Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (33 results returned)

#9163, aired 2024-09-18VANCOUVER, B.C. $1,000 (Daily Double): The first sea voyage by this group set sail from Vancouver in 1971 in protest of nuclear testing in Alaska Greenpeace
#9078, aired 2024-04-10FLAG TIME! $1000: A rainbow is featured on the flag of this environmental group that has the Rainbow Warrior as its flagship Greenpeace
#8978, aired 2023-11-22SORRY ABOUT THAT $800: In 1986 the French government apologized & paid compensation for the sinking of this group's ship the Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace
#6, aired 2023-05-10HISTORIC SHIPS $800: In 1985 this organization's Rainbow Warrior was headed to protest French nuclear testing when it was blown up Greenpeace
#8293, aired 2020-12-02NONPROFITS $600: In 1970 a group of law students & attorneys founded this environmental group, the NRDC the Natural Resources Defense Council
#8068, aired 2019-10-09A WEE BIT OF KIWI HISTORY $1000: Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior protest ship was sunk in this most populous New Zealand city's harbor in 1985 Auckland
#7805, aired 2018-07-13NAME DESIRED $400: This "colorful" conservation group asked the internet to name a humpback whale & we got Mr. Splashy Pants Greenpeace
#7452, aired 2017-01-24STUPID ANSWERS $800: Part of this group's mission is to "promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future" Greenpeace
#7411, aired 2016-11-28ORGANIZATIONS $1,400 (Daily Double): This organization began with a 1971 protest against offshore nuclear testing Greenpeace
#7173, aired 2015-11-18ORGANIZATIONS $1200: Its third Rainbow Warrior ship took to the ocean in 2011 Greenpeace
#6848, aired 2014-05-28OOO, SORRY $800: In 1986 the French government compensated this organization for the sinking of its vessel the Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace
#6508, aired 2012-12-26SHIP SHAPE $1200: While protesting nuclear testing in the Pacific, this Greenpeace ship was sunk in 1985 by agents of the French govt. Rainbow Warrior
#6102, aired 2011-03-08SORRY ABOUT THAT $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1986 the French govt. apologized & paid compensation for the sinking of this group's ship the Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace
#5960, aired 2010-07-09FUN WITH COLORS $2000: This organization was founded in 1971; its efforts to save the whales gained worldwide attention Greenpeace
#5751, aired 2009-09-21FIX THE SPOONERISM $600: Greenpeace would be chagrined to see the sign "wave the sails", instead of this "save the whales"
#5337, aired 2007-11-20GREEN $600: This international environmental group was formed in 1971 to oppose the U.S. testing nuclear devices in Alaska Greenpeace
#5235, aired 2007-05-18IT'S ALL A LEGEND $600: This Greenpeace ship's name comes from a legend about a spirit that comes to save Earth from disaster the Rainbow Warrior
#5067, aired 2006-09-26GOSPEL TRUTH $800: Call Greenpeace! In Matthew 4 Peter & Andrew left these in the sea when Jesus called them their nets
#4700, aired 2005-01-28THE ENVIRONMENT $200: This "colorful" & controversial activist environmental group was formed in Canada in 1971 Greenpeace
#4333, aired 2003-06-04COMMITTEES $2,000 (Daily Double): The Don't Make a Wave Committee, opposed to weapons tests in Alaska, grew into this broader organization Greenpeace
#4244, aired 2003-01-30ORGANIZATIONS $2,300 (Daily Double): Its slogan is "When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters" American Lung Association
#4195, aired 2002-11-22CORPORATE SHENANIGANS $800: In the 1990s McDonald's infiltrated & spied on this "colorful" environmental group Greenpeace
#4006, aired 2002-01-21ORGANIZATIONS $400 (Daily Double): Established in 1961, the John Muir Award is the highest honor given by the organization the Sierra Club
#3525, aired 1999-12-24"RED" & "GREEN" $400: On its first voyage in 1971, this group protested nuclear testing in the Aleutian Islands Greenpeace
#3467, aired 1999-10-05DESTRUCTION $200: On May 31, 1999 in Rio, Greenpeace launched a new global campaign to halt its destruction Amazon rainforest
#3223, aired 1998-09-16ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS $400: Founded in 1971 to protest U.S. nuclear weapon testing in Alaska, it broadened its scope to the world Greenpeace
#2939, aired 1997-05-15THE ENVIRONMENT $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1995 the French navy detained the Rainbow Warrior II to stop this group's protest of nuclear tests Greenpeace
#2878, aired 1997-02-19THE 1980s $500: In 1985 this anti-nuclear protest ship was sunk in a New Zealand harbor by the French secret service Rainbow Warrior
#2136, aired 1993-12-13THE ENVIRONMENT $400: In 1985 Greenpeace's ship the Rainbow Warrior was sunk in this country New Zealand
#1780, aired 1992-05-01"G" IN HISTORY $300: This international environment organization was founded in Canada in 1971 Greenpeace
#1653, aired 1991-11-06ORGANIZATIONS $400: In 1985 its ship, the Rainbow Warrior, was sunk by French agents in New Zealand Greenpeace
#1354, aired 1990-06-211989 $500: When this environmentalist group protested a trident launch, the Navy rammed their boat Greenpeace
#1290, aired 1990-03-23THE ENVIRONMENT $400: In 1985 French military advisors at Auckland, New Zealand sank this group's vessel, the Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#3181, aired 1998-06-01SHIPS: It was refloated, towed to Matauri Bay & sunk there Dec. 12, 1987, with full Maori ceremony The Rainbow Warrior (of Greenpeace)

Players (1 result returned)

Dave Foley, an actor from NewsRadio "As Dave Nelson, he keeps things running smoothly on the NBC...

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