Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (17 results returned)

#13, aired 2023-02-02WIL(L), WILLEM OR WILLIAM $300: In 2018 Willem Dafoe was all wet as Vulko, the trident-wielding trainer of this title superhero Aquaman
#8752, aired 2022-11-29CAST UPON THE WATERS $800: On "Entourage" Vince Chase was cast as this movie superhero; Jason Momoa got the gig in real life Aquaman
#8627, aired 2022-04-26I LEARNED IT IN THE COMIC BOOKS $200: One of his origin stories states he was raised by a lighthouse keeper before regaining his royal birthright Aquaman
#8339, aired 2021-02-18I HEAR VOICES $2000: This dame has given voice to Gru's mom, the queen in the "Shrek" sequels & also Karathen in "Aquaman" Julie Andrews
#8138, aired 2020-01-15NETFLIX & CHILL $1600: In "Frontier" this "Aquaman" actor gets chilly as ruthless trapper Declan Harp (Jason) Momoa
#8018, aired 2019-06-19THE DC UNIVERSE $1000: In "Justice League", this Jason Momoa character admits, "I don't want to die. I'm young. There's (stuff) that I want to do" Aquaman
#7931, aired 2019-02-18NAME THE VENUE $800: The "Aquaman" premier in Hollywood, Dec. 12, 2018 Grauman's Chinese Theatre
#7810, aired 2018-07-20MUSIC OF 20 YEARS AGO $1000: Barenaked Ladies worked "The X-Files", Aquaman, Snickers & Sailor Moon into this title amount of time "One Week"
#7778, aired 2018-06-06COMICS RELIEF $400: Put out in 1941, More Fun Comics No. 73 had the first appearance of both Green Arrow & this underwater fella Aquaman
#7737, aired 2018-04-10RECENT MOVIES $800: In "Justice League" Jason Momoa pays this hero of Atlantis Aquaman
#7732, aired 2018-04-03DOLL COLLECTING $600: Name of the line from Funko with dolls from Belle to Aquaman, or the kind of culture it represents Pop!
#7069, aired 2015-05-14THE BOOK OF MERMEN $1600: DC Comics has a merman--this guy in the Justice League, who married the undersea queen Mera Aquaman
#5923, aired 2010-05-19CLUES TO SECRET IDENTITIES $2000: Aquaman: Pungent dish of India or the powdery spice that flavors it Curry
#5775, aired 2009-10-23SPEED UP! $400: This DC Comics superhero swims at high speeds & communicates telepathically with sea creatures Aquaman
#5166, aired 2007-02-12STAMPS $800: A series honoring DC Comics super heroes included this former king of the Seven Seas Aquaman
#2644, aired 1996-02-15DC COMICS $200: It's Wolverine vs. Lobo, Aquaman vs. Sub-Mariner & more as this company's heroes take on DC's in a miniseries Marvel
#142, aired 1985-03-26COMIC BOOK HEROES $300: Underwater city once ruled by Aquaman in D.C. comics & Submariner in Marvels Atlantis

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#7974, aired 2019-04-18COMIC BOOK SUPERHEROES: During his years with the Justice League of America, this superhero sometimes used the secret identity "C. King" Aquaman

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