#9300, aired 2025-03-28 | IN THE 19th CENTURY $1200: Eadweard Muybridge, whose photos explained a horse's gait, put out a whole book of animal this, partly from Latin for "place" locomotion |
#9296, aired 2025-03-24 | THE ARCTIC $400: The word Arctic comes from the Greek for this animal--not from wildlife, but from a constellation in the northern sky bear |
#9296, aired 2025-03-24 | THE ARCTIC $800: This Arctic animal that can weigh up to 2 tons is nicknamed the "unicorn of the sea" the narwhal |
#9295, aired 2025-03-21 | CAUGHT CHIMPING $2000: In "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", James Franco is tight with the chimp that has this Roman name; he's a real Serkis animal Caesar |
#9285, aired 2025-03-07 | ANIMALS IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS $1,000 (Daily Double): Nutkin & his brother Twinkleberry squirrel |
#9283, aired 2025-03-05 | ALL THE NON-HUMAN BOOK CHARACTERS $600: A motto of Boxer, the cart horse in "Animal Farm", was that this character "is always right" Napoleon |
#9274, aired 2025-02-20 | A DUAL MEANING $600: An unbranded range animal, or a politician who doesn't toe the party line maverick |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS: THE SEQUEL $100: If an authority figure is not around, mischief will ensue:
W.T.C.A.T.M.W.P. when the cat's away, the mice will play |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | PUNNY BUSINESS $200: A yarn store in Amherst, New York, Have Ewe Any Wool is a delightful pun that features the female name for this animal a sheep |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS: THE SEQUEL $200: Sometimes folks get set in their ways & it's difficult to change their habits:
Y.C.T.A.O.D.N.T. you can't teach an old dog new tricks |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS: THE SEQUEL $300: People with similar interests tend to gravitate toward each other:
B.O.A.F.F.T. birds of a feather flock together |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS: THE SEQUEL $400: You're running around in a frenzied, distracted manner:
L.A.C.W.I.H.C.O. like a chicken with its head cut off |
#32, aired 2025-02-12 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS: THE SEQUEL $500: Trying to solve a problem, you accidentally made it even more complicated:
O.A.C.O.W. opened a can of worms |
#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | HODGEPODGE $800: This term for an animal that mostly eats meat is also the name of a diet where humans mostly eat meat & animal products & no carbs carnivore |
#9266, aired 2025-02-10 | LIFE SCIENCE $800: This fibrous protein that makes up your hair & nails is also a major component of an animal's claws, hooves & feathers keratin |
#31, aired 2025-02-05 | THE COW GOES MU $300: In France, you'll find this cocky animal on soccer jerseys as well as on farms, where it might awaken you with a "cocorico" a rooster |
#31, aired 2025-02-05 | THE COW GOES MU $600: In the Netherlands, when this animal says "waf waf" it might be begging for a trip to a losloopgebied to play off-leash a dog |
#31, aired 2025-02-05 | THE COW GOES MU $1500: It doesn't matter if it lives in the city or in the country, if it lives in Italy this animal says "squitt-squitt" a mouse |
#9262, aired 2025-02-04 | MY CONDIMENTS TO THE CHEF! $1200: This animal on the label of Huy Fong sriracha sauce honors the year its creator David Tran was born; put the sauce on my table a rooster |
#9261, aired 2025-02-03 | THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND $200: Walking with an animal pal, he's "credited" with creating Minnesota's 10,000 lakes with his deep footprints Paul Bunyan |
#29, aired 2025-01-22 | SAVE THE DRAMA FOR YO' MOMMA $200: Keep it together, y'all! In a 1955 play, Big Momma's son is an alcoholic & his wife feels like this animal "on a hot tin roof" a cat |
#29, aired 2025-01-22 | BUGGIN' OUT $300: In prehistoric times, the "woolly" type of this animal used its enormous tusks to dig for food mammoth |
#29, aired 2025-01-22 | THIS LITTLE PIGGY $400: This animal has eight total toes & walks on its nails; impressive, since it can beef up to 1,400 pounds a cow |
#9252, aired 2025-01-21 | STATE ANIMALS $400: Featured on the reverse of the state flag, it's the state animal of Oregon the beaver |
#9252, aired 2025-01-21 | STATE ANIMALS $1,000 (Daily Double): It's the state animal of Montana & California, but the California one is extinct the grizzly bear |
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | WE HAD IT GOOD BACK THEN $200: The Mandan of the Plains had it good when this animal provided food, robes & much more; here, they honor it with a dance a buffalo (or bison) |
#9246, aired 2025-01-13 | SCIENCE $400: The Nicobar pigeon of Southeast Asia is the closest living relative to this animal that had gone extinct by 1681 the dodo |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY BOOK TITLE! $300: In a Dr. Seuss book, this animal "in Socks" likes to create tongue twisters for Mr. Knox Fox |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | HAVE FAITH $300: Also an image that represents a video game player, this Hindu term refers to an animal or human-like incarnation of a god an avatar |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY BOOK TITLE! $500 (Daily Double): "Something That Happened" was John Steinbeck's working title for this 1937 novella about farm workers George & Lennie Of Mice and Men |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY BOOK TITLE! $600: The title of this C.S. Lewis classic mentions a feline named Aslan, an evil woman & a piece of furniture The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY BOOK TITLE! $1200: Nature writer Delia Owens branched out into fiction with her bestselling murder mystery "Where" these crustaceans "Sing" the crawdads |
#27, aired 2025-01-08 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY BOOK TITLE! $1500: This Kurt Vonnegut satire about global destruction shares its title with a game that involves making shapes with a loop of string Cat's Cradle |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $200: In a 2024 thriller by Kate Brody, a woman investigates her sister's murder & falls down this proverbial place, the book's title a rabbit hole |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $400: Anything that diverts you from the real issue, particularly in a mystery, is this fishy term a red herring |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $600: A young shepherd in an Aesop fable tricked villagers by doing this, now a term for any false alarm to cry wolf (cried wolf) |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $800: Beware, you might get stung if you kick or stir up this, the domicile of a type of wasp a hornet's nest |
#9237, aired 2024-12-31 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $1000: An old medical aphorism says, "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not" these zebras |
#9232, aired 2024-12-24 | SCIENCE TIMELINE $200: 1796: In a pioneering lecture, Georges Cuvier uses the mastodon to show that this can & does happen to animal species extinction |
#9231, aired 2024-12-23 | AT THE PET STORE $1000: A golden or robo type of this animal would work out great on a wheel with a Niteangel pedometer to track its steps a hamster |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $400: Beneath its whitish fur, the skin of this ursine mammal is black, which absorbs heat to keep it warm a polar bear |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $800: Used as a decorative stone, malachite gets its green color from this element copper |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $1200: A bit underappreciated, it's good for you, it can be eaten raw or cooked & its flavor is comparable to anise or licorice fennel |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $1600: "Girl meets cow" is how she described "Temple Grandin", in which she won an Emmy for playing the animal rights activist Claire Danes |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $1600: The 2 main minerals that make up granite are feldspar & this quartz |
#9225, aired 2024-12-13 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $2000: The pygmy type of this small monkey lives in the rainforests of South America a marmoset |
#9221, aired 2024-12-09 | THOSE ETRUSCAN DARNERS $200: Most Etruscan clothes were made from a thick, heavy form of this animal fiber wool |
#9220, aired 2024-12-06 | SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: Perucetus colossus, a fossil one of these recently found in South America, may surpass a descendant as the heaviest animal ever a whale |
#9219, aired 2024-12-05 | THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM $2000: At the Rocky Shore Exhibit, the giant green species of this animal uses stinging cells on its tentacles to neutralize prey a sea anemone |
#9216, aired 2024-12-02 | THAT CHAPTER'S NAMED FOR ME! $800: A charming Chapter 4 is entitled "In Which" this animal "Loses a Tail and Pooh Finds One" Eeyore |
#9214, aired 2024-11-28 | LIFE SCIENCE $200: A life-size 20-foot-tall rock carving of this animal in Niger shows that the Sahara supported more varied life 5,000 years ago a giraffe |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | ANIMAL QUOTES $400: Joe Biden quoted his mom with an old favorite: "Joey, if it looks like" this "& walks like" this... "it's" this a duck |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | ANIMAL QUOTES $800: "Poor Richard's Almanack" included prudent gems like "He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with" these fleas |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | HERE'S MY WRITING SAMPLE $800: "There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single word--man" George Orwell |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | ANIMAL QUOTES $1200: The Bible says it's "easier for" this "to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" a camel |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | ANIMAL QUOTES $2000: In "Richard III" Richard claims, "The world is grown so bad that wrens make prey where" these "dare not perch" eagles |
#9211, aired 2024-11-25 | ANIMAL QUOTES $3,000 (Daily Double): Huey Newton wrote this "is a fierce animal, but he will not attack until he is backed into a corner; then he will strike out" a (black) panther |
#9210, aired 2024-11-22 | ZOOLOGY GLOSSARY $400: Derived from the Greek for "living a double life", this class of animal lives on land typically but breeds in water an amphibian |
#9208, aired 2024-11-20 | ANIMAL PLANET $400: Reaching two inches in length, the world's largest wasp, the Northern Giant this, is a deadly predator of honeybees a hornet |
#9208, aired 2024-11-20 | ANIMAL PLANET $800: With a lung capacity 3 times that of domestic cattle, they come in handy on Himalayan expeditions a yak |
#9208, aired 2024-11-20 | ANIMAL PLANET $1200: North America's fastest land animal, it gets its name from the backward-curving projections on its head the pronghorn |
#9208, aired 2024-11-20 | ANIMAL PLANET $1600: Manatees can weigh as much as 3,000 pounds; these Indo-Pacific relatives top out around 1,000 a dugong |
#9208, aired 2024-11-20 | ANIMAL PLANET $2000: The cnidarians include jellyfish & this stinging animal named for its fancied resemblance to an old-time fighting ship a Portuguese man o' war |
#9207, aired 2024-11-19 | VETERINARY MEDICINE $400: Navicular disease is one of the most common causes of lameness in the hoof of this animal horses |
#9204, aired 2024-11-14 | & THE HOME OF THE RAVE $1000: Collider said this 2023 murder movie "features the best animal performance of the year" (its pooch won the Palm Dog at Cannes!) Anatomy of a Fall |
#9197, aired 2024-11-05 | ANIMALS ON THE MAP $400: Known as the "River of No Return", the Salmon River in Idaho is the largest tributary of this other animal-named river the Snake |
#9197, aired 2024-11-05 | SCIENCE $1000: Beetles, crabs & spiders are all members of this largest animal phylum whose name is from Greek words for "joint" & "foot" arthropod |
#9196, aired 2024-11-04 | HEALTH & MEDICINE $1600: A disease of great concern earlier in 2022 saw a drop in U.S. cases late in the year & also got this new 4-letter animal-free name mpox |
#9195, aired 2024-11-01 | REPTILES $800: Adwaita, the oldest recorded land animal at about 250 when he died, was one of these critters a tortoise |
#9189, aired 2024-10-24 | "BAD" LANGUAGE $400: The diet of this burrowing animal includes rattlesnakes, groundhogs & insects a badger |
#9188, aired 2024-10-23 | OUR 4-LEGGED FRIENDS $2,600 (Daily Double): An artist/soldier created the French Army's first camouflage unit & its insignia, this animal a chameleon |
#9186, aired 2024-10-21 | IN CONSEQUENTIAL $400: It means resembling the animal seen here, even when not going off at 150 to 1 equine |
#9182, aired 2024-10-15 | LITERATURE $400: The "Snark" in his 1876 nonsense poem "The Hunting of the Snark" is an imaginary animal, not sarcasm Lewis Carroll |
#9181, aired 2024-10-14 | SIGNS & SIGNALS $3,000 (Daily Double): This colorful animal sits at the top of the royal arms of Scotland & that may be why it's one of Britain's most popular pub names the red lion |
#9180, aired 2024-10-11 | LET'S HEAR IT FOR ANIMAL MOMS $200: Dad must be relieved when mom of the Emperor species of this returns from a long trek to the ocean & regurgitates fish for the chick a penguin |
#9180, aired 2024-10-11 | LET'S HEAR IT FOR ANIMAL MOMS $400: This time period, from the Latin for "carrying", can test any mom's patience: for an elephant, it can be 22 months & an octopus, 53 gestation |
#9180, aired 2024-10-11 | LET'S HEAR IT FOR ANIMAL MOMS $600: Talk about a passel of kids--this North American marsupial can give birth to as many as 20 babies at a time, each no larger than a bee an opossum |
#9180, aired 2024-10-11 | LET'S HEAR IT FOR ANIMAL MOMS $800: Hens dissolve their own bones if needed to get this element to make shells for their young calcium |
#9180, aired 2024-10-11 | LET'S HEAR IT FOR ANIMAL MOMS $1000: Aphids can produce young through this "virgin birth" method with no mating & produce pregnant babies holding more young parthenogenesis |
#9179, aired 2024-10-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $200: Barnyard bovid:
TOGA a goat |
#9179, aired 2024-10-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $400: Plated for protection:
RADIO MALL armadillo |
#9179, aired 2024-10-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $600: Popular pet:
AMHERST a hamster |
#9179, aired 2024-10-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $800: Horny herbivore:
CHOIR SNORE rhinoceros |
#9179, aired 2024-10-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $1000: Aquatic & endangered:
EMANATE a manatee |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | ANIMAL GROUPS $200: Since they tower over all animals in the grasslands of Africa, it's not surprising that a group of them is called a tower giraffes |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | ANIMAL GROUPS $400: A gaggle of these is called a skein when in flight geese |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | 7 & 7 $600: An animal observed in the wild is said to be here, as in "We'll see the rhinos in their..." natural habitat |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | ANIMAL GROUPS $600: Your nanny could tell you a trip is a group of these goats |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | ANIMAL GROUPS $800: A stench or, less obviously, a surfeit is a group of these mammals skunks |
#9168, aired 2024-09-25 | ANIMAL GROUPS $1000: Used in trips across the desert, a group of them can be called a caravan or a train camels |
#9163, aired 2024-09-18 | LITTLE BLACK BOOKS $800: A Balzac tale of 2 brothers is titled after this animal, a term for one who brings embarrassment on the family a black sheep |
#9158, aired 2024-09-11 | AMAZING ANIMALS $400: This largest animal also produces one of the loudest sounds, up to 180 decibels that can be heard 100 miles away a blue whale |
#9158, aired 2024-09-11 | HOLY SOMETHING! $1000: Daedalus was asked by Pasiphae, wife of Minos, to create a sexy wooden this animal for her to crawl into a cow |
#9150, aired 2024-07-19 | A LITTLE WORD MATH $1600: A no-fooling state of mind you might be "in"
an external organ =
this animal abode nest (earnest - ear = nest) |
#9149, aired 2024-07-18 | POP CULTURE GRAB BAG $1200: This 2020 Switch game from Nintendo was subtitled "New Horizons" Animal Crossing |
#9147, aired 2024-07-16 | FROM SCREEN TO STAGE $600: There's a flock animal in this adjective meaning showing embarrassment sheepish |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | ANIMAL SYNERGY $400: In the Kalahari the drongo bird alerts the "manor" of this burrowing creature to predators meerkats |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | OCCUPATIONAL POTPOURRI $400: An old line says an unpopular politician "couldn't get elected" to this job, now with the upgraded name animal control officer dog catcher |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | ANIMAL SYNERGY $800: A species of this crustacean, Tubicinella major plants itself on southern right whales barnacles |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | ANIMAL SYNERGY $1200: On the Savannah this big bird can see real good & this equine has a keen nose, so the 2, ebony & ivory, live together in harmony zebras & ostriches |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | ANIMAL SYNERGY $1600: The cattle species of this bird dines on insects that the water buffalo stirs up while it's grazing egrets |
#9144, aired 2024-07-11 | ANIMAL SYNERGY $2000: The Galapagos giant tortoise allows some Darwin's species of this bird to eat parasites off its skin finches |
#9141, aired 2024-07-08 | THE SPANISH ANIMAL $200: A pretty flutterer:
la mariposa a butterfly |
#9141, aired 2024-07-08 | THE SPANISH ANIMAL $400: Anagram this:
ATUN tuna |
#9141, aired 2024-07-08 | THE SPANISH ANIMAL $600: Maybe a mako:
el tiburón a shark |
#9141, aired 2024-07-08 | THE SPANISH ANIMAL $800: A hunter's favorite:
el venado a deer |
#9141, aired 2024-07-08 | THE SPANISH ANIMAL $1000: A flier:
el cuervo the crow |
#9139, aired 2024-07-04 | SEE YOU IN THE FUNNY PAPYRUS $400: In a papyrus from the Christian era, Bast, a goddess in the form of this animal, debates a canine on matters of the universe a cat |
#9135, aired 2024-06-28 | THE DOGS $200: The first live animal mascot in college sports is said to be Handsome Dan, a dog of this breed, at Yale in 1889 a bulldog |
#9133, aired 2024-06-26 | SCIENC"E" $2000: Partly from Greek for "heat", it's a cold-blooded animal an ectotherm |
#9131, aired 2024-06-24 | A ONE E & A 2 E $800: I'll be very disappointed if you don't get these: Understanding or knowledge, & sharp like an animal's senses ken & keen |
#9130, aired 2024-06-21 | MULTIPLE MEANINGS $600: It's an animal; it's a northeastern city; it's a verb meaning to bully buffalo |
#9126, aired 2024-06-17 | THE HUMAN RACE $1000: Using animal fat & sticks, a team of Spanish researchers tried to solve this kind of obvious question about cave paintings how did they paint in a dark cave |
#9122, aired 2024-06-11 | THE DREADED OPERA CATEGORY $400: "Waltz King" Johann Strauss II also composed the comic opera "Die Fledermaus", which translates as this flying animal the bat |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: Named for an Aztec god, the axolotl is found in the wild only in this world capital Mexico City |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $800: The name of the wallaroo sounds like it's a mash-up of these two marsupials, but it's not a wallaby & a kangaroo |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1200: The Santa Cruz Mountains are home to this yellow mollusk, the mascot for UC Santa Cruz the banana slug |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1,500 (Daily Double): Rats must gnaw constantly because these teeth whose name means "cutter" grow their whole lives, around 4-5 inches per year incisors |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $2000: The black-tailed deer is the type of deer named for this other 4-legged animal--no relation, just that it has long ears a mule deer |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | ANIMAL PLANET $200: Deep in the Mariana Trench, you'll find the octopus named for this film pachyderm that uses its ears to help it fly--I mean swim Dumbo |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | ANIMAL PLANET $400: The antlers of these largest deer can be palmate, meaning shaped like an open hand moose |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | ANIMAL PLANET $600: The red variety of butterfly from West Africa seen here has this name, like a light, engineless aircraft a glider |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | ANIMAL PLANET $800: These hoofed animals can be "odd-toed" like the rhino, or "even-toed" like the antelope ungulates |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | ANIMAL PLANET $1000: These birds fly well enough but excel in the water where they can dive 200 feet down puffins |
#9116, aired 2024-06-03 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $400: The European this bird, also known as the redbreast, sings all year; its spring song is more powerful & upbeat a robin |
#9116, aired 2024-06-03 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $800: A variant of the idiom "you can't get blood from a stone" is "you can't get blood from" this root vegetable a turnip |
#9116, aired 2024-06-03 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $1200: Its colorful iridescence, like in certain feathers, give the mineral bornite the nickname this bird ore peacock |
#9116, aired 2024-06-03 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $1600: This common sulfide mineral derives its name from the Greek word for "fire", so straighten up &... pyrite |
#9116, aired 2024-06-03 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $2000: Rock salt is also known by this 6-letter name halite |
#9108, aired 2024-05-22 | BEGINS WITH A SILENT LETTER $1600: The white-tailed type of this animal was nearly hunted to extinction in the 1800s, but has slowly recovered a gnu |
#36, aired 2024-05-20 | STATUE OF LIMITATIONS $800: Tiny figures of this river animal were often buried with ancient Egyptians; the Met has an 8"-long blue one nicknamed William a hippopotomus |
#33, aired 2024-05-17 | ANCIENT LIT $8,200 (Daily Double): Aristophanes' animal-titled works include "The Birds", "The Frogs" & this one that's actually about litigious Athenians The Wasps |
#28, aired 2024-05-10 | POINTS OF VIEW $1200: Lenore Skenazy, who wrote of letting her 9-year-old ride the NYC subway alone, moved this term from raising chickens to raising kids free range |
#9099, aired 2024-05-09 | DOWNLOADING SOME APPS $400: The Anchor Bar in Western New York claims to have invented these appetizers, but have you ever seen the animal fly? Buffalo wings |
#9095, aired 2024-05-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $400: This plural word means your position relative to your surroundings; we hope you don't lose yours bearings |
#9095, aired 2024-05-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $800: Burlesque verse, often in an irregular rhythm doggerel |
#9095, aired 2024-05-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $1200: It's a fancy pitcher, like the one seen here a ewer |
#9095, aired 2024-05-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $1600: 6th century B.C. Indian physician Sushruta was a pioneer of surgery, including this reconstruction of the nose rhinoplasty |
#9095, aired 2024-05-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $3,000 (Daily Double): Part of the limbic system, this structure in the brain is thought to play a role in spatial navigation the hippocampus |
#21, aired 2024-05-01 | INTERNET SLANG $1000: It's a portmanteau word for someone who makes internet content with an animal, like with Esther the Wonder Pig on Instaham petfluencers |
#9089, aired 2024-04-25 | "A.C." $1000: Shirley Temple sang about these in her "soup, monkeys & rabbits loop the loop" animal crackers |
#9085, aired 2024-04-19 | NOT YOUR EVERYDAY WORDS $400: Pesade describes this animal rearing up on its hind legs with its front legs in the air--perhaps in a statue a horse |
#9084, aired 2024-04-18 | BIBLICAL GARB $1600: John the Baptist wore a garment made of the hair of this animal while in the wilderness & eating "locusts and wild honey" camel hair |
#9083, aired 2024-04-17 | ANIMAL LIFE $400: You can see why a tanuki is also called this nocturnal mammal dog raccoon |
#9083, aired 2024-04-17 | ANIMAL LIFE $800: In 2022 killer whales were filmed removing this organ from a shark; no word if it was eaten with fava beans & a nice Chianti the liver |
#9083, aired 2024-04-17 | ANIMAL LIFE $1200: More than half of Mexico's population of this large kitty cat is found in the Yucatán region a jaguar |
#9083, aired 2024-04-17 | ANIMAL LIFE $1600: In the 2010s scientists attached satellite tags to American eels to track their route to breed in this North Atlantic sea the Sargasso Sea |
#9083, aired 2024-04-17 | ANIMAL LIFE $2000: This species of sea turtle is named for its unique beak-like mouth, said to resemble a predatory avian a hawksbill |
#9080, aired 2024-04-12 | KIDDY LIT $1,000 (Daily Double): This beloved book about a stuffed animal is subtitled "Or, How Toys Become Real" The Velveteen Rabbit |
#9079, aired 2024-04-11 | UNREAL ESTATE $800: The English village of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh is where this animal lover has his medical practice Doctor Dolittle |
#9076, aired 2024-04-08 | "A" TO "A" COUNTRIES $1000: The desert-dwelling fennec fox is its national animal Algeria |
#9071, aired 2024-04-01 | SAME LAST 3/ FIRST 3 LETTERS $200: Animal you "play" when feigning death
a brief & succinct explanation of an event possum & summary |
#9071, aired 2024-04-01 | REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $200: A section of I-75 in Florida is alliteratively known as this animal "Alley" Alligator |
#9069, aired 2024-03-28 | SCIENCE $800: A "false thumb" or enlarged wrist bone on this animal helps it grasp bamboo stalks a panda |
#9062, aired 2024-03-19 | ORGANIZATIONS $200: Since the 1990s, an organization to save this animal has been entering runners in costume in the London Marathon a rhinoceros |
#9060, aired 2024-03-15 | ON THE WEB $800: This search engine with a double-talk animal name emphasizes privacy, saying it doesn't track searches or collect user info DuckDuckGo |
#9060, aired 2024-03-15 | WHAT THE "H"? $800: Arabic gives us this word referring to food from an animal slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law halal |
#9058, aired 2024-03-13 | OFFICIAL STATE STUFF $400: Connecticut likes this burly beast as its state animal; Mocha Dick was a notorious 19th century one a sperm whale |
#9056, aired 2024-03-11 | NATURE $2000: Also called a scaly anteater, this exotic animal of Africa & Asia is sadly among the most trafficked mammals in the world a pangolin |
#9054, aired 2024-03-07 | GETTING HISTORICAL $400: To defend against missiles, Roman legions linked shields in a formation called the testudo, Latin for this land animal a turtle (a tortoise) |
#9054, aired 2024-03-07 | UNUSUAL NICKNAMES $1000: Glasgow's Clyde Auditorium was opened in 1997 & soon became known as this animal of Texas & Central & South America the armadillo |
#9054, aired 2024-03-07 | BOOKS BY CHARACTERS $1000: Squealer &
Old Major Animal Farm |
#9052, aired 2024-03-05 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $200: Kangaroos & wallabies are members of the Macropodidae family, meaning "big" these big feet |
#9052, aired 2024-03-05 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: Looking sharp there! Espandon is another name for this creature swordfish |
#9052, aired 2024-03-05 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $800: Found in the rainforests & grasslands of Asia, this feline is named for the distinctive spots on its coat the clouded leopard |
#9052, aired 2024-03-05 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1000: The only known carrier of malaria, this genus of mosquito also transmits encephalitis Anopheles |
#9052, aired 2024-03-05 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $3,600 (Daily Double): The 2 main species of this great ape are the Bornean & Sumatran the orangutan |
#9049, aired 2024-02-29 | LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE $800: Live:
Vegan? You may need to give this cobalt-containing vitamin a shot, as animal products are the main dietary source of it B12 |
#9045, aired 2024-02-23 | 2020s & 1920s SLANG $1600: A part of an animal is in this 1920s slang word for a dancer, someone ungulating & undulating to that hot jazz a hoofer |
#9044, aired 2024-02-22 | BEFORE THE FIRST WORLD WAR $400: War in Somaliland pitted the dervishes of Sheik Mohammed Abdullah Hassan against British troops mounted on this desert animal camels |
#9043, aired 2024-02-21 | SCIENCE QUIZ $600: Most snapping turtles are this type of equal-opportunity eater, happy to eat any old animal or vegetable for brunch an omnivore |
#9042, aired 2024-02-20 | PILES $400: Regina, Saskatchewan once had an indigenous name translating to "pile of bones"--the bones of this much-hunted animal a buffalo |
#9042, aired 2024-02-20 | WHAT'S THAT SMELL? $800: This 5-letter word can mean the distinct smell left by an animal & used to track prey scent |
#9040, aired 2024-02-16 | TRANSPORTATION $600: The special locomotives used to guide ships through the Panama Canal are nicknamed this, for a hybrid pack animal a mule |
#9039, aired 2024-02-15 | CHEMISTRY TEST $1000: This unit with an animal name is used to measure extremely large numbers of atoms & other tiny particles a mole |
#9035, aired 2024-02-09 | POETRY $400: In an Edward Lear poem, the Owl marries this other title animal & they dance "by the light of the moon" the Pussycat |
#9034, aired 2024-02-08 | SIMPLE SPANISH $600: It's a form of "named", as in "Como se ____ usted?"; pronounced the Anglo way, it's a South American pack animal llama |
#9034, aired 2024-02-08 | THINKING ABOUT THE ROMAN EMPIRE $1200: Poor Geoffrey was on the menu at Pompeii; archaeologists have dug up a bone of this tall African animal in the ancient city a giraffe |
#9032, aired 2024-02-06 | ACTUALLY, THIS IS MY FIRST RODEO $200: Who knew? These on footwear have dulled rowels designed not to puncture the animal's skin spurs |
#9029, aired 2024-02-01 | BONDS OF COMMONALITY $600: Cleaning up cow manure for a king, collecting golden fruit, swiping a girdle... sounds like scenes in "Animal House", but no the labors of Hercules |
#26, aired 2024-01-23 | ____ & ____ $1500: They're "F" words, but not the bad kind; they refer to a region's native plant & animal life flora & fauna |
#26, aired 2024-01-23 | ALSO A GOOD STARTER WORD FOR WORDLE $1500: It's the edible lining of an animal's stomach, or slang for a worthless piece of writing tripe |
#9020, aired 2024-01-19 | THE BOOK TITLE ANIMAL $200: A 1919 sequel by Thornton W. Burgess, "Mrs. Peter ____" Rabbit |
#9020, aired 2024-01-19 | THE BOOK TITLE ANIMAL $400: A Stark tale indeed:
"A Feast for ____" Crows |
#9020, aired 2024-01-19 | THE BOOK TITLE ANIMAL $600: "____'s Eye" by Margaret Atwood Cat's |
#9020, aired 2024-01-19 | THE BOOK TITLE ANIMAL $800: Let's toss around "Mrs. Frisby & the ____ of NIMH" Rats |
#9020, aired 2024-01-19 | THE BOOK TITLE ANIMAL $1000: Not just for the birds, & a Man Booker Prize finalist:
"____ English" Pigeon |
#9017, aired 2024-01-16 | OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS $200: About the size of a billiard ball, the eye of this bird is the largest of any land animal an ostrich |
#9017, aired 2024-01-16 | BALLET $1200: Temps de poisson, a jump in which the legs are together with crossed feet & back arched, means "time of" this animal fish |
#9013, aired 2024-01-10 | NATIONAL ANIMALS $600: This big mammal is the national animal of Bangladesh, & please be specific a Bengal tiger |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS $200: Please be patient for a moment!:
H.Y.H. hold your horses |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS $400: You are in big trouble:
Y.G.I.C. your goose is cooked |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | KITTY LIT $500: This high-strung cat character who likes to bounce was based on a stuffed animal belonging to young Christopher Robin Milne Tigger |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS $600: Don't forget how many other single people are out there in the dating pool:
T.A.P.O.F.I.T.S. there are plenty of fish in the sea |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS $800: Make all the necessary preparations before you start:
G.Y.D.I.A.R. get your ducks in a row |
#24, aired 2024-01-09 | ANIMAL IDIOM BRAINTEASERS $1000: You can do anything you wish or go anywhere you want in this life:
T.W.I.Y.O. the world is your oyster |
#9010, aired 2024-01-05 | OUR WOMAN IN THE FIELD $1200: In 1965 Cambridge awarded her a Ph.D. in ethology, the study of animal behavior, 5 years after she began a major chimp study Jane Goodall |
#9009, aired 2024-01-04 | 5-SYLLABLE VERBS $1600: To give human qualities to an animal or an inanimate object anthropomorphize |
#9004, aired 2023-12-28 | FOR THE GRAM $200: With more than 4 million follopurrs, Nala holds a Guinness world record for the most-followed this kind of animal a cat |
#9001, aired 2023-12-25 | AGES, EPOCHS & ERAS $2000: The name of this period when animal life "exploded" on Earth comes from Cymru, or Wales, where many fossils have been found the Cambrian |
#8997, aired 2023-12-19 | ALWAYS IN FASHION $200: This animal pattern is found in a variety of colors on everything from clothing & fashion accessories to furniture leopard (print) |
#8989, aired 2023-12-07 | 4 YOUR CONSIDERATION $400: Of the 4 seasons, the one when you'll most likely find an animal in its hibernaculum winter |
#22, aired 2023-12-06 | SHOUT IT OUT! $100: In 1978's "Animal House", this word is an epic call-to-party from John Belushi; it's also the party's dress code toga |
#22, aired 2023-12-06 | "OO"! "OO"! I KNOW! $200: This animal sound is sung several times in the children's song "Good Morning Mr. Rooster" cock-a-doodle-doo |
#22, aired 2023-12-06 | PIZZA AT THE MOVIES $1000: In "Home Alone", Kevin pays the pizza delivery guy & then plays audio of an old gangster delivering this memorable line "Keep the change, ya filthy animal" |
#21, aired 2023-11-29 | ALONG FOR THE RIDE $600: The animal rights organization Trunks & Leaves says it's okay to ride these in national parks (cars are worse for the environment) an elephant |
#21, aired 2023-11-29 | SLOVENIA, BABY, SLOVENIA! $1500: Can't find Slovenia on a map? Look for the shape of this animal, which it's widely said to resemble a chicken |
#8982, aired 2023-11-28 | STARDUST $5,000 (Daily Double): A faint constellation in the northern sky, Camelopardalis represents this animal the giraffe |
#8979, aired 2023-11-23 | BIBLICAL ZOO $200: Symbolic animals in the KJV include the dragon & this single-horned animal mentioned in Numbers 23:22 a unicorn |
#8979, aired 2023-11-23 | WHATCHAMACALLIT $400: Traditionally in India, a riding seat called a howdah is howdah person rides on the back of this animal an elephant |
#8979, aired 2023-11-23 | BIBLICAL ZOO $400: The Old Testament talks about the jungle on the Jordan's banks & this animal roaring within a lion |
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | SAINTS GO MARCHING IN $8,300 (Daily Double): In 1979, John Paul II made this animal-loving saint the patron saint of ecology St. Francis of Assisi |
#20, aired 2023-11-15 | VETERINARY MEDICINE $300: A "prep race" for the Kentucky Derby, the Withers Stakes fittingly shares its name with the highest point on this animal's back a horse |
#20, aired 2023-11-15 | ROGET'S BUTT $600: A synonym for "butt", it's also "an unclean animal" according to the king James Bible ass |
#8967, aired 2023-11-07 | CRITTERS $200: It's the world's tallest land animal whose young is known as a calf a giraffe |
#8967, aired 2023-11-07 | LATIN PHRASES $600: Agnus Dei is this 4-legged animal "of God" lamb |
#8964, aired 2023-11-02 | MISNOMERS $2000: Properly, it's the cavy; it's not from the place & not related to the animal in this other name a guinea pig |
#8962, aired 2023-10-31 | NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM $2000: In Rousseau's "Sleeping Gypsy", a full moon hangs in the night sky while this animal catches the scent of the title figure a lion |
#8955, aired 2023-10-20 | JUSTIN TIME $200: Schoolteacher Justin Morgan lent his name to a breed of this animal developed in the U.S. in the 1800s a horse |
#8954, aired 2023-10-19 | CULINARY QUOTES $200: Fran Lebowitz jokingly said, "My favorite animal is" this, but she didn't specify porterhouse or T-bone a steak |
#17, aired 2023-10-18 | "POP" QUIZ, HOTSHOT $500: In 1953, 10-year-old Gayla Peevey sang about wanting this large animal for Christmas a hippopotamus |
#8952, aired 2023-10-17 | ANIMALS IN ITALIAN $200: Don't be afraid--this animal is a pollo a chicken |
#8952, aired 2023-10-17 | ANIMALS IN ITALIAN $400: This animal, gatto, got your lingua? a cat |
#8952, aired 2023-10-17 | ANIMALS IN ITALIAN $800: Tell Leon il cavallo, this animal, has arrived a horse |
#8950, aired 2023-10-13 | LIKE A ROCK $400: The object of a pursuit, such as a hunted animal a quarry |
#8948, aired 2023-10-11 | TAKE MY "Y", PLEASE! $600: Take this pack animal I brought back from Asia; it grunts so much I can't sleep at night a yak |
#16, aired 2023-10-11 | SHAPES IN NATURE $300: I spy with my Billy or Nanny eye, the rectangular pupils of the animal seen here are believed to help its peripheral vision a goat |
#8946, aired 2023-10-09 | CANDLE IN THE WIND $800: Candles have been made of animal fat or this nonglycerine substance used as early as 3000 B.C. beeswax |
#8945, aired 2023-10-06 | SWORDS $2000: The national flag of Sri Lanka depicts one of these animals holding a sword a lion |
#8943, aired 2023-10-04 | ANIMAL VERBS $400: To selfishly take more than one's share, especially of the road hog |
#8943, aired 2023-10-04 | ANIMAL VERBS $800: To live off the expenses of others, giving nothing in return leech (to sponge) |
#8943, aired 2023-10-04 | ANIMAL VERBS $1200: To crash into with great force, as when battering down a door ram |
#8943, aired 2023-10-04 | ANIMAL VERBS $1600: To deceive or trick outfox (to fox) |
#8943, aired 2023-10-04 | ANIMAL VERBS $2000: To hum, buzz or speak in a monotonous tone drone |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $100: The very first of these microblogging posts was sent by company cofounder Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006 a tweet |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | FROM Z TO A $200: A football referee gets this animal-inspired nickname thanks to the standard black & white striped uniform a zebra |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $200: To make natural rubber, start by collecting latex by cutting slits in this layer of the rubber tree the bark |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $300: A Dutch term for a seller of ineffective medicines led to this word for an incompetent physician a quack |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $400: This word follows Chesapeake, Hudson and Guantanamo in the names of bodies of water bay |
#14, aired 2023-09-27 | ALSO AN ANIMAL SOUND $500: Players of this instrument "are just belligerent, and cocky, and you know just hard-headed" according to Wynton Marsalis the trumpet |
#8935, aired 2023-09-22 | THAT'S JUST OFFAL $200: This organ meat is great for protein, vitamin A & iron, but animal rights activists have big problems with foie gras the liver |
#8935, aired 2023-09-22 | SCOTLAND $400: A symbol of pride & untameability, & big with "My Little Pony" fans, this national animal is a symbol of the push for independence a unicorn |
#8932, aired 2023-09-19 | YOU BETTER BELIZE IT $600: Belizeans call this animal a red tiger; we call it a mountain lion & everyone can agree it's also a German sneaker company puma |
#8923, aired 2023-07-26 | WORLD OF RELIGION $600: Ganesha, the Hindu god of beginnings, is traditionally depicted with the head of this animal, symbolizing breaking through obstacles an elephant |
#8922, aired 2023-07-25 | THE OED DESCRIBES THE ANIMAL $200: "A large hornless ruminant quadruped, distinguished by its humped back, long neck, and cushioned feet" a camel |
#8922, aired 2023-07-25 | THE OED DESCRIBES THE ANIMAL $400: Of the carp family, "native to China... commonly kept in ponds, cold-water tanks, or... glass globes" goldfish |
#8922, aired 2023-07-25 | THE OED DESCRIBES THE ANIMAL $600: "Mouse-like quadrupeds... having the fingers extended to support a thin membrane" a bat |
#8922, aired 2023-07-25 | THE OED DESCRIBES THE ANIMAL $800: "One of several large eared seals" including "the distinct species (Zalophus) californianus" sea lions |
#8922, aired 2023-07-25 | THE OED DESCRIBES THE ANIMAL $1000: "Popular name of various acalephs, medusas, or sea-nettles, from their gelatinous structure" jellyfish |
#8914, aired 2023-07-13 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $200: There's a mollusk in this phrase meaning to become suddenly silent to clam up |
#8914, aired 2023-07-13 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $400: It's near the top of a ship's mast a crow's nest |
#8914, aired 2023-07-13 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $800: This term for something impossibly rare predated the 1600s discovery of the real thing, Cygnus atratus, in Australia a black swan |
#8914, aired 2023-07-13 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $1000: "Un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine" is the French equivalent of this expression featuring a different big animal a bull in a china shop |
#8914, aired 2023-07-13 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $3,200 (Daily Double): A call at a frequency inaudible to humans, or a political statement with a hidden secondary meaning a dog whistle |
#8913, aired 2023-07-12 | ROMAN EMPERORS $1600: Incitatus was this emperor's favorite horse & legend says he once tried to make the animal a consul Caligula |
#8905, aired 2023-06-30 | SCIENCE & NATURE $800: "Dom" Toretto could tell you it's the missing step on the chart of the animal taxonomy seen here family |
#8903, aired 2023-06-28 | GET KOALA-FIED $400: "Ode To A Koala Bear" is a song by this former Beatle & noted animal lover (Paul) McCartney |
#8901, aired 2023-06-26 | WAR OF THE WORDS $400: Gore Vidal said he loathed this "In Cold Blood" writer "the way you might loathe... a filthy animal" Capote |
#8900, aired 2023-06-23 | ANIMAL CHANGE A LETTER $200: These two creatures are only one letter different but not really similar otherwise lion & loon |
#8900, aired 2023-06-23 | ANIMAL CHANGE A LETTER $400: A "gruff" quadruped of fable switches a letter, becoming an insect pest goat & gnat |
#8900, aired 2023-06-23 | ANIMAL CHANGE A LETTER $600: Change the first letter of a burrowing insectivore & you get a mouselike rodent mole & vole |
#8900, aired 2023-06-23 | ANIMAL CHANGE A LETTER $800: Change a letter from the official state fish of Massachusetts & you get a mostly docile ruminant cod & cow |
#8900, aired 2023-06-23 | ANIMAL CHANGE A LETTER $1000: Change the vowel in the name of a smelly mammal & you get a slithery lizard skunk & skink |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $200: Among the fastest tortoises, this variety with a flattened shell bears the name of a breakfast food a pancake (tortoise) |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: The ribbon moray species of this fish is born male but later changes its color & its sex an eel |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $600: Living up to their name, the African springboks seen here are a variety of this horned mammal a gazelle (an antelope) |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $800: We hate to let a season pass with no mention of Alex Trebek's favorite animal, this 750-lb. Arctic ruminant with curved horns a musk ox |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1000: As with flamingos, the scarlet species of this bird of South America gets its color from the crustaceans that it eats an ibis |
#8893, aired 2023-06-14 | RANDOM STUFF $200: This full name for the animal seen here refers to a facial feature the duck-billed platypus |
#8892, aired 2023-06-13 | AFTER THE FACT $800: Cows eat grass... but can't digest it until it's been softened into cud, making cows this type of animal ruminant |
#8892, aired 2023-06-13 | CROP TO IT $1200: This crop is the largest source of animal protein feed in the world & second in the vegetable oil race soybean(s) |
#8885, aired 2023-06-02 | ANIMAL ROCK $400: In their first Top 10 hit, Duran Duran was "Hungry like the..." the wolf |
#8885, aired 2023-06-02 | ANIMAL ROCK $800: Loudon Wainwright III had a '70s novelty hit with "Dead" this "in the middle of the road, stinking to high heaven" a skunk |
#8885, aired 2023-06-02 | ANIMAL ROCK $1200: In the title of their 2000 hit, the Baha Men wanted to know this "Who Let The Dogs Out" |
#8885, aired 2023-06-02 | ANIMAL ROCK $1600: Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" mentions a hookah-smoking one of these insects a caterpillar |
#8885, aired 2023-06-02 | ANIMAL ROCK $2000: Boy George sang, "You come and go, you come and go" in this hit "Karma Chameleon" |
#8883, aired 2023-05-31 | BARRIERS & DIVIDERS $2000: Get a chuckle with this name for a sunk fence to separate animal from human territory; Monticello had one a ha-ha |
#8882, aired 2023-05-30 | CAT BREEDS $400: An animal shelter in Montana in 1987 is the origin of the wavy furred breed called Selkirk this, Latin for "King" Rex |
#20, aired 2023-05-24 | THE GRAMMAR POLICE $1000: 30 years on the force, but I was sickened by "I went to lunch, Tim showed up" --what animal does this act with an innocent comma? splice |
#8871, aired 2023-05-15 | SCIENTISTS $800: Galvani said he'd found a new type of this restricted to animal tissue; Volta proved it's the same type that goes through metal electricity |
#8, aired 2023-05-12 | WORLD COINS $400: In 2023, to celebrate the current lunar new year, the Solomon Islands issued 3 coins featuring this animal a rabbit |
#6, aired 2023-05-10 | LITTLE $200: A novel by Marion Dane Bauer about an undersized wolf pup is titled this, the smallest animal in a litter Runt |
#8860, aired 2023-04-28 | INSIDE JOB $400: Job asks a friend whether this wild animal brays when he has grass the donkey (ass) |
#8860, aired 2023-04-28 | ANIMATED ENTERTAINMENT $1200: "Turning Red" told of Meilin, a teenager who turned into the animal called a red one of these whenever her emotions took over a (red) panda |
#8858, aired 2023-04-26 | UNGULATES $1200: The spear-like canine teeth of the collared peccary gave the animal this other name, an Olympic event plus a final "A" the javelina |
#8856, aired 2023-04-24 | THAT'S AN ANIMAL SOUND $200: Bottle stoppers & wild cherry cough medicine are procured from this part of a tree the bark |
#8856, aired 2023-04-24 | THAT'S AN ANIMAL SOUND $400: Social media can be hazardous to your career health! Winston Moss said he got fired as a coach in 2018 for one of these posts a tweet |
#8856, aired 2023-04-24 | THAT'S AN ANIMAL SOUND $600: Turning the title around in a cheeky way, a 1965 Broadway musical was called "The" this "of the Greasepaint--The Smell of the Crowd" the roar |
#8856, aired 2023-04-24 | THAT'S AN ANIMAL SOUND $800: So, you were supposed to have an operation on your foot & your appendix got removed?! That doctor can only be described as this a quack |
#8856, aired 2023-04-24 | THAT'S AN ANIMAL SOUND $1000: To die croak |
#8854, aired 2023-04-20 | REPTILES $1200: This desert animal's name is a misnomer, as it's really a reptile; it got its name because it looks like a type of amphibian a horned toad |
#8854, aired 2023-04-20 | GLOBETROTTING $1200: Though not an E.U. member, Andorra uses the euro, with a chamois or goaty-looking animal named for these mountains on its coins the Pyrenees |
#8844, aired 2023-04-06 | AT THREES & FOURS $1000: The sole-horned one gets all the press, but this describes an animal having four horns, like the antelope seen here a quadricorn |
#8843, aired 2023-04-05 | DOUBLE MEANINGS $1600: To provide services, or, in cooking, to melt & clarify animal fat to render |
#8838, aired 2023-03-29 | SYNONYMS $400: The name of this animal seen here is a synonym of "chatter at length" yak |
#8835, aired 2023-03-24 | REJECTED AUTHORS $400: Working at a publishing house, T.S. Eliot wrote George Orwell a letter rejecting this novel but did praise the pigs Animal Farm |
#8834, aired 2023-03-23 | THAT'S COLD! $400: This word precedes "hare" in the name of the animal shown, or "Dreams" in the title of Barry Lopez's book that mentions the critter Arctic |
#8821, aired 2023-03-06 | HOW OFTEN DOES IT HAPPEN? $600: The same animal year returns in the Chinese calendar every 12 years |
#8820, aired 2023-03-03 | DISNEY MENAGERIE $400: This en"deer"ing character frolics in the forest with his animal friends Thumper & Flower Bambi |
#8820, aired 2023-03-03 | YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOM! $1200: Danger! Danger! Beware of this animal in disguise a wolf in sheep's clothing |
#8813, aired 2023-02-22 | SCIENCE CRITTERS $200: It's the animal in the name of the unit equivalent to 33,000 foot-pounds of work per minute a horse |
#8808, aired 2023-02-15 | THE CLASS MENAGERIE $200: Caecilians & newts are members of this animal class amphibians |
#8808, aired 2023-02-15 | CRAFTS $1600: To make simple candles, pour wax such as paraffin or this animal fat into a container around a wick tallow |
#8807, aired 2023-02-14 | THE GHOST OF TOM JOAD $800: Enjoying a meal of lapin, this animal, think of Tom, who eats it strung on baling wire & cooked over a burning plank from his family home rabbit |
#8796, aired 2023-01-30 | MUSHROOM STEW $800: This word that starts with an animal is used of various species of mushrooms thought to be inedible or poisonous toadstools |
#8795, aired 2023-01-27 | GRIMM BROTHERS FAIRY TALES $1000: The Grimms had this animal eat 6 baby goats, then get sliced open as it slept, with the "meal" still alive within a wolf |
#8794, aired 2023-01-26 | ALLITERATION TIME $200: A perceptible animal doctor a visible vet |
#12, aired 2023-01-26 | WHAT AN ANIMAL! $200: As the saying goes, this animal can't change its spots a leopard |
#12, aired 2023-01-26 | WHAT AN ANIMAL! $400: The heart of this long-necked mammal can weigh about 20 pounds a giraffe |
#12, aired 2023-01-26 | WHAT AN ANIMAL! $600: The bottlenose species of this critter looks like it's smiling, but that's just the way its mouth is shaped a dolphin |
#12, aired 2023-01-26 | WHAT AN ANIMAL! $800: Dian Fossey was an expert on mountain gorillas; Jane Goodall studied these apes in Tanzania chimpanzees |
#12, aired 2023-01-26 | WHAT AN ANIMAL! $1000: This flightless bird ranges in size from blue (smallest) to emperor (largest) a penguin |
#8791, aired 2023-01-23 | NOW THAT'S NOVEL $400: The title of this 1950 children's fantasy book concerns an animal, a person & a piece of furniture The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe |
#11, aired 2023-01-19 | VACATION SPOTS $900: Escondido, Calif. has a park named for this animal-spotting adventure, but for a more authentic version, you might try Tanzania a safari |
#8787, aired 2023-01-17 | EMMY WINNERS $2000: Claire Danes has won for her role on "Homeland" & for her portrayal of this animal behaviorist & autism activist Temple Grandin |
#8784, aired 2023-01-12 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT PHRASE $200: An adventure into the unknown:
"Down the ____ hole" rabbit |
#8784, aired 2023-01-12 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT PHRASE $400: Begin a decline in quality:
"Jump the ____" shark |
#8784, aired 2023-01-12 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT PHRASE $600: That's ridiculous & utter nonsense:
"____ -&-____ story" cock & bull |
#8784, aired 2023-01-12 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT PHRASE $800: Angry like a certain insect:
"Mad as a ____" a hornet |
#8784, aired 2023-01-12 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT PHRASE $1000: The losing party has gained control:
"The ____ has turned" the worm |
#8782, aired 2023-01-10 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL ANAGRAMS $200: Vegetable:
FAILURE COWL cauliflower |
#8782, aired 2023-01-10 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL ANAGRAMS $400: Animal:
BALL WAY wallaby |
#8782, aired 2023-01-10 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL ANAGRAMS $600: Mineral:
SPY MUG gypsum |
#8782, aired 2023-01-10 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL ANAGRAMS $800: Vegetable:
TACO HIKER artichoke |
#8782, aired 2023-01-10 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL ANAGRAMS $1000: Mineral:
CUR MOUND corundum |
#8780, aired 2023-01-06 | NATIVE AMERICAN SELF-NAMES $400: The Wichita call themselves Kitikiti'sh, meaning this animal's "eyes", because of tattoos around their own eyes a raccoon |
#9, aired 2023-01-05 | NATURE $1000: Scientists once thought this Aussie animal that has certain bird features & lays eggs was a hoax a (duck-billed) platypus |
#8775, aired 2022-12-30 | I GOT A "B" IN HISTORY $400: In World War I the soldiers of the USA's all-Black 92nd infantry division put this animal on their patch buffalo |
#8769, aired 2022-12-22 | A BIT OF EVERYTHING $800: Ursus maritimus, this animal is amazing both on land & at sea, able to run up to 25 mph & prey on beluga whales polar bears |
#8765, aired 2022-12-16 | THAT'S A BIG ANIMAL $400: Forest, one of these at Queensland's Australia Zoo, stands almost 19 feet tall, barefoot a giraffe |
#8765, aired 2022-12-16 | THAT'S A BIG ANIMAL $800: Before the arrival of big cats over a new isthmus, flightless 10-foot terror birds were the apex predators of this continent South America |
#8765, aired 2022-12-16 | THAT'S A BIG ANIMAL $1200: Found in colossal squid, the largest these, 10-plus inches in diameter, are thought to be for detecting predators, not prey eyes (eyeballs) |
#8765, aired 2022-12-16 | THAT'S A BIG ANIMAL $1600: In 2014 Satao, one of Kenya's biggest elephants, was killed by poachers seeking this material ivory |
#8765, aired 2022-12-16 | THAT'S A BIG ANIMAL $4,000 (Daily Double): 40 feet long & weighing 11 tons or more, this largest living fish has 2 animals in its name a whale shark |
#8759, aired 2022-12-08 | MONKEY BUSINESS $800: This "great ultimate" Chinese exercise & martial arts system uses animal "forms" including bear, tiger & monkey tai chi |
#8755, aired 2022-12-02 | HIT THE SPOT $800: The spotted type of this animal eat every part of the carcass, even parts it can't digest like hair & horns a hyena |
#8753, aired 2022-11-30 | FOREIGN WORDS & PHRASES $600: Oddly, in Italian you can wish someone luck with "in bocca al lupo", "in the mouth of" this fierce animal a wolf |
#8751, aired 2022-11-28 | ANIMAL NAMES $400: This name for the animal seen here refers to its short stubby tail a bobcat |
#8751, aired 2022-11-28 | ANIMAL NAMES $800: From Spanish, the name of this burrowing mammal refers to its protective outer shell of bony plates the armadillo |
#8751, aired 2022-11-28 | ANIMAL NAMES $1200: Found only in New Zealand, the name of the tuatara means "spine on the back" in the language of this people the Maori |
#8751, aired 2022-11-28 | ANIMAL NAMES $1600: The name of this fast-flying falcon means "traveling" or "wandering" peregrine |
#8751, aired 2022-11-28 | ANIMAL NAMES $2000: This horse with a spotty reputation is believed to be named for a river near where the Nez Perce lived & bred the horse an Appaloosa |
#8741, aired 2022-11-14 | AT THE MALL OF AMERICA $400: This place to create your own stuffed animal Build-A-Bear |
#8, aired 2022-11-13 | AMERICAN FOLKLORE & LEGENDS $1500: This mythic animal of the West is usually depicted as a rabbit with antelope horns a jackalope |
#8740, aired 2022-11-11 | LOGOS $200: On World Wildlife Day, the WWF removes this animal logo from its website to highlight the emptiness of a world without nature a panda |
#8740, aired 2022-11-11 | LOGOS $600: This extinct animal became the logo of the NHL's Nashville Predators after its bones were discovered in the area a saber-toothed tiger |
#8738, aired 2022-11-09 | GEOLOGY $1600: A horseshoe lake is also called this kind, from a type of collar worn by a different draft animal an oxbow lake |
#8736, aired 2022-11-07 | IN THAT NOVEL $400: Old Major sings "Beasts of England" Animal Farm |
#6, aired 2022-10-30 | THE CHASE $600: (Brad Rutter delivers the clue.) While chasing prey like antelopes & warthogs, this fastest land animal can reach speeds of up to 70 mph a cheetah |
#8729, aired 2022-10-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $200: The name of this insectivore has meant a scolding woman since before Shakespeare used it in a play title shrew |
#8729, aired 2022-10-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: O. vulgaris, a species of this cephalopod, can change its skin color thanks to pigment-bearing cells octopus |
#8729, aired 2022-10-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $600: Seen here it's not an ostrich but this Aussie bird an emu |
#8729, aired 2022-10-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1000: A factor in human blood is named for this monkey seen here Rhesus |
#8729, aired 2022-10-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $3,800 (Daily Double): Males of these mammals engage in bouts called necking to establish a social hierarchy giraffes |
#8728, aired 2022-10-26 | ANIMAL-TITLED MOVIES $400: Truffle hunter Nicolas Cage searches for his kidnapped foraging animal in this 2021 film with a 3-letter title Pig |
#8728, aired 2022-10-26 | ANIMAL-TITLED MOVIES $800: Dr. Robotnik returns to menace Earth in the 2022 sequel starring this furry blue video game character Sonic the Hedgehog |
#8728, aired 2022-10-26 | ANIMAL-TITLED MOVIES $1200: Quentin Tarantino took home the Critics' Prize at the 1992 Toronto International Film Festival for this cops & robbers tale Reservoir Dogs |
#8728, aired 2022-10-26 | ANIMAL-TITLED MOVIES $1600: In this 1988 comedy, Kevin Kline enjoys chips & the unfortunate title creature, much to Michael Palin's dismay A Fish Called Wanda |
#8728, aired 2022-10-26 | ANIMAL-TITLED MOVIES $2000: Daisy Edgar-Jones plays a rural southern woman suspected of murder in this 2022 film based on a bestseller Where the Crawdads Sing |
#8726, aired 2022-10-24 | CEREAL MASCOTS $600: Ad execs were determined to repeatedly torture a hapless animal with "Silly rabbit", this cereal was "for kids"! Trix |
#8724, aired 2022-10-20 | POETS & POETRY $1200: The kids' book "The Sweet and Sour Animal Book" used 26 unpublished poems of this Harlem Renaissance figure Langston Hughes |
#8719, aired 2022-10-13 | PONY TALES $4,800 (Daily Double): Mollie, who misses wearing ribbons in her mane & eating sugar cubes, represents the petite bourgeoisie in this novel Animal Farm |
#8718, aired 2022-10-12 | "GO"ING PLACES $1600: Protruding from the Bosphorus like an appendage from an animal's head, this colorful inlet helped bring wealth to Istanbul the Golden Horn |
#8716, aired 2022-10-10 | CRITICAL "MASS" $1000: Term for the total plant & animal life in a particular area biomass |
#8715, aired 2022-10-07 | LIONS, TIGERS & BEARS $200: The website for this spokes-animal includes "Campfire Rules" & "Preventing Wildfires" Smokey Bear (Smokey the Bear) |
#8715, aired 2022-10-07 | ECOLOGY $400: Term for a plant-eating animal like a horse or deer; they help prevent overgrowth of vegetation herbivore |
#8715, aired 2022-10-07 | ECOLOGY $1600: Decomposers, like the kind seen here, whose name means "first animal", helped make vital nutrients for other organisms protozoa |
#8713, aired 2022-10-05 | IT'S A VERB & A NOUN $400: To attack with repeated blows, &
an untanned animal hide pelt |
#8712, aired 2022-10-04 | FILMS BY CHARACTERS $800: John "Bluto" Blutarsky, Otter & Flounder Animal House |
#8708, aired 2022-09-28 | MATERIAL $600: Until 2017, laws of the U.K. Parliament were written & stored on this animal skin material that will long outlast paper parchment |
#8706, aired 2022-09-26 | SMALL MAMMALS $600: April 2 is the national day to celebrate this animal some keep as a pet; it resembles a slightly bigger weasel a ferret |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | SOUNDS JUST LIKE AN ANIMAL $400: A term of affection that opens many letters a dear |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | SOUNDS JUST LIKE AN ANIMAL $800: 3-letter word meaning to intimidate, perhaps with a Guernsey cow |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | SOUNDS JUST LIKE AN ANIMAL $1200: Contraction describing someone being mendacious lyin' |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | SOUNDS JUST LIKE AN ANIMAL $1600: Synonym for "pawn", as in "my jewelry is in..." hock |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | SOUNDS JUST LIKE AN ANIMAL $2000: It's another name for a golf course, especially in Great Britain a links |
#8702, aired 2022-09-20 | LETTUCE $800: Mâche also has the sweet alliterative name this baby animal's lettuce lamb's lettuce |
#8699, aired 2022-09-15 | PHILOSOPHY $1200: "Man is by nature a political animal", wrote this ancient Greek in his "Politics" Aristotle |
#8693, aired 2022-07-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: Most species of this color-changing lizard are native to Africa, like Botswana's flap-necked variety chameleons |
#8693, aired 2022-07-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1200: Despite being apex predators, great white sharks are hunted by these cetaceans, which remove & eat their livers killer whales (orcas) |
#8693, aired 2022-07-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1600: Adult insects have 6 legs, all attached to this body section the thorax |
#8693, aired 2022-07-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $2000: Sea parrot is another name for this Atlantic seabird with black-&-white plumage & a triangular bill a puffin |
#8693, aired 2022-07-27 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $4,000 (Daily Double): This North American marsupial has a gestation period of as little as 12 days an opossum |
#8690, aired 2022-07-22 | WORDS WITH DOUBLE LETTERS $200: From Spanish, it's a small donkey used as a pack animal burro |
#8689, aired 2022-07-21 | CLOSING STATEMENTS $1,000 (Daily Double): "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig... but already it was impossible to say which was which" Animal Farm |
#8688, aired 2022-07-20 | QUIZ BOWL $600: It's Team Ruff vs. Team Fluff & a whole lot of cuteness when Animal Planet presents this competition the Puppy Bowl |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $200: Of the zonkey seen here a zebra & a donkey |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $400: Of the cattalo a cow & a buffalo |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $600: Of the small & energetic dog called a Chiweenie a Chihuahua & a dachshund |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $800: Of the large but gentle dog called a Daniff a Great Dane & a mastiff |
#8687, aired 2022-07-19 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $1000: Of the Huarizo, these 2 domesticated South American camelids a llama & an alpaca |
#8678, aired 2022-07-06 | THE STATE OF DENIAL $200: This vote of "no" is a homophone for an animal sound; what say ye? nay |
#8678, aired 2022-07-06 | LITERARY DOCTORS $800: Hugh Lofting created this animal-loving M.D. during World War I in letters to his children from the front Doctor Dolittle |
#8677, aired 2022-07-05 | ANIMAL SOUNDS? $200: Cinnamon comes from this part of a tropical evergreen tree the bark |
#8677, aired 2022-07-05 | ANIMAL SOUNDS? $400: It's the Hawaiian garment seen here a muumuu |
#8677, aired 2022-07-05 | ANIMAL SOUNDS? $600: "'Cause I am a champion... you're gonna hear me" do this, sang Katy Perry roar |
#8677, aired 2022-07-05 | ANIMAL SOUNDS? $800: No Mickey Mouse affair, it's paired with "bubble" in the name of a British treat squeak |
#8677, aired 2022-07-05 | ANIMAL SOUNDS? $1000: From Latin, it means "for each" per |
#8676, aired 2022-07-04 | SILENT CONSONANT WORDS $800: To bite or chew persistently, like an animal with a bone gnaw |
#8675, aired 2022-07-01 | ANIMALS & THE LAW $400: Minnesota forbade contests in which this animal, "greased (or) oiled... is released & wherein the object is capture of" one a pig |
#8675, aired 2022-07-01 | GAME PLAN $1000: Using a small mallet, tap out the blocks one by one until someone topples the standing animal Don't Break the Ice |
#8673, aired 2022-06-29 | HE WAS A SHOGUN $800: Tsunayoshi's "Laws of Compassion" (enforced by death) banned animal cruelty; he was called Inu-kobo, or this animal-shogun dog |
#8670, aired 2022-06-24 | FOXES $800: This other animal is in the name of the big-eared fox seen here the bat |
#8667, aired 2022-06-21 | MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS $1600: 2022 brought the first transplant of a heart from this farm animal into a person a pig |
#8666, aired 2022-06-20 | THE ZODIAC SIGN... $800: Whose animal representation has the most legs Cancer |
#8663, aired 2022-06-15 | TV MONSTERS $800: "Return of the Killer Catfish" & "Mekong Mutilator" were episodes of this Animal Planet adventure show River Monsters |
#8663, aired 2022-06-15 | TV MONSTERS $1200: In a Christmas special narrated by Burl Ives, this title animal meets an abominable snow monster Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer |
#8660, aired 2022-06-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $200: I found this insect on a leaf a flea (from leaf) |
#8660, aired 2022-06-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $400: I saw this critter sneak into the yard a snake (from sneak) |
#8660, aired 2022-06-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $600: Gosh, I didn't realize that half of these farm animals are raised in China hogs (from gosh) |
#8660, aired 2022-06-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $800: In summer this weasel is the color of toast a stoat (from toast) |
#8660, aired 2022-06-10 | ANIMAL ANAGRAMS $1000: I hear this ostrich relative stands about 4 feet tall rhea (from hear) |
#8655, aired 2022-06-03 | ORANGES $600: Ignition Orange is a special edition color of this truck brand named for a male animal a Ram |
#8651, aired 2022-05-30 | THE ANIMAL IN ITS LOGO $400: AFLAC insurance a duck |
#8651, aired 2022-05-30 | THE ANIMAL IN ITS LOGO $1200: Bacardi rum a bat |
#8651, aired 2022-05-30 | THE ANIMAL IN ITS LOGO $1600: Merrill, formerly called Merrill Lynch a bull |
#8651, aired 2022-05-30 | THE ANIMAL IN ITS LOGO $2000: Swarovski crystal a swan |
#8651, aired 2022-05-30 | THE ANIMAL IN ITS LOGO $3,000 (Daily Double): Paperback publisher Pocket Books a kangaroo |
#8645, aired 2022-05-20 | THE FARMER $200: "Animal Farm" opens with this owner of Manor Farm locking the henhouses, but he's drunk & forgets to shut the popholes Mr. Jones |
#8645, aired 2022-05-20 | ADJECTIVES $400: From Latin for "wild beast", it describes a wild, untamed animal, often an unsocialized outdoor cat feral |
#8644, aired 2022-05-19 | BLOOPERMAN $200: "Smokey and the Bandit 2" credits saw Burt Reynolds trying to wrangle this animal to a Republican convention an elephant |
#8637, aired 2022-05-10 | THE WWF $1600: The WWF says adopt--symbolically!--this animal whose name in Latin is Ursus maritimus a polar bear |
#8628, aired 2022-04-27 | FINISH THE OLD PROVERB $800: "A live dog is better than a dead" one of these regal beasts a lion |
#8626, aired 2022-04-25 | I'LL FOLLOW YOU $400: To put this animal body part on someone means to have him followed tail |
#8625, aired 2022-04-22 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL $200: Seen here is a purplish variety of this leafy superfood that can be cooked or eaten raw kale |
#8625, aired 2022-04-22 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL $400: While a mole is an insectivore, a vole belongs to this order Rodentia |
#8625, aired 2022-04-22 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL $600: A variety of feldspar, this mineral is a June birthstone & is also mentioned in the title of a Wilkie Collins novel a moonstone |
#8625, aired 2022-04-22 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL $800: Muscle cramps are a symptom of hypokalemia, a deficiency of this mineral potassium |
#8625, aired 2022-04-22 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL $1000: Don't confuse the macaw, a bird, with this largely Asian type of monkey, such as the Japanese species a macaque |
#8624, aired 2022-04-21 | ANAGRAMMED UNGULATES $1200: This desert pack animal also provides milk & wool: ROAMED DRY dromedary |
#8618, aired 2022-04-13 | CATCH THE MUSICAL TV ACT $800: Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem, with Animal on drums The Muppet Show |
#8617, aired 2022-04-12 | ROCK ART $400: A mysterious animal in France's famed Lascaux Cave is known as this, even though it has two horns, not one unicorn |
#8617, aired 2022-04-12 | FASHION $400: Often seen on the front of a hoodie, this type of pocket resembles a certain animal's pouch a kangaroo pocket |
#8617, aired 2022-04-12 | ROCK ART $1200: Rock art depicting an animal's skeleton & internal organs is said to be in this electromagnetic-named style X-ray |
#8616, aired 2022-04-11 | 2-WORD ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $200: An easy target, or what we have here a sitting duck |
#8616, aired 2022-04-11 | 2-WORD ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $400: We won't string you along; it's this game Cat's Cradle |
#8616, aired 2022-04-11 | 2-WORD ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $600: It means stocks are on the rise & investors are rushing to buy a bull market |
#8616, aired 2022-04-11 | 2-WORD ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $800: It's a fishy phrase for something that is deliberately misleading or distracts attention a red herring |
#8616, aired 2022-04-11 | 2-WORD ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $1000: It's a possession that's too expensive to maintain, or a rummage sale, often for a worthy cause a white elephant |
#8607, aired 2022-03-29 | FAN FICTION? $600: This animal in a hurry drops his gloves & fan; Alice picks them up the White Rabbit |
#8604, aired 2022-03-24 | PUT A "RING" ON IT $1000: "Loping" is a synonym for this nine-letter way the animal seen here is moving cantering |
#8603, aired 2022-03-23 | SCIENCE IN NATURE $1200: The phyto-type of these marine drifters contains algae & bacteria, while the zoo- type includes animal life plankton |
#8599, aired 2022-03-17 | BALLET $200: Stravinsky slyly used Russian folk idioms for the music of his 1922 ballet "Renard", with this animal being the title character fox |
#8599, aired 2022-03-17 | BEASTLY LIT $400: The polite Twinkleberry & his impudent brother Nutkin are this type of animal in a Beatrix Potter work a squirrel |
#8599, aired 2022-03-17 | BEASTLY LIT $800: Joy Adamson's nonfiction books "Born Free" & "Living Free" are about Elsa, this type of animal a lion |
#8593, aired 2022-03-09 | 3-LETTER MOVIE TITLES $600: A man must choose between his girlfriend & his stuffed animal Ted |
#8592, aired 2022-03-08 | THE AT LEAST 5 LABORS OF HERCULES $600: Hercules could have used a sign for this animal "crossing"--it took him a year to track down the Arcadian one a deer |
#8590, aired 2022-03-04 | GENUS & SPECIES $1200: In 1816 this animal was classified in the genus Pan; some scientists want to put it in Homo chimpanzee |
#8587, aired 2022-03-01 | FEELING SHEEPISH $1200: Sailors know a sheepshank, named for its resemblance to the animal's leg, is a type of this a knot |
#8586, aired 2022-02-28 | 2-WORD BOOK TITLES $800: Something is happening here in the barn in this 1945 anti-utopian satire but you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones? Animal Farm |
#8584, aired 2022-02-24 | THE INNER "EAR" $1000: Noun for an animal between the ages of one & 2 a yearling |
#8583, aired 2022-02-23 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT TITLE $200: By Hans Christian Andersen:
"The Ugly ____ " Duckling |
#8583, aired 2022-02-23 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT TITLE $400: A thriller about an assassin:
"The Day of the ____" Jackal |
#8583, aired 2022-02-23 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT TITLE $600: By Steinbeck:
"The Red ____ " Pony |
#8583, aired 2022-02-23 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT TITLE $800: Set in India & the basis for a 2021 film:
"The White ____" Tiger |
#8583, aired 2022-02-23 | THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN THAT TITLE $1000: A 1971 sequel:
"____ Redux" Rabbit |
#8581, aired 2022-02-21 | THY FEARFUL SYMMETRY $1200: Symmetry can give a sense of peace as in a chapel inspired by a Psalm about the shadow of these animal parts wings |
#8579, aired 2022-02-17 | ANIMALS OF NOTE $400: In 1960 Jane Goodall saw that the animal she'd dubbed David Greybeard, this type of primate, made & used tools a chimpanzee |
#8577, aired 2022-02-15 | FROM THE OLD TOOL SHED $400: First made from bone & animal horn, eyed versions of this tool made from iron popped up in the Low Countries in the 15th century a needle |
#8575, aired 2022-02-11 | AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $400: Completes the title of legendary animal trainer Mabel Stark's memoir "Hold That..." Tiger |
#8575, aired 2022-02-11 | I'M TOO SEXY: A LYRICAL POTPOURRI $800: ... for this animal "Who Walks Through Walls" in a Robert A. Heinlein title a cat |
#8575, aired 2022-02-11 | FLOWER NAMES $1600: This flower seen here is also called a fairy bell which is a better description than a random animal & some handware foxglove |
#6, aired 2022-02-10 | MEDIEVAL LIFE $400: Medieval Brits mainly dressed in this animal fabric; by God's bones, itchy my tunic be! wool |
#8573, aired 2022-02-09 | 3-LETTER ANIMALS $1600: As a source of food & as a pack animal, this bovine has long been essential to the people of the Tibetan Plateau a yak |
#3, aired 2022-02-09 | A FEW FINAL WORDS $400: Condition of an animal species when it has no more living members, like the golden toad since 1989 extinct |
#2, aired 2022-02-08 | PIER 5 $200: Seen here, South Africa's Umhlanga Pier has an archway named for this animal's bones a whale |
#8570, aired 2022-02-04 | MAMMALS $800: Mammals believed to be monogamous include beavers, wolves & the dik-dik, a tiny variety of this African animal antelope |
#8566, aired 2022-01-31 | SURNAMES $3,000 (Daily Double): The name Chevrolet goes back to a word for this animal, or perhaps one who kept them goats |
#8563, aired 2022-01-26 | CREATURE COMFORTS $400: Mattresses for dairy cows come in rubber, foam, fabric & even this type that supports the animal's weight with hydraulic pressure a waterbed |
#8548, aired 2022-01-05 | WHICH CABINET DEPARTMENT? $400: The Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service Agriculture |
#8546, aired 2022-01-03 | DEADLY SINS, ELSEWHERE $600: Really leaning into its name, the average this animal travels about 40 yards per day a sloth |
#8541, aired 2021-12-27 | CLASSIC NOVELS $200: It's said that the character of Snowball the pig in this novel represents Leon Trotsky Animal Farm |
#8541, aired 2021-12-27 | ARKANSAS $1000: The University of Arkansas team name was the Cardinals until 1910, when a student vote changed the mascot to this animal razorbacks |
#8538, aired 2021-12-22 | NO DA $400: Shear "da" off the end of a Greek letter to get this animal a lamb (from lambda) |
#8537, aired 2021-12-21 | FALSE ADVERTISING? $1200: One of the largest bats, the creature seen here goes by this alliterative, other-animal moniker flying fox |
#8528, aired 2021-12-08 | FOUND IN KING TUT'S TOMB $400: A headrest made of this animal material doesn't look comfy ivory |
#8527, aired 2021-12-07 | THEY EARNED A PhD $2000: She holds a PhD in animal science & authored "The Autistic Brain" & "Humane Livestock Handling" Temple Grandin |
#8525, aired 2021-12-03 | ANIMAL MASCOTS $200: Chuck E. Cheese a mouse |
#8525, aired 2021-12-03 | ANIMAL MASCOTS $400: Qantas--a koala was in the commercials but this in the logo a kangaroo |
#8525, aired 2021-12-03 | ANIMAL MASCOTS $600: Vlasic pickles a stork |
#8525, aired 2021-12-03 | ANIMAL MASCOTS $800: Jägermeister a deer |
#8525, aired 2021-12-03 | ANIMAL MASCOTS $1000: Kellogg's Honey Smacks--Dig'Em is his name a frog |
#8521, aired 2021-11-29 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $400: This tropical reef dweller needs no chrysalis, but does have striking markings that make sure to confuse predators a butterfly fish |
#8521, aired 2021-11-29 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $800: Meerkats aren't felines, they're in the family named for these cobra fighters mongooses (mongeese) |
#8521, aired 2021-11-29 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1200: A rare pink species of this land reptile lives around a volcano on Isabela Island in the Galápagos an iguana |
#8521, aired 2021-11-29 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $1600: With ridged horns, the kob of Africa is a species of these swift ruminants antelopes |
#8521, aired 2021-11-29 | THE ANIMAL KINGDOM $2000: One of the strongest kinds of beetles, this type seen here bears the name of a large herbivore a rhinoceros beetle |
#8511, aired 2021-11-15 | WORDS WITH A SINGLE VOWEL $800: As Dorothy walked through Oz, "now and then there came a deep" this sound "from some wild animal" a growl |
#8510, aired 2021-11-12 | SYNONYMS $4,000 (Daily Double): This animal is a synonym for evasive or sneaky as it was thought to suck out the contents of an egg while leaving the shell intact weasel |
#8507, aired 2021-11-09 | SOME CREATURES GREAT & SMALL $400: Silk from the orb-weaver type of this animal can be packed so densely that it has been used to make violin strings a spider |
#8506, aired 2021-11-08 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $200: Temporarily hoarse? You've got this amphibian condition a frog in your throat |
#8506, aired 2021-11-08 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $400: This phrase about a hidden enemy comes from Virgil, "Latet anguis in herba" a snake in the grass |
#8506, aired 2021-11-08 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $600: Also the title of a Marx Brothers movie, this dish means something very easy to do duck soup |
#8506, aired 2021-11-08 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $800: Beginning in the 1920s, it was high praise to be the cat's pajamas or this rhyming insect phrase the bee's knees |
#8506, aired 2021-11-08 | ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS $1000: The lifespans of creatures like Bubbles, said to be 60, may have given rise to this phrase, meaning "it's been a long time" a donkey's age (donkey's year) |
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | I HELPED IN THE 17th CENTURY $1600: Microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek scoped out this type of organism whose name means "first animal" protozoa |
#8504, aired 2021-11-04 | OLD LITERATURE $800: The Panchatantra animal fables were written in this ancient language of India & used to teach princes Sanskrit |
#8502, aired 2021-11-02 | FAIRY TALES: A CLOSER LOOK $600: A wild animal who's pretty good at deception attempts 2 homicides, that of a girl & her grandmother, but ends up dead "Little Red Riding Hood" |
#8494, aired 2021-10-21 | FAMILIAR SOUNDING TRIOS $600: For example:
ferret, fennel or fluorite animal, vegetable or mineral |
#8492, aired 2021-10-19 | 5 BURROS $800: In the book of Numbers, both an angel & the animal itself ask this man why he's beating up on his donkey Balaam |
#8484, aired 2021-10-07 | SCENE HERE $2000: In "Animal House" this college official has unfortunate midterm grade news: "Mr. Blutarsky... zero point zero" Dean Wormer |
#8479, aired 2021-09-30 | THAT ANIMAL HAD A NAME $200: Launched into space in 1961, Ham was one of these primates a chimp |
#8479, aired 2021-09-30 | THAT ANIMAL HAD A NAME $400: Hotfoot Teddy, a cub that survived a fire, was renamed this for a character who promoted fire safety & became his living symbol Smokey Bear |
#8479, aired 2021-09-30 | THAT ANIMAL HAD A NAME $600: Orangey seen here signing a contract in 1951, later played this simply named role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Cat |
#8479, aired 2021-09-30 | THAT ANIMAL HAD A NAME $800: Dr. Penny Patterson taught Koko the gorilla this method of communication sign language |
#8479, aired 2021-09-30 | THAT ANIMAL HAD A NAME $1000: Bucephalus carried this man on many of his 4th century B.C. conquests Alexander the Great |
#8475, aired 2021-09-24 | FURRY ROAD $400: With claws retracted, the paw of this furry animal, Panthera leo, doesn't look so scary a lion |
#8475, aired 2021-09-24 | FURRY ROAD $800: Ya dirty polecat! This animal can accurately target its noxious spray 6 feet away a skunk |
#8475, aired 2021-09-24 | NOVELS BY QUOTE $800: "No one believes more firmly than comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal" Animal Farm |
#8475, aired 2021-09-24 | NOVELS BY QUOTE $2000: "I was no longer a master, but an animal among the animals, under the Martian heel" War of the Worlds |
#8471, aired 2021-09-20 | BOOKS & AUTHORS $600: In "Gub Gub's Book", by the creator of Dr. Dolittle, this type of animal tells of truffles & more pig |
#8460, aired 2021-08-06 | SOUVENIR $800: You never saw this ox-like animal of Asia with a cold, did you? So try the nice warm Mongolian socks made from its wool a yak |
#8458, aired 2021-08-04 | 3-LETTER WORDS $400: This verb means to handle something roughly, like an animal would paw |
#8451, aired 2021-07-26 | PARTY IN THE BACK $200: This "numerical" party game traditionally begins with learning the objective is "animal, vegetable or mineral" Twenty Questions |
#8442, aired 2021-07-13 | TUNE A FISH $1000: "Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea", says a No. 1 hit by this group with a different animal in its name Three Dog Night |
#8427, aired 2021-06-22 | PLAYING IN TRAFFIC $800: In the U.K. a Pegasus crossing has a sign showing this animal & allows it to cross with pedestrians a horse |
#8426, aired 2021-06-21 | QUITE A PARADOX $1200: One of Zeno's paradoxes involves Achilles racing this animal (which had a head start) a tortoise |
#8422, aired 2021-06-15 | HOME, SWEET ANIMAL HOME $400: These high nests for birds of prey, like the osprey, may take their name from the Latin for a "vacant place" aerie |
#8422, aired 2021-06-15 | HOME, SWEET ANIMAL HOME $800: Poultry reside in a coop or pen & walk around in this 3-letter enclosure a chicken run |
#8422, aired 2021-06-15 | HOME, SWEET ANIMAL HOME $1200: Just below the overstory, this area of a tropical forest is home to the spider monkey & the sloth a canopy |
#8422, aired 2021-06-15 | HOME, SWEET ANIMAL HOME $1600: These crustaceans with a "solitary" name seek new shells to live in after outgrowing their old ones hermit crabs |
#8422, aired 2021-06-15 | HOME, SWEET ANIMAL HOME $2000: This type of spider creates a deep burrow with a hinged entrance from which it jumps out & snatches prey the trapdoor spider |
#8417, aired 2021-06-08 | ANIMAL-NAMED ANIMALS $400: Like certain marsupials, these desert-dwelling rodents hop on 2 legs kangaroo rats |
#8417, aired 2021-06-08 | ANIMAL-NAMED ANIMALS $800: This fearsome predator gets the first part of its name from the stripes on its sides a tiger shark |
#8417, aired 2021-06-08 | ANIMAL-NAMED ANIMALS $1,000 (Daily Double): This largest pinniped gets its name from its size & its trunk-like snout an elephant seal |
#8417, aired 2021-06-08 | ANIMAL-NAMED ANIMALS $1600: Large ears like those on a donkey hybrid give this its name a mule deer |
#8417, aired 2021-06-08 | ANIMAL-NAMED ANIMALS $2000: There's a big cat in the name of these colorful Pacific reef dwellers with venomous spines lionfish |
#8416, aired 2021-06-07 | SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY $2000: In 2018 scientists discovered Przewalski's this animal is not truly wild but was once domesticated over 5,000 years ago a horse |
#8414, aired 2021-06-03 | "E" SPORTS $200: Headquartered in Nepal, the WEPA is the World this animal Polo Association elephant |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | ANIMAL EXPRESSION FILL-IN $200: "The best laid schemes of ____ & men" mice |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | ANIMAL EXPRESSION FILL-IN $400: "A ____ in a poke" pig |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | ANIMAL EXPRESSION FILL-IN $600: "A sacred ____" cow |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | ANIMAL EXPRESSION FILL-IN $800: "As fine as ____'s hair" frog |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | ANIMAL EXPRESSION FILL-IN $1000: "One ____ does not make a summer" swallow |
#8412, aired 2021-06-01 | IMPORTED FROM ITALY $1200: Any Pecorino cheese, like Pecorino Romano, comes from the milk of this animal sheep |
#8409, aired 2021-05-27 | MUSICAL MENAGERIE $1000: The rapper Desiigner thought a white BMW with tinted windows looked like a certain animal, hence this title of his No. 1 hit "Panda" |
#8395, aired 2021-05-07 | CLICHÉS $800: A soft bed & a warm fire are "creature" these, appealing to our animal nature as opposed to more spiritual needs comforts |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $200: Among birds,
the swoose a swan & goose |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $400: Yattle, Asian beasts of burden yak & cattle |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $600: The humpless
cama a camel & a llama |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $800: The ferocious
pizzly a polar bear & a grizzly |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | HYBRID ANIMAL PARENTS $1000: A marine mammal called the narluga the narwhal & the beluga |
#8394, aired 2021-05-06 | 1920s GOOD READS $1200: Illustrated by the author, the voyages of this physician with animal pals, won a Newbery Medal as Most Distinguished Children's Book Dr. Dolittle |
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $200: Chester, the pitchman for Cheetos snacks, is this kind of animal a cheetah |
#8392, aired 2021-05-04 | POP CULTURE $800: An industrious raccoon named Tom Nook runs the in-game business in this Nintendo game: "New Horizons" Animal Crossing |
#8388, aired 2021-04-28 | MODERN HEBREW $200: Meaning "one thing at a time", para para literally is this animal twice, implying you can't milk 2 at the same time a cow |
#8386, aired 2021-04-26 | AT THE MOVIES $600: This 1978 college comedy asked the immortal question, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" Animal House |
#8381, aired 2021-04-19 | FICTION $1600: Mega-bestselling author David Baldacci first got the reading bug from books about Freddy, a talking this animal a pig |
#8381, aired 2021-04-19 | THE HUMAN BODY $2,000 (Daily Double): Hair & fingernails are largely made up of this tough protein that also composes an animal's horns & hoofs keratin |
#8380, aired 2021-04-16 | THE "B"s $400: The pastry seen here gets its name from its resemblance to an animal's foot a bear claw |
#8377, aired 2021-04-13 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $400: If you seem smug, you look like "the cat that ate" this bird a canary |
#8377, aired 2021-04-13 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $800: To make a big deal out of something minor is to make a mountain out of this a molehill |
#8377, aired 2021-04-13 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $1600: Exhibiting fake sorrow is this reptilian phrase crocodile tears |
#8377, aired 2021-04-13 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $2,000 (Daily Double): It's an umbrella-shaped mushroom a toadstool |
#8377, aired 2021-04-13 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $2000: This object that the Israelites worshipped at Mount Sinai now signifies crass materialism the Golden Calf |
#8371, aired 2021-04-05 | POP CULTURE-POURRI $1000: A Nintendo video game creator used an animal word that symbolizes stubbornness in naming this gorilla villain Donkey Kong |
#8368, aired 2021-03-31 | ANIMALS $200: Coat patterns like the one seen here from this animal can be as unique as fingerprints a giraffe |
#8368, aired 2021-03-31 | ENGLISH DRAMA THAT AIN'T SHAKESPEARE $800: Every character in Ben Jonson's "Volpone" is based on an animal; Corvino on a crow & Volpone on this canine a fox |
#8367, aired 2021-03-30 | 12-LETTER WORDS $600: Playful & lively, kittens are often described by this 12-letter adjective that begins with the name of another animal rambunctious |
#8367, aired 2021-03-30 | A "HA"! $1200: It's the loin & leg of a 4-footed animal used for food haunch |
#8363, aired 2021-03-24 | BODIES OF WATER FILED UNDER B $2000: This "large animal" lake is a center of skiing, fishing & more in California's San Bernardino National Forest Big Bear Lake |
#8360, aired 2021-03-19 | DOES THAT RING A BELL? $400: A fable gives us the phrase "bell" this animal, meaning a very dangerous task (especially for the rats) the cat |
#8354, aired 2021-03-11 | NECK & NECKING $200: The longest nerve on any land creature runs inside the neck of this animal a giraffe |
#8353, aired 2021-03-10 | WOMEN IN MYTHOLOGY $800: Arachne was changed into this type of animal, the origin of the name of its zoological class a spider |
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | CONSTELLATION DERIVATIONS $400: Piscis Austrinus is "the southern" this animal fish |
#8348, aired 2021-03-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $200: It's a beard trimmed to a point on the chin a goatee |
#8348, aired 2021-03-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $400: To bind all 4 of an animal's legs together hogtie |
#8348, aired 2021-03-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $600: To crouch in fear to cower |
#8348, aired 2021-03-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $800: Bilirubin & carotene are these coloring agents pigments |
#8348, aired 2021-03-03 | STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL $1000: It's the proud & historic region seen here Catalan (Catalonia) |
#8344, aired 2021-02-25 | POETS & POETRY $400: William Blake said this "little" animal was "wooly bright" lamb |
#8342, aired 2021-02-23 | AFRICAN COUNTRIES $400: The Nairobi Animal Orphanage is in this country Kenya |
#8334, aired 2021-02-11 | ANIMALS IN GERMAN $200: This animal is ein schaf; an expression about an innocent exterior is "wolf im schafspelz" a sheep |
#8331, aired 2021-02-08 | FACTS & FIGURES $400: A byword for fast reproduction, this animal can have a litter of 7, 5 times a year a rabbit |
#8331, aired 2021-02-08 | LITERARY ALLUSIONS $3,000 (Daily Double): The contradictory thought that some are more equal than others comes from a slogan in a satire by this man George Orwell |
#8326, aired 2021-02-01 | VIDEO GAMES $1000: In 2020 it was time to find some "New Horizons" & build your own island paradise with this Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing |
#8322, aired 2021-01-26 | FINANCIAL SLANG $200: You aren't stubborn--you just think the market is going to rise if you are this animal-ish bull |
#8311, aired 2021-01-11 | PICK UP THE HOMOPHONE $800: Small donkey, or an underground animal habitat burro/burrow |
#8304, aired 2020-12-17 | AUTHORS & THEIR PETS $800: Muriel the goat in this novel was probably inspired by George Orwell's own pet goat Muriel Animal Farm |
#8299, aired 2020-12-10 | AWWW INSPIRING $2000: The World Wildlife Fund called this Australian wallaby the world's happiest animal; we call it a tough-to-solve "Wheel of Fortune" Final quokka |
#8297, aired 2020-12-08 | YOU'VE GOT ANIMAL MALE $200: Party on with this name for an adult male deer a stag |
#8297, aired 2020-12-08 | YOU'VE GOT ANIMAL MALE $400: A male guinea pig is called this, like a male pig a boar |
#8297, aired 2020-12-08 | YOU'VE GOT ANIMAL MALE $600: Male house cats & male turkeys both have this name a tom |
#8297, aired 2020-12-08 | YOU'VE GOT ANIMAL MALE $800: A sea stallion is the male of this unique fish a seahorse |
#8297, aired 2020-12-08 | YOU'VE GOT ANIMAL MALE $1000: The drake of this common North American duck is also called a greenhead a mallard |
#8294, aired 2020-12-03 | FOREST CLUMP $800: On Yemen's Socotra Island, there's a forest of this mythical animal's blood trees named for the deep red color of their sap dragon |
#8293, aired 2020-12-02 | NON-PROPHETS $400: Matthew 7:15 says beware of false prophets who "come to you" in this animal's clothing; "inwardly they are ravening wolves" sheep |
#8283, aired 2020-11-18 | ANIMAL ETYMOLOGY $400: No surprise, this animal's name is from Greek for "8-footed" the octopus |
#8283, aired 2020-11-18 | ANIMAL ETYMOLOGY $800: From Malay for "man of the forest", this primate lives in the tropical rain forests of Sumatra the orangutan |
#8283, aired 2020-11-18 | ANIMAL ETYMOLOGY $1200: The reindeer also goes by this Native American name meaning "shoveler of snow", from its habit of shoving snow aside to feed the caribou |
#8283, aired 2020-11-18 | ANIMAL ETYMOLOGY $1600: Though it's really a mammal, its name is from Latin for "pig fish" porpoise |
#8283, aired 2020-11-18 | ANIMAL ETYMOLOGY $2000: Though wide awake now, this critter is thought to get the first part of its name from a word for "sleep" a dormouse |
#8276, aired 2020-11-09 | SYMBOLS $1200: This baby animal represents Jesus, the sacrifice offered for man's sins lamb (the Lamb of God) |
#8276, aired 2020-11-09 | SYMBOLS $1600: An ancient symbol, the ouroboros is this animal with its tail in its mouth; it is continually devouring itself & reborn from itself a snake |
#8272, aired 2020-11-03 | BOOKS' SUBTITLES $400: Naturally, this animal is mentioned in the subtitle of "Moby-Dick" a whale |
#8270, aired 2020-10-30 | 2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $600: Coal & natural gas are types of this alliterative stuff formed in the earth from plant or animal remains, & used as a source of energy fossil fuels |
#8266, aired 2020-10-26 | FILL IN THE ANIMAL MOVIE QUOTES $400: "Babe": "That'll do, ___. That'll do" pig |
#8266, aired 2020-10-26 | FILL IN THE ANIMAL MOVIE QUOTES $800: "West Side Story": "The ___ are gonna have their way." "The Jets are gonna have their day" the Sharks |
#8266, aired 2020-10-26 | FILL IN THE ANIMAL MOVIE QUOTES $1200: "Raiders of the Lost Ark": "___. Why did it have to be ___?" snakes |
#8266, aired 2020-10-26 | FILL IN THE ANIMAL MOVIE QUOTES $1600: "Splash": "All my life I've been waiting for someone and when I find her... she's a ___" a fish |
#8266, aired 2020-10-26 | FILL IN THE ANIMAL MOVIE QUOTES $2000: "Fletch": "Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a ___ ___" a water buffalo |
#8265, aired 2020-10-23 | ANAGRAMS, HOW NOVEL! $200: Four legs good & bad: "FAR MAILMAN" Animal Farm |
#8264, aired 2020-10-22 | ANIMAL QUOTES $400: Charles Schulz fondly wrote, "Happiness is a warm" one puppy |
#8264, aired 2020-10-22 | ANIMAL QUOTES $800: Samuel Johnson said oats was a grain given to these in England, "but in Scotland supports the people" horses |
#8264, aired 2020-10-22 | ANIMAL QUOTES $1200: John Donne wrote that it was "nature's great masterpiece... the only harmless great thing; the giant of beasts" an elephant |
#8264, aired 2020-10-22 | ANIMAL QUOTES $1600: "Oh" it "has pretty teeth, dear, and he shows them, pearly white" a shark |
#8264, aired 2020-10-22 | ANIMAL QUOTES $2000: Robert Frost rhymed, "The way" this bird / "Shook down on me / The dust of snow / From a hemlock tree" a crow |
#8260, aired 2020-10-16 | 2-LETTER WORDS $400: According to the Chinese calendar, 2021 will be the year of this animal the ox |
#8259, aired 2020-10-15 | ANIMALS $600: This animal of the weasel family, Neovison vison, has rich, dark fur once popular for coats mink |
#8256, aired 2020-10-12 | BEHIND THE VOICES $200: Before he was on "This is Us", actor Chris Sullivan said, "Guess what day it is?" as this animal on GEICO commercials the camel |
#8250, aired 2020-10-02 | BEASTLY REVIEWS $400: Including the weevil & the ladybug, there are 400,000 species of this insect type, more than any other animal on earth; 5 out of 5 stars beetles |
#8248, aired 2020-09-30 | ALL MY TROUBLES $400: Maybe taking on this burrowing animal & mascot of the University of Wisconsin as a house pet was not my finest idea the badger |
#8238, aired 2020-09-16 | WHAT TO WEAR $200: Try an animal print, like this cat, whether snow or clouded leopard |
#8238, aired 2020-09-16 | 6-LETTER WORDS $1200: It's a candy-filled party animal a piñata |
#8237, aired 2020-09-15 | IT COMES FROM ANIMALS $1000: The red pigment carmine comes from cochineal, this type of animal insects |
#8229, aired 2020-06-04 | THE NATURAL WORLD $200: Though it resembles an anteater, this African animal, the only member of order Tubulidentata, is actually related to the elephant an aardvark |
#8227, aired 2020-06-02 | BIRDS OF PREY $1000: Reaching speeds of 200 miles per hour, this bird of prey is not only the world's fastest bird, it's also the world's fastest animal the peregrine falcon |
#8219, aired 2020-05-21 | BOSS HOG $1600: In "Animal Farm", this large & in charge pig was based on Stalin Napoleon |
#8219, aired 2020-05-21 | BOSS HOG $2000: Zhu Bajie or "Pigsy" is an animal guide helping Tripitaka in the 16th century Chinese epic known as "Journey to" here the West |
#8218, aired 2020-05-20 | GERMAN ANIMAL NAMES $200: Tintenfisch, or "ink fish", is this creature the squid (octopus) |
#8218, aired 2020-05-20 | GERMAN ANIMAL NAMES $400: Words for "shield" & "toad" combine to make the German name for this reptile a turtle |
#8218, aired 2020-05-20 | GERMAN ANIMAL NAMES $800 (Daily Double): This bug's German name, stechmucke, translates to "stabbing gnat" a mosquito |
#8218, aired 2020-05-20 | GERMAN ANIMAL NAMES $800: Nacktschnecke, the German word for this gastropod, translates as "naked snail" a slug |
#8218, aired 2020-05-20 | GERMAN ANIMAL NAMES $1000: From the way they stand up, these African mongoose relatives are called "little earth men" in German a meerkat |
#8213, aired 2020-04-29 | WELL-SEASONED VOCABULARY $600: The brown coloring of the coat of the animal seen here gives it this spicy name a cinnamon bear |
#8210, aired 2020-04-24 | "STUPID" $1000: In "National Lampoon's Animal House", Dean Wormer tells Flounder, this 4-word state "is no way to go through life, son" Fat, drunk, and stupid |
#8203, aired 2020-04-15 | EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES $200: Volunteer at a local animal rescue and help guys like this breed that can weight as little as 1 pound find a forever home a chihuahua |
#8202, aired 2020-04-14 | POTPOURRI $800: The female of this animal named for an Australian island gives birth to 20-40 joeys but only 4 survive a Tasmanian devil |
#8196, aired 2020-04-06 | ALPHANUMERICS $800: This club within the Dept. of Agriculture helps kids learn not only about animal sciences but rocketry & robotics, too the 4H Club |
#8193, aired 2020-04-01 | GIFTS FOR ANIMAL LOVERS $400: Similar to 23andMe, Embark for dogs is one of these that provides owners with breed I.D., health reports & relatives a DNA testing service |
#8193, aired 2020-04-01 | GIFTS FOR ANIMAL LOVERS $800: You'll need some Kleenex when you read Garth Stein's touching bestseller narrated by Enzo the dog & called "The Art of" this Racing in the Rain |
#8193, aired 2020-04-01 | GIFTS FOR ANIMAL LOVERS $1200: You'll find animal-themed slippers at this retailer founded in Maine in 1912 L.L. Bean |
#8193, aired 2020-04-01 | GIFTS FOR ANIMAL LOVERS $1600: For grieving pet owners, there are plaques with poems about this place "just this side of heaven" where our beloved pets go the Rainbow Bridge |
#8193, aired 2020-04-01 | GIFTS FOR ANIMAL LOVERS $2000: A majestic stag is a recent offering from this crystal company's Collector's Society Swarovski |
#8192, aired 2020-03-31 | ANIMAL FACTS $200: Sea otters often carry their favorite type of this, stored in a pocket of skin, & use it to crack open shellfish a rock |
#8192, aired 2020-03-31 | ANIMAL FACTS $400: The chicks of this tall wading bird are downy white & acquire pink plumage as they age a flamingo |
#8192, aired 2020-03-31 | ANIMAL FACTS $600: Hippos that escaped this drug lord's zoo have given Colombia the largest hippo population outside of Africa (Pablo) Escobar |
#8192, aired 2020-03-31 | ANIMAL FACTS $800: It is very unlikely that this American marsupial will contract rabies--its body temp. is too low for the virus to survive an opossum |
#8192, aired 2020-03-31 | ANIMAL FACTS $1000: Insect blood does not have this protein that transports oxygen in our bodies & makes our blood red hemoglobin |
#8190, aired 2020-03-27 | STARRING THE SAN DIEGO ZOO $1200: In 2019 this channel with an elephant as its mascot aired the reality series "The Zoo: San Diego" Animal Planet |
#8185, aired 2020-03-20 | PAY UP $200: If you've got pets, the extra-efficient "Ball Animal 2" one of these from Dyson might be worth it at close to $400 a vacuum |
#8183, aired 2020-03-18 | TV STARS $1000: This movie star gets wild on TNT's "Animal Kingdom" as the matriarch of a criminal clan (Ellen) Barkin |
#8182, aired 2020-03-17 | ANIMAL PHRASES $400: Pistol tells Falstaff in "The Merry Wives of Windsor", "The world's mine" this, "which I with sword will open" an oyster |
#8182, aired 2020-03-17 | ANIMAL PHRASES $800: It's how one responds to the phrase "See you later, alligator" "In a while, crocodile" |
#8182, aired 2020-03-17 | ANIMAL PHRASES $1600: A group of wicked people congregating together is called "a nest of" these snakes vipers |
#8182, aired 2020-03-17 | ANIMAL PHRASES $2000: It means to stop acting like you're better than the rest of us; take your feet out of the stirrups first Get off your high horse |
#8180, aired 2020-03-13 | 1940s LITERATURE $400: Mollie the mare is a minor character in this George Orwell novel Animal Farm |
#8178, aired 2020-03-11 | HOME DECOR BASICS $600: A recess in a wall often used to display sculpture, the term can also be used for the role an animal plays in nature a niche |
#8174, aired 2020-03-05 | NEAT ANIMAL STUFF $400: During a sandstorm, the Bactrian kind of this animal can squeeze its nostrils shut a camel |
#8174, aired 2020-03-05 | NEAT ANIMAL STUFF $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Researchers think vertical these in certain predators' eyes help sharpen depth perception when ambushing while horizontal ones in the eyes of prey help give a wider field of vision to detect threats pupils |
#8174, aired 2020-03-05 | NEAT ANIMAL STUFF $1200: The German type of these, which many predict will survive Armageddon, are becoming nearly impossible to kill with chemicals cockroaches |
#8174, aired 2020-03-05 | NEAT ANIMAL STUFF $1600: Scientists tracked one of these mammals, named for its chilly habitat, as it trekked 2000 miles from Norway to Canada in 76 days an arctic fox |
#8174, aired 2020-03-05 | NEAT ANIMAL STUFF $2000: These ball-rolling beetles find their way around by using the Sun, the Moon, & sometimes the Milky Way dung beetles |
#8171, aired 2020-03-02 | RUBRIC CUES $400: If this type of symbolic animal claws the stock market to a 20% loss, wisdom says buy! a bear |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | 20-20 $200: "Animal, vegetable or mineral?" is the classic starter for this parlor game Twenty Questions |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | ANIMAL VERBS $200: To remove a stain using an absorbent item, or to live at the expense of others sponge |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | ANIMAL VERBS $400: To flutter your eyelashes to bat |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | ANIMAL VERBS $600: Aggressively peddle goods in public by calling out to hawk (your wares) |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | ANIMAL VERBS $800: Defeat an opponent overwhelmingly, especially by shutting them out skunk |
#8160, aired 2020-02-14 | ANIMAL VERBS $1000: A weasel-like animal gives us this verb meaning to uncover or bring to light by searching ferret |
#8150, aired 2020-01-31 | SYMBOLS $400: One symbolic representation of Christ is as the paschal type of this animal a lamb |
#8147, aired 2020-01-28 | NEWER NECCO CANDY HEARTS $400: The animal attraction series had "Purr" followed by these 4 letters "fect" |
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | NATIONAL COATS OF ARMS $400: It makes sense that this animal is at the center of the coat of arms for the Ivory Coast an elephant |
#8142, aired 2020-01-21 | CHECK OUT THE CRITTER $800: Despite its name, the sunda flying this, an animal native to Madagascar, is not one, nor does it fly a lemur |
#6, aired 2020-01-09 | "I" WROTE $400: The security at this author's "Hotel New Hampshire" is Susie, a woman in an animal costume John Irving |
#8133, aired 2020-01-08 | UDDERLY MILK--OR NOT $400: Rice milk is right for those who are lactose intolerant or who follow this 5-letter diet that avoids animal products vegan |
#8128, aired 2020-01-01 | ANIMAL NAMES WITH LEWIS & CLARK $400: Lewis & Clark gave this non-canine rodent its name and even brought one back to give to Thomas Jefferson a prairie dog |
#8128, aired 2020-01-01 | ANIMAL NAMES WITH LEWIS & CLARK $800: Though we think of it as grayish-brown, the boys called it a "white bear" & killed quite a few the grizzly bear |
#8128, aired 2020-01-01 | ANIMAL NAMES WITH LEWIS & CLARK $1200: Don't complain. Just name the sage type of this bird that Lewis & Clark called the heath cock a (greater) grouse |
#8128, aired 2020-01-01 | ANIMAL NAMES WITH LEWIS & CLARK $1600: Say, Meriwether, that sheep sure has large paired features on its head--you're right, William, so let's call it this a bighorn sheep |
#8128, aired 2020-01-01 | ANIMAL NAMES WITH LEWIS & CLARK $2000: Lewis noted of the Lewis' type of this bird that the pointy tail helps it stay vertical against the tree trunk it's beaking a woodpecker |
#8127, aired 2019-12-31 | THE ALGONQUIAN WORD TABLE $400: This word for a little animal that may go through your trash comes from a word for "he scratches with hands" a raccoon |
#8122, aired 2019-12-24 | HAVE A COW $800: This term for an idea that cannot be criticized refers to a Hindu belief about an animal a sacred cow |
#8112, aired 2019-12-10 | PINK-POURRI $1000: In an albino animal, a lack of the pigment melanin causes this usually colored part of the eye to appear pink the iris |
#8112, aired 2019-12-10 | OCCUPATIONALLY NAMED AUTHORS $4,000 (Daily Double): Mrs, Tittlemouse, Tom Kitten & many other animal characters were created by this "artisan" (Beatrix) Potter |
#8107, aired 2019-12-03 | ANIMAL MALADIES $400: It's rare, but some snakes exhibit ouroboros-like symptoms where they are compelled to eat their own this a tail |
#8107, aired 2019-12-03 | ANIMAL MALADIES $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the Como Park Zoo in St. Paul, Minnesota.) Although healthy now, these guys get regular ultrasounds and daily baby aspirins as gorillas in captivity, especially the males, are prone to this disease--"CVD" for short cardiovascular disease |
#8107, aired 2019-12-03 | ANIMAL MALADIES $1200: Psittacosis, AKA this bird "fever", can also spread to people from ducks & pigeons parrot |
#8107, aired 2019-12-03 | ANIMAL MALADIES $1600: A major contributor to laminitis, which affects this part of a horse, is overfeeding a hoof |
#8107, aired 2019-12-03 | ANIMAL MALADIES $2000: The skin condition mange is caused by these tiny arthropods mites |
#8105, aired 2019-11-29 | RANDOM FACTS $2000: The Egyptian god Anubis bears the head of this animal a jackal |
#8103, aired 2019-11-27 | HERE, KITTY $200: The Canadian lynx relies heavily on the snowshoe type of this animal for its sustenance a rabbit (hare) |
#8103, aired 2019-11-27 | HERE, KITTY $600: Distinctive black "tear tracks" along the snout of this fastest land animal may be an antiglare mechanism the cheetah |
#8097, aired 2019-11-19 | MISLEADING NAMES $1600: It sounds like a bakery treat rather than the thymus or pancreas of a young animal eaten as a delicacy sweetbreads |
#8096, aired 2019-11-18 | WE SAY JUMP $600: Taxonomic class of the jumping animal seen here that can leap 50 times its own body length arachnid |
#8092, aired 2019-11-12 | "X"s & "O"s $400: From Latin for "all devouring", it's the term for an animal that eats both animals & plants omnivore |
#8086, aired 2019-11-04 | THE HARVARD LAMPOON $400: The style and irreverence of "Harvard Lampoon" had a huge impact in the '70s when alums Doug Kenney and Henry Beard found "National Lampoon" and Doug co-wrote this very popular college comedy film Animal House |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | ANIMAL COMMUNITY $400: To make this home for the birth of their young, foxes enlarge burrows of other animals a den |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | ANIMAL COMMUNITY $800: Shoaling fish move in the same direction but each does its own thing; fish doing this similar word use coordinated moves schooling fish |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | ANIMAL COMMUNITY $1200: The dotted humming frog is in no danger from this spider seen here; they have reached an arrangement a tarantula |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | ANIMAL COMMUNITY $2000: Mud baths remove bugs from the Cape buffalo, & if that doesn't get them all, the cattle type of this white wading bird helps the egret |
#8080, aired 2019-10-25 | ANIMAL COMMUNITY $5,000 (Daily Double): Konrad Lorenz found that newly hatched ducklings followed him due to this "I" process, as if he were their parent imprinting |
#8078, aired 2019-10-23 | DOWN IN AFRICA $400: Species that need protection include this animal--Africa has fewer of them than their shorter pal the elephant the giraffe |
#8075, aired 2019-10-18 | ENABLING COOKIES $600: This Nabisco brand went cage-free on its box covers in 2018 Animal Crackers |
#8075, aired 2019-10-18 | BIOLOGY $1600: In most mollusks a trochophore is the animal at this juvenile stage that looks very different from the adult the larva stage |
#8071, aired 2019-10-14 | 5 DAYS IN OCTOBER $800: October 16 is National Feral this animal day--remember to spay & neuter! cats |
#8063, aired 2019-10-02 | PART-TIME WRITERS $2000: James Lipton wrote "An Exaltation of Larks", about animal group names, before he hosted this Bravo acting show Inside the Actors Studio |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | ANIMAL ANATOMY $400: These adorable tree-climbing marsupials have fingerprints very similar to those of humans koalas |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | NEWER TO THE LANGUAGE $600: This acronym meaning the best ever spells out the name of an animal; LL Cool J uses it as an album title GOAT |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | ANIMAL ANATOMY $800: A leader in food storage, this popular rodent pet has internal cheek pouches that can stretch from its mouth to its hips hamster |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | ANIMAL ANATOMY $1600: The musk variety of this herbivore is saber-toothed, not for prey but used by the males to fight during mating season deer |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | ANIMAL ANATOMY $2,000 (Daily Double): The omasum & the abomasum are 2 of the 4 stomach chambers of this suborder that includes cattle & giraffes ruminants |
#8059, aired 2019-09-26 | ANIMAL ANATOMY $2000: Term for the fibrous substance that makes up most of the exoskeleton or outer body protection of insects & spiders chitin |
#8053, aired 2019-09-18 | CLASSIC METAL BANDS $800: "And I want! And I need! And I lust!" are primal lyrics from this band's "Animal" Def Leppard |
#8042, aired 2019-07-23 | THE "B" THAT POWERS $400: 7-letter word for a renewable energy source made from algae, plants or animal waste biofuel |
#8032, aired 2019-07-09 | SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $600: Shakira's "Try Everything" was a great choice for this film about an ideal animal world Zootopia |
#8032, aired 2019-07-09 | FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $600: In 2016, this animal expert & autism spokesperson was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Temple Grandin |
#8028, aired 2019-07-03 | MY LAWN $600: My lawn is a bit smaller than the 15-acre green space in New York's Central Park, known as this grazing animal's meadow Sheep Meadow |
#8028, aired 2019-07-03 | ITALIAN MUSIC TERMS $1200: A coda is a passage at the end of a work; in Italian it means this part of an animal the tail |
#8018, aired 2019-06-19 | ANIMALS $2000: One of the largest structures made by rodents or any animal, a 2,800' long one is found in a Canadian national park a (beaver) dam |
#8015, aired 2019-06-14 | 2-LETTER WORDS $600: "Clumsy" in language, castrated in fact, it's a type of draft animal ox |
#8011, aired 2019-06-10 | ANIMAL TALK $400: This group term refers to the 95% of animal species that lack a backbone invertebrates |
#8011, aired 2019-06-10 | ANIMAL TALK $800: What flying squirrels do isn't flying, it's called volplaning, another word for this gliding |
#8011, aired 2019-06-10 | ANIMAL TALK $1200: The axolotl is a member of this "double-life" class of animals that has more than 6,000 species amphibians |
#8011, aired 2019-06-10 | ANIMAL TALK $1600: The Amateur Entomologists' Soc. glossary entry "stridulation", making noise with body parts, mentions these creatures crickets |
#8011, aired 2019-06-10 | ANIMAL TALK $2,000 (Daily Double): The norm in mammals & birds is a nictitating membrane, also called the third this--humans are weird in lacking it an eyelid |
#8009, aired 2019-06-06 | GOES "MOO" $400: In Europe this animal is called an elk moose |
#8008, aired 2019-06-05 | CONVERSE $200: As a noun, it's an animal of Tibet; as a verb, it means to converse idly yak |
#8005, aired 2019-05-31 | YOU ARE A BAD SAILOR $1000: You don't need to howl during the naval watches 4-6 & 6-8, named for this animal--it's just a figure of speech a dog |
#8005, aired 2019-05-31 | POTPOURRI $1200: This animal, a proverbial symbol of grace, also has pure speed: it can run about 50 mph a (Grant's) gazelle |
#7996, aired 2019-05-20 | A DEGREE IN LITERATURE $200: "'M.D.' means that" this character "was a proper doctor and knew a whole lot"--including animal language Dr. Dolittle |
#7989, aired 2019-05-09 | EVERY ANIMAL HAS ITS DAY $200: The world day for this long-necked animal is June 21, the longest day of the year a giraffe |
#7989, aired 2019-05-09 | EVERY ANIMAL HAS ITS DAY $400: These pups are beautiful every day, but that fact is officially celebrated April 21 a bulldog |
#7989, aired 2019-05-09 | EVERY ANIMAL HAS ITS DAY $600: This -hog can come out of the shadow of the groundhog; February 2 honors both animals a hedgehog |
#7989, aired 2019-05-09 | EVERY ANIMAL HAS ITS DAY $800: April 6 is the perfect day to celebrate this breed seen here Siamese |
#7989, aired 2019-05-09 | EVERY ANIMAL HAS ITS DAY $1000: The world day for these birds, whether emperor or gentoo, is April 25 a penguin |
#7988, aired 2019-05-08 | RUN IT UP THE FLAGPOLE $400: The flags of the city of Berlin & the canton of Bern both feature this animal a bear |
#7988, aired 2019-05-08 | RECENT BESTSELLERS $1000: Marlon Bundo is a type of this animal in books from Mike Pence's daughter & from John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" a rabbit |
#7983, aired 2019-05-01 | ORDER $600: An anteater is in the order Pilosa; this similar-looking animal is in the order Tubulidentata an aardvark |
#7983, aired 2019-05-01 | ORDER $1000: Lesser-known members of this animal order are the narwhal & the dwarf sperm whale cetacean |
#7980, aired 2019-04-26 | GREEK CUISINE $800: According to Greek law, feta cheese must be at least 70% derived from the milk of this animal sheep |
#7979, aired 2019-04-25 | CHINESE $200: Not to "boar" you but according to the Chinese zodiac, most of 2019 is the year of this animal a pig |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | ANIMAL ROCKS $400: A rock in Mongolia is named for its resemblance to one of these reptiles--oh yeah, I see the shell a turtle |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | IN THE CABINET DEPARTMENT $600: Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service Agriculture |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | ANIMAL ROCKS $800: A helipad provides the easiest access to Wolf Rock Lighthouse off Land's End in Cornwall, in this country England |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | ANIMAL ROCKS $1200: Lion Rock looms over this special administrative region of China Hong Kong |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | ANIMAL ROCKS $1600: The Eagle Rock in this California city gave its name to an area where you'll find Occidental College Los Angeles |
#7975, aired 2019-04-19 | ANIMAL ROCKS $2000: In English, Sardinia's Roccia dell'Orso is known as this animal rock bear |
#7974, aired 2019-04-18 | FEATURE FILM DEBUTS $400: Kevin Bacon made his feature film debut as a fraternity pledge in this 1978 John Belushi film Animal House |
#7970, aired 2019-04-12 | GOOGLE'S TOP SEARCHES, 1999-2018 $200: Every year, this best pal has been the most searched-for type of animal dog |
#7968, aired 2019-04-10 | "M.G." $1600: A song from "The Pirates of Penzance" says, "In matters vegetable, animal, & mineral, I am the very model of a modern" major-general |
#7963, aired 2019-04-03 | HABITATS $600: The state animal of Kansas is the American type of this that roamed the Great Plains bison (or buffalo) |
#7962, aired 2019-04-02 | THE MIDDLE AGES $400: In his "Travels", this Italian man described a unicorn-like animal & other wonders Marco Polo |
#7961, aired 2019-04-01 | IN PRISON $600: This term for a cut of meat from the leg of an animal is also something helpful in settling disputes with a bunkmate a shank |
#7958, aired 2019-03-27 | HAIRSTYLES $200: Animal name describing hair in braids on each side, occasionally accented with ribbons pigtails |
#7952, aired 2019-03-19 | PARK-ITECTURE $2,000 (Daily Double): Vegetation in Richmond Park in England, home to red & fallow types of these, has a 5' high "browse line" they nibble below deer |
#7943, aired 2019-03-06 | EX-CREATURES $800: Ursus spelaeus is the name for this extinct animal, made famous in a Jean Auel title the cave bear |
#7939, aired 2019-02-28 | TAXONOMY $2000: The largest animal grouping is this phylum of "jointed feet" creatures arthropods |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | ANIMAL TALK $200: Be careful, that person could be one of these "in sheep's clothing" a wolf |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | ANIMAL TALK $400: This plumbing tool is a type of auger a snake |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | ANIMAL TALK $600: It's slang for an indoor antenna that typically sat on top of the TV rabbit ears |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | ANIMAL TALK $800: Maybe you're a canvasback if you start a new activity & "take to it like" this duck to water |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | ANIMAL TALK $1000: Weighing several tons, it's obvious to everyone present, but no one has the courage to talk about it the elephant in the room |
#7931, aired 2019-02-18 | SAVING THE ANIMALS $200: After this island was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, Lucky Dog Animal Rescue & Southwest Air flew some pets to the USA Puerto Rico |
#7931, aired 2019-02-18 | SAVING THE ANIMALS $400: For the littlest ones, Best Friends Animal Society provides this type of care, defined as "for newborns" neonatal care |
#7931, aired 2019-02-18 | SAVING THE ANIMALS $800: This TV housewife rules in her devotion to animal welfare through her foundation & rescue center (Lisa) Vanderpump |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | ANIMAL FAKERS $200: AKA mosquito hawk or darning needle, this insect does not breathe magical fire dragonfly |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | ANIMAL FAKERS $400: Often mistakenly called a bear, this Aussie marsupial stays in the pouch for 7 months, then spends the next 6 on Mom's back a koala |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | ANIMAL FAKERS $600: Despite its name, this bird of prey is not follicly challenged; its head is covered by white feathers, as is its tail a bald eagle |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | ANIMAL FAKERS $800: The electric this elongated fish is actually a type of knifefish an eel |
#7927, aired 2019-02-12 | ANIMAL FAKERS $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows the crabeater seal on the monitor.) The crabeater seal doesn't even eat crabs; its teeth are designed to make it a filter feeder, dining mostly on these tiny crustaceans just like blue whales do krill |
#7922, aired 2019-02-05 | EXPRESS YOURSELF $400: It can mean to tangle up or to growl viciously, especially with the teeth bared like an animal snarl |
#7921, aired 2019-02-04 | THE ANCIENT ROMAN ARMY $1200: Often the finest soldier in a unit, the aquilifer was the bearer of an image of this animal, a symbol of Rome an eagle |
#7919, aired 2019-01-31 | MISCELLANEOUS $200: The South American members of the camel family are the alpaca, guanaco, vicuna & this pack animal a llama |
#7917, aired 2019-01-29 | MAKE IT LOOK GOOD $1200: In 2008 candidate Obama compared McCain's policies to Bush's by using this phrase about an animal & cosmetics putting lipstick on a pig |
#7909, aired 2019-01-17 | GENERATION "Y" $1200: A 12-month-old animal, or a Pulitzer-winning 1938 novel a yearling |
#7906, aired 2019-01-14 | EXOTIC WILDLIFE $200: One happy girl on a Costa Rica expedition remarked that this animal "was a lot faster than I thought" a sloth |
#7906, aired 2019-01-14 | EXOTIC WILDLIFE $1000: The calf of the Svalbard subspecies of this animal can be quite playful a caribou (or reindeer) |
#7904, aired 2019-01-10 | MENAGERIE $800: Colossal & giant squids have the largest of these in the animal kingdom, with a diameter of over 10 inches each an eyeball |
#7904, aired 2019-01-10 | "RU" READY? $1000: From the Latin for "chewing", it' an animal with a multi-chambered stomach a ruminant |
#7900, aired 2019-01-04 | 19th CENTURY OCCUPATIONS $600: Due to the smell, this person who cured animal hides into leather usually had his business on the outskirts of town a tanner |
#7897, aired 2019-01-01 | COOL CRITTERS $1600: "Tea with Mussolini" was a fave film of Koko, this animal; at a sad part, Koko signed "frown" & "trouble" a gorilla |
#7890, aired 2018-12-21 | ANIMAL ADJECTIVES $200: Vulpine, like the bat-eared or the crab-eating the fox |
#7890, aired 2018-12-21 | ANIMAL ADJECTIVES $400: Ostracean, like the Olympia or the pearl an oyster |
#7890, aired 2018-12-21 | ANIMAL ADJECTIVES $600: Lupine, like the Ethiopian or the timber the wolf |
#7890, aired 2018-12-21 | ANIMAL ADJECTIVES $800: Columbine, like the rock or the mourning a dove |
#7890, aired 2018-12-21 | ANIMAL ADJECTIVES $1000: Anserine, like the snow or the nene a goose |
#7887, aired 2018-12-18 | ROALD DAHL $600: Wes Anderson made a stop-motion film based on this tale of a cunning animal who steals poultry from 3 mean farmers Fantastic Mr. Fox |
#7878, aired 2018-12-05 | VIXEN $600: In preparation for giving birth, a vixen will enlarge an abandoned burrow of another animal to make one of these a den |
#7875, aired 2018-11-30 | BOOKS WITH ANIMAL POVs $400: The politically active critters of "Animal Farm" include the pigs Snowball & this one named for an emperor Napoleon |
#7875, aired 2018-11-30 | BOOKS WITH ANIMAL POVs $800: "Watership Down" is told from the point of view of a group of these animals seeking a new safe place to live rabbits |
#7875, aired 2018-11-30 | BOOKS WITH ANIMAL POVs $1200: The title character in "Tailchaser's Song" is this kind of animal a cat |
#7875, aired 2018-11-30 | BOOKS WITH ANIMAL POVs $1600: Enzo in "The Art of Racing in the Rain" is this type of pet longing to communicate with his master the dog |
#7875, aired 2018-11-30 | BOOKS WITH ANIMAL POVs $2000: "Traveller" examines the events of the Civil War through the eyes of this man's closest companion--his horse Robert E. Lee |
#7874, aired 2018-11-29 | THE MOVIES $200: Donald Sutherland said he flashed his tush in this Belushi frat film after the director said it was just for the movie's dailies Animal House |
#7870, aired 2018-11-23 | ON TOP OF THE WORLD $800: Unlike other species, the ribbon type of this animal crosses the ice by putting one flipper forward, then the other a seal |
#7868, aired 2018-11-21 | GIVING TUESDAY $600: You & your BFF might consider donating to this pet welfare organization, whose logo is seen here, & help save them all the Best Friends Animal Society |
#7866, aired 2018-11-19 | "F"IVE-LETTER WORDS $800: These 2 5-letter words are used to refer to the plant & animal life of a particular region flora and fauna |
#7865, aired 2018-11-16 | CHECK ONE TWO $600: This animal of fable is also called a monoceros a unicorn |
#7865, aired 2018-11-16 | STATE FACTS $800: Here's a fact to gnaw on:
In 1969 it became Oregon's official state animal the beaver |
#7863, aired 2018-11-14 | ME WANT COOKIE! $800: This showman's name is on a brand of animal crackers that date back to 1902 (P.T.) Barnum |
#7862, aired 2018-11-13 | PASTURE BEDTIME $2000: In chapter 6 of "Animal Farm", these animals start sleeping in beds, no exact time given pigs |
#7861, aired 2018-11-12 | ECOLOGY $800: In Sweden hunting the brown kind of this animal with her cubs is illegal, so she adapted & now cares for her cubs longer a bear |
#7860, aired 2018-11-09 | AN "AX" $2000: This infectious animal disease can be transmitted to humans by contaminated wool anthrax |
#7850, aired 2018-10-26 | ANIMAL ODDITIES $200: A tropical tree frog that has a transparent belly & chest is named for this transparent material glass |
#7850, aired 2018-10-26 | ANIMAL ODDITIES $600: These Asian tree-dwelling great apes have been known to use large leaves as rain ponchos orangutans |
#7850, aired 2018-10-26 | ANIMAL ODDITIES $800: A 2010 study found that embryos of the spotted salamander employ this energy process typically seen in plants photosynthesis |
#7850, aired 2018-10-26 | ANIMAL ODDITIES $1000: A giant isopod, part of this subphylum that includes crabs, went 5 years without eating crustaceans |
#7847, aired 2018-10-23 | EN FRANÇAIS $1000: From the animal kingdom:
cheval horse |
#7842, aired 2018-10-16 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $200: Red sorrel vegetable |
#7842, aired 2018-10-16 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $400: Oryx an animal |
#7842, aired 2018-10-16 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $600: Smelt animal |
#7842, aired 2018-10-16 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $800: Spinel a mineral |
#7842, aired 2018-10-16 | ANIMAL, VEGETABLE OR MINERAL $1000: Chert mineral |
#7835, aired 2018-10-05 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $400: A burden can be this simian "on your back" a monkey |
#7835, aired 2018-10-05 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $800: Here's a plate of these for your next party pigs in a blanket |
#7835, aired 2018-10-05 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $1200: A type of bird is in this phrase for an exaggerated expression made for a selfie a duck face |
#7835, aired 2018-10-05 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $1600: (Sarah shows two yoga poses on the monitor.) To do the yoga pose upward-facing dog, the entire body is lifted up the floor & the arms are straight; the thighs stay on the floor & the arms are bent in this similar pose, named for a snake cobra |
#7835, aired 2018-10-05 | ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES $2000: Naturally, this '60s dance featured prancing leg movements the pony |
#7832, aired 2018-10-02 | AT THE ZOO $1,000 (Daily Double): This capital's zoo was created from the personal animal collection of King William IV of Prussia the Berlin Zoo |
#7828, aired 2018-09-26 | NAME THE NOVEL $800: "'He must be a very nice animal,' observed the Mole, as he got into the boat and took the sculls" The Wind in the Willows |
#7822, aired 2018-09-18 | THE LETTERS OF THE LAW $2,000 (Daily Double): 1973 pro-animal legislation:
ESA the Endangered Species Act |
#7821, aired 2018-09-17 | MAMMALS $800: This largest South American member of the camel family makes a good guard animal for sheep & other livestock a llama |
#7820, aired 2018-09-14 | DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES $400: An Old English one is seen here a sheepdog |
#7820, aired 2018-09-14 | DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES $800: Belzoni, Mississippi has a museum & a festival devoted to this whiskered water dweller a catfish |
#7820, aired 2018-09-14 | DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES $1200: Usually harmless to humans, this predator can't change its spots or bars a leopard shark |
#7820, aired 2018-09-14 | DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES $1600: The mole rat belongs to this order of gnawing mammals a rodent |
#7820, aired 2018-09-14 | DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES $2000: At their largest, the Japanese giant type of this crustacean can measure over 12 feet across, including the legs a spider crab |
#7813, aired 2018-07-25 | ANIMAL PLANET $400: National Geographic was among those to report on a new creature found in 2015 & compare it to this Muppet Kermit (the Frog) |
#7813, aired 2018-07-25 | ANIMAL PLANET $800: A kangaroo caught nibbling on toilet paper in an Aussie restroom led to the rhyming UPI headline "'Roo in the" this the loo |
#7813, aired 2018-07-25 | ANIMAL PLANET $1200: This British blues guitar legend is a fishing aficionado & caught a 28-pound salmon on a 2016 trip to Iceland (Eric) Clapton |
#7813, aired 2018-07-25 | ANIMAL PLANET $1600: In 2015 a Chinese man found the "pups" he got 2 years earlier were Asian black these, a class II protected species bears |
#7813, aired 2018-07-25 | ANIMAL PLANET $2000: Here's Dalà with Babou, his pet one of these New World wildcats--he used to tell people it was a painted house cat an ocelot |
#7811, aired 2018-07-23 | THE SECRET OF HOMONYM $200: The pelt or coat of a large animal, or to conceal from sight hide |
#7811, aired 2018-07-23 | ALGAE WHIZ $1000: Some algae have been classified in this kingdom neither fully plant nor animal Protista or protists |
#7808, aired 2018-07-18 | WHO "DIS"? $1600: Adjusted for inflation, this director's "Animal House" made more than $400 million John Landis |
#7803, aired 2018-07-11 | "LITTLE" NURSERY RHYME CHARACTERS $200: This animal laughed when it saw the cow jump over the moon the little dog |
#7802, aired 2018-07-10 | ENDANGERED ANIMALS $400: Ocean dwellers with colorful names on the endangered list include the green turtle & this most massive animal the blue whale |
#7796, aired 2018-07-02 | SHAKESPEAREAN MENAGERIE $400: A ghost in "Hamlet" speaks of "hair to stand on end, like quills" of this animal a porcupine |
#7796, aired 2018-07-02 | SHAKESPEAREAN MENAGERIE $1200: In some editions of "King John" the son of the king of France is called this, also the name of a large aquatic animal the Dauphin |
#7794, aired 2018-06-28 | KITCHEN CONFUSION $400: Broth is mainly made from the meat of the animal, while stock comes from these other parts bones |
#7789, aired 2018-06-21 | FOUR LEGS GOOD $500 (Daily Double): This deer is the biggest animal followed by "hound" in the name of an AKC dog breed an elk |
#7785, aired 2018-06-15 | WORDS ABOUT WORDS $800: Alliteratively, this animal goes with "word" to mean language used to avoid taking a stand weasel |
#7777, aired 2018-06-05 | I DON'T WANNA CRAMP $400: This 2-word "animal" term for a painful leg cramp traces back to 19th century baseball slang a Charley horse |
#7773, aired 2018-05-30 | DAILY BEAST $400: The Tibetan sand type of this animal can live at altitudes above 13,000 feet a fox |
#7769, aired 2018-05-24 | TV ANIMAL ROUNDUP $200: Itchy & Scratchy on "The Simpsons" a mouse and a cat |
#7769, aired 2018-05-24 | TV ANIMAL ROUNDUP $400: Patrick on "SpongeBob SquarePants" a starfish |
#7769, aired 2018-05-24 | TV ANIMAL ROUNDUP $600: Chestnut on "2 Broke Girls" a horse |
#7769, aired 2018-05-24 | TV ANIMAL ROUNDUP $800: Stella on "Modern Family" a French bulldog |
#7769, aired 2018-05-24 | TV ANIMAL ROUNDUP $1000: Marcel on "Friends" a monkey |
#7765, aired 2018-05-18 | IT'S ME, MARGARET $1600: In "Animal Crackers", this actor tells Margaret Dumont, "Ever since I met you, I've swept you off my feet" Groucho Marx |
#7761, aired 2018-05-14 | LIFE SCIENCE MILESTONES $1600: Animal classification got broken down in the 10th edition of this Swede's "Systema Naturae" in 1758 Linnaeus |
#7758, aired 2018-05-09 | DISNEY FACTS $1000: The title animal in this, Disney's first live-action comedy, is a Bratislavian sheepdog The Shaggy Dog |
#7756, aired 2018-05-07 | ACA"D"MIA $800: It can be done to an idea, a plant or an animal & means cutting it apart to analyze it dissect |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | WHAT'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? $200: A creme de menthe, tequila & lime juice cocktail is called tequila this, playing on the title of Harper Lee's first novel mockingbird |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | WHAT'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? $400: Replace tomato juice with beef broth in a Bloody Mary & you've got this bovine shot a bull shot |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | WHAT'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? $600: A jumping insect is the name (but not an ingredient) of this cocktail of cream, green creme de menthe & white creme de cacao grasshopper |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | WHAT'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? $800: It's the canine name for this refreshing cocktail: vodka & grapefruit juice a greyhound |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | WHAT'S YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? $1000: This alliterative cocktail that gets it "kick" from vodka was said to have been created as part of a 1940s Smirnoff campaign a Moscow mule |
#7748, aired 2018-04-25 | PLANET EARTH $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents a timeline on the monitor.) Chronologically, the major eras of Earth's history are the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic & this new animal era, in which we & the Earth live today Cenozoic |
#7747, aired 2018-04-24 | MUST COME TO AN "N" $400: To gradually get a young animal off mother's milk wean |
#7746, aired 2018-04-23 | FURNITURE $600: The inward curve of the short, heavy table leg gave it this name of an animal's proboscis an elephant's trunk |
#7739, aired 2018-04-12 | PAPER TERMS $1600: It's a soft & gauzy type of paper, or a cell structure in the body of an animal or plant tissue |
#7738, aired 2018-04-11 | BLUE BOOKS $1600: In this book Karana's Island looks like the title animal "lying on its side, with its tail pointing toward sunrise" The Island of the Blue Dolphins |
#7721, aired 2018-03-19 | WORLD OF SOUP $600: Believed to be an aphrodisiac, mannish water soup from Jamaica is made from the head & guts of this barnyard animal a goat |
#7717, aired 2018-03-13 | EASTER $1000: This animal is the traditional main course of the pope's Easter dinner lamb |
#7714, aired 2018-03-08 | AUNTIE, COAGULANT $2000: For big jobs, Auntie uses HemCon, made with chitosan, from the shells of this "pink" marine animal shrimp |
#7709, aired 2018-03-01 | GO "BRA" $400: This butterfly is named for a much larger animal a zebra butterfly |
#7705, aired 2018-02-23 | MAMMALS $200: From the Spanish for "stray animal", it's a wild horse, or a sports car a mustang |
#7705, aired 2018-02-23 | MAMMALS $600: The Chinese call this native animal da xiong mao, meaning "great bear cat" a panda |
#7704, aired 2018-02-22 | RANDOM WORDS $800: As a verb it means to wander off from a course; as a noun, it's a homeless animal a stray |
#7701, aired 2018-02-19 | THE COMPANY'S ANIMAL MASCOT $200: Introduced in 1961, Charlie was this type of fish who bizarrely wanted to end up as product for StarKist a tuna |
#7701, aired 2018-02-19 | THE COMPANY'S ANIMAL MASCOT $400: Wearing flip-flops & sunglasses, this drum-pounding mascot began going & going & going in 1989 the Energizer Bunny |
#7701, aired 2018-02-19 | THE COMPANY'S ANIMAL MASCOT $600: A 1997 N.Y. TImes headline about a mascot change read, "Joe" this, "A Giant In Tobacco Marketing, Is Dead At 23" Joe Camel |
#7701, aired 2018-02-19 | THE COMPANY'S ANIMAL MASCOT $800: Last name of the tennis player seen here; the crocodile logo on his coat would become a fashion icon (René) Lacoste |
#7701, aired 2018-02-19 | THE COMPANY'S ANIMAL MASCOT $1000: In this drink co.'s logo, 2 bovines run directly at each other, perhaps energized by the product they represent Red Bull |
#7696, aired 2018-02-12 | A SHEEPISH CATEGORY $1200: During the big competition in this 1995 movie, the title animal gets some sheep to move 2 by 2 in an orderly fashion Babe |
#7686, aired 2018-01-29 | DOG BREEDS $600: The name of this breed includes a reference to its coat & another animal a wire-haired fox terrier |
#7685, aired 2018-01-26 | CAUTIONARY TRAILS $200: The Canadian sign here warns of caribou, the same species as this animal reindeer |
#7682, aired 2018-01-23 | ANIMALS $3,400 (Daily Double): In 1846 Joseph Leidy found & identified in this farm animal Trichina spiralis, a parasite that can be transmitted to humans a pig |
#7679, aired 2018-01-18 | PEAK TV $2000: The Caucasus & this other mountain range were in titles of episodes of Animal Planet's "Wild Russia" the Urals |
#7676, aired 2018-01-15 | 4-LETTER WORDS $200: To clip an animal's ears, or to trim a photo crop |
#7676, aired 2018-01-15 | A WOOLLY CATEGORY $600: Wool from this llama relative comes in 22 natural colors, the most of any wool-producing animal an alpaca |
#7671, aired 2018-01-08 | NATIONAL COATS OF ARMS $2,000 (Daily Double): This animal adorns the coat of arms of the Ivory Coast elephant |
#7668, aired 2018-01-03 | THE ZONE $600: An animal may mark it, & a government may, too, like 1787's Northwest one territories |
#7667, aired 2018-01-02 | DOUBLE "O" 7-LETTER WORDS $400: According to the Chinese zodiac, 2017 is the year of this barnyard animal a rooster |
#7666, aired 2018-01-01 | YOU SHALL FIND $1600: Swampy is this type of animal looking for the water for his shower in the app "Where's My Water?" an alligator |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | ANIMAL GROUPINGS $400: Several generations of lionesses, their cubs & a few males make up this group a pride |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | 6-LETTER WORDS $800: The vicuña is closely related to this South American animal, prized for its fleece an alpaca |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | ANIMAL GROUPINGS $800: It's not a G'day when you get mauled by a mob of these largest marsupials, & yes, as a group, they are a mob kangaroos |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | ANIMAL GROUPINGS $1200: Sea otters separate by sex & float together in large groups called this--no inflation necessary rafts |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | ANIMAL GROUPINGS $1600: Those are orcas, so you're looking at this 3-letter group a pod |
#7665, aired 2017-12-29 | ANIMAL GROUPINGS $2000: When not destroying their way through the forest, these ants fittingly form temporary camps called bivouacs army ants |
#7661, aired 2017-12-25 | BROTHERS $400: In a 1996 movie Chris Farley was this title colorful animal, screwing up his brother's gubernatorial race black sheep |
#7660, aired 2017-12-22 | IT'S A LIVING $1000: 2-word term for one who studies the plant & animal life of the oceans marine biologist |
#7657, aired 2017-12-19 | MORE THAN ONE MEANING $400: A hunted animal, or a place from which stone is extracted a quarry |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | OF "ORDER" $1,000 (Daily Double): Originally observed in hens, it's the social hierarchy in animal groups pecking order |
#7653, aired 2017-12-13 | THAT'S AMAZING! $1200: The deep-dwelling colossal this has the largest eye of any animal, 11 inches in diameter a squid |
#7652, aired 2017-12-12 | MAMMAL PLANET $1200: The heart rate of this animal AKA a woodchuck decreases from 75 beats a minute to 4 during hibernation a groundhog |
#7647, aired 2017-12-05 | HALLS OF FAME $1200: Electronic music and animal rights are among the passions of Richard Melville Hall, better known as this Moby |
#7645, aired 2017-12-01 | BEASTLY GLOSSARY $400: This 5-letter adjective refers to a wild animal, especially a domestic animal gone wild feral |
#7645, aired 2017-12-01 | DOWN HOME TALK $800: The word vermin got altered to this word for a troublesome wild animal varmint |
#7645, aired 2017-12-01 | BEASTLY GLOSSARY $800: "Caudal" refers to this part of an animal the tail |
#7643, aired 2017-11-29 | SCIENCE & NATURE $2000: Of DNA's 8 bases, this one was first discovered in animal dung, hence its name guanine |
#7640, aired 2017-11-24 | THEY PLAYED JFK $2000: Tim Matheson was hubby to "Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis" in 2000; you otter know Tim was Eric Stratton in this 1978 film Animal House |
#7625, aired 2017-11-03 | IDIOMS, ANNOTATED $400: "Let the buyer beware" is the message behind why you shouldn't buy this animal in a poke, a type of bag a pig |
#7621, aired 2017-10-30 | WOLVERINE $600: If your cabin has been invaded by a wolverine, take a whiff & you'll know why it's also known as a this animal-bear a skunk bear |
#7618, aired 2017-10-25 | PROVERBIALLY SPEAKING $600: "The lion shall lie down with" this animal the lamb |
#7612, aired 2017-10-17 | ANCIENT WISDOM $1600: In the 4th century B.C., Aristotle said that "man is by nature" this type of "animal" a political animal |
#7609, aired 2017-10-12 | THE INUIT $600: Vital in the dark winter, the qulliq is traditionally fueled by the oil of this animal whose skin and bones were also key resources seal (the whale) |
#7609, aired 2017-10-12 | THE INUIT $1,400 (Daily Double): Inuit sculpture is in high demand; a favorite subject is this beloved five hundred-plus-pound creature of their homelands a musk ox |
#7605, aired 2017-10-06 | AUSSIE SLANG $4,000 (Daily Double): Jumbuck is an Aussie term for this animal, of which there are a lot Down Under sheep |
#7602, aired 2017-10-03 | SILENT-LETTER VOCABULARY $200: The Latin "Agnus Dei" means this baby animal "of God" lamb |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $400: Look quickly; this animal's close-up might need to be taken at 70 miles per hour a cheetah |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | I AM BIG! $2000: What's gnu? I dunno, I'd say the blue this animal living in southern Africa & weighing 600 lbs.; what's gnu with you? a wildebeest |
#7585, aired 2017-07-28 | & OTHER ODD FILMS $1200: In a recent movie Colin Farrell is given 45 days to find love or he's going to be turned into this title animal a lobster |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | ANIMAL FARM $400: These animals in the novel are said to represent the masses at large; four legs good, two legs ba-a-a-a-d sheep |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | ANIMAL FARM $800: Among the animals' 7 commandments are bans on sleeping in a bed & drinking this alcohol |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | SHOE NAMES $1000: Sterile animal hybrids mules |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | ANIMAL FARM $1600: At a meeting of the animals, this prized "Old" boar claims, "Man is the only real enemy we have" Old Major |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | ANIMAL FARM $2,000 (Daily Double): Each Sunday the animals hoist their hoof & horn flag, which Orwell used to represent this Communist symbol the hammer and sickle |
#7581, aired 2017-07-24 | ANIMAL FARM $2000: After finding the windmill in ruins, Napoleon blames it on this adversary & sentences him to death Snowball |
#7576, aired 2017-07-17 | SCHOOLS ON SCREENS $400: Dean Wormer says, "Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life, son" before kicking Kent out of Faber College in this film Animal House |
#7575, aired 2017-07-14 | ICYMI $200: In 2017 the Westminster Dog Show included this animal for the first time in its 140 years; what could go wrong? a cat |
#7572, aired 2017-07-11 | FILE UNDER "OZ" $2,000 (Daily Double): From the Greek for "ancient" & "animal", this era of geologic time began about 540 million years ago Paleozoic |
#7568, aired 2017-07-05 | GOOD LUCK $1000: In Japan maneki neko is this animal in porcelain, waving its paws to bring a business luck a cat |
#7562, aired 2017-06-27 | SEUSS SYNOPSIZES HIMSELF $600: It's the title animal / in a story about socks & Knox & bricks & blocks & ticks & tocks & chicks & clocks the fox |
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | BEASTLY VERBS $600: To bother someone repeatedly, like Wisconsin's state animal badger |
#7530, aired 2017-05-12 | TITLE ANIMALS $200: Title type of animal in a 2005 "Chronicles of Narnia" movie a lion |
#7527, aired 2017-05-09 | "FIELD" TRIP $1600: Decent but dull Jon Q. Arbuckle owns this comic strip animal Garfield |
#7518, aired 2017-04-26 | DOUBLE T IN THE MIDDLE $1200: If you're hungry, you look at the animal shown here and see a plate of this mutton |
#7509, aired 2017-04-13 | NOTABLES & THE CHINESE ZODIAC PLACEMAT $1200: Nibbling a wonton, Grace Slick says it makes sense she was born in the year of this animal, as she sang about a white one a rabbit |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN $200: Michael Bond:
"A ____ Called Paddington" a bear |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | SIGN $400: The animal that stands for this zodiac sign is usually associated with the Nemean one slain by Hercules Leo |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN $400: E.B. White:
"The Trumpet of the ____" swan |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN $600: Dahl:
"Fantastic Mr. ____" the fox |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN $800: Tennessee Williams:
"The Night of the ____" an iguana |
#7506, aired 2017-04-10 | ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN $1000: Vonnegut:
"Welcome to the ____ House" monkey |
#7501, aired 2017-04-03 | PHOTOGRAPHY $400: Eadweard Muybridge's 1878 photos proved that when this animal runs, all 4 feet are off the ground at 1 point a horse |
#7501, aired 2017-04-03 | KILLER CARS $800: The end of this 1978 comedy saw a car named the "Deathmobile" emerge from a giant cake that said "Eat me" National Lampoon's Animal House |
#7496, aired 2017-03-27 | OH MY GODS! $800: Ganesha, the Hindu god of beginnings & good fortune, has a human body & the head of this animal an elephant |
#7495, aired 2017-03-24 | STATE $200: Wisconsin named this type of cow such as Holstein its state domestic animal & milks it for all it's worth a dairy cow |
#7491, aired 2017-03-20 | BARNACLE FIGHTING $1600: Two-word name of this animal that likes to eat barnacles; come on, Johnny, let's invest in one a sea otter |
#7490, aired 2017-03-17 | YOUR IDIOM IS FOREIGN TO ME $200: A German idiom for "a pig in a poke" is "buying" this animal "in a sack"; time to let it "out of the bag" a cat |
#7490, aired 2017-03-17 | YOUR IDIOM IS FOREIGN TO ME $1000: For us, this animal's "years" means a long time; in France, "to jump from the cock to" it is a non-logical conversation a donkey |
#7490, aired 2017-03-17 | UNIVERSAL PICTURES $2000: You can't refuse our offer to come up with this animal nickname for a nebula in the constellation Orion the Horsehead Nebula |
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | WRITERS' VOCABULARY $1600: "Animal Farm" uses anthropomorphism while "the walls have ears" is an example of this similar literary device personification |
#7483, aired 2017-03-08 | THE SAVAGE BEAST $200: Puppy Bowl, seen on this appropriate channel during the Super Bowl, has young canids fighting fang & paw Animal Planet |
#7480, aired 2017-03-03 | MOVIE BEFORE, TV AFTER $400: John Belushi & the other Deltas help make Frank Underwood the president Animal House of Cards |
#7479, aired 2017-03-02 | ZOO-TOPIA $600: Straight from Disney's animal kingdom, six of these recently took up residence at the Cincinnati Zoo meerkats |
#7478, aired 2017-03-01 | LITERARY TITLE CHARACTERS $1600: The main character in a Hermann Hesse novel is seen as this animal "of the Steppes", hence the title Steppenwolf (or wolf) |
#7469, aired 2017-02-16 | FANTASTIC BEASTS $200: This creature was spawned when Perseus decapitated Medusa Pegasus |
#7469, aired 2017-02-16 | FANTASTIC BEASTS $1000: Hercules had to deal with the quickness of the Ceryneian hind, a type of this animal a deer |
#7459, aired 2017-02-02 | RAINFORESTS $1600: Seen here is this rainforest primate that has another animal in its name a spider monkey |
#7451, aired 2017-01-23 | DOUBLE O, 7 $1600: There's an animal in this slang word starting with "V" that means "get outta here" vamoose |
#7446, aired 2017-01-16 | THE EMMYS 1967 $1600: An award for daytime shows went to this beastly series sponsored by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Wild Kingdom |
#7444, aired 2017-01-12 | BEASTLY WORDS & PHRASES $400: When it comes to paying, you this animal "up"; when it comes to hair, it's quite a "tail" pony |
#7444, aired 2017-01-12 | BEASTLY WORDS & PHRASES $800: The Beastie Boys could tell you "brass" this animal refers to weather that's really cold brass monkey |
#7434, aired 2016-12-29 | 4 YOUR CONSIDERATION $400: Of the 4 seasons, the one when you'll most likely find an animal in his hibernaculum winter |
#7431, aired 2016-12-26 | 4-LETTER WORDS $1600: From the Middle English for "stray animal", it has come to mean a forsaken or orphaned child a waif |
#7430, aired 2016-12-23 | BEASTLY STATE SYMBOLS $600: Texas calls its state reptile a horned lizard; Wyoming uses this amphibian name for a related animal the horned toad |
#7429, aired 2016-12-22 | DOUBLE L $400: "Animal Farm" is an example of this literary device in which abstract ideas appear as characters in a story an allegory |
#7427, aired 2016-12-20 | SERVING THE STATE DINNER $1600: In 2015 Japan's prime minister was served toro tartare made from the belly of this animal tuna |
#7415, aired 2016-12-02 | ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS $200: Buffalo & other bovines gather in these herds |
#7415, aired 2016-12-02 | ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS $400: Just as you can have a this "of roses", you can also have one of oysters a bed |
#7415, aired 2016-12-02 | ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS $600: A stench, sometimes used for a group of these mammals, may be appropriate but seems a bit unfair skunks |
#7415, aired 2016-12-02 | ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS $1000: Termites & penguins both get collective with this collective name colony |
#7415, aired 2016-12-02 | ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS $1,600 (Daily Double): It's a cloud of grasshoppers & a plague of these relatives locusts |
#7401, aired 2016-11-14 | REALITY TV SHOWS $1600: Reality shows on this cable channel have included "Bad Dog!" & "Snake Man of Appalachia" Animal Planet |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES $400: Disappointing but true, these flowers don't breathe fire snapdragons |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | LIKE A ROCK $1,000 (Daily Double): The object of a pursuit, such as a hunted animal quarry |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES $1200: You are barking up this tree, whose small flowers are seen here a dogwood |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES $1600: Equisetum is the genus of the flowerless perennial called giant this for its brushy look brushy horsetail |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES $2,000 (Daily Double): This flower shares its name with a character in "Peter Pan" tiger lily |
#7391, aired 2016-10-31 | PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES $2000: This tree is so named for the challenge its prickly leaves would pose to certain simian climbers a monkey puzzle tree |
#7388, aired 2016-10-26 | -OLOGIES $1600: Zoologists say this small Andean rodent prized for its pelt has the softest fur of any land animal a chinchilla |
#7380, aired 2016-10-14 | U.S. COINS $1,000 (Daily Double): When it appeared in 1913, it was the first animal besides the eagle to appear on a U.S. circulating coin a buffalo |
#7379, aired 2016-10-13 | "N"TERTAINMENT $1600: This band with songs like "Animal" takes its name from illuminated palms on an In-N-Out Burger sign Neon Trees |
#7375, aired 2016-10-07 | BESSEMER MUCHO $1200: The Bessemer process tries to refine the iron that is named for this barnyard animal pig iron |
#7374, aired 2016-10-06 | MAKE AMERICA GRATE AGAIN $400: You might surmise that the gratable cheese known as capricious is made from this animal's milk the goat |
#7371, aired 2016-10-03 | WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? $1600: The monotremes are one of the oldest orders of mammals & include only the echidna & this unusual animal a duck-billed platypus |
#7364, aired 2016-09-22 | STARS & CAUSES $600: This 94-year-old star of "Hot in Cleveland" is a president emeritus of the Morris Animal Foundation Betty White |
#7364, aired 2016-09-22 | MYTHOLOGY $800: One of the 12 labors of Hercules was working in animal control, stealing this 3-headed dog Cerberus |
#7359, aired 2016-09-15 | TAKE ME TO COURT $1200: Actually, don't take me to this animal-named improper or even farcical court a kangaroo court |
#7357, aired 2016-09-13 | ANIMAL NAMES $200: This animal got its name because it was originally thought to be a hybrid of a lion & a panther a leopard |
#7357, aired 2016-09-13 | ANIMAL NAMES $400: Sylvilagus palustris hefneri is, of course, a type of this animal a rabbit |
#7357, aired 2016-09-13 | ANIMAL NAMES $600: Floating in the waters off Majorca, you might find the fried egg this--we don't suggest it for breakfast a jellyfish |
#7357, aired 2016-09-13 | ANIMAL NAMES $800: Called "canary of the sea" due to its musical stylings, this kind of whale shares its name with a type of sturgeon beluga |
#7357, aired 2016-09-13 | ANIMAL NAMES $1000: This hoofed animal of the far north is named for the odor produced by glands beneath its eyes muskox |
#7351, aired 2016-07-25 | ADD "S" TO THE START OF THE WORD $800: A word following "ready, willing &" becomes this weasel-like animal a sable |
#7350, aired 2016-07-22 | YOU "DY" $800: The DC41 Animal is a model from this manufacturer of high-tech bagless vacuum cleaners Dyson |
#7347, aired 2016-07-19 | SYNONYMS 1 & 2 $200: Synonyms for huge include elephantine & this extinct elephant-like animal a mammoth |
#7343, aired 2016-07-13 | PETER THE NOT GREAT $400: You know, Peter, I like the X-Men, too, but keeping this animal as a house pet? It goes after bears, man a wolverine |
#7336, aired 2016-07-04 | ANIMAL YOUNG $200: A panda baby & a hyena baby are each called this a cub |
#7336, aired 2016-07-04 | ANIMAL YOUNG $400: A shoat is a young one of these & as such might cry "wee wee wee" all the way home a pig |
#7336, aired 2016-07-04 | ANIMAL YOUNG $600: It's the largest animal whose baby is called a calf a blue whale |
#7336, aired 2016-07-04 | ANIMAL YOUNG $800: An armadillo baby is called this palindromic name a pup |
#7336, aired 2016-07-04 | ANIMAL YOUNG $4,600 (Daily Double): It's the only animal native to the U.S. that has a baby called a joey a possum |
#7329, aired 2016-06-23 | GET TOGETHER $800: It's a crosspiece with 2 bow-shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of a working animal, & now it's on you a yoke |
#7320, aired 2016-06-10 | ITALIAN FOOD $400: Caprino, usually made from the milk of this animal, is a soft cheese that will highlight your spinach omelet a goat |
#7318, aired 2016-06-08 | HOW JUVENILE! $200: Go for the whole caboodle with this word--a young, small, furbearing animal such as a fox a kit |
#7317, aired 2016-06-07 | THE BEAST $600: As on the coat of arms of Scotland, when an animal like a lion in heraldry is "rampant", it means it's doing this standing or rearing |
#7314, aired 2016-06-02 | OF COURSE $1000: Add an "R" to the end of "course" & you get a word Shakespeare used to mean this animal a horse |
#7307, aired 2016-05-24 | PETER AND THE WOLF $1000: "Peter and the Wolf" composer Prokofiev loved the clarinet & also this animal that enters stealthily to its sound the cat |
#7306, aired 2016-05-23 | ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY? $200: It's been observed that "there's something slightly creepy" about carrying this animal's foot for luck a rabbit |
#7305, aired 2016-05-20 | IT HAPPENED IN THE BIBLE $200: His mission is to save "two of every sort" of animal, "male and female" Noah |
#7302, aired 2016-05-17 | JUST THE FACTS $1000: The only one of the 7 deadly sins that's also the name of an animal sloth |
#7301, aired 2016-05-16 | THE CORRECTIONS $2000: A correction is a drop in the value of a stock & can signal this type of animal-named market bear |
#7294, aired 2016-05-05 | ALL ABOUT ANIMALS $400: This tallest land animal was once known as a camelopard a giraffe |
#7294, aired 2016-05-05 | ALL ABOUT ANIMALS $1600: With 4 toes on each foot, pigs are classified as even-toed members of this hoofed animal group ungulates |