Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (40 results returned)

#9022, aired 2024-01-23CONSTELLATIONS $1000: Not Crux Australis but this is the title of a Crosby, Stills & Nash tune that mentions Papeete & the Marquesas "Southern Cross"
#8849, aired 2023-04-13FOODSTOCK $400: The third guy in the "Our House" quartet converted to Judaism & it was Yiddish snacking for all Crosby, Stills, Nosh & Young
#8754, aired 2022-12-011, 2 & 3 $600: In 1969 this sweet-sounding trio gave us "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" & an appeal to Nos. 2 & 3; 1 says he's sorry; please sing together again! Crosby, Stills & Nash
#8606, aired 2022-03-28CROSBY $800: Before teaming up with Stills & Nash, David Crosby was a founding member of this high-flying 1960s rock group The Byrds
#8494, aired 2021-10-21FAMILIAR SOUNDING TRIOS $1000: Last name of actress Cathy Lee, static photos & the car company that made the Rambler Crosby, stills & Nash
#7882, aired 2018-12-11INITIAL INITIALS $800: Before the "Y" came along, CSN stood for this Crosby, Stills, Nash
#7728, aired 2018-03-28SONGS FOR YOUR CAT $1600: This quartet sang "Our house is a very very very fine house, with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard" Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
#7724, aired 2018-03-22SING A SONG OF $400: No Crosby, Nash or Young around when this man sang "Song Of Love" (Stephen) Stills
#7519, aired 2017-04-27ALMOST THERE TO THE STATE CAPITAL $400: The beginning of a capital, namewise... Crosby? No. Stills? Nuh uh. That third guy? You bet! & that town loves music! Nashville
#6940, aired 2014-11-14NOT A POP GROUP, YET A POP GROUP $200: Singer Bing, a series of single photo prints & poet Ogden Crosby, Stills & Nash
#6681, aired 2013-10-07BAND/NAMES $200: They could've called themselves David, Stephen & Graham when they formed in Laurel Canyon but went by these 3 last names Crosby, Stills & Nash
#6478, aired 2012-11-14TEACH ME A SONG $1600: This quartet hit the top 20 in 1970 with "Teach Your Children" Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
#6000, aired 2010-10-15AFRO-DITTY $1600: Crosby, Stills & Nash were "Traveling the train through clear Moroccan skies" on this title locomotive the Marrakesh Express
#5944, aired 2010-06-17NEW TONGUE TWISTERS $400: "Stella stippled stylishly with" this Texas-born partner of Crosby & Nash Stills
#5865, aired 2010-02-26THE COUNTRY AS DESCRIBED BY THE ONION $600: This country represents 25% of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young & it boasts "a warm, cold people" Canada
#5448, aired 2008-04-23MUSICAL INITIALS $400: The 4 members in the band CSNY Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
#5195, aired 2007-03-23AFRICAN CITIES $600: Crosby, Stills & Nash could tell you that the 220-foot-high Kutubiyyah Mosque towers over this Moroccan city Marrakesh
#5155, aired 2007-01-26YOU MUST BE FROM DALLAS $200: Not Crosby or Nash but this supergroup member was born in Dallas Jan. 3, 1945 (Stephen) Stills
#4904, aired 2005-12-29BEFORE & AFTER $800: Choreographer of "Appalachian Spring" who teamed up with Crosby & Stills Martha Graham Nash
#4840, aired 2005-09-30MUSICAL BEFORE & AFTER $200: "White Christmas" crooner who joined 2 other guys to form a "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" supergroup Bing Crosby, Stills and Nash
#4103, aired 2002-06-05MUSIC MAKERS $2000: CS&N's hit "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" was written by Stephen Stills for this singer, his girlfriend Judy Collins
#4066, aired 2002-04-15EARLY AUTOMAKERS $1200: Of Crosby, Stills, Nash or Young, the president of Buick in 1911 Nash
#3985, aired 2001-12-21JUDY, JUDI, JUDIE $600: "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" was a hit for this 3-man supergroup that entered rock's hall of fame in 1997 Crosby, Stills & Nash
#3755, aired 2000-12-22CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG $100: "Woodstock", the group's first hit together, was written by this onetime gal pal of Graham Nash Joni Mitchell
#3755, aired 2000-12-22CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG $200: Stills & Young came from Buffalo Springfield, Nash from The Hollies & Crosby flew off from this group The Byrds
#3755, aired 2000-12-22CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG $300: In 1997 Crosby, Stills & Nash performed at this university to commemorate the 27th anniv. of the shootings there Kent State
#3755, aired 2000-12-22CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG $400: David Crosby made big news when it was revealed that he fathered this rocker & Julie Cypher's 2 children Melissa Etheridge
#3755, aired 2000-12-22CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG $500: (Hello everybody, I'm Graham Nash) With an eye on the new millennium, our 2000 tour was dubbed this "CSNY: 2K"
#3746, aired 2000-12-11BEFORE & AFTER $1000: He sang for Motley Crue but only after he'd teamed up with Crosby, Stills & Nash Vince Neil Young
#3431, aired 1999-07-05"HOUSE" MUSIC $200: Graham Nash did a very, very, very fine job writing this Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song "Our House"
#3358, aired 1999-03-24BRITISH BANDS & SINGERS $1,000 (Daily Double): (Hi, I'm Graham Nash.) As a member of this group in the 1960s, I co-wrote their hits "Carrie-Anne" & "Stop, Stop, Stop" The Hollies
#3206, aired 1998-07-06SINGERS $400: The 2 groups for which Stephen Stills was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on May 6, 1997 Buffalo Springfield & Crosby, Stills & Nash
#3005, aired 1997-09-26CANADIAN MUSICIANS $200: He performed with Crosby, Stills & Nash in 1970 & with Pearl Jam 25 years later Neil Young
#1754, aired 1992-03-26POP MUSIC $300: Of Crosby, Stills, Nash or Young, the one born in England Graham Nash
#1705, aired 1992-01-17ROCK 'N' ROLL FACTS $500: Before joining forces with Crosby & Nash, Neil Young & Stephen Stills were members of this group Buffalo Springfield
#1025, aired 1989-02-03FAMOUS DAVIDS $400: Of Crosby, Stills, Nash or Young, the one named David David Crosby
#573, aired 1987-02-18POP SINGERS $500: Of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, the 2 who are pairing up for reunion of Buffalo Springfield Stephen Stills & Neil Young
#361, aired 1986-01-27TRANSPORTATION $800 (Daily Double): In 1969, Crosby, Stills, & Nash rode high on this North African train the Marrakesh Express
#305, aired 1985-11-08TRIOS $600: Rock group that had the hit "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" in 1969 Crosby, Stills & Nash
#88, aired 1985-01-09DOUBLE S $500: He played around with Crosby, Nash & Young Stephen Stills

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)

#7798, aired 2018-07-04CLASSIC ROCK: 25 years after these 3 men played a huge festival, they went to play again & ended the set with a tune about the 1st show Crosby, Stills and Nash
#3425, aired 1999-06-25BANDS OF THE '70s: In billing order, this quartet's members were born in Los Angeles, Dallas, Blackpool & Toronto Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Players (1 result returned)

Graham Nash, a singer-songwriter from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young \"He\'s been a rock legend since the days of the British...

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