Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#9020, aired 2024-01-19EXISTENTIALISM $1200: In 1927 Martin Heidegger wrote about this "& Time"; Jean-Paul Sartre later pondered this same word "& Nothingness" Being
#16, aired 2023-05-22LOVE LETTERS $2000: Marrying another guy, Hannah Arendt wrote to this German philosopher of being, "Our love has become the blessing of my life" Heidegger
#8678, aired 2022-07-06LITERARY DOCTORS $1600: "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is one of this author's 1837 "Twice-Told Tales" Nathaniel Hawthorne
#8532, aired 2021-12-14A LECTURER $400: The audience at Martin Heidegger's 1924 lecture on "The Concept of" this may have had the concept that it moves slowly time
#8216, aired 2020-05-18FIRST NAME'S THE SAME $1000: Philosophers Buber & Heidegger Martin
#6984, aired 2015-01-15EXISTENTIALISM $2000: "Being and Time" is the major work of this German thinker, controversial for his Nazi ties Heidegger
#6278, aired 2011-12-286-SYLLABLE WORDS $1200: Heidegger espoused this philosophy that stresses individual choice existentialism
#6192, aired 2011-07-12PHILOSOPHY $400: Heidegger said the most basic question in philosophy is "why is there something rather than" this nothing
#5315, aired 2007-10-19PHILOSOPHY $400: Heidegger said "Sein zum Tode", or one's awareness of & readiness for this event, is the key to authentic being death
#5191, aired 2007-03-19I-I-I! $1000: Philosophical attitude associated with Kierkegaard, Heidegger & Jaspers existentialism
#5093, aired 2006-11-01YOU MUST BE AN "EGG"HEAD $2000: This 20th century German existentialist penned "What Is Metaphysics?" Heidegger
#4823, aired 2005-07-20BIOGRAPHIES $1600: "Uncertainty: The Life and Science of" this man explores his work on Nazi weapons programs (Werner) Heisenberg
#4766, aired 2005-05-02PHILOSOPHERS $2000: This 20th century German wondered about the nature of being in works like "Being and Time" Martin Heidegger
#3431, aired 1999-07-05ANAGRAMMED EXISTENTIAL PHILOSOPHERS $1000: Gee, dig her! Heidegger
#2209, aired 1994-03-24PHILOSOPHY $800: In "Being and Nothingness", he wrote that man must realize "he is alone, abandoned on Earth..." Jean Paul Sartre

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