Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (6 results returned)
#4966, aired 2006-03-27 | NURSERY RHYME PREVIEWS $200: Water was needed; these 2 answered the call... but at a price. This summer, the hill will be conquered... or they'll die trying Jack & Jill |
#4832, aired 2005-09-20 | FOOD A LAFONTAINE $200: Their rivalry was legend, but on Halloween, be it Braeburn or Criterion... this fruit's gonna get candied an apple |
#4832, aired 2005-09-20 | FOOD A LAFONTAINE $400: It's a pastry shell filled with a custard of seasonings, eggs & cream... this November, real men will eat... quiche |
#4832, aired 2005-09-20 | FOOD A LAFONTAINE $600: Once, this vit. A & C-rich herb got top billing; now, sage, rosemary & thyme are back in "Scarborough Fair 2: Reloaded" parsley |
#4832, aired 2005-09-20 | FOOD A LAFONTAINE $800: Boneless, from the small end of the tenderloin... it's coming after your credit card... with a vengeance filet mignon |
#4832, aired 2005-09-20 | FOOD A LAFONTAINE $1000: Sponge cake, ice cream, meringue, baked hot for 5 minutes... at your next party, this "stately" dessert will be on fire! Baked Alaska |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#29, aired 2025-01-22 | COMING ATTRACTIONS: Dubbed "The Voice of God", Don LaFontaine was best known for this 3-word phrase that set the stage for many a movie trailer In a world |
Players (0 results returned)
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