Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (35 results returned)

#9, aired 2023-01-05NATURE $600 (Daily Double): Research suggests that despite its reputation, this flightless bird that went extinct in the 1600s wasn't so dumb after all the dodo
#8321, aired 2021-01-25NATURE $400: Sadly, less than 200 years after they were spotted by Portuguese sailors, these flightless birds of Mauritius became extinct the dodo
#8075, aired 2019-10-18DOUBLE TALK $200: It weighed 50 pounds, had small, useless wings & was extinct by the end of the 17th century the dodo
#7561, aired 2017-06-26ALLITERATION $600: Idiom meaning no longer existing, like that extinct bird from Mauritius dead as a dodo
#7424, aired 2016-12-15TAILS $800: The size of a large turkey, this extinct bird from Mauritius had a tuftlike tail with curly feathers the dodo
#7282, aired 2016-04-19EXTINCT CREATURES $200: This flightless 50-pound bird from Mauritius laid its sole egg on the ground, so extinction? Not much of a surprise the dodo
#7233, aired 2016-02-10LIKE A SIMILE $600: That plan is "as dead as" this flightless bird that went extinct around 1680 a dodo
#6875, aired 2014-07-04NATIONAL ANIMALS $3,600 (Daily Double): There are no photographs, only illustrations of this symbol of Mauritius a dodo (bird)
#6686, aired 2013-10-14ZOOLOGY $400: Now extinct, the huge, flightless Aepyornis maximus was called this "bird", like the one born in "Horton Hatches the Egg" the elephant bird
#6665, aired 2013-08-02IF ONLY I COULD TELL THEM $400: Hey, sailors who saw this 50-pound flightless bird around 1500-take it back to Europe & breed it or it'll be extinct by 1700 a dodo
#6225, aired 2011-10-14THE NO-FLY LIST $1200: The reunion solitaire went extinct by 1746, about 65 years later than this flightless relative of Mauritius the dodo
#5972, aired 2010-07-27DOUBLE TALK $800: Oxford lays claim to a head & a foot of one of these extinct birds the dodo
#5720, aired 2009-06-19NAME CALLING $200: I hate to call you a dumb this, like the extinct bird from Mauritius, but what were you thinking? a dodo
#5128, aired 2006-12-20FLIGHTLESS BIRDS $800: Although this bird was extinct on Mauritius by 1681, one species survived on Rodriguez Island up until about 1800 dodo
#4879, aired 2005-11-24"D"-RIGEUR $400: Taking its name from a Portuguese word for "simpleton", this critter famously went extinct way back in 1681 dodo
#4728, aired 2005-03-094-LETTER BIRDS $1200: DNA from the remains of this extinct bird at a British museum proved that it had been part of the pigeon family the dodo
#4454, aired 2004-01-08QUOTATIONS $400: Will Cuppy wrote that this bird "seems to have been invented for the sole purpose of becoming extinct" the dodo
#4409, aired 2003-11-06FLIGHTLESS BIRDS $800: Now extinct, this native of Mauritius is a character in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" the dodo
#4093, aired 2002-05-22"D"OUBLE TALK $200: The island of Mauritius has featured this extinct bird on quite a few stamps the dodo
#3476, aired 1999-10-18I BELIEVE I CAN'T FLY $400: Native to Mauritius & now extinct, it's known mainly by early drawings & body fragments in museums Dodo
#3123, aired 1998-03-11WHY $200: Because it was slow, clumsy, flightless, & friendly to European settlers on Mauritius Why did the dodo go extinct?
#2673, aired 1996-03-27FLIGHTLESS BIRDS $600: The solitaire, a more agile relative of this extinct bird of Mauritius, lasted another 100 years dodo
#2664, aired 1996-03-14ANIMALS $300: This large flightless bird of Mauritius became extinct by 1681 the dodo
#2608, aired 1995-12-27QUOTATIONS $200: Will Cuppy said this bird "seems to have been invented for the sole purpose of becoming extinct" the dodo
#2472, aired 1995-05-09BIRDS $400: These "stupid" birds were discovered by the Portuguese around 1507 & were extinct by around 1800 the dodo bird
#2461, aired 1995-04-24ZOOLOGY $500: This bird which became extinct in 1914 was once the most abundant species in the world a passenger pigeon
#2448, aired 1995-04-05ZOOLOGY $800: This extinct bird's name came from a Portuguese word for "stupid" dodo
#2400, aired 1995-01-27ELEPHANT ODDS & ENDS $300: Better known as this, the aepyornis, like the dodo, is extinct elephant bird
#2047, aired 1993-06-29IT'S EXTINCT $200: The dodo was found on the Islands of Reunion, Rodrigues & Mauritius in this ocean the Indian Ocean
#1386, aired 1990-09-17ACTORS & THEIR ROLES $500: In the 1985 TV version of "Alice in Wonderland", Shelley Winters played this extinct bird the dodo bird
#1324, aired 1990-05-10WORDPLAY $400: The name of this extinct bird is a musical note said twice Dodo
#1139, aired 1989-07-13IN THE DICTIONARY $100: A Portuguese word for "silly" or "stupid" inspired the name of this extinct flightless bird the dodo
#1040, aired 1989-02-24BIRDS $600: Related to pigeons but larger than turkeys, this bird was the 1st modern species to become extinct dodo
#782, aired 1988-01-19ANIMALS $800: The eggs of this extinct species, the world's heaviest bird, are the largest single cells known to science elephant birds
#101, aired 1985-01-28ECOLOGY $200: From Portuguese word for "silly", this flightless bird has been extinct for 300 years the dodo

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