Final Jeopardy! Round statistics for Season 21

DJ! FinisherAll gamesRegular play gamesUToC games

Number of regular play games in which two challengers played Final: 109

Out of those 109 games, number of games in which the returning champion at the far left lectern finished Double Jeopardy! with a zero or negative score: 0 (0.00%)

Out of those 109 games, number of games in which the challenger at the far right lectern gave the correct response: 40 (36.70%)

Out of those 40 games, number of games in which the challenger at the middle lectern also gave the correct response: 21 (52.50%)

Out of the 109 regular play games in which two challengers played Final, number of games in which the challenger at the middle lectern gave the correct response: 48 (44.04%)

Out of those 48 games, number of games in which the challenger at the far right lectern also gave the correct response: 21 (43.75%)

Out of the 109 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of games in which all three players gave the correct response: 15 (13.76%)

Out of the 109 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of correct Final responses given by challengers: 88 (40.37%)

Out of the 109 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of games in which none of the three players gave the correct response: 21 (19.27%)

326 correct Final responses have been supplied out of 673 possible responses in the 230 archived games analyzed. This represents a 48.44% chance of supplying the correct Final response.

Out of the 65 regular play games in which the leader going into Final Jeopardy! did not have a lock and was not tied with another player, he or she wagered to cover the second-place player 57 times (87.69%).

Distribution of Final responses by score position out of the 214 games in which all three players played Final:

WWW = 42
RRR = 40
RWW = 37
WRW = 22
RWR = 22
WRR = 20
RRW = 17
WWR = 14

Distribution of Final responses by score position out of the 15 games in which two players played Final:

RW = 7
WW = 4
RR = 3
WR = 1

Distribution of Final responses by score position out of the 1 game in which one player played Final:

R = 1

Distribution of Final responses by lectern position out of the 214 games in which all three players played Final:

WWW = 42
RRR = 40
RWW = 33
RRW = 26
WRW = 23
RWR = 21
WWR = 17
WRR = 12

The average winner's score amongst 230 archived games was $21,997 ($21,974 excluding the UToC).

Highest Final Jeopardy! wagers of Season 21

WagerPlayer nameGameCategoryScoreLeadResponseWin
1.$24,000Doug Lach#4732, aired 2005-03-15ARTISTIC MASTERPIECES$26,400$3,000W
$24,000Brian Weikle#4765, aired 2005-04-2919th CENTURY AMERICAN ART$24,400$400W
3.$23,400Leah Greenwald#4732, aired 2005-03-15ARTISTIC MASTERPIECES$23,400-$3,000RY
4.$21,599Ken Jennings#4596, aired 2004-09-06COMIC BOOKS$31,600$26,600WY
5.$19,600Megan Susman#4664, aired 2004-12-09RARITIES$19,600-$11,000W
6.$19,300Steve Newman#4730, aired 2005-03-11HISTORIC BRITS$19,400$3,800RY
7.$17,400Joshua Allen#4687, aired 2005-01-11ENGLISH ROYALTY$17,400-$900W
8.$17,200Ken Jennings#4639, aired 2004-11-05LITERATURE$42,800$38,000WY
9.$17,199Frank Spangenberg#4773, aired 2005-05-11FAMOUS PAIRS$17,200-$1,200RY
10.$16,501Jonathan Henke#4687, aired 2005-01-11ENGLISH ROYALTY$18,300$900W
11.$16,001Hugh Price#4674, aired 2004-12-23AUTHORS$20,000$2,000W
$16,001Shane Whitlock#4773, aired 2005-05-11FAMOUS PAIRS$18,400$1,200W
13.$16,000Teresa Grasso#4812, aired 2005-07-05WARTIME$17,000$600W
14.$15,401Matt Zielenski#4745, aired 2005-04-01AUTOMOTIVE HISTORY$20,200$2,400RY
15.$15,200Tom Baker#4613, aired 2004-09-2919th CENTURY NAMES$15,200-$1,200W
16.$15,034Bernie Cullen#4742, aired 2005-03-29HISTORICAL PLAYS$19,000$2,000W
17.$15,000Arthur Gandolfi#4613, aired 2004-09-2919th CENTURY NAMES$16,400$1,200RY
$15,000Ken Jennings#4620, aired 2004-10-08MEN OF SCIENCE$45,000$39,600WY
$15,000Erik Larsen#4728, aired 2005-03-0920th CENTURY NOVELS$17,600-$6,400R
$15,000Bob Harris#4756, aired 2005-04-18INVENTED WORDS$17,200$1,200W
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