1993-07-22REAL NAMES ON THE MARQUEE $500: Bernard Schwartz & Jeanette Morrison in "Houdini" Tony Curtis & Janet Leigh
#2044, aired 1993-06-24FAMOUS NAMES $200: His father was a Hungarian rabbi & he was an escapologist (Harry) Houdini
#1974, aired 1993-03-18MAGICIANS $300: Among his published works were "A Magician Among the Spirits" & "A Treatise on Handcuff Secrets" (Harry) Houdini
#1720, aired 1992-02-07WILD ABOUT HARRY $100: Magician who was born Ehrich Weiss in Hungary & escaped to Appleton, Wisconsin as a child Houdini
#1654, aired 1991-11-07FILM BIOGRAPHIES $100: In 1953 Tony Curtis portrayed this magician in a highly fictionalized account of his life Harry Houdini
#1650, aired 1991-11-01GRAB BAG $600: Carl Jung, Harry Houdini & J.P. Morgan appear as characters in this author's "Ragtime" Doctorow
#1540, aired 1991-04-19LEFTOVERS $200: Magician who invented a diver's suit with a quick-release mechanism Harry Houdini
#1458, aired 1990-12-26SPORTS $500: Celtics guard known as Houdini of the Hardwood whose 1-game record of 28 assists held from 1959-78 Bob Cousy
#1443, aired 1990-12-05HOLLYWOOD HISTORY $100: Legend says this magician still haunts the ruins of his Laurel Canyon estate in Hollywood Harry Houdini
#1412, aired 1990-10-23NICKNAMES $200: "King of Escapologists" (Harry) Houdini
#1291, aired 1990-03-26DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME $200: Houdini was famous for hanging upside-down wearing one of these restrictive overgarments Straitjacket
#1274, aired 1990-03-01NICKNAMES $400: "The Handcuff King" Harry Houdini
#1023, aired 1989-02-01MEDIUM & MESSAGE $800: Mediums still hope for a specially coded message from this man who died October 31, 1926 Harry Houdini
#1015, aired 1989-01-2020th CENTURY PERSONALITIES $200: In 1907 he escaped from chains after being underneath in San Francisco Bay for 2 min. Harry Houdini
#668, aired 1987-07-01NAMESAKES $100: He took not only inspiration but his stage name from French magician Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (Harry) Houdini
#502, aired 1986-11-11NAME CHANGES $100: Ehrich Weiss escaped the shackles of his name by changing it to this Houdini
#283, aired 1985-10-09HEADLINES $400: He "quickly frees self from straitjacket" while hanging upside down in Dallas in 1916 Ehrich Weiss or Houdini
#173, aired 1985-05-08MAGIC $1000: French "father of modern conjuring", he once stopped a rebellion in Algeria with his tricks Robert-Houdin
#83, aired 1985-01-02HUNGARY $200: This famed magician apparently pulled off the trick of being born in both Budapest & Wisconsin (Harry) Houdini (Erich Weisz)

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (7 results returned)

#9280, aired 2025-02-28FAMOUS NAMES: As a young reporter in Appleton, Wisconsin, Edna Ferber interviewed this hometown celebrity originally from Hungary Houdini
#5514, aired 2008-07-24FAMOUS NAMES: In 1906 he launched Conjurer's Monthly, a magazine that he pretty much wrote & edited himself Harry Houdini
#5353, aired 2007-12-1220th CENTURY PERSONALITIES: In 1921 he got a patent for a diving suit that allowed one to quickly discard the suit & escape to the surface Harry Houdini
#4598, aired 2004-09-08HISTORIC MEDIUMS: In the '20s the alleged spirit powers of Margery caused a rift between these 2 men, a magician & a writer Harry Houdini & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
#4056, aired 2002-04-01U.S. STAMPS: At the end of October 2001 Lance Burton & Tony Curtis unveiled the new stamp honoring this man Harry Houdini
#3255, aired 1998-10-30HALLOWEEN ON FILM: (Happy Halloween, I'm Janet Leigh.) In a 1953 film my then husband played this man, who died on Halloween in 1926; I played his wife Bess Harry Houdini
#2516, aired 1995-07-1020th CENTURY PERSONALITIES: When he died in 1926, he was buried in the bronze casket he had toured with Harry Houdini

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