#9206, aired 2024-11-18 | A TURN OF LATIN PHRASE $400: The motto of the University of North Dakota is the snappy Lux et this, "Light & Law" Lux et Lex |
#9143, aired 2024-07-10 | NATIVE AMERICA $400: The Mandan of North Dakota were known for building this type of dwelling, named not for the planet, but for what it was covered in an earth dwelling (an earth lodge, earth house) |
#9105, aired 2024-05-17 | STATE NAME STUFF $2000: One of the 2 states that end with the postal abbreviation of the "Peace Garden State" Maryland or Rhode Island |
#9080, aired 2024-04-12 | WHERE'D YOU "GO"? $800: It's home to North Dakota State University Fargo |
#8996, aired 2023-12-18 | POSTAL ABBREVIATION COMBOS $2,600 (Daily Double): Hawaii +
North Dakota =
this "backward" word hind |
#8929, aired 2023-09-14 | ALLITERATIVE GEOGRAPHY $2000: This waterway forms about 400 miles of the border between Minnesota & North Dakota the Red River of the North |
#8896, aired 2023-06-19 | ON THE STATE'S LONGEST WESTERN BORDER $800: On North Dakota's Montana |
#8857, aired 2023-04-25 | STATE NICKNAMES $1000: Its nickname, the "Peace Garden State", refers to the International Peace Garden that straddles its border with Manitoba North Dakota |
#8778, aired 2023-01-04 | ON YOUR STATE'S LEFT $1000: It's the leftward neighbor of North Dakota, & there's plenty of room left for you if you'd like to move there Montana |
#8762, aired 2022-12-13 | PLACE"O" $800: In 1876 it was a frontier town of 600 people; today this North Dakota city has around 125,000 Fargo |
#8760, aired 2022-12-09 | STATE POSTAL ABBREVIATION WORDS $400: A wizard's magic rod Washington & North Dakota |
#8704, aired 2022-09-22 | FARMING $200: The hard red spring type of this is a specialty of North Dakota; further south in Kansas is where they grow the hard red winter type wheat |
#8691, aired 2022-07-25 | U.S. GEOGRAPHY $800: Bowling Green, Kentucky & Bismarck, North Dakota are both in this time zone the Central Time Zone |
#8565, aired 2022-01-28 | RHYMING AMERICAN ROAD TRIP $3,000 (Daily Double): Head west out of one state that borders Manitoba to enter a second state that also does North Dakota & Minnesota |
#8552, aired 2022-01-11 | 12-LETTER GEOGRAPHY $400: North Dakota & Montana both border this province nicknamed Canada's breadbasket Saskatchewan |
#8550, aired 2022-01-07 | THAT'S BORDER LINE $2000: You have a couple of choices if you're heading directly across the eastern border of Wyoming--these 2 states South Dakota & Nebraska |
#8545, aired 2021-12-31 | DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $400: It contains the geographic center of the North American continent: North ____ North Dakota |
#8488, aired 2021-10-13 | THE SABBATH $200: For decades, states have been dropping these colorful edicts; the Sunday shopping ban ended by North Dakota was among the last blue laws |
#8433, aired 2021-06-30 | MAPPING THE MIDWEST $800: Directions from Minot to Grand Forks in this state: hop on US-2, go east for about 210 miles, stop North Dakota |
#8375, aired 2021-04-09 | "GO"ING PLACES $800: Found on the Red River, it's North Dakota's largest city Fargo |
#8329, aired 2021-02-04 | MAN'S PLAIN $800: Named for a geologist, the Ice Age remnant Lake Agassiz Plain is in northwest Minnesota & northeast this state North Dakota |
#8323, aired 2021-01-27 | STATE CAPITALS $800: The capitol building in this North Dakota capital is home to the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Hall of Fame Bismarck |
#8258, aired 2020-10-14 | IT'S A FACT $800: The name of these 2 states goes back to a Sioux word for "friend" or "ally" the Dakotas (North & South Dakota) |
#8194, aired 2020-04-02 | QUESTIONS & ANSWERS $1600: North Dakota law says a witness must be asked, "Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth...", but this word may replace "swear" affirm |
#8180, aired 2020-03-13 | STATE THE PROBLEM $200: The 1972 Black Hills flood claims more than 200 lives South Dakota |
#8175, aired 2020-03-06 | POSTAL ABBREVIATION WORDS $2000: 2 states on the West Coast bookend North Dakota to form this 6-letter word for frankness candor (California, North Dakota & Oregon) |
#8112, aired 2019-12-10 | AMERICAN HISTORY $800: Saying "I will make them twins", in 1889 President Harrison blindly signed these 2 states into the Union so no one knows which was first North & South Dakota |
#8045, aired 2019-07-26 | MAKE IT SNAPPY $2000: In 2019 meteorologist Daryl Ritchison at NDSU, this university, said the minus-33 temps were "a cold snap" North Dakota State University |
#8032, aired 2019-07-09 | STATE OF THE COUNTIES $1000: Enjoy the Great Divide, get held for Ransom, then pick up Grand Forks North Dakota |
#8009, aired 2019-06-06 | U.S. RIVERS THAT FLOW NORTH $6,000 (Daily Double): This "colorful" river flows north, forming 440 miles of the North Dakota-Minnesota border & then on into Canada the Red River of the North |
#7968, aired 2019-04-10 | ACROSS STATE LINES $1000: Heading east on I-94:
North Dakota,
this Minnesota |
#7937, aired 2019-02-26 | LAKES & RIVERS $1200: Boundary Lake is shared by North Dakota & this Canadian province Manitoba |
#7867, aired 2018-11-20 | HISTORIC TRIOS $800: This disease of little sores on the skin nearly wiped out North Dakota's "Three Tribes" in 1837 smallpox |
#7773, aired 2018-05-30 | TRIBAL STATES $2000: Standing Rock Sioux tribe (1 of 2 states) South Dakota (or North Dakota) |
#7724, aired 2018-03-22 | LOCATION VACATION $800: The Visitors Center in Fargo, North Dakota has this piece of heavy equipment used in "Fargo", complete with fake leg inside a wood chipper |
#7696, aired 2018-02-12 | ASPIRATIONAL NATIONS $800: The proposed Republic of Lakotah would include parts of North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming & this state Nebraska |
#7694, aired 2018-02-08 | BEASTLY STATE FLAGS $1,800 (Daily Double): This creature shows up in the center of North Dakota's flag & on 9 other state flags (bald) eagle |
#7687, aired 2018-01-30 | NOT TO BE CONFUSED $1000: While New Jersey is the "Garden State", this is the "Peace Garden State" North Dakota |
#7642, aired 2017-11-28 | COLD PLACES $400: Oh yah, this seat of Cass County, North Dakota got down to minus 31 in January 2008, dontcha know Fargo |
#7619, aired 2017-10-26 | REAL PEOPLE ON QUARTERS $1200: This Rough Rider is seen astride a horse on the 2016 quarter for the North Dakota national park named for him Theodore Roosevelt |
#7612, aired 2017-10-17 | THE MIDWEST $1000: Founded in 1873, North Dakota's oldest newspaper still in publication is this city's Tribune Bismarck |
#7587, aired 2017-09-12 | BONE VOYAGE $1200: The remains of Tatanka Yotanka, AKA this Sioux leader, were taken by his nephew from North Dakota to South Dakota Sitting Bull |
#7577, aired 2017-07-18 | CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRS $1200: Senator Lisa Murkowski of this state has a pipeline to the nation's energy needs & natural resources as well Alaska |
#7546, aired 2017-06-05 | LIFE IS JUST A BOWL OF CHERRIES $2000: Cherry County, which borders South Dakota on the north, is this state's largest county, exceeding Connecticut in area Nebraska |
#7454, aired 2017-01-26 | THE MIDWEST $1600: In Strasburg, North Dakota, listen for accordion music to find the birthplace of this beloved TV bandleader Lawrence Welk |
#7429, aired 2016-12-22 | SPELL IT WITH STATE ABBREVIATIONS $1,600 (Daily Double): It covers grapefruits Rhode Island & North Dakota (RI & ND) |
#7402, aired 2016-11-15 | AGRICULTURE $200: Eating pasta? Thank North Dakota, the USA's biggest producer of the durum type of this, which gives us semolina wheat |
#7402, aired 2016-11-15 | QUARTER BACKS $400: The backs of 3 state quarters--Montana, North Dakota, and Kansas--feature parts of this critter a buffalo |
#7346, aired 2016-07-18 | DOUBLE U, DOUBLE V OR DOUBLE W $1,800 (Daily Double): In September 2014 there was a United Tribes International one of these held in Bismarck, North Dakota a powwow |
#7298, aired 2016-05-11 | MANY RIVERS TO CROSS $400: Show me you know that this stately river has a "Little" 600-mile namesake that joins it in North Dakota the Missouri |
#7200, aired 2015-12-25 | THE SQUIRREL FAMILY $1000: This creature mentioned in one of North Dakota's nicknames is a ground squirrel, not a bird flickertail |
#7193, aired 2015-12-16 | ON THE GLOBE $1200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) From Nunavut to North Dakota, the 100th meridian runs through this Canadian province on its way to Texas Manitoba |
#7180, aired 2015-11-27 | IN WHICH STATE? $1000: The geographic center of North America, in Pierce County, just south of Rugby North Dakota |
#7165, aired 2015-11-06 | BIG TIME RUSH $400: An oil boom using modern techniques in this prairie state has made it second in crude production in the U.S. behind Texas North Dakota |
#7013, aired 2015-02-25 | WORDS FROM POSTAL ABBREVIATIONS $1000: Alabama plus Missouri plus North Dakota equals this almond |
#7004, aired 2015-02-12 | "OY" TO THE WORLD $400: In October 2014 this was lowest in North Dakota, at only 2.8% unemployment |
#6971, aired 2014-12-29 | MEET THE DAKOTAS! $600: The central part of North Dakota is the plateau named for this big river that flows through the state the Missouri |
#6933, aired 2014-11-05 | FILMS OF THE 1950s $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.) Alfred Hitchcock always wanted to do a chase scene across the faces of Mount Rushmore; that chase scene became the climax of this 1959 thriller North by Northwest |
#6791, aired 2014-03-10 | EARLIEST TO STATEHOOD $200: West Virginia,
North Carolina,
South Dakota North Carolina |
#6768, aired 2014-02-05 | WE LOVE PLANET EARTH $600: North Dakota is a leading producer of this low-grade brown coal lignite |
#6752, aired 2014-01-14 | EXPLOSIVE IMPLOSIONS $1000: Like an ex-bridge over troubled water, the Memorial Bridge became a memory in 2008 in this North Dakota capital Bismarck |
#6685, aired 2013-10-11 | CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS $600: The states with only one district covering the whole state include these three large bordering ones Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota |
#6589, aired 2013-04-18 | MINNE-CODA $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Minnesota once stretched as far west as the Missouri River; when it became a state in 1858, its land area was pulled back to this river, that forms its entire border with North Dakota The Red River of the North |
#6580, aired 2013-04-05 | BENJAMIN HARRISON ADMINISTRATION $1200: 6 states joined the Union: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming & these 2, on the same day North & South Dakota |
#6574, aired 2013-03-28 | STATES THAT BORDER CANADA $1000: The geographic center of North America is in this state bordering Saskatchewan & Manitoba North Dakota |
#6560, aired 2013-03-08 | OUR STATE FAIR $1000: At Minot in late July North Dakota |
#6544, aired 2013-02-14 | U.S. POLITICS $1200: In North Dakota, 13,452 signatures on one of these put an initiative on the state ballot petition |
#6523, aired 2013-01-16 | STATES' MOST POPULOUS CITIES $600: North Dakota:
about 107,000 Fargo |
#6522, aired 2013-01-15 | THE NEAREST CANADIAN PROVINCE TO... $1600: Hallock,
Minnesota &
North Dakota Manitoba |
#6477, aired 2012-11-13 | NATIVE AMERICANS $1,400 (Daily Double): On Feb. 11, 1805 Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born to this Shoshone woman at Fort Mandan, North Dakota Sacagawea |
#6470, aired 2012-11-02 | 19th CENTURY AMERICA $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Fort Abraham Lincoln in Mandan, North Dakota.) In 1876, Lt. Col. George Custer left his home here at Fort Abraham Lincoln in the Dakota Territory with this regiment & led them into a battle from which they'd never return the 7th Cavalry |
#6445, aired 2012-09-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $200: This is the official state beverage; got it? milk |
#6445, aired 2012-09-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $400: Jamestown, North Dakota boasts a 46-foot-long, 26-foot-high statue of this roaming animal a buffalo |
#6445, aired 2012-09-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $600: (Sarah delivers the clue from North Dakota.) I'm in this state capital, that was named for a Prussian statesman in hopes of attracting German investors to the city Bismarck |
#6445, aired 2012-09-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $800: One of the state's nicknames honors this regiment led by favorite adopted son Theodore Roosevelt the Rough Riders |
#6445, aired 2012-09-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $1,500 (Daily Double): This largest city of North Dakota was named for a pioneer in the shipment of goods by express Fargo |
#6386, aired 2012-05-28 | LEWIS & CLARK EXPEDITION $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Ft. Abraham Lincoln in Mandan, ND.) The expedition spent their first winter with the Mandan Tribe here in North Dakota, where they met this Shoshone guide; "A woman with a party of men is a token of peace", Clark would later write Sacagawea |
#6370, aired 2012-05-04 | KNOW YOUR STATE BORDERS! $2,400 (Daily Double): Hannah's leaving Montana heading east into this state that borders Canada North Dakota |
#6347, aired 2012-04-03 | PROPOSED STATES $1600: Absaroka, which in 1939 proclaimed a governor & a Miss Absaroka, had parts of this state, Montana & South Dakota Wyoming |
#6311, aired 2012-02-13 | NORTH AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL $200: Here's the view from the 7,200-foot Harney Peak in the Black Hills of this state South Dakota |
#6292, aired 2012-01-17 | STATE SONGS $600: "She has her Black Hills, and mines with gold so rare, and with her scenery, no other state can compare" South Dakota |
#6233, aired 2011-10-26 | STATE'S RIGHTS $800: Montana North Dakota |
#6213, aired 2011-09-28 | IF THEY MARRIED $200: If "Twilight" actress Fanning married a Marine lt. col. known from Iran-Contra, she'd be known as... Dakota North |
#6147, aired 2011-05-10 | SPELL IT WITH STATE ABBREVIATIONS $400: It precedes "Ho" in a shipboard sighting Louisiana & North Dakota |
#6111, aired 2011-03-21 | OFFBEAT MUSEUMS $400: Next time you're roaming through North Dakota, visit the museum of this animal & its herd of about 30 buffalo |
#6033, aired 2010-12-01 | AFTER ALASKA... $600: 1 of 3 states with a smaller population Wyoming (or Vermont or North Dakota) |
#5973, aired 2010-07-28 | "PEACE", BRO $800: This nickname for North Dakota refers to a real property found on its international border the Peace Garden State |
#5931, aired 2010-05-31 | STATE THE STATE $1,000 (Daily Double): Let's have the three seen here in order from north to south, please South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas |
#5900, aired 2010-04-16 | MOUNT RUSHMORE $400: Mount Rushmore is named for Charles Rushmore, a lawyer sent to check on land ownership in 1885 in what's now this state South Dakota |
#5861, aired 2010-02-22 | "NORTH"ERN GEOGRAPHY $200: The geographical center of North America is near the town of Rugby in this state North Dakota |
#5833, aired 2010-01-13 | STATES BY COUNTIES $800: Hill,
Big Horn,
Custer Montana |
#5802, aired 2009-12-01 | RIVER CITY $800: Bismarck, North Dakota is on this river the Missouri |
#5802, aired 2009-12-01 | RIVER CITY $1200: Fargo, North Dakota is on this river that rose to over 20 feet above flood level in 2009 the Red River |
#5752, aired 2009-09-22 | U.S. STATES $200: Bismarck is the second-largest city in this state North Dakota |
#5735, aired 2009-07-10 | ZIP IT! $200: To 58102, to send it to this biggest North Dakota city, you betcha Fargo |
#5724, aired 2009-06-25 | EN-COMPASSING $2000: Its nickname is the "Peace Garden State" North Dakota |
#5714, aired 2009-06-11 | 'CAUSE I'M GOING TO... $200: ... Bismarck, this state's capital. That's it, nothing else, I just want to go there North Dakota |
#5706, aired 2009-06-01 | HIDDEN AGENDA $200: For letter-writers of any age ND and SD are the postal abbreviations of these 2 states South Dakota & North Dakota |
#5633, aired 2009-02-18 | EAST & WEST $200: It's the state immediately to the east of North Dakota Minnesota |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | NEBRASKA, NEW YORK OR NORTH DAKOTA $200: The least populous North Dakota |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | NEBRASKA, NEW YORK OR NORTH DAKOTA $400: Its name does not have a Native American origin New York |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | NEBRASKA, NEW YORK OR NORTH DAKOTA $600: The Oregon Trail crossed it Nebraska |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | NEBRASKA, NEW YORK OR NORTH DAKOTA $800: The largest in area Nebraska |
#5512, aired 2008-07-22 | NEBRASKA, NEW YORK OR NORTH DAKOTA $1000: Its cities include Minot, Jamestown & Grand Forks North Dakota |
#5457, aired 2008-05-06 | BEFORE & AFTER $400: The "Peace Garden State" hits the silver screen as a young actress in "Charlotte's Web" North Dakota Fanning |
#5409, aired 2008-02-28 | TALL STRUCTURES $600: The world's tallest supported structure is a 2,036-foot tower in North Dakota used primarily for this television broadcasting |
#5399, aired 2008-02-14 | U.S. CITIES $600: This largest North Dakota city was named for a famous businessman Fargo |
#5348, aired 2007-12-05 | LETTER SYMBOLISM $1600: When it comes after Byron Dorgan, "D." stands for this Democrat |
#5330, aired 2007-11-09 | FLOW-ERS $2000: North Dakota's highest point is White Butte; its lowest is on this river of another color the Red River |
#5317, aired 2007-10-23 | THE OCCIDENTAL TOURIST $600: The Cass County historical society is in a suburb of this North Dakota city, you betcha; some super ladies live there Fargo |
#5315, aired 2007-10-19 | THE VENERABLE BEAD $400: At North Dakota's Fort Union Trading Post, Indians mainly traded these for beads, cloth & weapons furs |
#5300, aired 2007-09-28 | STATE BORDERS $400: You probably know what's on North Dakota's southern border; on its western border is this state Montana |
#5288, aired 2007-09-12 | STATE MOTTOES $400: North Dakota:
"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and" this inseparable |
#5272, aired 2007-07-10 | WORLD'S OLDEST MAN'S RÉSUMÉ $600: Ticket scalper for Custer's 1876 "Last Stand" at the Little Bighorn in this state Montana |
#5134, aired 2006-12-28 | FARGO $400: Fargo, North Dakota was named for a partner in this stagecoach express line Wells Fargo |
#5134, aired 2006-12-28 | FARGO $1200: Also known as a plains buffalo, it's the logo & nickname of North Dakota State's athletic teams bison |
#5134, aired 2006-12-28 | FARGO $3,600 (Daily Double): With this state's Moorhead, Fargo forms a metro area of about 180,000 Minnesota |
#5102, aired 2006-11-14 | FLYOVER COUNTRY $200: Heading north on Interstate 29 from South Dakota, you pass through this state before reaching Canada North Dakota |
#5093, aired 2006-11-01 | OUT WEST $1,000 (Daily Double): D.H. Houston patented a roll film camera in 1881 & said he came up with this brand name to honor his state, North Dakota Kodak |
#5046, aired 2006-07-17 | STATE FISH $1000: South Dakota chose the walleye, while North Dakota chose the northern type of this fish a pike |
#5039, aired 2006-07-06 | AMERICAN TOWNS & CITIES $1000: This largest North Dakota city forms a metropolitan area with Moorhead, Minnesota Fargo |
#4992, aired 2006-05-02 | CONTINENTAL GEOGRAPHY $400: The geographic center of North America is in this state that borders Canada North Dakota |
#4962, aired 2006-03-21 | BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT $800: He lived the life of a cowboy on his North Dakota ranch Teddy Roosevelt |
#4954, aired 2006-03-09 | ON ROUTE 66 $400: The 66 counties of this northern U.S. state include Custer & Minnehaha South Dakota |
#4894, aired 2005-12-15 | AMERICAN LITERATURE $1200: This Sinclair Lewis physician begins his practice in his wife's hometown, Wheatsylvania, North Dakota (Martin) Arrowsmith |
#4865, aired 2005-11-04 | HEAD NORTH $200: Nebraska is north of Kansas & directly south of this state South Dakota |
#4838, aired 2005-09-28 | ROADSIDE AMERICA $200: In Jamestown, North Dakota, you can see what is claimed to be the world's largest statue of this animal a buffalo |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $400: Its official motto is "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable" North Dakota |
#4646, aired 2004-11-15 | THE LONE REPRESENTATIVE $800: Earl Pomeroy from this state with 53 counties, including Sioux & Grand Forks North Dakota |
#4623, aired 2004-10-13 | small state capitals $4,000 (Daily Double): This capital lies about halfway between the North Dakota & Nebraska borders Pierre (South Dakota) |
#4594, aired 2004-07-22 | POTPOURRI $600: North Dakota's state song is "North Dakota Hymn"; this state uses "The Old North State" North Carolina |
#4588, aired 2004-07-14 | NATIONAL PARKS $800: Located in North Dakota, the only U.S. national park named for a president is named for him Teddy Roosevelt |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | MIDWESTERN CITIES $600: The Roger Maris Museum at the West Acres Shopping Center is a big hit in this North Dakota city Fargo |
#4554, aired 2004-05-27 | TIME TO VOTE! $600: North Dakota is the only state that doesn't require voters to do this; rural folks know who's qualified register |
#4551, aired 2004-05-24 | GEOGRAPHY "B" $600: It's one of the 3 U.S. state capitals found on the Missouri River Bismarck, North Dakota |
#4540, aired 2004-05-07 | U.S. RIVERS $2000: This river bisects the state of South Dakota from north to south the Missouri |
#4502, aired 2004-03-16 | STATES BY CITIES & TOWNS $2000: Red Cloud,
Pawnee City,
North Platte Nebraska |
#4486, aired 2004-02-23 | POSTAL ABBREVIATION SPELLING $1000: California,
North Dakota,
Oregon candor |
#4463, aired 2004-01-21 | LET'S GO TO THE PARK $1000: The International Peace Garden is a park on the border of Manitoba & this U.S. state North Dakota |
#4383, aired 2003-10-01 | ONE-CONGRESSMAN STATES $1000: You can make an international hole in one by teeing off in Canada & holing out in Portal in this state North Dakota |
#4350, aired 2003-06-27 | "G"EOGRAPHY $400: It precedes "Forks" in a North Dakota city name & "Junction" in a Colorado city name Grand |
#4340, aired 2003-06-13 | LEGENDS OF THE GAMES $400: This slugger from Fargo, North Dakota hit 61 home runs in 1961 Roger Maris |
#4331, aired 2003-06-02 | STATE NICKNAMES $400: They're "The Flickertail State" & "The Mount Rushmore State"; together, they're called "The Twin Sisters" North Dakota & South Dakota |
#4317, aired 2003-05-13 | SASKATCHE- WANDERING $1600: One of the 2 U.S. states that borders Saskatchewan Montana (or North Dakota) |
#4290, aired 2003-04-04 | "GO" TO THE END $200: In 2000 Ladies Home Journal ranked this North Dakota city among the Top 10 cities for women Fargo |
#4274, aired 2003-03-13 | BITS & PIECES $1000: This state's lowest point, Big Stone Lake, lies about 100 miles east of Aberdeen on its border with Minnesota South Dakota |
#4103, aired 2002-06-05 | HISTORIC AMERICANS $1200: Nehemiah Ordway, governor of this territory, wanted it to become one big state, not a north & a south one Dakota |
#4024, aired 2002-02-14 | 10-LETTER WORDS $1200: To shorten, like ND for North Dakota abbreviate |
#3992, aired 2002-01-01 | HEAD NORTH $800: Minot is a city in this state bordered by Minnesota & Montana North Dakota |
#3920, aired 2001-09-21 | OUR FUNNY ACCENTS $400: Though Fargo is in North Dakota, the 1996 film "Fargo" featured the accent of this state Minnesota |
#3914, aired 2001-09-13 | COLORFUL GEOGRAPHY $600: "Of the North" usually follows the name of this river that forms the border between Minnesota and North Dakota the Red River |
#3904, aired 2001-07-19 | BORDERLINE STATES $300: Idaho,
North Dakota,
South Dakota,
Wyoming Montana |
#3786, aired 2001-02-05 | "F" IN GEOGRAPHY $400: Doncha know this city on the Red River is the largest city in North Dakota Fargo |
#3778, aired 2001-01-24 | CHEMICAL ELEMENTS GO POSTAL $1000: This "Flickertail State" shares its postal abbreviation with the chemical symbol for neodymium North Dakota (ND) |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $200: The 2 U.S. states with north in their names North Carolina & North Dakota |
#3752, aired 2000-12-19 | HOPE YOU GUESS MY NAME $400: This big, "bad" band leader, seen here, was born in Strasburg, North Dakota in 1903 Lawrence Welk |
#3741, aired 2000-12-04 | NATIONAL PARKS $800: This state's Theodore Roosevelt Nat'l Park encompasses Teddy's Elkhorn Ranch & part of the Badlands North Dakota |
#3728, aired 2000-11-15 | SCHOOL MOTTOES $1000: The University of North Dakota's "Lux et Lex" means "Light and" this Law |
#3726, aired 2000-11-13 | AROUND THE USA $500: History buffs enjoy touring Bonanzaville, USA, a reconstructed pioneer village in West Fargo in this state North Dakota |
#3709, aired 2000-10-19 | AMERICA $800: A city named Beach is found in this landlocked U.S. state wedged between Montana & Minnesota North Dakota |
#3687, aired 2000-09-19 | HEIDI, HEIDI, HEIDI $100: Heidi Heitkamp has made her Bismarck as attorney general of this state North Dakota |
#3657, aired 2000-06-27 | TRAVEL & TOURISM $1000: The only U.S. national park named for a president, its area includes the Badlands of North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt National Park |
#3655, aired 2000-06-23 | FUN FACTS ABOUT STATES & CAPITALS $800 (Daily Double): The only state capital whose name ends in 3 consonants, namely R, C & K Bismarck, North Dakota |
#3624, aired 2000-05-11 | GEOGRAPHY $200: The geographic center of North America is near the town of Rugby, in this U.S. state that borders Canada North Dakota |
#3568, aired 2000-02-23 | STATE PARKS $300: North Dakota's Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park was once a fort commanded by this lt. colonel from 1873 to 1876 George Custer |
#3558, aired 2000-02-09 | STATE CAPITALS $900 (Daily Double): Once called Edwinton, it was renamed for a German chancellor Bismarck, North Dakota |
#3557, aired 2000-02-08 | TAFT! $1,500 (Daily Double): These 2 states were admitted to the Union during Taft's presidency New Mexico & Arizona |
#3450, aired 1999-09-10 | STATE CAPITALS $300: North Dakota Bismarck |
#3418, aired 1999-06-16 | WHICH CAME FIRST? $200: Texas statehood,
North Dakota statehood,
Michigan statehood Michigan statehood |
#3384, aired 1999-04-29 | NORTH DAKOTA $200: North Dakota banished these coin-eaters from their streets in the 1940s; attempts to reinstate them have failed Parking Meters |
#3384, aired 1999-04-29 | NORTH DAKOTA $400: North Dakota became a state on November 2, 1889, the same day as this other state South Dakota |
#3384, aired 1999-04-29 | NORTH DAKOTA $600: She joined the Lewis & Clark expedition in what is now North Dakota Sacajawea |
#3384, aired 1999-04-29 | NORTH DAKOTA $1000: The author of "Hondo" & other Westerns, he was born in Jamestown, North Dakota Louis L'Amour |
#3384, aired 1999-04-29 | NORTH DAKOTA $2,000 (Daily Double): He said, "I would never have been president if it had not been for my experiences in ND" Theodore Roosevelt |
#3330, aired 1999-02-12 | CORPORATE HISTORIES $600: The company at 610 Gateway Street in North Sioux City, South Dakota has sold these since 1985 Computers |
#3316, aired 1999-01-25 | STATE FACTS $400: Most of North Dakota's border with this state is provided by the Red River of the North Minnesota |
#3216, aired 1998-09-07 | THE 1998 PULITZER PRIZES $500: A gold medal went to this state's Grand Forks Herald for coverage of a flood & other disasters North Dakota |
#3181, aired 1998-06-01 | STATE CAPITALS $300: In hopes that Germany would help finance its railroad, North Dakota named its capital this Bismarck |
#3165, aired 1998-05-08 | COLLEGE ATHLETICS $100: In 1997 the Fighting Sioux of the Univ. of this "North" state won their 6th NCAA hockey title North Dakota |
#2985, aired 1997-07-18 | AMERICANA $200: Midwesterners know it's the "Sioux State" as well as the "Flickertail State" North Dakota |
#2978, aired 1997-07-09 | FAMOUS FIRSTS $500: On November 2, 1889, these 2 states, the 39th & 40th, became the first pair admitted to the Union simultaneously North Dakota & South Dakota |
#2949, aired 1997-05-29 | SEE THE U.S.A. $300: You can see fossilized fish at the Badlands Petrified Gardens in Kadoka in this state South Dakota |
#2938, aired 1997-05-14 | THE DAKOTAS $200: Hot Springs, South Dakota has one of North America's largest graveyards of these prehistoric elephants mammoths |
#2938, aired 1997-05-14 | THE DAKOTAS $500: Now a North Dakota city, this junction of 2 rivers was called "Les Grandes Fourches" by French traders Grand Forks |
#2934, aired 1997-05-08 | THE OSCARS $300: Best actress Frances McDormand played a pregnant cop in this film named for a North Dakota city Fargo |
#2904, aired 1997-03-27 | U.S. PLACE NAMES $600: It's the only state capital named for a German chancellor Bismarck, North Dakota |
#2856, aired 1997-01-20 | STATE CAPITALS $300: This North Dakota city's capitol building is called The Skyscraper of the Prairies Bismarck |
#2823, aired 1996-12-04 | U.S. CITIES $1000: This largest North Dakota city lies across the Red River of the North from Moorhead, Minnesota Fargo |
#2787, aired 1996-10-15 | ANNUAL EVENTS $200: Head for Fargo in this state to celebrate Merry Prairie Christmas North Dakota |
#2731, aired 1996-06-17 | GOVERNMENT & POLITICS $3,000 (Daily Double): 2 of 7 states with only 1 member in the House of Representatives Wyoming & Vermont |
#2692, aired 1996-04-23 | FOSSILS $300: Fossils of the saber-toothed cat & 3-toed horse have been found at Badlands National Park in this state South Dakota |
#2655, aired 1996-03-01 | LIBRARIES $400: The library of the University of North Dakota has a set of papers from these war crimes trials the Nuremberg Trials |
#2651, aired 1996-02-26 | AMERICAN HODGEPODGE $1000: The International Peace Garden lies on this "Peace Garden State"'s border with Manitoba North Dakota |
#2623, aired 1996-01-17 | U.S. CITIES $400: Hamar, Norway is a sister city of this largest North Dakota city Fargo |
#2583, aired 1995-11-22 | NATIONAL MONUMENTS $100: Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument is located south of Hardin in this state Montana |
#2527, aired 1995-09-05 | U.S. GEOGRAPHY $200: North Dakota is divided into 53 of these, alphabetically ranging from Adams to Williams counties |
#2523, aired 1995-07-19 | GUINNESS RECORDS $400: 2,063' TV tower between Fargo & Grand Forks in this state is the world's tallest structure North Dakota |
#2505, aired 1995-06-23 | AMERICANA $300: North Dakota is called "The Flickertail State" in honor of a "ground" type of this rodent a squirrel |
#2485, aired 1995-05-26 | LIBRARIES $100: The Black Hills State University Library in this state has porcelain representations South Dakota |
#2475, aired 1995-05-12 | TRAVEL U.S.A. $300: Annual events in this state include the Threshing Show in Makoti & the Folkfest in Bismarck North Dakota |
#2442, aired 1995-03-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $100: In part, this capital city was named to get Germans to invest in the railroad Bismarck |
#2442, aired 1995-03-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $200: A vein of this fuel has burned northwest of Amidon since before American settlers arrived coal |
#2442, aired 1995-03-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $300: A museum in Alexander has a scale model of Fort Mandan, where this duo spent the winter of 1804-05 Lewis & Clark |
#2442, aired 1995-03-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $400: This Yankee who broke Babe Ruth's single-season home run record has a N. Dakota museum devoted to him (Roger) Maris |
#2442, aired 1995-03-28 | NORTH DAKOTA $500: Fargo has close ties with the city of Moorhead across the Red River of the North in this state Minnesota |
#2416, aired 1995-02-20 | NATIONAL PARKS $800: Named for a president, this North Dakota park includes the cabin from his Maltese Cross Ranch Theodore Roosevelt |
#2314, aired 1994-09-29 | U.S. STATE NAMES $200: It's Sioux for "friendly"; so a person might hail from north Friendly or South Friendly Dakota |
#2304, aired 1994-09-15 | NEWSPAPERS $1000: Newspapers in this state include the Grand Forks Herald & the Minot Daily News North Dakota |
#2280, aired 1994-07-01 | GOVERNORS $1000: In April 1993 a plane crash claimed the life of this state's governor, George Mickelson South Dakota |
#2279, aired 1994-06-30 | FLOWERS $600: North Dakota's state flower is the wild prairie type of this the rose |
#2268, aired 1994-06-15 | THE 50 STATES $1000: A stone monument in this state marks the geographic center of North America North Dakota |
#2248, aired 1994-05-18 | PARKS $500 (Daily Double): This president's Elkhorn Ranch is included in the North Dakota national park named for him Teddy Roosevelt |
#2231, aired 1994-04-25 | WORLD GEOGRAPHY $200: One of North Dakota's major rivers, the Souris, begins & ends in this country Canada |
#2221, aired 1994-04-11 | POTPOURRI $200: Black Hills State University is located in Spearfish in this state South Dakota |
#2199, aired 1994-03-10 | AUTHORS' BIRTHPLACES $200: When he was born in Jamestown, North Dakota in 1908, his family spelled their last name LaMoore Louis L'Amour |
#2161, aired 1994-01-17 | ANNUAL EVENTS $300: In June this state celebrates Little Big Horn Days Montana |
#2132, aired 1993-12-07 | NEWSPAPERS $200: 1993 marks the 120th birthday of this state's oldest surviving paper, the Bismarck Tribune North Dakota |
#2125, aired 1993-11-26 | STATE CAPITALS $600: In 1876 this North Dakota capital served as a supply point for Custer's Montana expedition Bismarck |
#2027, aired 1993-06-01 | NORTH DAKOTA $100: The national park named for this rough riding president is actually 3 separate units Teddy Roosevelt |
#2027, aired 1993-06-01 | NORTH DAKOTA $200: The state flag shows one of these holding a sheaf of arrows & an olive branch in its talons an eagle |
#2027, aired 1993-06-01 | NORTH DAKOTA $300: In 1804 this duo's expedition built Fort Mandan in North Dakota Lewis & Clark |
#2027, aired 1993-06-01 | NORTH DAKOTA $400: Between 1980 & 1991 the average size of these in the state went from 1,043 to 1,224 acres farms |
#2027, aired 1993-06-01 | NORTH DAKOTA $500: The state's largest daily newspaper is The Forum, based in this city Fargo |
#2023, aired 1993-05-26 | NATIONAL HISTORIC SITES $400: Fort Union trading post in Montana & North Dakota was a fur-trading post on this river the Missouri |
#1998, aired 1993-04-21 | NEWSPAPERS $200: In 1876 this state's Bismarck Tribune became the 1st paper to report the Battle of the Little Bighorn North Dakota |
#1985, aired 1993-04-02 | STATE CAPITALS $300: Originally called Edwinton, it was renamed in 1873 to honor Germany's "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck (North Dakota) |
#1898, aired 1992-12-02 | U.S. GEOGRAPHY $500: The Red River of the North provides the boundary between Minnesota & this state to the west North Dakota |
#1842, aired 1992-09-15 | STATE CAPITALS $200: The state capitol in this North Dakota city is called the "Skyscraper of the Prairies" Bismarck |
#1830, aired 1992-07-10 | NATIONAL PARKS $1000: North Dakota's only national park is named for this president Theodore Roosevelt |
#1655, aired 1991-11-08 | U.S. GEOGRAPHY $500: This state borders two Canadian provinces: Manitoba & Saskatchewan North Dakota |
#1640, aired 1991-10-18 | U.S.A. $800: Pair ending North Dakota's motto, "Liberty and union, now and forever..." one & inseparable |
#1636, aired 1991-10-14 | U.S. STATES $600: With fewer than 500,000 people, this Rocky Mountain state placed last in the 1990 census Wyoming |
#1582, aired 1991-06-18 | STATE CAPITALS $800: North Dakota capital first called Edwinton after the Northern Pacific Railroad's chief engineer Bismarck |
#1572, aired 1991-06-04 | FAMOUS NAMES $500: An archipelago off New Guinea & a city in North Dakota are named after this Otto Bismarck |
#1441, aired 1990-12-03 | NATIONAL PARKS $600: North Dakota's only national park, it's also the only one named for a U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt |
#2, aired 1990-06-23 | U.S. STATES $2500: “The Peace Garden State” North Dakota |
#1319, aired 1990-05-03 | THE DAKOTAS $3,000 (Daily Double): It took treaties with these 2 countries for the U.S. to get all the area that's now North Dakota England & France |
#1307, aired 1990-04-17 | U.S. STATES $400: The capital of this state was named for Pierre Chouteau, a French fur trader South Dakota |
#1291, aired 1990-03-26 | U.S. GEOGRAPHY $600: North Dakota has its Devils Lake & Wyoming its Devils one of these Devils Tower |
#1266, aired 1990-02-19 | STATE CAPITALS $400: This capital was named for Germany's "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck, North Dakota |
#1245, aired 1990-01-19 | 1889 $800: On November 2 these 2 states joined the Union & it's not certain which was really 1st North & South Dakota |
#1226, aired 1989-12-25 | U.S.A. $600: The geographic center of North America is some 65 miles east of Minot in this Plains state North Dakota |
#1205, aired 1989-11-24 | MORTAL MATTERS $200: A grave site of this Sioux Medicine Man is marked on maps of both North & South Dakota Sitting Bull |
#1175, aired 1989-10-13 | IN THE DICTIONARY $400: Entry with 3 definitions: a German statesman, a city in North Dakota & a jelly doughnut Bismarck |
#1060, aired 1989-03-24 | U.S. CITIES $400: North Dakota's largest city, it was named for one of the founders of a famous frontier stage line Fargo |
#996, aired 1988-12-26 | U.S.A. $500: The "Peace Garden" state, it shares an International Peace Garden with Manitoba North Dakota |
#970, aired 1988-11-18 | STATE CAPITALS $600: The capitals of both North and South Dakota are on this river Missouri |
#938, aired 1988-10-05 | LAKES & RIVERS $800: The capitals of North & South Dakota are both located on this river the Missouri |
#936, aired 1988-10-03 | U.S.A. $400: The states named for the Sioux word for "friend" or "ally" North & South Dakota |
#894, aired 1988-06-23 | GEOGRAPHIC ANAGRAMS $500: This U.S. state anagrams to "Hilda snored" Rhode Island |
#821, aired 1988-03-14 | "NORTH" ON THE MAP $400: State which contains the geographic center of our continent North Dakota |
#809, aired 1988-02-25 | POLITICIANS $500: George McGovern, ex-Senator from this state could be addressed as "Dr." since he is a Ph.D. South Dakota |
#768, aired 1987-12-30 | PRESIDENTIAL TRIVIA $400: After the deaths of his wife & mother, this "Dude from N.Y." worked on ranches in North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt |
#740, aired 1987-11-20 | AMERICANA $400: Signs urging tourists to stay in North Dakota say "Custer was healthy" when he left there bound for this state Montana |
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | THE MIDWEST $200: Blackjack gambling is legal in Bismarck, Fargo & the rests of this state North Dakota |
#658, aired 1987-06-17 | U.S. STATES $1000: Part of the Black Mountains, Mt. Mitchell in this state is highest point in U.S. east of the Mississippi North Carolina |
#583, aired 1987-03-04 | STATE CAPITALS $800: Highest office held by the person for whom North Dakota's capital is named Chancellor of Germany |
#564, aired 1987-02-05 | AGRICULTURE $1000: 85% of U.S. supply of this species of hard wheat used in pasta comes from North Dakota durum |
#530, aired 1986-12-19 | NORTH DAKOTA $200: Born in Strasburg, this band leader "bubbled" on TV for 27 years Lawrence Welk |
#530, aired 1986-12-19 | NORTH DAKOTA $400: The state was not "all there was" for this singer originally named Norma Egstrom Peggy Lee |
#530, aired 1986-12-19 | NORTH DAKOTA $600: "Yankee" who grew up in Fargo, he holds Major League record for most home runs in one season Roger Maris |
#530, aired 1986-12-19 | NORTH DAKOTA $800: State's only nat'l park is named for this president whose ranch was in the Badlands there Theodore Roosevelt |
#530, aired 1986-12-19 | NORTH DAKOTA $1000: U. of N.D. alumnus & Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "What Price Glory" & "Winterset" Maxwell Anderson |
#524, aired 1986-12-11 | THE SENATE $1,000 (Daily Double): 3 of the 6 states whose senators outnumber their representatives two-to-one (3 of) Alaska, Wyoming, Delaware, North & South Dakota, and Vermont |
#506, aired 1986-11-17 | STATE FLOWERS $500 (Daily Double): The flowers of this pair of states are the wild prairie rose & the pasqueflower North and South Dakota |
#480, aired 1986-10-10 | U.S. STATES $800: Admitted on same day in 1889, it's said N. Dakota was called 39th state, S. Dakota 40th for this reason South Dakota comes alphabetically after North Dakota |
#411, aired 1986-04-07 | AMERICAN INDIANS $500: French called Hidatsa of North Dakota "Gros Ventres" after this anatomical feature large stomach (big belly) |
#397, aired 1986-03-18 | MOVIES $100: In "North by Northwest", Cary Grant was a real "cliff hanger" on this South Dakota landmark Mount Rushmore |
#309, aired 1985-11-14 | STATE MOTTOS $1000: His words became North Dakota motto, “Liberty & Union, Now & Forever, One & Inseparable” Daniel Webster |
#306, aired 1985-11-11 | "NORTH" $100: Farms & ranches cover 90% of this border state's land North Dakota |
#283, aired 1985-10-09 | STATE NAMES $800: 1 of 2 states named for the Sioux Indians (1 of) South Dakota (or North Dakota) |
#272, aired 1985-09-24 | TRAVEL U.S.A. $600: If you drove directly north from Kansas to South Dakota, you'd pass through this state Nebraska |
#160, aired 1985-04-19 | STATE CAPITALS $800: Only state capital named for a foreign statesman, it's North Dakota's Bismarck |
#138, aired 1985-03-20 | LETTERS $800 (Daily Double): Word formed by the postal abbreviations of Delaware, Massachusetts & North Dakota demand |
#70, aired 1984-12-14 | U.S. CITIES $400: Known for manufacturing grain silos, it's North Dakota's largest city Fargo |